Trump's compromise solution seems reasonable. Why are Democrats opposing this?


Trumps offer was:
  • 800 Million in humanitarian assistance
  • 805 Million for new technology at ports of entry, 2750 new CBP agents, and 75 new immigration judges
  • 5.7 Billion for building a permanent wall in exchange for temporary DACA/TPS relief for 3-years

If I were a DEM here would be my reply:
  • 800 Million in humanitarian assistance
  • 805 Million for new technology at ports of entry, 2750 new CBP agents, and 75 new immigration judges
  • Temporary DACA/TPS relief relief for 3-years
  • Temporary appropriation of 5.7 Billion for Border Security placed in a trust fund for 3-years. Permeant money from the Trust could only be allocated upon permanent DACA/TPS relief and it establish a bipartisan commission to examine border security and illegal aliens entering the country. The bipartisan commission would have executive members from the political realm, CBP/ICE, Technology & Security private entities (i.e. non-government entities), economists, and immigration law experts. The commission would have work-groups on specific topics. The work groups would report out findings in 120 days. The executive commission would report out in 150 days. Work groups would break out and concentrate on the following areas specific areas including border security requirements for low/high population areas which have different needs, Port of Entry security, VISA overstay tracking and apprehension, improvements to and making E-verify mandatory. If the commission recommends more walls - so be it. If they recommend walls only in high population areas and use of technology in the middle of the desert - so be it.

Permanent wall for temporary DACA doesn't sound like a good deal. Almost as bad as permanent tax cuts for the wealthy but auto-expiring tax cuts for the middle class. Make both permanent and the GOP and DEM will get what they want. Make the appropriation temporary with funds becoming permanent once s permanent DACA solution becomes law. No passage or a Veto of the DACA legislation and the 5.7 border security appropriation vanishes or expires.

Why doesn't Pelosi want to negotiate?

Today, he offered EVERYTHING the Democrats claim they want, yet Pelosi said NO before he ever went on the air, because the wall is included.

The future of America depends on the wall. Pelosi seeks a future without a Constitution and individual rights. Hence she fights the wall.

Trumps offer was:
  • 800 Million in humanitarian assistance
  • 805 Million for new technology at ports of entry, 2750 new CBP agents, and 75 new immigration judges
  • 5.7 Billion for building a permanent wall in exchange for temporary DACA/TPS relief for 3-years

If I were a DEM here would be my reply:
  • 800 Million in humanitarian assistance
  • 805 Million for new technology at ports of entry, 2750 new CBP agents, and 75 new immigration judges
  • Temporary DACA/TPS relief relief for 3-years
  • Temporary appropriation of 5.7 Billion for Border Security placed in a trust fund for 3-years. Permeant money from the Trust could only be allocated upon permanent DACA/TPS relief and it establish a bipartisan commission to examine border security and illegal aliens entering the country. The bipartisan commission would have executive members from the political realm, CBP/ICE, Technology & Security private entities (i.e. non-government entities), economists, and immigration law experts. The commission would have work-groups on specific topics. The work groups would report out findings in 120 days. The executive commission would report out in 150 days. Work groups would break out and concentrate on the following areas specific areas including border security requirements for low/high population areas which have different needs, Port of Entry security, VISA overstay tracking and apprehension, improvements to and making E-verify mandatory. If the commission recommends more walls - so be it. If they recommend walls only in high population areas and use of technology in the middle of the desert - so be it.

Permanent wall for temporary DACA doesn't sound like a good deal. Almost as bad as permanent tax cuts for the wealthy but auto-expiring tax cuts for the middle class. Make both permanent and the GOP and DEM will get what they want. Make the appropriation temporary with funds becoming permanent once s permanent DACA solution becomes law. No passage or a Veto of the DACA legislation and the 5.7 border security appropriation vanishes or expires.


$5.7 billion is about 10$ of what the wall costs. So 10% for 3 years of DACA is a good deal for the democrats.

A wall stops democrat votes, ergo they fight.
$5.7 billion is about 10$ of what the wall costs. So 10% for 3 years of DACA is a good deal for the democrats.

A wall stops democrat votes, ergo they fight.

More illegal aliens come in through other borders and via visa overstays than come across the southern border.

More drugs come through existing ports of entry (that have walls) and via the coasts (gotten by the Coast Guard) them come across the southern areas where there is no wall.

5.7 Billion is simply for what Trump really wants which is his own "Mission Accomplished" photo op in front of a new section of wall.

Real progress on illegal aliens requires addressing WHY (jobs) they come here and less (not all) as to HOW they come here.

Why doesn't Pelosi want to negotiate?

Today, he offered EVERYTHING the Democrats claim they want, yet Pelosi said NO before he ever went on the air, because the wall is included.

The future of America depends on the wall. Pelosi seeks a future without a Constitution and individual rights. Hence she fights the wall.

If that were remotely true, you’d have to be against a wall because Dems would be for it.

Your entire world view is build on bullshit. If you ever realize that, I fear you will harm yourself due to embarrassment.
You're missing the point.

Ann Coulter has already vetoed this.

Dead in the water in less than 24 hours
If that were remotely true, you’d have to be against a wall because Dems would be for it.

Your entire world view is build on bullshit. If you ever realize that, I fear you will harm yourself due to embarrassment.


democrats are a Stalinist party. You seek the complete eradication of civil rights, using group privilege instead. Freedom of speech? Look to any public University Campus to see how you Bolshevik pigs have treated that. Freedom of religion, Bake the Cake Christian. Freedom of the press? Barack Mugabe Obama put 19 journalists in prison for writing unflattering articles, Trump has never jailed anyone.

You Communist scum are frauds. Anyone who wants to know the end game of the democrats need only look and North Korea or Venezuela

You might as well be saying "doodieheads" for reality that epithet has
If that were remotely true, you’d have to be against a wall because Dems would be for it.

Your entire world view is build on bullshit. If you ever realize that, I fear you will harm yourself due to embarrassment.


democrats are a Stalinist party. You seek the complete eradication of civil rights, using group privilege instead. Freedom of speech? Look to any public University Campus to see how you Bolshevik pigs have treated that. Freedom of religion, Bake the Cake Christian. Freedom of the press? Barack Mugabe Obama put 19 journalists in prison for writing unflattering articles, Trump has never jailed anyone.

You Communist scum are frauds. Anyone who wants to know the end game of the democrats need only look and North Korea or Venezuela

You are awesome. Better check that blood pressure.
Actually, it does mean more money in federal coffers. Federal tax revenues are up under President Trump because the combination of the tax cuts and tariff protections have created more jobs and profits to tax.

"Taxes: Critics of the Trump tax cuts said they would blow a hole in the deficit. Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal year 2018, as the economy grew faster and created more jobs than expected.

The Treasury Department reported this week that individual income tax collections for FY 2018 totaled $1.7 trillion. That's up $14 billion from fiscal 2017, and an all-time high. And that's despite the fact that individual income tax rates got a significant cut this year as part of President Donald Trump's tax reform plan."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

Meanwhile back in reality... the national debt continues to grow; now over a trillion dollars a year.
Because of high spending, but contrary to the doomsday forecasts about the tax cut, federal tax revenues have increased, not decreased, because of the tax cuts and tariffs.

Total horseshit. Revenues are way down from expected growth baseline.

Revenues are down down dow
Total bullshit.

Critics of the Trump tax cuts said they would blow a hole in the deficit. Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal year 2018, as the economy grew faster and created more jobs than expected.

The Treasury Department reported this week that individual income tax collections for FY 2018 totaled $1.7 trillion. That's up $14 billion from fiscal 2017, and an all-time high. And that's despite the fact that individual income tax rates got a significant cut this year as part of President Donald Trump's tax reform plan."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

FY 2018 started in the middle of 2017, why the hell would you do that to look at the effect of a tax cut that went to effect in 2018? ...unless of course you are a politico at IBR looking to fool people about tax-cuts.

Further, in April last year’s taxes are settled, so again, have to exclude that.

Finally you have to adjust nominal revenues by about 4% to account for inflation and normal economic growth.

Larry Summers of the Trump administration promised tax-cuts to pay for themselves because they would cause GDP growth to jump to 4-5% a year, which is of course nowhere in sight and we’ll be lucky if 2018 clears 3% bar. 2019 forecast consensus remains at 2%.

Now sit your ignorant ass down, stop reading right winger bullshit and eat your expensive and totally unpaid-for tax-cut lunch
I understand that as a Democrat the fact that a tax cut would increase federal tax revenues is unsettling to you, but the facts are the facts, and it is probably time for you to question your political faith and start to respect the facts.
Meanwhile back in reality... the national debt continues to grow; now over a trillion dollars a year.
Because of high spending, but contrary to the doomsday forecasts about the tax cut, federal tax revenues have increased, not decreased, because of the tax cuts and tariffs.

Total horseshit. Revenues are way down from expected growth baseline.

Revenues are down down dow
Total bullshit.

Critics of the Trump tax cuts said they would blow a hole in the deficit. Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal year 2018, as the economy grew faster and created more jobs than expected.

The Treasury Department reported this week that individual income tax collections for FY 2018 totaled $1.7 trillion. That's up $14 billion from fiscal 2017, and an all-time high. And that's despite the fact that individual income tax rates got a significant cut this year as part of President Donald Trump's tax reform plan."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

FY 2018 started in the middle of 2017, why the hell would you do that to look at the effect of a tax cut that went to effect in 2018? ...unless of course you are a politico at IBR looking to fool people about tax-cuts.

Further, in April last year’s taxes are settled, so again, have to exclude that.

Finally you have to adjust nominal revenues by about 4% to account for inflation and normal economic growth.

Larry Summers of the Trump administration promised tax-cuts to pay for themselves because they would cause GDP growth to jump to 4-5% a year, which is of course nowhere in sight and we’ll be lucky if 2018 clears 3% bar. 2019 forecast consensus remains at 2%.

Now sit your ignorant ass down, stop reading right winger bullshit and eat your expensive and totally unpaid-for tax-cut lunch
I understand that as a Democrat the fact that a tax cut would increase federal tax revenues is unsettling to you, but the facts are the facts, and it is probably time for you to question your political faith and start to respect the facts.

The fact is that we cut taxes on the wealthiest Americans and increased the national debt. It was, in a word, predictable.

That the blob doesn’t mention it in his rallies is telling.
Because of high spending, but contrary to the doomsday forecasts about the tax cut, federal tax revenues have increased, not decreased, because of the tax cuts and tariffs.

Total horseshit. Revenues are way down from expected growth baseline.

Revenues are down down dow
Total bullshit.

Critics of the Trump tax cuts said they would blow a hole in the deficit. Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal year 2018, as the economy grew faster and created more jobs than expected.

The Treasury Department reported this week that individual income tax collections for FY 2018 totaled $1.7 trillion. That's up $14 billion from fiscal 2017, and an all-time high. And that's despite the fact that individual income tax rates got a significant cut this year as part of President Donald Trump's tax reform plan."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

FY 2018 started in the middle of 2017, why the hell would you do that to look at the effect of a tax cut that went to effect in 2018? ...unless of course you are a politico at IBR looking to fool people about tax-cuts.

Further, in April last year’s taxes are settled, so again, have to exclude that.

Finally you have to adjust nominal revenues by about 4% to account for inflation and normal economic growth.

Larry Summers of the Trump administration promised tax-cuts to pay for themselves because they would cause GDP growth to jump to 4-5% a year, which is of course nowhere in sight and we’ll be lucky if 2018 clears 3% bar. 2019 forecast consensus remains at 2%.

Now sit your ignorant ass down, stop reading right winger bullshit and eat your expensive and totally unpaid-for tax-cut lunch
I understand that as a Democrat the fact that a tax cut would increase federal tax revenues is unsettling to you, but the facts are the facts, and it is probably time for you to question your political faith and start to respect the facts.

The fact is that we cut taxes on the wealthiest Americans and increased the national debt. It was, in a word, predictable.

That the blob doesn’t mention it in his rallies is telling.
The fact is we cut taxes for nearly everyone and that helped to grow the economy faster, create more and better jobs and increase federal tax revenues. I understand that as a Democrat this shakes your faith in your nineteenth century class warfare ideology, but facts are facts.
Total horseshit. Revenues are way down from expected growth baseline.

Revenues are down down dow
Total bullshit.

Critics of the Trump tax cuts said they would blow a hole in the deficit. Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal year 2018, as the economy grew faster and created more jobs than expected.

The Treasury Department reported this week that individual income tax collections for FY 2018 totaled $1.7 trillion. That's up $14 billion from fiscal 2017, and an all-time high. And that's despite the fact that individual income tax rates got a significant cut this year as part of President Donald Trump's tax reform plan."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

FY 2018 started in the middle of 2017, why the hell would you do that to look at the effect of a tax cut that went to effect in 2018? ...unless of course you are a politico at IBR looking to fool people about tax-cuts.

Further, in April last year’s taxes are settled, so again, have to exclude that.

Finally you have to adjust nominal revenues by about 4% to account for inflation and normal economic growth.

Larry Summers of the Trump administration promised tax-cuts to pay for themselves because they would cause GDP growth to jump to 4-5% a year, which is of course nowhere in sight and we’ll be lucky if 2018 clears 3% bar. 2019 forecast consensus remains at 2%.

Now sit your ignorant ass down, stop reading right winger bullshit and eat your expensive and totally unpaid-for tax-cut lunch
I understand that as a Democrat the fact that a tax cut would increase federal tax revenues is unsettling to you, but the facts are the facts, and it is probably time for you to question your political faith and start to respect the facts.

The fact is that we cut taxes on the wealthiest Americans and increased the national debt. It was, in a word, predictable.

That the blob doesn’t mention it in his rallies is telling.
The fact is we cut taxes for nearly everyone ....

And increased the national debt.

And the taxes for the middle class are going to return to pre-cut levels while the wealthiest Americans still enjoy their tax cuts. So it’s only going to get worse from here.
Total bullshit.

Critics of the Trump tax cuts said they would blow a hole in the deficit. Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal year 2018, as the economy grew faster and created more jobs than expected.

The Treasury Department reported this week that individual income tax collections for FY 2018 totaled $1.7 trillion. That's up $14 billion from fiscal 2017, and an all-time high. And that's despite the fact that individual income tax rates got a significant cut this year as part of President Donald Trump's tax reform plan."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

FY 2018 started in the middle of 2017, why the hell would you do that to look at the effect of a tax cut that went to effect in 2018? ...unless of course you are a politico at IBR looking to fool people about tax-cuts.

Further, in April last year’s taxes are settled, so again, have to exclude that.

Finally you have to adjust nominal revenues by about 4% to account for inflation and normal economic growth.

Larry Summers of the Trump administration promised tax-cuts to pay for themselves because they would cause GDP growth to jump to 4-5% a year, which is of course nowhere in sight and we’ll be lucky if 2018 clears 3% bar. 2019 forecast consensus remains at 2%.

Now sit your ignorant ass down, stop reading right winger bullshit and eat your expensive and totally unpaid-for tax-cut lunch
I understand that as a Democrat the fact that a tax cut would increase federal tax revenues is unsettling to you, but the facts are the facts, and it is probably time for you to question your political faith and start to respect the facts.

The fact is that we cut taxes on the wealthiest Americans and increased the national debt. It was, in a word, predictable.

That the blob doesn’t mention it in his rallies is telling.
The fact is we cut taxes for nearly everyone ....

And increased the national debt.

And the taxes for the middle class are going to return to pre-cut levels while the wealthiest Americans still enjoy their tax cuts. So it’s only going to get worse from here.
The tax cut benefited nearly all Americans and with a robustly growing economy such as we have now under President Trump, we can afford more debt, however, since the tax cut increased federal tax revenues, there is obviously no link between the tax cut and increases in teh national debt.
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Why doesn't Pelosi want to negotiate?

Today, he offered EVERYTHING the Democrats claim they want, yet Pelosi said NO before he ever went on the air, because the wall is included.
because pres trump is using the shutdown to negotiate with....
and that is a very very very bad thing to do and sets a very very very bad precedent for all presidents to come.....

It's like he stole a wallet or your coat or whatever, and then claims by him giving the very wallet or coat back that he stole, is his part of the compromise...

that's just bull crud.

Congress... according to our constitution has the power of the purse and the power to legislate on behalf of us, we the people.... not the president....?

This is very bad for our Nation's future....
Why doesn't Pelosi want to negotiate?

Today, he offered EVERYTHING the Democrats claim they want, yet Pelosi said NO before he ever went on the air, because the wall is included.
because pres trump is using the shutdown to negotiate with....
and that is a very very very bad thing to do and sets a very very very bad precedent for all presidents to come.....

It's like he stole a wallet or your coat or whatever, and then claims by him giving the very wallet or coat back that he stole, is his part of the compromise...

that's just bull crud.

Congress... according to our constitution has the power of the purse and the power to legislate on behalf of us, we the people.... not the president....?

This is very bad for our Nation's future....
Nonsense. The President has been trying to negotiate with the Democrats since the first day in office and they have consistently refused, just as they are refusing to negotiate over the spending bill now, and it is this refusal that is the cause of the shutdown. The only reason the Democrats oppose the smart fence on our border is that the President wants it because lacking an affirmative agenda for America, the only thing holding the Democratic Party together is hatred for Republicans.

You might as well be saying "doodieheads" for reality that epithet has

You democrats follow the ideals, principles and policies of Joseph Stalin.

You are Stalinists, that is just simple fact.
If that were remotely true, you’d have to be against a wall because Dems would be for it.

Your entire world view is build on bullshit. If you ever realize that, I fear you will harm yourself due to embarrassment.


democrats are a Stalinist party. You seek the complete eradication of civil rights, using group privilege instead. Freedom of speech? Look to any public University Campus to see how you Bolshevik pigs have treated that. Freedom of religion, Bake the Cake Christian. Freedom of the press? Barack Mugabe Obama put 19 journalists in prison for writing unflattering articles, Trump has never jailed anyone.

You Communist scum are frauds. Anyone who wants to know the end game of the democrats need only look and North Korea or Venezuela

You are awesome. Better check that blood pressure.

Did you use both of your brain cells to come up with that? :dunno:

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