Trump's Budget Message: Get A Job!

With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!

“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.

I know MANY people who WORK full time jobs and still need food stamps. The right needs to stop being so dumb...over half the people who get FS DO WORK. Simple facts.

WTF is WRONG with YOU???
You're almost sounding humanoid.

But yeah, most food stamps go to the elderly, children, military, vets, handicapped and I also know and have known some who work.

The little prick also wants to stop Meals on Wheels and Head Start.

He's evil. The worst of this is just so the pussy grabber sleaze can give more $$$ to his 1% cronies.
Eliminate Trespassers, Business Visas and foreign tax havens.
I approve of budget cuts after modifying our Economic Policies.

No. Why cut off our own noses?

Besides, drumpf would never even consider cutting off his gloBULList friends AND his own factories. Think about it. do you really think he would ever bring his own products to the US to be manufactured?

I thought most the people who get food stamps are children, so how could most have jobs?

Anyway, Obama loosened the ABAWD regulations making it easier for able-bodied adult w/o dependent children to get them.

Get a fucking job and stop mooching! I agree.
Kids don't get FS. An adult has to apply for them. If you have kids you get more FS. My state NC already has a work requirement went into effect last year....doesn't change I said most people who get FS already work,their labor is just stolen for a less than livable wage.
Nice try and can that tired shit. You work and get paid what you're worth. If you're worthless and getting paid you're lucky. Food stamps should not be a way of subsidizing crack and malt liquor.
Not gonna work that way son. Want people off FS then pay people who work a livable wage,don't want to pay a livable wage then you have given up the right to WHINE about them getting food stamps. Simple facts.
That's the point. Trump is right. You seem to think people have a right to food stamps if they don't make enough money by whatever definition you set. They do not. That definition is set by the government, and guess what?

We feel the pain of snowflakes, but we don't care.

And please, if you want to make an argument, don't link Huffpost as you've implicitly already conceded.

The fact is that the welfare ripoff is A FACT. Food-stamps, section eight housing, free electricity, free water bill, free phones, and free transportation. for fucking, and watching TV. The shit odium posted is a pure liberal lie. Funny you want people who have never done a damn thing to live well, but the old white people who paid taxes all of their life getting 800 dollars a month to pay for all of their food and all of the free things the worthless shit gets are not included in your little pet department HUH? Welfare, food stamps, and all of the other social programs were started and paid for out of social security funds that were stolen by DIMSHITSCUM to buy votes.

Watch the CONservatards scurry away like roaches....its hilarious. They can't defeat facts so they cry.

You're no liberal. In FACT, almost everything you post proves you're pure cockroach yourself.

“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.

Then don't start a family, it isn't my responsibility to feed a family you can't support.

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With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They don't exist anymore. Telling people to go get a job when Republicans want to abolish the minimum wage and end healthcare only proves they are evil. They have access to the same information everyone else has. They know what they are doing. Which is why they are filthy people.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.

Then don't start a family, it isn't my responsibility to feed a family you can't support.

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If you are going to tell them don't start a family, then supply birth control and abortion rights. Otherwise, STFU.
Eliminate Trespassers, Business Visas and foreign tax havens.
I approve of budget cuts after modifying our Economic Policies.

No. Why cut off our own noses?

Besides, drumpf would never even consider cutting off his gloBULList friends AND his own factories. Think about it. do you really think he would ever bring his own products to the US to be manufactured?

With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
As a candidate last summer, Trump allowed that he had always coveted the military decoration for those wounded in combat. But when given his chance to earn one as a young man, Trump avoided the draft in the Vietnam War.

The pattern repeats itself now in the president’s budget, where he again takes the path of wishful thinking without showing much commitment to shared sacrifice.

For example, fully $2 trillion of Trump’s deficit reduction plan rests in large part on what many contend are overly optimistic economic assumptions. At the same time, the president doesn’t hesitate to demand very large savings from programs for the poor and disabled — all ahead of the policy debate over how to actually reform these benefits.--
Kids don't get FS. An adult has to apply for them. If you have kids you get more FS. My state NC already has a work requirement went into effect last year....doesn't change I said most people who get FS already work,their labor is just stolen for a less than livable wage.
Nice try and can that tired shit. You work and get paid what you're worth. If you're worthless and getting paid you're lucky. Food stamps should not be a way of subsidizing crack and malt liquor.
Not gonna work that way son. Want people off FS then pay people who work a livable wage,don't want to pay a livable wage then you have given up the right to WHINE about them getting food stamps. Simple facts.
That's the point. Trump is right. You seem to think people have a right to food stamps if they don't make enough money by whatever definition you set. They do not. That definition is set by the government, and guess what?

We feel the pain of snowflakes, but we don't care.

And please, if you want to make an argument, don't link Huffpost as you've implicitly already conceded.

The fact is that the welfare ripoff is A FACT. Food-stamps, section eight housing, free electricity, free water bill, free phones, and free transportation. for fucking, and watching TV. The shit odium posted is a pure liberal lie. Funny you want people who have never done a damn thing to live well, but the old white people who paid taxes all of their life getting 800 dollars a month to pay for all of their food and all of the free things the worthless shit gets are not included in your little pet department HUH? Welfare, food stamps, and all of the other social programs were started and paid for out of social security funds that were stolen by DIMSHITSCUM to buy votes.

Watch the CONservatards scurry away like roaches....its hilarious. They can't defeat facts so they cry.

You're no liberal. In FACT, almost everything you post proves you're pure cockroach yourself.

Not a conservative either.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.

Then don't start a family, it isn't my responsibility to feed a family you can't support.

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I will do as I please. Tell your crony's to pay legit wages and stop stealing people's labor for unjust wages then they won't have to WHINE about food stamps! People who work pay taxes/have taxes taken so they are just getting the FS THEY have paid for :)
Nice try and can that tired shit. You work and get paid what you're worth. If you're worthless and getting paid you're lucky. Food stamps should not be a way of subsidizing crack and malt liquor.
Not gonna work that way son. Want people off FS then pay people who work a livable wage,don't want to pay a livable wage then you have given up the right to WHINE about them getting food stamps. Simple facts.
That's the point. Trump is right. You seem to think people have a right to food stamps if they don't make enough money by whatever definition you set. They do not. That definition is set by the government, and guess what?

We feel the pain of snowflakes, but we don't care.

And please, if you want to make an argument, don't link Huffpost as you've implicitly already conceded.

The fact is that the welfare ripoff is A FACT. Food-stamps, section eight housing, free electricity, free water bill, free phones, and free transportation. for fucking, and watching TV. The shit odium posted is a pure liberal lie. Funny you want people who have never done a damn thing to live well, but the old white people who paid taxes all of their life getting 800 dollars a month to pay for all of their food and all of the free things the worthless shit gets are not included in your little pet department HUH? Welfare, food stamps, and all of the other social programs were started and paid for out of social security funds that were stolen by DIMSHITSCUM to buy votes.

Watch the CONservatards scurry away like roaches....its hilarious. They can't defeat facts so they cry.

You're no liberal. In FACT, almost everything you post proves you're pure cockroach yourself.

Not a conservative either.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.

Then don't start a family, it isn't my responsibility to feed a family you can't support.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I will do as I please. Tell your crony's to pay legit wages and stop stealing people's labor for unjust wages then they won't have to WHINE about food stamps! People who work pay taxes/have taxes taken so they are just getting the FS THEY have paid for :)

Guess that would depend on how much you like eating.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.
Then why do you/they have a family?

Ever hear of planning?
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.
If you're so damn dumb you're trying to support a family on ten bucks an hour your're probably fucking dumb enough to start a family while making ten bucks an hour. But that's your decision. Good luck with your low skill ass.
Any employer that pays less than 15 dollars per hour should never be filled by an adult. If they apply for it then they settle for less, less than zero. All employers I know offer at least 17 dollars per hour per adult with only a high school diploma.... One can't raise kids on that pittance but one can scrape by on that pittance.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!

“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.

I know MANY people who WORK full time jobs and still need food stamps. The right needs to stop being so dumb...over half the people who get FS DO WORK. Simple facts.
I thought most the people who get food stamps are children, so how could most have jobs?

Anyway, Obama loosened the ABAWD regulations making it easier for able-bodied adult w/o dependent children to get them.

Get a fucking job and stop mooching! I agree.
Kids don't get FS. An adult has to apply for them. If you have kids you get more FS. My state NC already has a work requirement went into effect last year....doesn't change I said most people who get FS already work,their labor is just stolen for a less than livable wage.
Who the hell stole their labor? You act like a person who has a doctorate degree in something is forced to work for minimum wage. You make minimum wage because you have no skills. That's not the employer's fault.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--

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