Trump's approval rating is skyrocketing as we speak.

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That is not the important numbers. Likely Voters is all that Matters. Biden can win the popular Vote by 6 and Trump still Takes the Electoral College
Let's say that's the case, and let's say Biden wins the popular vote 53% to 47%, and Trump loses the popular vote for the second time.

Trump would win, again, even though more Americans voted for his opponent, again.

Electoral College aside, what are your thoughts regarding what We The People want?
My thoughts on that are: stop clumping yourselves together in a few large cities. The system was deliberately set up so the president was NOT elected by the popular vote.
Never said only. I just said it happens and thats the world we live in. I disagree. It is not racism. It is stereotyping.
Ah, Boris, you should have been a gymnast the way you’re bending and twisting.

It’s not racism. It’s stereotyping based on assumed characteristics due to your perceived ethnicity. Totally different. LOL

Well, Xi Lee, it is different. People stereotype Jews as smart and thrifty. That is not racism. My wife is part Italian they stereotype them as loud and boisterous. Not racism. Stereotypes have always and will always be around. That isn't racism. It is life. Unless you're a pussy snowflake.
Is that the only stereotype for Jewish individuals?
Never said only. I just said it happens and thats the world we live in. I disagree. It is not racism. It is stereotyping.
Ah, Boris, you should have been a gymnast the way you’re bending and twisting.

It’s not racism. It’s stereotyping based on assumed characteristics due to your perceived ethnicity. Totally different. LOL

Well, Xi Lee, it is different. People stereotype Jews as smart and thrifty. That is not racism. My wife is part Italian they stereotype them as loud and boisterous. Not racism. Stereotypes have always and will always be around. That isn't racism. It is life. Unless you're a pussy snowflake.
Is that the only stereotype for Jewish individuals?
Cheap, unathletic and smart. Those are the ones I have heard 99.9% of the time and I've been a Jew for 40 years. I don't find them insulting but rather amusing.

Live by these words, cowardly Colfax: Try your best not offend someone while trying even harder not to be offended. See how that goes for you.
Never said only. I just said it happens and thats the world we live in. I disagree. It is not racism. It is stereotyping.
Ah, Boris, you should have been a gymnast the way you’re bending and twisting.

It’s not racism. It’s stereotyping based on assumed characteristics due to your perceived ethnicity. Totally different. LOL

Well, Xi Lee, it is different. People stereotype Jews as smart and thrifty. That is not racism. My wife is part Italian they stereotype them as loud and boisterous. Not racism. Stereotypes have always and will always be around. That isn't racism. It is life. Unless you're a pussy snowflake.
Is that the only stereotype for Jewish individuals?
Cheap, unathletic and smart. Those are the ones I have heard 99.9% of the time and I've been a Jew for 40 years. I don't find them insulting but rather amusing.

Live by these words, cowardly Colfax: Try your best not offend someone while trying even harder not to be offended. See how that goes for you.
How does having an Eastern European Jewish name play down south?

I mean, you’re practically denying the existence of antisemitism which is weird for someone who calls almost everyone an antisemite that disagrees with him.
Never said only. I just said it happens and thats the world we live in. I disagree. It is not racism. It is stereotyping.
Ah, Boris, you should have been a gymnast the way you’re bending and twisting.

It’s not racism. It’s stereotyping based on assumed characteristics due to your perceived ethnicity. Totally different. LOL

Well, Xi Lee, it is different. People stereotype Jews as smart and thrifty. That is not racism. My wife is part Italian they stereotype them as loud and boisterous. Not racism. Stereotypes have always and will always be around. That isn't racism. It is life. Unless you're a pussy snowflake.
Is that the only stereotype for Jewish individuals?
Cheap, unathletic and smart. Those are the ones I have heard 99.9% of the time and I've been a Jew for 40 years. I don't find them insulting but rather amusing.

Live by these words, cowardly Colfax: Try your best not offend someone while trying even harder not to be offended. See how that goes for you.
How does having an Eastern European Jewish name play down south?

I mean, you’re practically denying the existence of antisemitism which is weird for someone who calls almost everyone an antisemite that disagrees with him.
I have traveled everywhere and its fine. So long as you can fluently speak SEC football. Only antisemtism I see these days comes from the Left. Down south to your point people have embraced the Jews for some odd reason. Oh and my name isn't Eastern European but the last name is certainly a giveaway.
I have traveled everywhere and its fine. So long as you can fluently speak SEC football. Only antisemtism I see these days comes from the Left. Down south to your point people have embraced the Jews for some odd reason.

I also had to grow up with a very ethnic Jewish name, that played real well down south....

If you say so.

You’re contradicting yourself.
I have traveled everywhere and its fine. So long as you can fluently speak SEC football. Only antisemtism I see these days comes from the Left. Down south to your point people have embraced the Jews for some odd reason.

I also had to grow up with a very ethnic Jewish name, that played real well down south....

If you say so
Yes, played real well doesn't mean I was harassed but early in my career the responses were amusing. Like I said, never felt more antisemitism than I do right now here in the Northeast. Take it for what its worth and my point was that stereotyping isn't racism, its just that, stereotyping. We all do it. And again why won't you answer my NBA question? Why dance around it? Coward.
I have traveled everywhere and its fine. So long as you can fluently speak SEC football. Only antisemtism I see these days comes from the Left. Down south to your point people have embraced the Jews for some odd reason.

I also had to grow up with a very ethnic Jewish name, that played real well down south....

If you say so
Yes, played real well doesn't mean I was harassed but early in my career the responses were amusing. Like I said, never felt more antisemitism than I do right now here in the Northeast. Take it for what its worth and my point was that stereotyping isn't racism, its just that, stereotyping. We all do it. And again why won't you answer my NBA question? Why dance around it? Coward.
Antisemitism is racism you doofus.

Good lord. Get a damn clue.
I have traveled everywhere and its fine. So long as you can fluently speak SEC football. Only antisemtism I see these days comes from the Left. Down south to your point people have embraced the Jews for some odd reason.

I also had to grow up with a very ethnic Jewish name, that played real well down south....

If you say so
Yes, played real well doesn't mean I was harassed but early in my career the responses were amusing. Like I said, never felt more antisemitism than I do right now here in the Northeast. Take it for what its worth and my point was that stereotyping isn't racism, its just that, stereotyping. We all do it. And again why won't you answer my NBA question? Why dance around it? Coward.
Antisemitism is racism you doofus.

Good lord. Get a damn clue.
Yep...but stereotyping is not. Answer my NBA question. Stop dancing. That is what makes you leftists such hypocrites.
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump :)....very satisfying. and let's get the house and senate and have a wonderful 4 years driving the orange clown crazy lol.
As long as Biden doesn't flood the country with illegals and Muzzies.
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That is not the important numbers. Likely Voters is all that Matters. Biden can win the popular Vote by 6 and Trump still Takes the Electoral College
Let's say that's the case, and let's say Biden wins the popular vote 53% to 47%, and Trump loses the popular vote for the second time.

Trump would win, again, even though more Americans voted for his opponent, again.

Electoral College aside, what are your thoughts regarding what We The People want?

That's a really good question.

Something else came up, that I heard catching part of a radio documentary on the Electoral College (it's such a weird system when you think about it). Time also did a good article on it.

It concludes with:
In light of this more complete (if less flattering) account of the electoral college in the late 18th and early 19th century, Americans should ask themselves whether we want to maintain this odd—dare I say peculiar?—institution in the 21st century.

It's very rare for the EC and popular vote to go to different candidates, but it's happened several times now in recent history...close together. So you have to start to wonder, if it happens this a good thing? You are having the leader of a country chosen by an increasingly smaller number of people.
The thing is, I already know that it wouldn't matter if Trump got HALF the votes Biden did. His flock would give him full carte blanche to continue shoving his entire agenda down our throats, and he sure as hell would.

Sadly, the same probably applies to the other party, as well.

Wingers know what's best for the rest of us, dontcha know.

We really do. And by the way, it time for you go get that long delayed hysterectomy. :thup:
I read a lot of statements and replies about EC and popular.
The masses in these inner cities are more easily manipulated, and are being done so.
When you have children that grow up, and then dont realize where meat and milk come from, then you must realize that our country has a serious problem. Now you can point the finger directly at education and try to defer from demographics, but I have no doubt that its directly related to both.
No offense to anyone specifically that was born and raised in the city, but I cant have you determining me or my children's future. In 2016 Trump woke that sleeping giant, and I hope it roars louder than ever before this time.
You cannot answer a simple question. You're such a loser. Pathetic.
I answer serious questions. You’re not being serious. You’re a troll.
It is a serious question. Data, that you love shows 85% of the NBA consists of black persons. The population is currently 6% (black males). So based on DATA (your word) the NBA would be racist. Correct? Don't cower. Answer the question.

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