Trump's (and his acolytes) "Victory Lap"...........interrupted

Barr is facing a tough choice to make......

Backing a charlatan who cares ONLY for himself and will soon be cast to the gutters of history.....OR

Saving whatever reputation he may have left as an unbiased legal professional.
Tough choice?? Not for the Trump kiss ass ....Hopefully there are other copies around to be leaked Trump is a criminal Those 400 pages will prove it,,,,Barrs 4 pages are just bs

If Grand Jury testimony is "leaked" then the person who does so is a criminal and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! I'm tired of you progressive pissing on our laws because you aren't getting your way!
And what about your senate??? Why are they pissing on the evidence that VERY WELL could implicate trump and family?

How is the Senate pissing on evidence? If there was evidence that implicated Trump and his family then Mueller should have stated so in his report. He didn't! He was quite clear that after two years and exhaustive investigations by people who were Trump's arch enemies...Mueller didn't find ANYTHING linking Trump to Russia in an attempt to collude on our election! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
The senate is NOT ALLOWING the full report to be shown What about the concept of OBSTRUCTION don't you get?? NOBODY cleared the liar of that

It isn't the Senate that is doing that...oh, clueless's the law regarding Grand Jury testimony that is doing it!
Sorry. Too many 'its.' The people who wrote the Mueller report said Barr's summary was biased toward Trump, in that it glossed over a bunch of stuff. But not having the report yet, there's no sense trying to figure out what "stuff."
Ahhh ok. I didnt know that.
Then why did you ask?
Why did i ask how nat knew it was biased? Because the report isnt out silly
Well, we may not know in what ways it is biased, but some of the folks who wrote the Mueller report are saying what they're saying.

With all due respect, Old Lady...some of the people on the Mueller investigation hate Donald Trump! This was never going to be an "unbiased" report because the entire investigation was biased against Trump right from the start!
I don't believe the investigation was biased.
Did some people have their own opinion of Trump? Of course they did. You would have preferred people who supported Trump. That would have been biased too. EVERYONE has an opinion. People can actually behave professionally and do their jobs without fudging the results in favor of their biases you know.
Once again for our SLOWER liberal brethren...the reason that parts of the Mueller Report will be redacted is those parts contain either testimony that was given during a Grand Jury proceeding or has been deemed sensitive and harmful to the nation if divulged. That was ALWAYS going to be the case and it has nothing to do with a cover up! Anyone that tells you it does is either REALLY ignorant or willing to lie to you!
Once again for our SLOWER liberal brethren...the reason that parts of the Mueller Report will be redacted is those parts contain either testimony that was given during a Grand Jury proceeding or has been deemed sensitive and harmful to the nation if divulged. That was ALWAYS going to be the case and it has nothing to do with a cover up! Anyone that tells you it does is either REALLY ignorant or willing to lie to you!

Just exactly what a conservative would say if the shoe were on the other foot.....

Ahhh ok. I didnt know that.
Then why did you ask?
Why did i ask how nat knew it was biased? Because the report isnt out silly
Well, we may not know in what ways it is biased, but some of the folks who wrote the Mueller report are saying what they're saying.

With all due respect, Old Lady...some of the people on the Mueller investigation hate Donald Trump! This was never going to be an "unbiased" report because the entire investigation was biased against Trump right from the start!
I don't believe the investigation was biased.
Did some people have their own opinion of Trump? Of course they did. You would have preferred people who supported Trump. That would have been biased too. EVERYONE has an opinion. People can actually behave professionally and do their jobs without fudging the results in favor of their biases you know.

One only has to look at who Mueller put on that investigation to know that it was biased against Trump, Old Lady! Let's be honest here.
Once again for our SLOWER liberal brethren...the reason that parts of the Mueller Report will be redacted is those parts contain either testimony that was given during a Grand Jury proceeding or has been deemed sensitive and harmful to the nation if divulged. That was ALWAYS going to be the case and it has nothing to do with a cover up! Anyone that tells you it does is either REALLY ignorant or willing to lie to you!

Just exactly what a conservative would say if the shoe were on the other foot.....


The law applies to everyone! Not just to liberals...not just to conservatives! It's a little concept called "equal justice under the law" and what our entire legal system is based on!
Sorry. Too many 'its.' The people who wrote the Mueller report said Barr's summary was biased toward Trump, in that it glossed over a bunch of stuff. But not having the report yet, there's no sense trying to figure out what "stuff."

Barr is facing a tough choice to make......

Backing a charlatan who cares ONLY for himself and will soon be cast to the gutters of history.....OR

Saving whatever reputation he may have left as an unbiased legal professional.
Tough choice?? Not for the Trump kiss ass ....Hopefully there are other copies around to be leaked Trump is a criminal Those 400 pages will prove it,,,,Barrs 4 pages are just bs

If Grand Jury testimony is "leaked" then the person who does so is a criminal and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! I'm tired of you progressive pissing on our laws because you aren't getting your way!
And what about your senate??? Why are they pissing on the evidence that VERY WELL could implicate trump and family?

How is the Senate pissing on evidence? If there was evidence that implicated Trump and his family then Mueller should have stated so in his report. He didn't! He was quite clear that after two years and exhaustive investigations by people who were Trump's arch enemies...Mueller didn't find ANYTHING linking Trump to Russia in an attempt to collude on our election! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
I think there will be some embarrassing information in the Mueller report that does not rise to the level of prosecution. I don't think the Democrats trust him, and although I'm no expert, I can see why they question his objectivity. I hope he will release as much of the report as he can. Can the Grand Jury stuff be presented to the Gang of 8 at least?
Then why did you ask?
Why did i ask how nat knew it was biased? Because the report isnt out silly
Well, we may not know in what ways it is biased, but some of the folks who wrote the Mueller report are saying what they're saying.

With all due respect, Old Lady...some of the people on the Mueller investigation hate Donald Trump! This was never going to be an "unbiased" report because the entire investigation was biased against Trump right from the start!
I don't believe the investigation was biased.
Did some people have their own opinion of Trump? Of course they did. You would have preferred people who supported Trump. That would have been biased too. EVERYONE has an opinion. People can actually behave professionally and do their jobs without fudging the results in favor of their biases you know.

One only has to look at who Mueller put on that investigation to know that it was biased against Trump, Old Lady! Let's be honest here.
I am being honest. The Mueller investigation more or less "cleared" the President. Why on earth would I be defending it if I were being biased about it?
Ahhh ok. I didnt know that.
Then why did you ask?
Why did i ask how nat knew it was biased? Because the report isnt out silly
Well, we may not know in what ways it is biased, but some of the folks who wrote the Mueller report are saying what they're saying.

With all due respect, Old Lady...some of the people on the Mueller investigation hate Donald Trump! This was never going to be an "unbiased" report because the entire investigation was biased against Trump right from the start!
I don't believe the investigation was biased.
Did some people have their own opinion of Trump? Of course they did. You would have preferred people who supported Trump. That would have been biased too. EVERYONE has an opinion. People can actually behave professionally and do their jobs without fudging the results in favor of their biases you know.

To be quite honest with you, Old Lady...everyone should prefer having people who don't harbor a grudge against someone investigating that person! It goes to simple fairness.

That being said. The fact that the Mueller Investigation WAS so stacked with Trump haters and STILL was unable to find any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia pretty much destroys that whole narrative! If the investigation had been full of Trump supporters and that conclusion was reached then you would be fully justified in asking if there was a cover up.
Barr is facing a tough choice to make......

Backing a charlatan who cares ONLY for himself and will soon be cast to the gutters of history.....OR

Saving whatever reputation he may have left as an unbiased legal professional.
Tough choice?? Not for the Trump kiss ass ....Hopefully there are other copies around to be leaked Trump is a criminal Those 400 pages will prove it,,,,Barrs 4 pages are just bs

If Grand Jury testimony is "leaked" then the person who does so is a criminal and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! I'm tired of you progressive pissing on our laws because you aren't getting your way!
And what about your senate??? Why are they pissing on the evidence that VERY WELL could implicate trump and family?

How is the Senate pissing on evidence? If there was evidence that implicated Trump and his family then Mueller should have stated so in his report. He didn't! He was quite clear that after two years and exhaustive investigations by people who were Trump's arch enemies...Mueller didn't find ANYTHING linking Trump to Russia in an attempt to collude on our election! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
I think there will be some embarrassing information in the Mueller report that does not rise to the level of prosecution. I don't think the Democrats trust him, and although I'm no expert, I can see why they question his objectivity. I hope he will release as much of the report as he can. Can the Grand Jury stuff be presented to the Gang of 8 at least?

Grand Jury testimony can't be released to anyone, Old Lady! It's secret. The reason for that is something that's inherent in Grand Juries! The defense doesn't get to contest what's being presented by the prosecution in a Grand Jury. They don't get to question those who testify. It would be profoundly unfair to leak information about someone who hasn't been charged in a crime and more importantly was never given the chance to defend against what was said against them.
Tough choice?? Not for the Trump kiss ass ....Hopefully there are other copies around to be leaked Trump is a criminal Those 400 pages will prove it,,,,Barrs 4 pages are just bs

If Grand Jury testimony is "leaked" then the person who does so is a criminal and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! I'm tired of you progressive pissing on our laws because you aren't getting your way!
And what about your senate??? Why are they pissing on the evidence that VERY WELL could implicate trump and family?

How is the Senate pissing on evidence? If there was evidence that implicated Trump and his family then Mueller should have stated so in his report. He didn't! He was quite clear that after two years and exhaustive investigations by people who were Trump's arch enemies...Mueller didn't find ANYTHING linking Trump to Russia in an attempt to collude on our election! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
I think there will be some embarrassing information in the Mueller report that does not rise to the level of prosecution. I don't think the Democrats trust him, and although I'm no expert, I can see why they question his objectivity. I hope he will release as much of the report as he can. Can the Grand Jury stuff be presented to the Gang of 8 at least?

Grand Jury testimony can't be released to anyone, Old Lady! It's secret. The reason for that is something that's inherent in Grand Juries! The defense doesn't get to contest what's being presented by the prosecution in a Grand Jury. They don't get to question those who testify. It would be profoundly unfair to leak information about someone who hasn't been charged in a crime and more importantly was never given the chance to defend against what was said against them.

You can't blab Grand Jury testimony to anyone. Only an idiot would think that you can.

The lefty loons sure are idiots.
Tough choice?? Not for the Trump kiss ass ....Hopefully there are other copies around to be leaked Trump is a criminal Those 400 pages will prove it,,,,Barrs 4 pages are just bs

If Grand Jury testimony is "leaked" then the person who does so is a criminal and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! I'm tired of you progressive pissing on our laws because you aren't getting your way!
And what about your senate??? Why are they pissing on the evidence that VERY WELL could implicate trump and family?

How is the Senate pissing on evidence? If there was evidence that implicated Trump and his family then Mueller should have stated so in his report. He didn't! He was quite clear that after two years and exhaustive investigations by people who were Trump's arch enemies...Mueller didn't find ANYTHING linking Trump to Russia in an attempt to collude on our election! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
I think there will be some embarrassing information in the Mueller report that does not rise to the level of prosecution. I don't think the Democrats trust him, and although I'm no expert, I can see why they question his objectivity. I hope he will release as much of the report as he can. Can the Grand Jury stuff be presented to the Gang of 8 at least?

Grand Jury testimony can't be released to anyone, Old Lady! It's secret. The reason for that is something that's inherent in Grand Juries! The defense doesn't get to contest what's being presented by the prosecution in a Grand Jury. They don't get to question those who testify. It would be profoundly unfair to leak information about someone who hasn't been charged in a crime and more importantly was never given the chance to defend against what was said against them.
Gotcha. Thanks for letting me know.
If Grand Jury testimony is "leaked" then the person who does so is a criminal and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! I'm tired of you progressive pissing on our laws because you aren't getting your way!
And what about your senate??? Why are they pissing on the evidence that VERY WELL could implicate trump and family?

How is the Senate pissing on evidence? If there was evidence that implicated Trump and his family then Mueller should have stated so in his report. He didn't! He was quite clear that after two years and exhaustive investigations by people who were Trump's arch enemies...Mueller didn't find ANYTHING linking Trump to Russia in an attempt to collude on our election! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
I think there will be some embarrassing information in the Mueller report that does not rise to the level of prosecution. I don't think the Democrats trust him, and although I'm no expert, I can see why they question his objectivity. I hope he will release as much of the report as he can. Can the Grand Jury stuff be presented to the Gang of 8 at least?

Grand Jury testimony can't be released to anyone, Old Lady! It's secret. The reason for that is something that's inherent in Grand Juries! The defense doesn't get to contest what's being presented by the prosecution in a Grand Jury. They don't get to question those who testify. It would be profoundly unfair to leak information about someone who hasn't been charged in a crime and more importantly was never given the chance to defend against what was said against them.
Gotcha. Thanks for letting me know.

What's disturbing to me is that you've got lawyers like Jerry Nadler...the Chair of the Judicial Committee demanding that the entire report be made public when he KNOWS that the law precludes that! It's a really sleazy move on his part and what is driving this public "outcry" by those on the left about what they will now view as a cover up!
It would be one thing if he wasn't a lawyer or wasn't the Chair of the Committee that oversees the Judiciary but he is both and should be ashamed of what he's doing right now. It's harmful to our legal system and he should know better!
It would be one thing if he wasn't a lawyer or wasn't the Chair of the Committee that oversees the Judiciary but he is both and should be ashamed of what he's doing right now. It's harmful to our legal system and he should know better!
It wouldn't be the first time Congress has requested Grand Jury testimony, though. Some courts have found that Congress can get the transcripts in exceptional circumstances, including impeachment proceedings.

At times, the rule of grand jury secrecy has come into tension with Congress’s power of inquiry when an arm of the legislative branch has sought protected materials pursuant to its oversight function. For instance, some courts have determined that the information barrier established in Rule 6(e) extends to congressional inquiries, observing that the Rule contains no reservations for congressional access to grand jury materials that would otherwise remain secret. Nevertheless, the rule of grand jury secrecy is subject to a number of exceptions, both codified and judicially crafted, that permit grand jury information to be disclosed in certain circumstances (usually only with prior judicial authorization). Perhaps the most significant of these for congressional purposes are (1) the exception that allows a court to authorize disclosure of grand jury matters “preliminarily to or in connection with a judicial proceeding,” and (2) the exception, recognized by a few courts, that allows a court to authorize disclosure of grand jury matters in special or exceptional circumstances. In turn, some courts have determined that one or both of these exceptions applies to congressional requests for grand jury materials in the context of impeachment proceedings, though there is authority to the contrary.

Let the quibbling begin. Trump will be voted out of office before any of this gets resolved, I'm guessing.
It would be one thing if he wasn't a lawyer or wasn't the Chair of the Committee that oversees the Judiciary but he is both and should be ashamed of what he's doing right now. It's harmful to our legal system and he should know better!

He/They know exactly what they're doing. He knows full well that what he's asking for won't be provided, and when it isn't, they will all cry foul and jump behind that new smokescreen to keep their BS machine running.

This is a game, and it makes an utter mockery of our system.
Once again for our SLOWER liberal brethren...the reason that parts of the Mueller Report will be redacted is those parts contain either testimony that was given during a Grand Jury proceeding or has been deemed sensitive and harmful to the nation if divulged. That was ALWAYS going to be the case and it has nothing to do with a cover up! Anyone that tells you it does is either REALLY ignorant or willing to lie to you!
You mean harmful if it implicates Trump and family? Is it considered harmful by republicans if report shows trump getting info on Hillary from Russians or money laundering or lying to banks about net worth etc etc etc ?
Once again for our SLOWER liberal brethren...the reason that parts of the Mueller Report will be redacted is those parts contain either testimony that was given during a Grand Jury proceeding or has been deemed sensitive and harmful to the nation if divulged. That was ALWAYS going to be the case and it has nothing to do with a cover up! Anyone that tells you it does is either REALLY ignorant or willing to lie to you!
You mean harmful if it implicates Trump and family? Is it considered harmful by republicans if report shows trump getting info on Hillary from Russians or money laundering or lying to banks about net worth etc etc etc ?

You STILL don't seem to grasp the concept, Ed! Testimony in a Grand Jury hearing is totally one sided. The prosecution can allege whatever it wants...the defense attorneys are not there to refute what is presented. The rules of evidence in a Grand Jury hearing are far less strict than in a normal court of law. For that reason...Grand Jury hearings are kept secret because the defendant's reputation could be damaged by evidence that would never be admissible in a real court of law.
No I don't remember that....he was convicted of lying to an investigator.......please post the video of this hearing

Then let me help you out jack ass

Michael Flynn Sentencing Hearing Backfires

Fucking goldfish...every day is the first day

the author is a convicted fellon.....he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. So what was Flynn's sentence? This guy predicted it wouldn't wait until March. Yeah I read your articles, only dupes and retards believe the headlines.

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