Trump's (and his acolytes) "Victory Lap"...........interrupted

Funny how
How about that victory lap trumps sister took stepping down as a judge to avoid fraud tax charges It's all in the family A den of Fuking thieves And repubs kiss their butts Unfukinbelievable the stupidity of republican voters

She'd been an inactive judge for over two years, Ed...she simply retired fully...not something that should really be shocking or unexpected at her age! Admit're just pissed because you liberals didn't have the chance to make another person's life difficult simply because they are in Trump's family!
How come you don't mention the tax fraud case against her as the reason for stepping down A thief like her brother

She was already on "inactive" status long before that tax fraud investigation was started, Ed. Fully retiring simply rendered that investigation null and void. It's a case of the Trump family once again laughing at your futile attempts to hurt them because Donald beat Hillary!
Old I'm afraid you don't get it Yes they laugh at Dems BUT behind your backs they laugh at you too while they screw up every decent thing that makes America work so well Surprised you can't see it

What has Donald Trump screwed up that makes America work so well? He beat Clinton. She sucks. He's done a great job with the economy. He's addressing immigration and border security. He's trying to denuclearize the Korean peninsula.

Bottom line is that Trump has lived up to more of his campaign promises than any politician in a long simply don't like his agenda so you whine about things being "screwed up"! They aren't. People are better off under Trump than they were the guy before them.
I'll make it short and sweet ,,,he's made a mockery out of our gov't out of our FBI CIA SS He's a lying pos a bully
You on the far left don't control the Justice Department anymore, Eddie! If you want to try and do an end run on our WILL be prosecuted for it! There isn't an Eric Holder or a Loretta Lynch to look the other way while progressives break the law! You want to go that way? Bring it on!
Funny how
She'd been an inactive judge for over two years, Ed...she simply retired fully...not something that should really be shocking or unexpected at her age! Admit're just pissed because you liberals didn't have the chance to make another person's life difficult simply because they are in Trump's family!
How come you don't mention the tax fraud case against her as the reason for stepping down A thief like her brother

She was already on "inactive" status long before that tax fraud investigation was started, Ed. Fully retiring simply rendered that investigation null and void. It's a case of the Trump family once again laughing at your futile attempts to hurt them because Donald beat Hillary!
Old I'm afraid you don't get it Yes they laugh at Dems BUT behind your backs they laugh at you too while they screw up every decent thing that makes America work so well Surprised you can't see it

What has Donald Trump screwed up that makes America work so well? He beat Clinton. She sucks. He's done a great job with the economy. He's addressing immigration and border security. He's trying to denuclearize the Korean peninsula.

Bottom line is that Trump has lived up to more of his campaign promises than any politician in a long simply don't like his agenda so you whine about things being "screwed up"! They aren't. People are better off under Trump than they were the guy before them.
I'll make it short and sweet ,,,he's made a mockery out of our gov't out of our FBI CIA SS He's a lying pos a bully

You mean the FBI and CIA that was being run by corrupt people who did their very best to usurp the role of the people in electing a President? Scum like Brennan, Clapper, Page and Strozk? Don't make me laugh...
If she was such a "thief" then why did Bill Clinton nominate her to the Federal bench in the first place? Duh?

What a fucking MORONIC statement.........but expected.....

Sure, bring up Clinton's "bad vetting" in nominating her......

Want to char about Trump hiring Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Page, Papadapolous and Cohen???
! If you want to try and do an end run on our WILL be prosecuted for it!

Tell THAT to the IRS about refusing to follow the law on the orange fuckheads' tax returns....
As was to be expected, after Barr's somewhat biased, 3.5-pages "book report" on Mueller's findings, Trump, his entourage and his cultists cheered that there was total EXONERATION of both Trump's presidential campaign members' COLLUSION with Russian entities.......and of OBSTRUCTION in law enforcement entities to investigate such collusion.

The slightly saner Trump cultists would offer as confirmation of such a conclusion, the fact that if Barr was acting as a two-bit stooge for Trump, then the Mueller team investigators would have balked a bit......

Well, they NOW are...........Some of the investigators within Mueller's team are starting to divulge to media outlets the fact that THEIR own summaries of their respective investigations DO NOT exonerate Trump.....especially on the issue of the Trump cohorts' obstruction of justice.

As we have well learned from the Watergate-era, the original "crime" [collusion as a preamble of conspiracy in Trump's case] PALES in comparison to the real crime of obstruction [the attempted cover-ups and the many lies] of justice.

As the Mueller team has begun to balk at Barr's biased "conclusions," the Victory Lap for cult members has just hit a major obstacle.
Where those the ones that donated to the Hillary campaign?

No one cares what they believe.

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