Trump's Budget Message: Get A Job!

Better than Clinton's message I guess. Get a BLOW job! Or maybe not. HEHE!
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
The Trump administration dropped its first full budget outline on Tuesday. The document tells you everything you need to know about the presidency of Donald Trump, yet at the same time, says absolutely nothing at all.

The headlines generated by the budget have more than fairly focused on the administration's proposed savaging of the social safety net. The deep cuts look like a right-wing fever dream plumbed from the depths of budget director Mick Mulvaney's lizard brain.

Were this thing to actually become law, it would reduce Medicaid by hundreds of billions of dollars, gut the food stamp program and whack away at Social Security's disability insurance program – not only violating pledges Trump made on the campaign trail but, more importantly, making life far harder for those whom already have it very hard.

Meanwhile, it would provide the wealthiest Americans with a huge tax cut. Of course.

“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.

Then don't start a family, it isn't my responsibility to feed a family you can't support.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Absolutely. Just because an American soldier gets wounded, we shouldn't have to care for his family. Same with active military who can't live on what REPUBs agreed to pay when they told Obama no raises.

Elderly? Handicapped? Tough. Shut up and starve faster because, being a good christian and all, I don't care what happens to my fellow American.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!

“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.

I know MANY people who WORK full time jobs and still need food stamps. The right needs to stop being so dumb...over half the people who get FS DO WORK. Simple facts.
I thought most the people who get food stamps are children, so how could most have jobs?

Anyway, Obama loosened the ABAWD regulations making it easier for able-bodied adult w/o dependent children to get them.

Get a fucking job and stop mooching! I agree.
Kids don't get FS. An adult has to apply for them. If you have kids you get more FS. My state NC already has a work requirement went into effect last year....doesn't change I said most people who get FS already work,their labor is just stolen for a less than livable wage.
Who the hell stole their labor? You act like a person who has a doctorate degree in something is forced to work for minimum wage. You make minimum wage because you have no skills. That's not the employer's fault.

Walmart doesn't pay a living wage. Doesn't matter how many hours you work. Instead, they train their employees to apply for food stamps. Same as the US military.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.

Then don't start a family, it isn't my responsibility to feed a family you can't support.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Absolutely. Just because an American soldier gets wounded, we shouldn't have to care for his family. Same with active military who can't live on what REPUBs agreed to pay when they told Obama no raises.

Elderly? Handicapped? Tough. Shut up and starve faster because, being a good christian and all, I don't care what happens to my fellow American.

Nope cover that. Cut the rest.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.

Then don't start a family, it isn't my responsibility to feed a family you can't support.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Absolutely. Just because an American soldier gets wounded, we shouldn't have to care for his family. Same with active military who can't live on what REPUBs agreed to pay when they told Obama no raises.

Elderly? Handicapped? Tough. Shut up and starve faster because, being a good christian and all, I don't care what happens to my fellow American.
Democrats aren't fellow Americans. The more democrats that die off the better.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.
Then why do you/they have a family?

Ever hear of planning?
If I had waited until I was RICH enough to have a family I would have NEVER had kids
Any employer that pays less than 15 dollars per hour should never be filled by an adult. If they apply for it then they settle for less, less than zero. All employers I know offer at least 17 dollars per hour per adult with only a high school diploma.... One can't raise kids on that pittance but one can scrape by on that pittance.


You're very well named.

You're saying that if one is older than 18 they should not take a job unless they can live on it.

Tomorrow, you'll post that one should take any job because part of what you need is better than nothing.

Not to mention that most so-called "entry level jobs" are held by people with families.

Damn. I am SO glad I'm not one of you RWNJs. You really are evil.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.
Then why do you/they have a family?

Ever hear of planning?
If I had waited until I was RICH enough to have a family I would have NEVER had kids

Repubs and drumpf want to end all OT and they will.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.
Then why do you/they have a family?

Ever hear of planning?
If I had waited until I was RICH enough to have a family I would have NEVER had kids

Repubs and drumpf want to end all OT and they will.
Actually they are leaving it up to the states and we have NEVER had a problem with it because almost every company already offers it. Been that way for decades.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.

Then don't start a family, it isn't my responsibility to feed a family you can't support.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Absolutely. Just because an American soldier gets wounded, we shouldn't have to care for his family. Same with active military who can't live on what REPUBs agreed to pay when they told Obama no raises.

Elderly? Handicapped? Tough. Shut up and starve faster because, being a good christian and all, I don't care what happens to my fellow American.

Nope cover that. Cut the rest.

Cover "that"?

Cover what?

You're an asshole. Seriously. I don't even read your posts because you're lees than human. But YOU believe YOU should get to decide who gets help and who should shut up and starve?

“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.

Then don't start a family, it isn't my responsibility to feed a family you can't support.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Absolutely. Just because an American soldier gets wounded, we shouldn't have to care for his family. Same with active military who can't live on what REPUBs agreed to pay when they told Obama no raises.

Elderly? Handicapped? Tough. Shut up and starve faster because, being a good christian and all, I don't care what happens to my fellow American.
Democrats aren't fellow Americans. The more democrats that die off the better.

I may have to put you on ignore. I've never done that before. Never put anyone on ignore but I'm sick of feeling sorry for you, not feeling sorry for you and then feeling bad because I don't feel sorry for you.

But then, I do feel sorry for you cuz you're just a sad sad person.
The pussy grabbers "budget"?

drumpf and buds - tax break of $4BILLION

RWNJs - they get zip.
CONservative plan-
Go to college,go into debt to do so,get job that won't pay enough to cover ALL school debt so end up on government dole along with having a job,never be able to afford wife and kids,at age 30 end up committing suicide because so far in debt and are depressed. GREAT PLAN!

DUMBocrat plan-
Give money,foodstamps,medical care etc etc to EVERYONE whether they TRY to make it or not.

BOTH SUCK! Government should INSURE each person has a JOB of some kind and that the job pays a LIVABLE WAGE,That way have a country of TAX PAYERS not PARASITES! With the tax revenue can institute a education system k-college that costs the student/parents NOTHING and a health care system for ALL that costs the patient nothing because ALL taxes paid for it.Don't want to work then you are thrown to the wolves or prison,CAN'T work permanently? Will take care of you but will be very strict about WHO can't work.
You guys sound like Willow who cries about big got handouts while collecting welfare, Medicare / Medicare and tax breaks.

But it's ok! You guys cheered when Trump said he would protect Medicare and Medicaid. And now you're cheering when Trump is seeking to destroy it.

You like both things! As long as Trump says it!
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!
Nothing like making it more difficult for the poor to get and keep a job, if they can find one.

President Trump's 2018 budget request, delivered to Congress on Tuesday with the title “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” has roiled the medical and science community with a call for massive cuts in spending on scientific research, medical research, disease prevention programs and health insurance for children of the working poor.--
I suggest you keep a keen eye on what the media and the democrats are calling cuts. There are no actual cuts to anything in the budget. They are all reductions in the increase. In other words they get the same money they got last year but with a smaller increase than they expected. It should be pretty easy to deal with and not have all the hyper OMG! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! Bullshit.
Links? No source I have cited, claims that.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.
Then why do you/they have a family?

Ever hear of planning?
If I had waited until I was RICH enough to have a family I would have NEVER had kids

Repubs and drumpf want to end all OT and they will.
Actually they are leaving it up to the states and we have NEVER had a problem with it because almost every company already offers it. Been that way for decades.

IOW, you voted for others to lose OT pay.

Color me not surprised that you are clueless as to what your vote means to other heard working Americans.

Including those who terrify you.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!

“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.

I know MANY people who WORK full time jobs and still need food stamps. The right needs to stop being so dumb...over half the people who get FS DO WORK. Simple facts.
I thought most the people who get food stamps are children, so how could most have jobs?

Anyway, Obama loosened the ABAWD regulations making it easier for able-bodied adult w/o dependent children to get them.

Get a fucking job and stop mooching! I agree.
Kids don't get FS. An adult has to apply for them. If you have kids you get more FS. My state NC already has a work requirement went into effect last year....doesn't change I said most people who get FS already work,their labor is just stolen for a less than livable wage.
Who the hell stole their labor? You act like a person who has a doctorate degree in something is forced to work for minimum wage. You make minimum wage because you have no skills. That's not the employer's fault.

Walmart doesn't pay a living wage. Doesn't matter how many hours you work. Instead, they train their employees to apply for food stamps. Same as the US military.
Then don't fucking work at Walmart? If your skills are such that the only job you can do is Walmart who's fault is that? It's not a damn mystery that the skills needed to work most Walmart jobs are pretty low. It reflects more on you as a person that this is the only job you qualify for. Go to a damn construction site and sign on as a laborer, you'll get more money and possibly a career if you man up and do it. It's not our fault or Walmart's fault that stocking toys only pays a few bucks an hour. That's all the job is worth. If that's the job you want then that's your problem.

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