Trump's Budget Message: Get A Job!

With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.
Links? No source I have cited, claims that.
You cited the Washington Post. I think i warned you about that. It was in the media part of my post.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.
Links? No source I have cited, claims that.

Hard for him to link to lies but my bet is he'll find a way.

alexwest (bring a false flag for MindWars )
american non-thinker
yadda yadda
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.
Then why do you/they have a family?

Ever hear of planning?
If I had waited until I was RICH enough to have a family I would have NEVER had kids
Nobody said rich dipshit. Being able to support your family doesn't mean rich. It means being able to pay the bills.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.
Links? No source I have cited, claims that.
You cited the Washington Post. I think i warned you about that. It was in the media part of my post.
did you miss the other posts?
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.

Here are the 66 programs eliminated in Trump's budget
10$ isn't enough to support a family.
Then why do you/they have a family?

Ever hear of planning?
If I had waited until I was RICH enough to have a family I would have NEVER had kids

Repubs and drumpf want to end all OT and they will.
Actually they are leaving it up to the states and we have NEVER had a problem with it because almost every company already offers it. Been that way for decades.

IOW, you voted for others to lose OT pay.

Color me not surprised that you are clueless as to what your vote means to other heard working Americans.

Including those who terrify you.
No one terrifies me. I am scared of nothing including death. I voted for the best candidate. As I said this overtime stuff was in effect decades ago. I can remember my father working and getting his time and a half OT pay in the early 90's.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.
Then why do you/they have a family?

Ever hear of planning?
If I had waited until I was RICH enough to have a family I would have NEVER had kids
Nobody said rich dipshit. Being able to support your family doesn't mean rich. It means being able to pay the bills.
We can pay bills,barely sometimes but we pay them,we just can't afford food by ourselves.My entire check goes to rent wife's has to be divided up for gas,bills,diapers,whatever else we may need etc. Doesn't bother me a damn bit....the system won't force companies to stop stealing people's labor then I have no issue that OUR tax dollars pay for benefits we need. We would LOVE to not need it and hopefully here in about 2 years we won't....depends on how long takes wife to get done with college.
Donald Trump’s Budget Breaks These 7 Campaign Promises

Broken Promise #1: Trump vowed not to cut Medicaid

Trump's budget would cut Medicaid by a lot, despite the president telling the Daily Signal days before launching his White House bid, "I'm not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I'm not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid."

The administration proposes reducing spending on Medicaid programs by more than $600 billion over the next decade, a massive cut that appears to go on top of $839 billion in Medicaid cuts included in the House health care bill Trump is supporting.

Mulvaney insists that the proposed reduction in spending isn't a cut — it's simply growing less than the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office expects the needs of the program to be.

"There are no Medicaid cuts in terms of what normal human beings would call cuts, we are not spending less money than we did the year before," Mulvaney said.

Broken Promise #2: Trump said he wouldn't cut Social Security

Trump's budget proposes slashing the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), a $31.4 billion change to the program that pays monthly benefits to over 10 million disabled individuals under the retirement age.

Mulvaney argued that SSDI isn't "what most people would consider to be Social Security" and said he would "hope" less people receive the program once they remove individuals who "should not" be getting it. It's unclear how the administration determined there is that much fraud in the system.

Broken Promise #3: Trump said he'd fully fund the border wall

The president promised to fully fund a border wall, with plans to make Mexico pay for it later, in his "Contract With the American Voter." The president's budget would allocate $2.6 billion for planning, designing, and constructing the border wall and its surrounding securities, but Republican leaders estimate the wall could cost as much as $15 billion.

"While we did not get as much money as we wanted for 2017 omnibus we did get a lot," Mulvaney said. "We are going to continue to press on."

Broken Promise #4: Trump promised to cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities

This is another contract promise. Trump's administration has tried to restrict funding to so-called "sanctuary" cities — jurisdiction that don't enforce federal immigration priorities and cooperate fully with federal authorities — but their efforts were halted by the courts.

This budget doesn't include any kind of limit on federal funding, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions narrowed the scope of Trump's executive order on the issue in a memo Monday.

Broken Promise #5: Trump said he would increase funding for treatment of PTSD

Trump's budget would increase funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs, but the budget proposal doesn't appear to focus money on PTSD or mental health issues.

It would, however, slash $3.2 billion from the "individual unemployability" benefit, which the budget says will be "modernized." The program allows the VA to more fully compensate disabled veterans, including those with PTSD, whose disability renders them unemployable.

Broken Promise #6: Trump told police union leaders he'd find more funding for training

Trump promised resources for training in his voter contract, as well. This budget aims to increase funding for more border agents and immigration judges, increased immigrant detentions, and fighting the opioid crisis, but it does not earmark additional funds for training police.

Broken Promise #7: Trump promised to bring down the debt "fairly quickly"

Barring the kind of hyperbolic growth Trump has promised and economists have disputed, Trump's budget would do little to combat the national debt. Rather, it would potentially increase it.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment for this story.

I do have to agree with the SSDI but they need to investigate ones disability before cutting them off. I know a couple people who are drawing SSDI that could very well work.

I don't agree on cutting mental health for vets.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.

Here are the 66 programs eliminated in Trump's budget
Let's end the drug war, instead!
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.

Here are the 66 programs eliminated in Trump's budget
Let's end the drug war, instead!

You have a point there, eliminating the DEA would save a lot of money. Transfer some of the cartel investigations to the FBI.

I would imagine the Homeland security flood changes will worry quite a few, even if they have NFIP.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!

Many food stampers are old people with fixed income . Or young families that only have one income because daycare is too expensive . Then theirs the disabled . And the working poor who already have jobs .

AND these programs already have job requirements.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.

Here are the 66 programs eliminated in Trump's budget
Holy shit. 66 things we don't need the Feds for.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.

Here are the 66 programs eliminated in Trump's budget
Let's end the drug war, instead!

You have a point there, eliminating the DEA would save a lot of money. Transfer some of the cartel investigations to the FBI.

I would imagine the Homeland security flood changes will worry quite a few, even if they have NFIP.
The DEA works for the FDA.
Then why do you/they have a family?

Ever hear of planning?
If I had waited until I was RICH enough to have a family I would have NEVER had kids

Repubs and drumpf want to end all OT and they will.
Actually they are leaving it up to the states and we have NEVER had a problem with it because almost every company already offers it. Been that way for decades.

IOW, you voted for others to lose OT pay.

Color me not surprised that you are clueless as to what your vote means to other heard working Americans.

Including those who terrify you.
No one terrifies me. I am scared of nothing including death. I voted for the best candidate. As I said this overtime stuff was in effect decades ago. I can remember my father working and getting his time and a half OT pay in the early 90's.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.
Then why do you/they have a family?

Ever hear of planning?
If I had waited until I was RICH enough to have a family I would have NEVER had kids
Nobody said rich dipshit. Being able to support your family doesn't mean rich. It means being able to pay the bills.
We can pay bills,barely sometimes but we pay them,we just can't afford food by ourselves.My entire check goes to rent wife's has to be divided up for gas,bills,diapers,whatever else we may need etc. Doesn't bother me a damn bit....the system won't force companies to stop stealing people's labor then I have no issue that OUR tax dollars pay for benefits we need. We would LOVE to not need it and hopefully here in about 2 years we won't....depends on how long takes wife to get done with college.
What job do you have?
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.

Here are the 66 programs eliminated in Trump's budget
Holy shit. 66 things we don't need the Feds for.
I didn't see the drug war on there.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.

Here are the 66 programs eliminated in Trump's budget
Holy shit. 66 things we don't need the Feds for.
I didn't see the drug war on there.
Ok, so?
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.

Here are the 66 programs eliminated in Trump's budget
Let's end the drug war, instead!

You have a point there, eliminating the DEA would save a lot of money. Transfer some of the cartel investigations to the FBI.

I would imagine the Homeland security flood changes will worry quite a few, even if they have NFIP.
The DEA works for the FDA.

Seems like it but they really fall under the DOJ

Drug Enforcement Administration - Wikipedia
Donald Trump’s Budget Breaks These 7 Campaign Promises

Broken Promise #1: Trump vowed not to cut Medicaid

Trump's budget would cut Medicaid by a lot, despite the president telling the Daily Signal days before launching his White House bid, "I'm not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I'm not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid."

The administration proposes reducing spending on Medicaid programs by more than $600 billion over the next decade, a massive cut that appears to go on top of $839 billion in Medicaid cuts included in the House health care bill Trump is supporting.

Mulvaney insists that the proposed reduction in spending isn't a cut — it's simply growing less than the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office expects the needs of the program to be.

"There are no Medicaid cuts in terms of what normal human beings would call cuts, we are not spending less money than we did the year before," Mulvaney said.

Broken Promise #2: Trump said he wouldn't cut Social Security

Trump's budget proposes slashing the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), a $31.4 billion change to the program that pays monthly benefits to over 10 million disabled individuals under the retirement age.

Mulvaney argued that SSDI isn't "what most people would consider to be Social Security" and said he would "hope" less people receive the program once they remove individuals who "should not" be getting it. It's unclear how the administration determined there is that much fraud in the system.

Broken Promise #3: Trump said he'd fully fund the border wall

The president promised to fully fund a border wall, with plans to make Mexico pay for it later, in his "Contract With the American Voter." The president's budget would allocate $2.6 billion for planning, designing, and constructing the border wall and its surrounding securities, but Republican leaders estimate the wall could cost as much as $15 billion.

"While we did not get as much money as we wanted for 2017 omnibus we did get a lot," Mulvaney said. "We are going to continue to press on."

Broken Promise #4: Trump promised to cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities

This is another contract promise. Trump's administration has tried to restrict funding to so-called "sanctuary" cities — jurisdiction that don't enforce federal immigration priorities and cooperate fully with federal authorities — but their efforts were halted by the courts.

This budget doesn't include any kind of limit on federal funding, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions narrowed the scope of Trump's executive order on the issue in a memo Monday.

Broken Promise #5: Trump said he would increase funding for treatment of PTSD

Trump's budget would increase funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs, but the budget proposal doesn't appear to focus money on PTSD or mental health issues.

It would, however, slash $3.2 billion from the "individual unemployability" benefit, which the budget says will be "modernized." The program allows the VA to more fully compensate disabled veterans, including those with PTSD, whose disability renders them unemployable.

Broken Promise #6: Trump told police union leaders he'd find more funding for training

Trump promised resources for training in his voter contract, as well. This budget aims to increase funding for more border agents and immigration judges, increased immigrant detentions, and fighting the opioid crisis, but it does not earmark additional funds for training police.

Broken Promise #7: Trump promised to bring down the debt "fairly quickly"

Barring the kind of hyperbolic growth Trump has promised and economists have disputed, Trump's budget would do little to combat the national debt. Rather, it would potentially increase it.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment for this story.

I do have to agree with the SSDI but they need to investigate ones disability before cutting them off. I know a couple people who are drawing SSDI that could very well work.

I don't agree on cutting mental health for vets.
I get SSDI....I JUST had my renewal done...doctors visits etc etc pain in the ass and back literally. People poking and prodding shit that hurts still. They cut that well I guess we will just be homeless because I don't even get to use my check it literally goes to pay our rent. Really asinine to cut that...its like they are TRYING to put MORE people on welfare with STUPID stunts like that. Thank god for SANE republicans at times like this. President Trump is listening to his MORON JEW adviser Jared and NOT to his populist adviser Bannon.
If I had waited until I was RICH enough to have a family I would have NEVER had kids

Repubs and drumpf want to end all OT and they will.
Actually they are leaving it up to the states and we have NEVER had a problem with it because almost every company already offers it. Been that way for decades.

IOW, you voted for others to lose OT pay.

Color me not surprised that you are clueless as to what your vote means to other heard working Americans.

Including those who terrify you.
No one terrifies me. I am scared of nothing including death. I voted for the best candidate. As I said this overtime stuff was in effect decades ago. I can remember my father working and getting his time and a half OT pay in the early 90's.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.
Then why do you/they have a family?

Ever hear of planning?
If I had waited until I was RICH enough to have a family I would have NEVER had kids
Nobody said rich dipshit. Being able to support your family doesn't mean rich. It means being able to pay the bills.
We can pay bills,barely sometimes but we pay them,we just can't afford food by ourselves.My entire check goes to rent wife's has to be divided up for gas,bills,diapers,whatever else we may need etc. Doesn't bother me a damn bit....the system won't force companies to stop stealing people's labor then I have no issue that OUR tax dollars pay for benefits we need. We would LOVE to not need it and hopefully here in about 2 years we won't....depends on how long takes wife to get done with college.
What job do you have?
Disabled. Would LOVE to go to work driving a truck. Got a CDL B. Have even applied for jobs since I was disabled but I don't even get a call back. Never got a chance to use my CDL so more than likely people ain't interested in someone with no experience but is a fast learner. So fuck em. SSDI pays our rent and allows one of us to stay home with the baby and not have to pay robbery like prices for day care.
I have a snowflake nephew in his twenties, College grad, and in the past 8 years he hasn't had a job for more than the allotted time to qualify for more Obama extended unemployment.
I've been the only one telling him to get a job and begin his life and career so it's good to see the president is helping.

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