Trumps calling out of W.H.O and Communist China is the global leadership we need, I don't care your politics.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is the one issue that should not be partisan. It's also the one issue that Trump has lead the Dems and the old Neo-Cons on and they all know it, so do voters. Even as citizens have been dying in other nations and leaders sat silent, only Trump, once again, called them out aggressively. He publicly calls them out and then takes swift action by cutting off funding, much to the dismay of China and Bill Gates.

Maybe it's the reality of the situation that another nation could be so blatant in their lack of concern for the lives of other nations citizens. Maybe it's his anger that China isn't keeping their word on the trade deal (not surprising knowing their history). Or, Trump has decided as he has since he ran, that he will continue to confront the threat of the communist party in China. It doesn't matter, he's leading the world on this issue. Leadership the West so desperately needs.

I guarantee you, this is going to resonate with voters and it should. In fact, it must.
This is the one issue that should not be partisan. It's also the one issue that Trump has lead the Dems and the old Neo-Cons on and they all know it, so do voters. Even as citizens have been dying in other nations and leaders sat silent, only Trump, once again, called them out aggressively. He publicly calls them out and then takes swift action by cutting off funding, much to the dismay of China and Bill Gates.

Maybe it's the reality of the situation that another nation could be so blatant in their lack of concern for the lives of other nations citizens. Maybe it's his anger that China isn't keeping their word on the trade deal (not surprising knowing their history). Or, Trump has decided as he has since he ran, that he will continue to confront the threat of the communist party in China. It doesn't matter, he's leading the world on this issue. Leadership the West so desperately needs.

I guarantee you, this is going to resonate with voters and it should. In fact, it must.
Leading the world begins with europe, japan, s korea and the British Commonwealth

if they cant agree on a common goal the result is inevitable

chinese domination of the world
How many weeks after it was declared public health emergency of international concern did old Trumpybear continue to suck up to China?

How many times did he declare the Democrats were just using the corona-virus pandemic threat as their new Hoax and play down the threat at his rallies and to his Faux fans.

That is what will resonate in the fall.
Trump is a gem that's for sure.

'Captain Trump of the RMS Titanic:'

"There isn't any iceberg.
There was an iceberg but it's in a totally different ocean.
The iceberg is in this ocean but it will melt very soon.
There is an iceberg but we didn't hit the iceberg.
We hit the iceberg, but the damage will be repaired very shortly.
The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.
We are taking on water but every passenger who wants a lifeboat can get a lifeboat, and they are beautiful lifeboats.
Look, passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them.
We don't have any lifeboats, we're not lifeboat distributors.
Passengers should have planned for icebergs and brought their own lifeboats.
I really don't think we need that many lifeboats.
We have lifeboats and they're supposed to be our lifeboats, not the passengers' lifeboats.
The lifeboats were left on shore by the last captain of this ship.
Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg."

Trump is apparently the only person of power in the world willing to hold China accountable. The WHO is saying there is no evidence that this virus originated in a lab. That statement alone shows them to either be at best incompetent or at worst criminally corrupt.

Trump is indeed doing the right thing.

Bs, he loves Xi and want to be like him and trying everyday. Proof that China has the Who in their pocket? I didn't think so.:omg:

Its a full time job just to stop you republicans or libertarians from spreading fake news.
Trump is a gem that's for sure.

'Captain Trump of the RMS Titanic:'

"There isn't any iceberg.
There was an iceberg but it's in a totally different ocean.
The iceberg is in this ocean but it will melt very soon.
There is an iceberg but we didn't hit the iceberg.
We hit the iceberg, but the damage will be repaired very shortly.
The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.
We are taking on water but every passenger who wants a lifeboat can get a lifeboat, and they are beautiful lifeboats.
Look, passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them.
We don't have any lifeboats, we're not lifeboat distributors.
Passengers should have planned for icebergs and brought their own lifeboats.
I really don't think we need that many lifeboats.
We have lifeboats and they're supposed to be our lifeboats, not the passengers' lifeboats.
The lifeboats were left on shore by the last captain of this ship.
Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg."

Predictably libs tried to blame everything on trump just as they did to bush

but trump fights back while bush didnt
This is the one issue that should not be partisan. It's also the one issue that Trump has lead the Dems and the old Neo-Cons on and they all know it, so do voters. Even as citizens have been dying in other nations and leaders sat silent, only Trump, once again, called them out aggressively. He publicly calls them out and then takes swift action by cutting off funding, much to the dismay of China and Bill Gates.

Maybe it's the reality of the situation that another nation could be so blatant in their lack of concern for the lives of other nations citizens. Maybe it's his anger that China isn't keeping their word on the trade deal (not surprising knowing their history). Or, Trump has decided as he has since he ran, that he will continue to confront the threat of the communist party in China. It doesn't matter, he's leading the world on this issue. Leadership the West so desperately needs.

I guarantee you, this is going to resonate with voters and it should. In fact, it must.

Not with the Globalist Commies who have infiltrated our nation with their hive mind bullshit.
Their ultimate goal is to have unlimited access to 9 year old ass with no consequences like an angry parent with an ax for instance.

Trump is a gem that's for sure.

'Captain Trump of the RMS Titanic:'

"There isn't any iceberg.
There was an iceberg but it's in a totally different ocean.
The iceberg is in this ocean but it will melt very soon.
There is an iceberg but we didn't hit the iceberg.
We hit the iceberg, but the damage will be repaired very shortly.
The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.
We are taking on water but every passenger who wants a lifeboat can get a lifeboat, and they are beautiful lifeboats.
Look, passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them.
We don't have any lifeboats, we're not lifeboat distributors.
Passengers should have planned for icebergs and brought their own lifeboats.
I really don't think we need that many lifeboats.
We have lifeboats and they're supposed to be our lifeboats, not the passengers' lifeboats.
The lifeboats were left on shore by the last captain of this ship.
Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg."

Predictably libs tried to blame everything on trump just as they did to bush

but trump fights back while bush didn't

Bush actually thought that being silent was the right thing to do with these did McCain and Romney......

Trump is a gem that's for sure.

'Captain Trump of the RMS Titanic:'

"There isn't any iceberg.
There was an iceberg but it's in a totally different ocean.
The iceberg is in this ocean but it will melt very soon.
There is an iceberg but we didn't hit the iceberg.
We hit the iceberg, but the damage will be repaired very shortly.
The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.
We are taking on water but every passenger who wants a lifeboat can get a lifeboat, and they are beautiful lifeboats.
Look, passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them.
We don't have any lifeboats, we're not lifeboat distributors.
Passengers should have planned for icebergs and brought their own lifeboats.
I really don't think we need that many lifeboats.
We have lifeboats and they're supposed to be our lifeboats, not the passengers' lifeboats.
The lifeboats were left on shore by the last captain of this ship.
Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg."

Predictably libs tried to blame everything on trump just as they did to bush

but trump fights back while bush didn't

Bush actually thought that being silent was the right thing to do with these did McCain and Romney......


If jeb bush were president he’d be covered with bruises and down for the count
Trump is a gem that's for sure.

'Captain Trump of the RMS Titanic:'

"There isn't any iceberg.
There was an iceberg but it's in a totally different ocean.
The iceberg is in this ocean but it will melt very soon.
There is an iceberg but we didn't hit the iceberg.
We hit the iceberg, but the damage will be repaired very shortly.
The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.
We are taking on water but every passenger who wants a lifeboat can get a lifeboat, and they are beautiful lifeboats.
Look, passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them.
We don't have any lifeboats, we're not lifeboat distributors.
Passengers should have planned for icebergs and brought their own lifeboats.
I really don't think we need that many lifeboats.
We have lifeboats and they're supposed to be our lifeboats, not the passengers' lifeboats.
The lifeboats were left on shore by the last captain of this ship.
Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg."

Predictably libs tried to blame everything on trump just as they did to bush

but trump fights back while bush didn't

Bush actually thought that being silent was the right thing to do with these did McCain and Romney......


If jeb bush were president he’d be covered with bruises and down for the count

No way he could take this kind of beating.....

How many weeks after it was declared public health emergency of international concern did old Trumpybear continue to suck up to China?

How many times did he declare the Democrats were just using the corona-virus pandemic threat as their new Hoax and play down the threat at his rallies and to his Faux fans.

That is what will resonate in the fall.

How many times do you chose the wrong position on a topic, could it be your long running TDS infection (the cure is obvious) that clouds your thinking?

How long did it take for the WHO (who should have known better) to declare an international emergency? SNICKER...…………...

Your partisanship behavior is WHY you are so utterly ignorant of what is happening. Being a truly independent thinker is how you can better see the picture, being a leftist turd makes you much dumber...…….

PJ Media

Now Is Exactly the Time to Investigate the WHO's Catastrophic Public Failures and Internal Rot

By Claudia Rosett April 15, 2020


President Trump made precisely the right call in suspending U.S. funding to the World Health Organization, pending a review of its role in "severely mismanaging and covering up the coronavirus." Trump is doing an important service not only to America, but to the world, with his demands that the WHO clean up its abysmal and misleading act, and stop kowtowing to China.

But here comes the chorus of alarms that this particular moment, in the midst of the worst pandemic since 1918, is not the time to interrupt the WHO's annual intake of roughly $500 million from U.S. taxpayers. Bill Gates, a big backer of the WHO, declares the United Nations health agency irreplaceable. A Beijing government spokesman proclaims that Trump's decision will weaken the WHO and "undermine international cooperation." UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres opines that the WHO is "absolutely critical to the world's efforts to win the war against COVID-19" and any review of the WHO should wait till "we have finally turned the page on this epidemic."

Don't fall for it. The Hippocratic Oath enjoins doctors to do no harm, and the WHO Constitution includes similiar requirements of the director-general and his staff. But today's WHO has done harm on a pandemic scale, misleading the world with its rotten assurances ("no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission"), its perverse prescriptions ("WHO advises against the application of any restrictions of international traffic") and its paeons to China's ruinous fictions and totalitarian ways ("China deserves gratitude and respect").



Stop ignoring the many provable errors made by the WHO, who are being led astray by the Chinese government.
How many weeks after it was declared public health emergency of international concern did old Trumpybear continue to suck up to China?

How many times did he declare the Democrats were just using the corona-virus pandemic threat as their new Hoax and play down the threat at his rallies and to his Faux fans.

That is what will resonate in the fall.
Travel ban enacted less than a week after the first case diagnosed in the less than 1.

Are they for human health or viral health?


I bet they will be the last to admit that the virus was created in a Chinese lab, in the likely scenario that this is the truth.
Are they for human health or viral health?


I bet they will be the last to admit that the virus was created in a Chinese lab, in the likely scenario that this is the truth.
The WHO has been outed as a compromised organization. Other countries of the world need to grow a backbone and stand with President Trump and demand changes in the WHO and the firing of Dr. Ghebreyesus.
How many weeks after it was declared public health emergency of international concern did old Trumpybear continue to suck up to China?

How many times did he declare the Democrats were just using the corona-virus pandemic threat as their new Hoax and play down the threat at his rallies and to his Faux fans.

That is what will resonate in the fall.
Travel ban enacted less than a week after the first case diagnosed in the less than 1.


In response to the WHO's declaration, yet he continued to sucked up to Xi and praise China's response for over a month after his ineffective travel ban, and he spread his message of "Hoax" to his devoted followers for just as long.
How many weeks after it was declared public health emergency of international concern did old Trumpybear continue to suck up to China?

How many times did he declare the Democrats were just using the corona-virus pandemic threat as their new Hoax and play down the threat at his rallies and to his Faux fans.

That is what will resonate in the fall.
Travel ban enacted less than a week after the first case diagnosed in the less than 1.


In response to the WHO's declaration, yet he continued to sucked up to Xi and praise China's response for over a month after his ineffective travel ban, and he spread his message of "Hoax" to his devoted followers for just as long.

Trump sucked up to China?

The man whose tariffs you considered racist and xenophobe since inception?

President Trump was right about China from the very start.
How many weeks after it was declared public health emergency of international concern did old Trumpybear continue to suck up to China?

How many times did he declare the Democrats were just using the corona-virus pandemic threat as their new Hoax and play down the threat at his rallies and to his Faux fans.

That is what will resonate in the fall.
Travel ban enacted less than a week after the first case diagnosed in the less than 1.


In response to the WHO's declaration, yet he continued to sucked up to Xi and praise China's response for over a month after his ineffective travel ban, and he spread his message of "Hoax" to his devoted followers for just as long.

Trump sucked up to China?

The man whose tariffs you considered racist and xenophobe since inception?

President Trump was right about China from the very start.

I donno, what do you call it?

In response to the WHO's declaration, yet he continued to sucked up to Xi and praise China's response for over a month after his ineffective travel ban, and he spread his message of "Hoax" to his devoted followers for just as long.
His travel ban was criticized by the same fuckers saying he did nothing.

The "Hoax" claim is FALSE!!!
Snopes (run by Democrats) - Trump's "Hoax" Comment

But, I really did not appreciate his Zeee ass kissing. I will give you that.


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