Trumps biggest and most meaningful accomplishment?

He'll have more after the midterms but to date, beating Hillary has been his biggest achievement. Had that not happened we would be in deep shit by now.
True. However, step one was beating the experienced Republican field for the nomination. That was the ballgame because none of the others would have beaten the Hildebeast IMO and our country would be circling the drain right now.
That's true, BUT being born was actually the first step because if that hadn't happened he never would have been able to win the nomination.
In my opinion it was defeating Hillary. Truly a disaster averted.
...and single-handedly causing rabid snowflakes everywhere to have a cerebral meltdown - from crying on election night to 2+ years of Witch Hunting to Antifa violence to their attempted assassination of GOP politicians and gunning Scalise down.... Trump made them lose their freakin' minds and now lives in their heads 24/7 rent free...

In my opinion it was defeating Hillary. Truly a disaster averted.
I think it’s turning the Republican Party into a racist white nationalist party. He’s done a terrific job of that. No question about it.

The only racist party is the party of segregation and slavery and thats the dems. You should be on your knees repenting.
There is little difference in the platform of today’s GOP and the KKK
So far I'd have to give him an incomplete. Waiting to see how these tariffs work out and the result of his less publicized effort concerning lowering medical prescription costs (its been mentioned on NPR). Very disappointed in his raising the annual deficit, but depending on how 2019's budget goes I'm willing to give him a 1st year mulligan. Bottom line is I believe the prescription drug thing could be bigly, a home run for him if he can scale back their costs.
Keeping Hillary out of the presidency is far from an incomplete. Getting two non liberal judges is far from an incomplete.
Not getting your own personal handout is not the qualification for an incomplete lol

Since you feel free to tell me my opinion I think it's only fair that I return the favor and post yours who clearly demonstrates that Trump's greatest success has been listening to FOX and playing up to the fears of those scared of their own shadow.

So far I'd have to give him an incomplete. Waiting to see how these tariffs work out and the result of his less publicized effort concerning lowering medical prescription costs (its been mentioned on NPR). Very disappointed in his raising the annual deficit, but depending on how 2019's budget goes I'm willing to give him a 1st year mulligan. Bottom line is I believe the prescription drug thing could be bigly, a home run for him if he can scale back their costs.
The problem with trump, is that anything that spews from his mouth is hogwash. He was going to get a 10% tax break done before the mid terms, without Congress in session. Do you know how he proposes to get drug costs down? These are private companies with every right to make as much profit as they see fit.

See epi pens, cancer meds, insulin, and a host of other meds that have gone up 1000%.

Giving trump a 1st year Mulligan after he's been in office almost two years?
In my opinion it was defeating Hillary. Truly a disaster averted.
I think it’s turning the Republican Party into a racist white nationalist party. He’s done a terrific job of that. No question about it.

The only racist party is the party of segregation and slavery and thats the dems. You should be on your knees repenting.
There is little difference in the platform of today’s GOP and the KKK

Thats funny stuff, rw!! Except, they aren't. The left's compass is so whacked that now they're turning hard towards fascism and nilhilism.
so tell me how she went from being broke when they first left the whitehouse to having all the money they have now. i'd LOVE to see THOSE taxes now...

Speaking fees and book deals genius...and her taxes HAVE been provided.

Trump's have not.

Why is that again?
Yep. They made their money by speaking engagements. Obama made money from book deals, and then he put his money into treasuries when he was POTUS. A true patriot. We won't see trump's tax returns, because then we'd know who his creditors are.

You won't see Trump's tax returns because Harry Reid lied about Romney's and said latter he was glad he did it..

Do you see now how the world works now?

Don't play games and it won't come back to bite you in the ass.

That's a little silly...wouldn't you say? We know why trump wouldn't give up the returns willingly. We'll all see them very soon.

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