Trump's approval rating is skyrocketing as we speak.

538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
It’s currently 44.8%
Still not enough to avoid a Biden landslide.
I accept your surrender. Data shows you're a moron.
You don’t know the first thing about data. You’re all about feelings. Not facts.

Such a thug. Go bully someone else since you admitted that’s what makes you happy.
How about the fact that Rs started coming out by the millions yesterday?
The pollsters are shitting in their underwear.
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That is not the important numbers. Likely Voters is all that Matters. Biden can win the popular Vote by 6 and Trump still Takes the Electoral College
Yeah..that can some weird concatenation of events. More likely that Biden wins.....actually...much more likely.

You don't get to say what numbers are important, Rookie....just the ones that you consider so..the rest of us have eyes..and smarts enough to know that--odds are--- this is it for Trump..people are tired.

Can he beat the odds/ Maybe...
Then dispute them intelligently if you can.
I can, but i don’t see that an intelligent rebuttal is going to have any effect on someone who has put forth such an incredibly stupid argument.
Again, I accept your surrender. You leftists are all the same. You want to use data and science only when it’s convenient for you. Go away and pester someone else.
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.

There is no popular vote to win or lose.
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That is not the important numbers. Likely Voters is all that Matters. Biden can win the popular Vote by 6 and Trump still Takes the Electoral College
Let's say that's the case, and let's say Biden wins the popular vote 53% to 47%, and Trump loses the popular vote for the second time.

Trump would win, again, even though more Americans voted for his opponent, again.

Electoral College aside, what are your thoughts regarding what We The People want?

That's a really good question.

Something else came up, that I heard catching part of a radio documentary on the Electoral College (it's such a weird system when you think about it). Time also did a good article on it.

It concludes with:
In light of this more complete (if less flattering) account of the electoral college in the late 18th and early 19th century, Americans should ask themselves whether we want to maintain this odd—dare I say peculiar?—institution in the 21st century.

It's very rare for the EC and popular vote to go to different candidates, but it's happened several times now in recent history...close together. So you have to start to wonder, if it happens this a good thing? You are having the leader of a country chosen by an increasingly smaller number of people.

President Trump won by 30%.
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump

There is no popular vote. It is a meaningless stat compiled of unverified ballots processed multiplied by 50 to give a figure that means nothing in an election. Since only democrats count it and only democrats care about it, it will always reflect the interests and position of democrats.
That's your own opinion, as a kid in a foreign country I learned that democracy is the rule of the majority. Not happening in the US in many cases where the dumb racist minority hijacked the majority.

Damn you're ignorant.
It is a serious question. Data, that you love shows 85% of the NBA consists of black persons. The population is currently 6% (black males). So based on DATA (your word) the NBA would be racist. Correct? Don't cower. Answer the question.

I don’t take orders from thugs like you. This isn’t a serious question. No intelligent person would see this as a rational argument.

What a pussy.

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