Trump's agenda already working internationally

Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.

If one bothers to read the foreign press media (I don't expect that right wingers could read in any other languages given how crappy they are with just English)...anyway, one would see that the entire planet is wondering how this country has so many fucked up deplorables who actually back an orange clown.
How can these people justify supporting this con man?
Hitlery tells us she's a woman.....
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.

If one bothers to read the foreign press media (I don't expect that right wingers could read in any other languages given how crappy they are with just English)...anyway, one would see that the entire planet is wondering how this country has so many fucked up deplorables who actually back an orange clown.
I do read the foreign press...and you're a liar. If anything, they are wondering why Hillary isn't in jail yet...or dead from all her mysterious illnesses.
absolutely not! You are full of bullshit. There are some nationalist europeans who support Trump but they are a substantial minority.
I am in Europe visiting several countries and many people. The people and the press are deeply concerned about Trump. They are shocked there are so many people in the USA with the backward nationalist small mindedness. These people are everywhere in the world but apparently the most are in the USA
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
You're an unskilled liar. He wants them to pay their fair share or become self sustaining. The leftists' fondness for propaganda is par for the course, it's what they do.
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
You're an unskilled liar. He wants them to pay their fair share or become self sustaining. The leftists' fondness for propaganda is par for the course, it's what they do.
unskilled liar as opposed to Donald Trump who is a skilled liar. And you sir/madam are an idiot not knowing what the truth is.
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
You're an unskilled liar. He wants them to pay their fair share or become self sustaining. The leftists' fondness for propaganda is par for the course, it's what they do.
unskilled liar as opposed to Donald Trump who is a skilled liar. And you sir/madam are an idiot not knowing what the truth is.
You couldn't support your allegations and can't answer my challenge so it isn't my problem.
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
. Meanwhile under a weak Democrat pandering sell out type of leadership in our nation, we are under attack once again, and again Americans are killed or injured... When will this nation learn about these Demon-crats I wonder ?
I have some family in England, and they get a kick out of Trump. They roll their eyes and consider him uniquely American, the result of a shallow, goofy popular culture that has managed to seep into our politics.
So, they didn't vote Brexit....

We live in a Twitter/Facebook/TMZ world...
The fact that the Kardashians made a fortune and that Trump can win the WH speaks volumes ...
People are buying into Trumps con...

He making so many promises...
Are people really buying into his policies or
are they getting caught up in his bullshit.
I have some family in England, and they get a kick out of Trump. They roll their eyes and consider him uniquely American, the result of a shallow, goofy popular culture that has managed to seep into our politics.
So, they didn't vote Brexit....

We live in a Twitter/Facebook/TMZ world...
The fact that the Kardashians made a fortune and that Trump can win the WH speaks volumes ...
People are buying into Trumps con...

He making so many promises...
Are people really buying into his policies or
are they getting caught up in his bullshit.
. Every year the voters are caught up in the bull crap, and you don't want something different yet ???? America is kind of like the abused person who just keeps going back for more and more. Trump is for change, and Hillary is more of the same old puppet song and dance show, only that she's Pinocchio in this episode. Simple really, now make your choice.
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
see, my view is you have this precisely backwards.
Trump the positive opposite to obama's negativity, he makes no apologies for our awesome America.
Obama says America is already great.

Trump says it isn't.

Therefore, Trump is the one with the positive message?

Got it!
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
see, my view is you have this precisely backwards.
he's the opposite of obama, he makes no apologies for our awesome America.
A strong human can admit their mistakes and/or weaknesses and work on them.
A weak person cannot admit mistakes and/or weaknesses.
Countries are the same.
America is a very strong and great country. It is stronger when it can admit it's imperfections and work on them.

Trump is weak, he will make our country weaker.
did bill clinton change his story about monica lewinsky because he was a strong human,
or because he got caught ?
I could guess that half the men in America have lied to their wives about getting a blowjob. It never was and still isn't anyone's business.

What's hilarious is the number of Republicans who chased after Bill Clinton have ended up with their own sex scandals. Look at Ken Starr and Newt Gingrich. I could probably spend the day naming names.

And without that one blow job, Republicans wouldn't have anything on the Clintons.

Donald Trump on the other hand. How many investigations are going on right now. Then there's the court date.
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
see, my view is you have this precisely backwards.
Trump the positive opposite to obama's negativity, he makes no apologies for our awesome America.
Obama says America is already great.

Trump says it isn't.

Therefore, Trump is the one with the positive message?

Got it!
obama thinks cuba and iran are great.
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
see, my view is you have this precisely backwards.
Trump the positive opposite to obama's negativity, he makes no apologies for our awesome America.
Obama says America is already great.

Trump says it isn't.

Therefore, Trump is the one with the positive message?

Got it! do indeed live under a rock....
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
see, my view is you have this precisely backwards.
he's the opposite of obama, he makes no apologies for our awesome America.
A strong human can admit their mistakes and/or weaknesses and work on them.
A weak person cannot admit mistakes and/or weaknesses.
Countries are the same.
America is a very strong and great country. It is stronger when it can admit it's imperfections and work on them.

Trump is weak, he will make our country weaker.
did bill clinton change his story about monica lewinsky because he was a strong human,
or because he got caught ?
I could guess that half the men in America have lied to their wives about getting a blowjob. It never was and still isn't anyone's business.

What's hilarious is the number of Republicans who chased after Bill Clinton have ended up with their own sex scandals. Look at Ken Starr and Newt Gingrich. I could probably spend the day naming names.

And without that one blow job, Republicans wouldn't have anything on the Clintons.

Donald Trump on the other hand. How many investigations are going on right now. Then there's the court date.
The lie is though....Clinton was impeached for it....
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
see, my view is you have this precisely backwards.
Trump the positive opposite to obama's negativity, he makes no apologies for our awesome America.
Obama says America is already great.

Trump says it isn't.

Therefore, Trump is the one with the positive message?

Got it!
obama thinks cuba and iran are great.
Obama thinks Cubans in Florida can have influence in Cuba now that Castro is at the end of his life.

Obama thinks Iran not developing Nuclear Weapons is better for the Middle East.

Republicans did NOTHING to stop North Korea from developing Nuclear weapons. NOTHING, NOTHING. The first one was exploded under George Bush. He did NOTHING. Republicans did NOTHING.

And so what do Republicans do? Bitch at Obama. Blame Obama for what Republicans did.

The GOP leadership are irresponsible swine. How do we know? By the garbage they leave behind. By the lies they say now. By the destruction they did to the country.

And who do the fuckers want to elect? Someone who says let's spread nuclear weapons all over the world and then talks about making America safe. And the ignorant fucks believe a pile of turds are tapioca pudding. The pudding. Oh, the pudding.
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
see, my view is you have this precisely backwards.
Trump the positive opposite to obama's negativity, he makes no apologies for our awesome America.
Obama says America is already great.

Trump says it isn't.

Therefore, Trump is the one with the positive message?

Got it!
obama thinks cuba and iran are great.
Obama thinks Cubans in Florida can have influence in Cuba now that Castro is at the end of his life.

Obama thinks Iran not developing Nuclear Weapons is better for the Middle East.

Republicans did NOTHING to stop North Korea from developing Nuclear weapons. NOTHING, NOTHING. The first one was exploded under George Bush. He did NOTHING. Republicans did NOTHING.

And so what do Republicans do? Bitch at Obama. Blame Obama for what Republicans did.

The GOP leadership are irresponsible swine. How do we know? By the garbage they leave behind. By the lies they say now. By the destruction they did to the country.

And who do the fuckers want to elect? Someone who says let's spread nuclear weapons all over the world and then talks about making America safe. And the ignorant fucks believe a pile of turds are tapioca pudding. The pudding. Oh, the pudding.
. What were the repubs supposed to do with N.Korea, give them 100 billion dollars like Obama did for Iran, just to see if they will play nice ????? Tell us what they could do with them (the north Koreans) other than tough sanctions ???? I'll be waiting. You make extreme statements so it's only fair to back them up right ???? Can you back up your rant up or is it just a rant because you got nothing ????
Trump wants other countries of the world to not depend on the USA as much. Just the fact he is a candidate is convincing our NATO allies they cannot count on the USA as THE world leader in the future. A country that is lead by a rogue like Donald Trump cannot provide world leadership. They see him as erratic, self-centric, lacking knowledge of world politics.
His fondness for Putin and Russia over our NATO allies is particularly troubling.

They are shocked so many US citizens support a "person" like Trump.
see, my view is you have this precisely backwards.
Trump the positive opposite to obama's negativity, he makes no apologies for our awesome America.
Obama says America is already great.

Trump says it isn't.

Therefore, Trump is the one with the positive message?

Got it!
obama thinks cuba and iran are great.
Obama thinks Cubans in Florida can have influence in Cuba now that Castro is at the end of his life.

Obama thinks Iran not developing Nuclear Weapons is better for the Middle East.

Republicans did NOTHING to stop North Korea from developing Nuclear weapons. NOTHING, NOTHING. The first one was exploded under George Bush. He did NOTHING. Republicans did NOTHING.

And so what do Republicans do? Bitch at Obama. Blame Obama for what Republicans did.

The GOP leadership are irresponsible swine. How do we know? By the garbage they leave behind. By the lies they say now. By the destruction they did to the country.

And who do the fuckers want to elect? Someone who says let's spread nuclear weapons all over the world and then talks about making America safe. And the ignorant fucks believe a pile of turds are tapioca pudding. The pudding. Oh, the pudding.
. What were the repubs supposed to do with N.Korea, give them 100 billion dollars like Obama did for Iran, just to see if they will play nice ????? Tell us what they could do with them (the north Koreans) other than tough sanctions ???? I'll be waiting. You make extreme statements so it's only fair to back them up right ???? Can you back up your rant up or is it just a rant because you got nothing ????
nk is china's problem. obama started by ignoring iran's peoples' cry for help, then the muslim broho in egypt, culminating with this last outrageous deal w/iran, which includes ransom.
and then lying about things like ransom.

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