Trump's Budget Message: Get A Job!

a lot of us normal americans had to start of washing dishes when we were 16/17 years old! and we were happy to be working making $2.30 hr!!!,,,,so bitch about having to go find a job !!!!
I mowed lawns, and then graduated to dish washer....
i remember raking a lawn time to time for 5.00....but back in the 70's, 5.00 was like 50.00 today,,,but back then, the local hoes were still around 25.00 hr.
I got 3 dollars to mow 5 to mow with a grass catcher...and that was 1970-7,2 and I couldn't get to the hookers that worked on the street by the capitol building in OKC..It was 15 miles...
well the hot white hookers were in the 25.00 range,,,,non-white/overweight hookers were about $7.50hr,,,but they gave senior citizen discounts on Sundays 4-7 pm
I usually hit on the new run aways from home..They weren't sure how much to charge..
That and they didn't know where to go.
I mowed lawns, and then graduated to dish washer....
i remember raking a lawn time to time for 5.00....but back in the 70's, 5.00 was like 50.00 today,,,but back then, the local hoes were still around 25.00 hr.
I got 3 dollars to mow 5 to mow with a grass catcher...and that was 1970-7,2 and I couldn't get to the hookers that worked on the street by the capitol building in OKC..It was 15 miles...
well the hot white hookers were in the 25.00 range,,,,non-white/overweight hookers were about $7.50hr,,,but they gave senior citizen discounts on Sundays 4-7 pm
I usually hit on the new run aways from home..They weren't sure how much to charge..
during then Carter Recession, they were so desperate, the men would just flash dollar bills at them. i am pretty sure many of them settled for 2.00 an hr
The malaise was running pretty deep those days.
a lot of us normal americans had to start of washing dishes when we were 16/17 years old! and we were happy to be working making $2.30 hr!!!,,,,so bitch about having to go find a job !!!!
I mowed lawns, and then graduated to dish washer....
i remember raking a lawn time to time for 5.00....but back in the 70's, 5.00 was like 50.00 today,,,but back then, the local hoes were still around 25.00 hr.
I got 3 dollars to mow 5 to mow with a grass catcher...and that was 1970-7,2 and I couldn't get to the hookers that worked on the street by the capitol building in OKC..It was 15 miles...
like many of us in the 70' first job was a dishwasher,,,,but let go after 2 nights,,,,,,$2.00 hr back was just so rough for most of us till reagan took over
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!

“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.

I know MANY people who WORK full time jobs and still need food stamps. The right needs to stop being so dumb...over half the people who get FS DO WORK. Simple facts.
With all the things Trump has done to liberal snowflakes, this will bunch their panties to yet unseen levels:

The message of Trump’s budget: Get a job!

The Horror! The Horror!

“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.

I know MANY people who WORK full time jobs and still need food stamps. The right needs to stop being so dumb...over half the people who get FS DO WORK. Simple facts.

They're doing the typical right wing rant. Those on food stamps are destroying the country, yakity yak, etc. Remember when Trump said he wasn't going to have these expensive hooplas like obamba did when meeting with other heads of state? Nope, he was going to order a big mac for the chinese prime minister, and get down to business. He's not doing that. He's goofing off and wasting money just like obama did. But yes, lets worry about about the poor slobs destroying the country by getting food stamps.
People are not avoiding work to get food stamps because you don't get enough in food stamps to make it worthwhile. There is fraud and abuse and I have no problem with working to prevent that. What I see is Trump sycophants use every stereotype imaginable to demean food stamp recipients. Most are Americans who are working hard or want to work but cannot find a decent job. We are seeing how hateful Trump and his supporters are. What I see is Trump pitting one American against the other. If you want to reduce spending on food stamps then create good paying jobs and food stamp expenditures will go down.

What a American is paid has nothing to do with what they are worth. It is what the employer can get away with and they want to reduce costs as much as possible.
“We need people to go back to work,” Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, told reporters on Monday. “If you’re on food stamps and you’re able-bodied, we need you to go back to work.”

Oh the Humanity!

Shame the grocery stores pay $10.00 to start and cant find workers....our local school district needs van drivers an easy job but most drivers are in their 60's and up because they cant find help. Sooner than later the ball is going to drop because this cant go on forever.
10$ isn't enough to support a family.

Then don't start a family, it isn't my responsibility to feed a family you can't support.

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Absolutely. Just because an American soldier gets wounded, we shouldn't have to care for his family. Same with active military who can't live on what REPUBs agreed to pay when they told Obama no raises.

Elderly? Handicapped? Tough. Shut up and starve faster because, being a good christian and all, I don't care what happens to my fellow American.

I thought we were talking about able bodied folks wanting more money for bottom rung jobs, not the people in real need.
If a person is truly unable to work then they should get help, but to many people today are scamming the system, if we can stop the thieves from scamming the system we could do more to help the real people in need, don't you think?

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A fifteen dollar an hour minimum and failed capitalists can merely, "start a new business", like Labor can just, "find a new job".

Practice makes perfect, right wingers!
/---- When I started out in 1971 minimum wage was less than $2 an hour. I worked a full time job and two part time jobs on the weekend. It was about 60 hours a week bringing in $120 a week before taxes. The first thing I did was pay myself, meaning I put $25 a week in to my bank account. The rest covered my living expenses. My studio apt was $25 a week, $20 for food, some money for pocket change for an occasional movie date . Since I couldn't afford a car, I lived near the subway and took it to work. It was 25 cents a ride. I packed my own lunch and used coupons when I went grocery shopping. After a year had over $1,300 saved and I opened my first brokerage account and started buying no load mutual funds. One fund returned about 15% a year. I took classes at the local state college when I could afford tuition. After 5 years I had an associates degree working towards my BS in Business, a better paying job, $7,000 in my portfolio and a few thousand in my savings. And I wasn't alone. It's what we all did. So quit your bellyaching and get to work.
hard work.jpg
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum and failed capitalists can merely, "start a new business", like Labor can just, "find a new job".

Practice makes perfect, right wingers!
/---- When I started out in 1971 minimum wage was less than $2 an hour. I worked a full time job and two part time jobs on the weekend. It was about 60 hours a week bringing in $120 a week before taxes. The first thing I did was pay myself, meaning I put $25 a week in to my bank account. The rest covered my living expenses. My studio apt was $25 a week, $20 for food, some money for pocket change for an occasional movie date . Since I couldn't afford a car, I lived near the subway and took it to work. It was 25 cents a ride. I packed my own lunch and used coupons when I went grocery shopping. After a year had over $1,300 saved and I opened my first brokerage account and started buying no load mutual funds. One fund returned about 15% a year. I took classes at the local state college when I could afford tuition. After 5 years I had an associates degree working towards my BS in Business, a better paying job, $7,000 in my portfolio and a few thousand in my savings. And I wasn't alone. It's what we all did. So quit your bellyaching and get to work.
View attachment 129619
Capitalists get a tax break for capital gains; tell them to "work hard" and create Jobs Booms.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum and failed capitalists can merely, "start a new business", like Labor can just, "find a new job".

Practice makes perfect, right wingers!
/---- When I started out in 1971 minimum wage was less than $2 an hour. I worked a full time job and two part time jobs on the weekend. It was about 60 hours a week bringing in $120 a week before taxes. The first thing I did was pay myself, meaning I put $25 a week in to my bank account. The rest covered my living expenses. My studio apt was $25 a week, $20 for food, some money for pocket change for an occasional movie date . Since I couldn't afford a car, I lived near the subway and took it to work. It was 25 cents a ride. I packed my own lunch and used coupons when I went grocery shopping. After a year had over $1,300 saved and I opened my first brokerage account and started buying no load mutual funds. One fund returned about 15% a year. I took classes at the local state college when I could afford tuition. After 5 years I had an associates degree working towards my BS in Business, a better paying job, $7,000 in my portfolio and a few thousand in my savings. And I wasn't alone. It's what we all did. So quit your bellyaching and get to work.
View attachment 129619
Capitalists get a tax break for capital gains; tell them to "work hard" and create Jobs Booms.
/---- DemocRATS wrote the tax laws so they could personally profit from capital gains. Why didn't they fix it?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum and failed capitalists can merely, "start a new business", like Labor can just, "find a new job".

Practice makes perfect, right wingers!
/---- When I started out in 1971 minimum wage was less than $2 an hour. I worked a full time job and two part time jobs on the weekend. It was about 60 hours a week bringing in $120 a week before taxes. The first thing I did was pay myself, meaning I put $25 a week in to my bank account. The rest covered my living expenses. My studio apt was $25 a week, $20 for food, some money for pocket change for an occasional movie date . Since I couldn't afford a car, I lived near the subway and took it to work. It was 25 cents a ride. I packed my own lunch and used coupons when I went grocery shopping. After a year had over $1,300 saved and I opened my first brokerage account and started buying no load mutual funds. One fund returned about 15% a year. I took classes at the local state college when I could afford tuition. After 5 years I had an associates degree working towards my BS in Business, a better paying job, $7,000 in my portfolio and a few thousand in my savings. And I wasn't alone. It's what we all did. So quit your bellyaching and get to work.
View attachment 129619
Capitalists get a tax break for capital gains; tell them to "work hard" and create Jobs Booms.
/---- DemocRATS wrote the tax laws so they could personally profit from capital gains. Why didn't they fix it?
you admit the right wing is Useless?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum and failed capitalists can merely, "start a new business", like Labor can just, "find a new job".

Practice makes perfect, right wingers!
/---- When I started out in 1971 minimum wage was less than $2 an hour. I worked a full time job and two part time jobs on the weekend. It was about 60 hours a week bringing in $120 a week before taxes. The first thing I did was pay myself, meaning I put $25 a week in to my bank account. The rest covered my living expenses. My studio apt was $25 a week, $20 for food, some money for pocket change for an occasional movie date . Since I couldn't afford a car, I lived near the subway and took it to work. It was 25 cents a ride. I packed my own lunch and used coupons when I went grocery shopping. After a year had over $1,300 saved and I opened my first brokerage account and started buying no load mutual funds. One fund returned about 15% a year. I took classes at the local state college when I could afford tuition. After 5 years I had an associates degree working towards my BS in Business, a better paying job, $7,000 in my portfolio and a few thousand in my savings. And I wasn't alone. It's what we all did. So quit your bellyaching and get to work.
View attachment 129619
Capitalists get a tax break for capital gains; tell them to "work hard" and create Jobs Booms.
/---- DemocRATS wrote the tax laws so they could personally profit from capital gains. Why didn't they fix it?
you admit the right wing is Useless?
/---- The RINOs are. The Conservatives aren't.

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