Trump's Betsy DeVos has $40 Million Yacht Vandalized And Set Assail

Who cares? I don't cry for this dumb bitch.
Cue the idiots who think throwing their own shit is a cool form of *protest*.

Get out of here, you psycho.

Leftists approve terrorism. Especially biological terrorism..but they're okay with arson and vandalism and all the other crimes, too. Because they aren't really protesters...they're just mentally ill criminals.

Oh how you right wingers loved the Pulse nightclub shooting or when this guy went and shot up that black church

They did, didn't they?
If I ever had $40 Million, I would use it as collateral to borrow another $40 Million and buy an $80 Million yacht because ...


Yachts are awesome.
I would rather have one good relationship than sloppy seconds, thirds and fourths.
Who cares? I don't cry for this dumb bitch.
ir heads
"They deserve it"....that's French Revolution stuff right there.

That ended well.

Bring Dr. Guillotine back and off with their heads.
After an HeirHead Meets the Guillotine, There Is Only Air Where His Head Used to Be

Despite academic flunkies of our own aristocracy, the French Revolution was confined to the hereditary-lawyer 2% seizing power from the idle hereditary 1%. The revolutionary government gave no rights to the 98%, only using them to chop off the heads of the 1%.
I blame Betsy DeVos

She is Secretary of Education
She needs to include curriculum on how to tie up a yacht

I'm really reticent to criticize the accumulation of wealth (no matter one's "ideology")!... Bernie's wife, however, is fair game... & a definite liability for him, lol. I've met the disheveled socialist at the VT State House & honestly don't view him as a threat beyond the state level! EVER... IMHO

At what point does great wealth held in a few hands actually harm democracy, threatening to turn a democratic republic into an oligarchy?

It's a debate we haven't had freely and openly in this nation for nearly a century, and in 2005, by voting to end the Estate Tax, House Republicans tried to ensure that it wouldn't be had again in this generation. But it's a debate that's vital to the survival of democracy in America.

In a letter to Joseph Milligan on April 6, 1816, Thomas Jefferson explicitly suggested that if individuals became so rich that their wealth could influence or challenge government, then their wealth should be decreased upon their death. He wrote, "If the overgrown wealth of an individual be deemed dangerous to the State, the best corrective is the law of equal inheritance to all in equal degree..."

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?
We'll have a lot more wealth when we get rid of the dead weight like you.

I have wealth. I'll be ok. Will you? How's your retirement portfolio looking?
oh good.

Give it to me, I'll give it to better people.

My retirement portfolio is just fine, tanks. I take it you're in a government job..of course you are. It explains so much.

I'm in sales. I'm in manufacturing. You are a housewife.

What do you have? Where have you gone in the last year? Any big buys or amazing vacations in the last 5 years?

I'm not a housewife, lolol.

Most recent vacation was to Disneyland..why on earth are we talking about this? You maintain people need to accumulate less wealth..then you challenge people to prove they have more accumulated than you do?

You're a nutjob.As are all leftists who protest by shitting and vandalizing things.
At what point does great wealth held in a few hands actually harm democracy, threatening to turn a democratic republic into an oligarchy?

It's a debate we haven't had freely and openly in this nation for nearly a century, and in 2005, by voting to end the Estate Tax, House Republicans tried to ensure that it wouldn't be had again in this generation. But it's a debate that's vital to the survival of democracy in America.

In a letter to Joseph Milligan on April 6, 1816, Thomas Jefferson explicitly suggested that if individuals became so rich that their wealth could influence or challenge government, then their wealth should be decreased upon their death. He wrote, "If the overgrown wealth of an individual be deemed dangerous to the State, the best corrective is the law of equal inheritance to all in equal degree..."

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?
We'll have a lot more wealth when we get rid of the dead weight like you.

I have wealth. I'll be ok. Will you? How's your retirement portfolio looking?
oh good.

Give it to me, I'll give it to better people.

My retirement portfolio is just fine, tanks. I take it you're in a government job..of course you are. It explains so much.

I'm in sales. I'm in manufacturing. You are a housewife.

What do you have? Where have you gone in the last year? Any big buys or amazing vacations in the last 5 years?

I'm not a housewife, lolol.

Most recent vacation was to Disneyland..why on earth are we talking about this? You maintain people need to accumulate less wealth..then you challenge people to prove they have more accumulated than you do?

You're a nutjob.As are all leftists who protest by shitting and vandalizing things.
Funny you saying that considering what your Bundy boys did to that refuge in Oregon.
Betsy DeVos’s $40 Million Yacht Vandalized And Set Adrift

the left has declared war on rich people. Scalise, DeVos, Trump, Wilbur, etc
I heard she had nine more.

Too bad she wants to cut education. It's about the only thing that helps children get ahead.

But she's a Republican. What do they care about kids?

We care about their education, and we don't want them trafficked.

Which is why we're stopping the $$ going to leftists who traffic them, and refuse to educate them.

Teachers Unions Face a Deserved Reckoning from the Supreme Court

WATCH: Neighbors Protest ICE As It Breaks Up Child Sex Trafficking Ring
At what point does great wealth held in a few hands actually harm democracy, threatening to turn a democratic republic into an oligarchy?

It's a debate we haven't had freely and openly in this nation for nearly a century, and in 2005, by voting to end the Estate Tax, House Republicans tried to ensure that it wouldn't be had again in this generation. But it's a debate that's vital to the survival of democracy in America.

In a letter to Joseph Milligan on April 6, 1816, Thomas Jefferson explicitly suggested that if individuals became so rich that their wealth could influence or challenge government, then their wealth should be decreased upon their death. He wrote, "If the overgrown wealth of an individual be deemed dangerous to the State, the best corrective is the law of equal inheritance to all in equal degree..."

How Rich is Too Rich For Democracy?
We'll have a lot more wealth when we get rid of the dead weight like you.

I have wealth. I'll be ok. Will you? How's your retirement portfolio looking?
oh good.

Give it to me, I'll give it to better people.

My retirement portfolio is just fine, tanks. I take it you're in a government job..of course you are. It explains so much.

I'm in sales. I'm in manufacturing. You are a housewife.

What do you have? Where have you gone in the last year? Any big buys or amazing vacations in the last 5 years?

I'm not a housewife, lolol.

Most recent vacation was to Disneyland..why on earth are we talking about this? You maintain people need to accumulate less wealth..then you challenge people to prove they have more accumulated than you do?

You're a nutjob.As are all leftists who protest by shitting and vandalizing things.

I simply want to know if you are a stupid poor Republican or a rich greedy one.

So your parents took you to Disneyland once when you were a kid. You're the first generation not to do as well as your parents did. My brother and I are doing better than our parents did.

Five charts show why millennials are worse off than their parents | Financial Times

American Dream collapsing for young adults, study says, as odds plunge that children will earn more than their parents

I forget though you're an old dingbat who's husband took care of her.
Betsy DeVos’s $40 Million Yacht Vandalized And Set Adrift

the left has declared war on rich people. Scalise, DeVos, Trump, Wilbur, etc
I heard she had nine more.

Too bad she wants to cut education. It's about the only thing that helps children get ahead.

But she's a Republican. What do they care about kids?

We care about their education, and we don't want them trafficked.

Which is why we're stopping the $$ going to leftists who traffic them, and refuse to educate them.

Teachers Unions Face a Deserved Reckoning from the Supreme Court

WATCH: Neighbors Protest ICE As It Breaks Up Child Sex Trafficking Ring

"but we don't want them trafficked"....what a flat out lie by supporters of the Child Trafficker in Chief.
I blame Betsy DeVos

She is Secretary of Education
She needs to include curriculum on how to tie up a yacht


She pays an immigrant to do that shit work.

And they're glad to do it for her.
She hired illegals. Oh wait that wasn't Betsy that was Trumps pick for labor secretary Andrew Puzder.

I'm sure she has hired her share of illegals too she just hasn't got caught yet.

And you republicans are fucked up. You used to deny deny deny until you got caught. Now you keep denying even after you've been caught.

Trumps favorite song

I blame Betsy DeVos

She is Secretary of Education
She needs to include curriculum on how to tie up a yacht


She pays an immigrant to do that shit work.

And they're glad to do it for her.
Like most conservatives
Donald Trump hired hundreds of undocumented Polish immigrants to demolish a New York City building in 1980 and paid them as little as $4 an hour without providing proper safety equipment to do the job, court documents show.

The workers and their contractor, William Kaszycki of Kaszycki & Sons, sued Trump for unfair labor practices in 1983. After litigation dragged on for 15 years, Trump ultimately paid $1.375 million to settle the case.
"if dinosaurs are real, why weren't they on the ark?!" - Crazy Betsy DeVos
While adrift it rammed into the dock and caused between five and ten thousand dollars worth of damage to the yacht. It is not reported how much the damage to the dock will be. us that this was intentional to pull the yacht into the dock to damage it.

BTW...I understand there are security tapes. Watch this story die quietly if they find out it was a crew screw-up.

It was an intentional act to untie it. They don't just untie themselves. A vessel that long would have at least 5 mooring points. Thus, the claim that the crew didn't do the job correctly is asinine. No crew on the planet could be that incompetent. However, progressive morons, like you, are a pox on the land.

5 mooring points?

I've tied bowlines on boats way bigger than that before. 5?

Over a distance of 163 feet? Yup. A friend has a 135 footer and they use four.

I've tied up 300 footers with 3. :dunno:

There's a point to this nonsense? Who cares?
I seriously doubt it is 'the left' doing this vandalism. Why do you assume the vandal is a leftie? But whoever it is should be called out as a lowlife by all IMHO. It is the same with the Trump Hollywood star vandal. Things like this always say a lot more about the character (or lack thereof) of the thug than the object of their malice.

Surely you jest!

Vandalism from the far left.

More like LIES from the Fascist Right!!!
All the Fascist lying scum Right have is phoyoshop!


Same Antifa person.

Antifa activists say violence is necessary
BY KATIE BO WILLIAMS - 09/14/17 06:30 AM EDT

Anti-fascist activists, or “antifa,” increasingly mobilized in the wake of President Trump’s election, are unapologetic about what they describe as the necessary use of violence to combat authoritarianism.

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

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