Trump's BS boast he created the greatest economy in history

Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Yes. You decided to veto the opposition. So Soviet Union of you ...

Nobody has vetoed anything. You are still free to say or do anything you like. I'll just respond to your crap in a manner more aligned with your tactics. I regret having to do that, but you really gave no choice.

Yes, you've been so dignified. And you just said it's up to you to decide that Trump is a no. It's up to elections. Democrats don't have that legitimate power

Yes, I have the power to make my own decision on Trump, and he is a no. I also have the power to decide how I respond to idiots like you.


Yes, you have YOUR right to make YOUR decision on Trump. I didn't contradict that, moron. I said you don't have a legitimate right to reject others choosing him.

You didn't get that? Seriously? Wow

You are really dumb. Nobody said you couldn't like trump. You just have to be ready to be seen as stupid. You crazy right wingers keep claiming you are being prevented from doing all kinds of stuff. Remember when you said you weren't allowed to celebrate Christmas.
/—-/ Plenty of us us are prevented from expressing our opinions on social media, can’t wear wear a MAGA hat in public for fear of being attacked, our property destroyed or bring dragged from our car and beaten.
Who knew that supporting a pig who only cares bout his own personal gain would eventually cause some blow back? If you can't handle the repercussions, then dont get in people's faces, dumb ass.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Yes. You decided to veto the opposition. So Soviet Union of you ...

Nobody has vetoed anything. You are still free to say or do anything you like. I'll just respond to your crap in a manner more aligned with your tactics. I regret having to do that, but you really gave no choice.

Yes, you've been so dignified. And you just said it's up to you to decide that Trump is a no. It's up to elections. Democrats don't have that legitimate power

Yes, I have the power to make my own decision on Trump, and he is a no. I also have the power to decide how I respond to idiots like you.


Yes, you have YOUR right to make YOUR decision on Trump. I didn't contradict that, moron. I said you don't have a legitimate right to reject others choosing him.

You didn't get that? Seriously? Wow

You are really dumb. Nobody said you couldn't like trump. You just have to be ready to be seen as stupid. You crazy right wingers keep claiming you are being prevented from doing all kinds of stuff. Remember when you said you weren't allowed to celebrate Christmas.

Yes, intellectual people such as you have realized that oh your God, government can run your life better than you can. That's why you're Democrats. Pay your own bills? Completely inane when government will do it for you.

Funny how you say I look stupid, which is exactly what I think your stupid shit makes you. I do think I can make better choices over my life than government can. We're entirely different people
See? You're even free to think and say that silly diatribe, and no one tried to stop you. Too bad you still can't get past that looking stupid thing. I guess it's just part of your being stupid thing.

Yes, I look stupid when I want to make my own decisions and not have government do it for me like you do. We already covered this. And again, I think that you think government can make better decisions over your life than you can makes you look stupid even though in your case you could be right

That's nice, even though I thought I made it clear that what you think doesn't matter.

What a butt hurt thing to waste your time posting on a message board
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Yes. You decided to veto the opposition. So Soviet Union of you ...

Nobody has vetoed anything. You are still free to say or do anything you like. I'll just respond to your crap in a manner more aligned with your tactics. I regret having to do that, but you really gave no choice.

Yes, you've been so dignified. And you just said it's up to you to decide that Trump is a no. It's up to elections. Democrats don't have that legitimate power

Yes, I have the power to make my own decision on Trump, and he is a no. I also have the power to decide how I respond to idiots like you.


Yes, you have YOUR right to make YOUR decision on Trump. I didn't contradict that, moron. I said you don't have a legitimate right to reject others choosing him.

You didn't get that? Seriously? Wow

You are really dumb. Nobody said you couldn't like trump. You just have to be ready to be seen as stupid. You crazy right wingers keep claiming you are being prevented from doing all kinds of stuff. Remember when you said you weren't allowed to celebrate Christmas.

Yes, intellectual people such as you have realized that oh your God, government can run your life better than you can. That's why you're Democrats. Pay your own bills? Completely inane when government will do it for you.

Funny how you say I look stupid, which is exactly what I think your stupid shit makes you. I do think I can make better choices over my life than government can. We're entirely different people
See? You're even free to think and say that silly diatribe, and no one tried to stop you. Too bad you still can't get past that looking stupid thing. I guess it's just part of your being stupid thing.

Yes, I look stupid when I want to make my own decisions and not have government do it for me like you do. We already covered this. And again, I think that you think government can make better decisions over your life than you can makes you look stupid even though in your case you could be right

That's nice, even though I thought I made it clear that what you think doesn't matter.

What a butt hurt thing to waste your time posting on a message board

Thank you, you've been Bogarting the tissue box
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Yes. You decided to veto the opposition. So Soviet Union of you ...

Nobody has vetoed anything. You are still free to say or do anything you like. I'll just respond to your crap in a manner more aligned with your tactics. I regret having to do that, but you really gave no choice.

Yes, you've been so dignified. And you just said it's up to you to decide that Trump is a no. It's up to elections. Democrats don't have that legitimate power

Yes, I have the power to make my own decision on Trump, and he is a no. I also have the power to decide how I respond to idiots like you.


Yes, you have YOUR right to make YOUR decision on Trump. I didn't contradict that, moron. I said you don't have a legitimate right to reject others choosing him.

You didn't get that? Seriously? Wow

You are really dumb. Nobody said you couldn't like trump. You just have to be ready to be seen as stupid. You crazy right wingers keep claiming you are being prevented from doing all kinds of stuff. Remember when you said you weren't allowed to celebrate Christmas.
/—-/ Plenty of us us are prevented from expressing our opinions on social media, can’t wear wear a MAGA hat in public for fear of being attacked, our property destroyed or bring dragged from our car and beaten.
Who knew that supporting a pig who only cares bout his own personal gain would eventually cause some blow back? If you can't handle the repercussions, then dont get in people's faces, dumb ass.

OMG, you actually think Chuck, Nancy and Joe care about you. That's so naive. Feel behind your ears, it's still wet, isn't it?
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?

That's the critical question, isn't it? You support destruction of the medical industry, the burning of our inner cities, eliminating police protecting both black and white communities, endless lethargic economic performance, illegal aliens getting free access to the country and then getting free education, healthcare and welfare, the destruction of free speech, limiting the religious rights of Christians and Jews while advancing Muslim rights, giving handouts and lowering the bar for women and blacks, advancing the military causes of our country's enemies, acquiescing to China, allowing free foreign bribery of Democrats and a one party system which criminalizes not being a Democrat.

You'll say no you don't, but it's what you vote for. What is in that for you? You should answer that question yourself before asking others
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?
Liberals want to "fundamentally transform this country". A lot of their plans and steps in line with the stated goal are aligned with socialism. What made this country great is Capitalism. There are elements of socialism already in place but the more we move in that direction the more we move away from Capitalism. Where is the opportunity for prosperity?
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?

I think you people are committed to a political ideology. That instead of being loyal to America and/or your fellow Americans you are loyal to this ideology and see America, as it has always been, as a bad thing that needs destroyed, or "radically transformed" into something new.

You have faith that this will be a good thing, even though all evidence is to the contrary.

I've had long and very good discussions with rightwinger on this, (it is how I broke him). He was very clear about his image for the future, where you libs get to rule unchecked and white Americans are permanently marginalized and just accept their second class status like good little bitches.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?

That's the critical question, isn't it? You support destruction of the medical industry, the burning of our inner cities, eliminating police protecting both black and white communities, endless lethargic economic performance, illegal aliens getting free access to the country and then getting free education, healthcare and welfare, the destruction of free speech, limiting the religious rights of Christians and Jews while advancing Muslim rights, giving handouts and lowering the bar for women and blacks, advancing the military causes of our country's enemies, acquiescing to China, allowing free foreign bribery of Democrats and a one party system which criminalizes not being a Democrat.

You'll say no you don't, but it's what you vote for. What is in that for you? You should answer that question yourself before asking others

I would ask others if they spouted that shit all the time like you do. Since only crazy right wingers make those claims, I'm asking you.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?

That's the critical question, isn't it? You support destruction of the medical industry, the burning of our inner cities, eliminating police protecting both black and white communities, endless lethargic economic performance, illegal aliens getting free access to the country and then getting free education, healthcare and welfare, the destruction of free speech, limiting the religious rights of Christians and Jews while advancing Muslim rights, giving handouts and lowering the bar for women and blacks, advancing the military causes of our country's enemies, acquiescing to China, allowing free foreign bribery of Democrats and a one party system which criminalizes not being a Democrat.

You'll say no you don't, but it's what you vote for. What is in that for you? You should answer that question yourself before asking others

I would ask others if they spouted that shit all the time like you do. Since only crazy right wingers make those claims, I'm asking you.

Cognitive dissonance between what you vote for and how you think those policies will turn out. For some reason you don't believe that Democrat politicians actually want to do the things they say they want to do even though they keep doing it
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?
Liberals want to "fundamentally transform this country". A lot of their plans and steps in line with the stated goal are aligned with socialism. What made this country great is Capitalism. There are elements of socialism already in place but the more we move in that direction the more we move away from Capitalism. Where is the opportunity for prosperity?

We have socialism now. Our socialist programs are the most popular we have. We can discuss whether we need more or less of them, or what form they should take if you want to, but that is not the question I asked. What good do you think it would do me to destroy the US?
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?
Liberals want to "fundamentally transform this country". A lot of their plans and steps in line with the stated goal are aligned with socialism. What made this country great is Capitalism. There are elements of socialism already in place but the more we move in that direction the more we move away from Capitalism. Where is the opportunity for prosperity?

We have socialism now. Our socialist programs are the most popular we have. We can discuss whether we need more or less of them, or what form they should take if you want to, but that is not the question I asked. What good do you think it would do me to destroy the US?

Emotions. It's what drives Democrats
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?

I think you people are committed to a political ideology. That instead of being loyal to America and/or your fellow Americans you are loyal to this ideology and see America, as it has always been, as a bad thing that needs destroyed, or "radically transformed" into something new.

You have faith that this will be a good thing, even though all evidence is to the contrary.

I've had long and very good discussions with rightwinger on this, (it is how I broke him). He was very clear about his image for the future, where you libs get to rule unchecked and white Americans are permanently marginalized and just accept their second class status like good little bitches.

Really? You think my goal is to make myself a second class citizen? Comeon. You can come up with something better than that. That's just nuts.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?

That's the critical question, isn't it? You support destruction of the medical industry, the burning of our inner cities, eliminating police protecting both black and white communities, endless lethargic economic performance, illegal aliens getting free access to the country and then getting free education, healthcare and welfare, the destruction of free speech, limiting the religious rights of Christians and Jews while advancing Muslim rights, giving handouts and lowering the bar for women and blacks, advancing the military causes of our country's enemies, acquiescing to China, allowing free foreign bribery of Democrats and a one party system which criminalizes not being a Democrat.

You'll say no you don't, but it's what you vote for. What is in that for you? You should answer that question yourself before asking others

I would ask others if they spouted that shit all the time like you do. Since only crazy right wingers make those claims, I'm asking you.

Cognitive dissonance between what you vote for and how you think those policies will turn out. For some reason you don't believe that Democrat politicians actually want to do the things they say they want to do even though they keep doing it

Not true, but even if it were,, that wouldn't make me want to destroy America. Try again.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?

That's the critical question, isn't it? You support destruction of the medical industry, the burning of our inner cities, eliminating police protecting both black and white communities, endless lethargic economic performance, illegal aliens getting free access to the country and then getting free education, healthcare and welfare, the destruction of free speech, limiting the religious rights of Christians and Jews while advancing Muslim rights, giving handouts and lowering the bar for women and blacks, advancing the military causes of our country's enemies, acquiescing to China, allowing free foreign bribery of Democrats and a one party system which criminalizes not being a Democrat.

You'll say no you don't, but it's what you vote for. What is in that for you? You should answer that question yourself before asking others

I would ask others if they spouted that shit all the time like you do. Since only crazy right wingers make those claims, I'm asking you.

Cognitive dissonance between what you vote for and how you think those policies will turn out. For some reason you don't believe that Democrat politicians actually want to do the things they say they want to do even though they keep doing it

Not true, but even if it were,, that wouldn't make me want to destroy America. Try again.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?

I think you people are committed to a political ideology. That instead of being loyal to America and/or your fellow Americans you are loyal to this ideology and see America, as it has always been, as a bad thing that needs destroyed, or "radically transformed" into something new.

You have faith that this will be a good thing, even though all evidence is to the contrary.

I've had long and very good discussions with rightwinger on this, (it is how I broke him). He was very clear about his image for the future, where you libs get to rule unchecked and white Americans are permanently marginalized and just accept their second class status like good little bitches.

Really? You think my goal is to make myself a second class citizen? Comeon. You can come up with something better than that. That's just nuts.

You know what would have been more convincing that calling my answer nuts?

Explaining how the lib agenda and policies would not lead to the scenario I describe.

But, the problem is, that you know it will. On some level, you know it will.

So, you play rhetorical games.
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Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

So if a shutdown was required, how do you blame Trump for the economic decline? Oh, that’s right.... you people are too busy blaming Trump for COVID-19 while giving China and the WHO a pass.

Well no. With a competent president, we would have had the proper PPE, and the shut down would have been effective and mostly over. Our half assed shutdown, and restarting too soon caused thousands of deaths that did not have to happen.
/----/ Yeah, we see how democRATs handle proper PPE:

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump replenish it? He had 3 years...

Because of course Presidents would always ask what our PPE stockpile is like and if the prior President had depleted it like Obama did

Reports indicating available stock and when they were due to be replenished were given to him. He didn't have to ask for anything.

What “reports”? All you did was conjure up your own opinion. Try again.

View attachment 377985

How many different plans for potential wars, epidemics, natural disasters do you think are circulating now throughout the Pentagon? How many reports for each and how frequent are those reports?

And how many of those reports contradict each other.

That's the hyperbolic standard Democrats set for Republicans. If there is any report anywhere in government, the President should know about it and have read it. It's patently absurd
That's why a competent president has a wide range of expert advisors in each field. Trump chose to dismiss or ignore those experts. He thinks he can do it all himself. He can't.

You made that up. He has a whole panel of "experts." You're completely full of shit.

The reality is there are no black and white answers. The "experts" don't even agree with each other. Fauci has said many, many things that were wrong through this whole thing.

What Democrats mean by listening to experts is picking the experts who tell you what you want to do anyway and ignoring the others

In May 2018, the top White House official in charge of the U.S. response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer was the senior director of global health and biodefense on the National Security Council and oversaw global health security issues, a specialty that had been bolstered under President Barack Obama.
After Ziemer’s departure, the global health team was reorganized as part of an effort by then-National Security Adviser John Bolton. Meanwhile, Tom Bossert, a homeland security adviser who recommended strong defenses against disease and biological warfare, was reportedly pushed out by Bolton in 2018. Neither White House official or their teams, which were responsible for coordinating the U.S. response to pandemic outbreaks across agencies, have been replaced during the past two years.
In November 2019, a bipartisan group of lawmakers and experts formally recommended that health security leadership on the NSC should be restored. And on Feb. 18, 2020, a group of 27 senators sent a letter to current National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to ask him to appoint a new global health security expert to the NSC.
"The fact that they explicitly dismantled the office in the White House that was tasked with preparing for exactly this kind of a risk is hugely concerning," Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran foreign disaster assistance in the Obama administration, told the Guardian. "Both the structure and all the institutional memory is gone now."

Huh. Deep State Obama administration officials blame Trump. What a surprise.

And the CDC budget went up every year. The Federal government is massive. That Trump owns the details of every agency priorities is just more of your stupid, worthless shit.

And you don't care what the truth is, you're just looking for anything you can throw out for your contrived Get Trump position. If you wanted to be treated with credibility, you'd have to have an open, critical mind, and you don't

The goal is the complete and total removal of Trump and his minions from our government. Sadly, the time for open discussion is past. Trump and his supporters made it clear that you would not participate in that, and it's a waste of time to continue trying that rout. I don't have a problem explaining why I disagree with trump's childish behavior, but I no longer see it as productive to try to convince anyone who can't be convinced of anything other than the Trump lies.

Trump can be childish. YOu people are engaged in mob violence with your brownshirts beating people nearly to death, and the cops arresting people if they defend themselves.

so, you are the bad guys, and Trump is the good guy.

Trump is a child. He causes the vast majority of the unrest.

Nonsense. Nothing he has done, justifies the level of reaction we are seeing.

You people can't stand that we have a leader who is standing up to you.

He's not a leader, and he's standing up against us.

He is standing up against you and your lefty mob, and for us, the American People, (specifically working class and middle class whites) who have long been ignored.

THat makes him the leader we really needed.

I know it put a wench in your plans to destroy this nation, but considering the demographics, it is probably only slowing things down a bit.

Why so hysterical?

For decades, crazy right wingers have constantly said liberals want to destroy the country. Honest question. If I really wanted to destroy America, what do you think would be in it for me?
Liberals want to "fundamentally transform this country". A lot of their plans and steps in line with the stated goal are aligned with socialism. What made this country great is Capitalism. There are elements of socialism already in place but the more we move in that direction the more we move away from Capitalism. Where is the opportunity for prosperity?

We have socialism now. Our socialist programs are the most popular we have. We can discuss whether we need more or less of them, or what form they should take if you want to, but that is not the question I asked. What good do you think it would do me to destroy the US?

Emotions. It's what drives Democrats

Let me know if you come up with an answer that makes sense. The childish bullshit you are spouting is pretty dumb.

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