Trump's compromise solution seems reasonable. Why are Democrats opposing this?

Simply put, they oppose it because it is Trump's plan,
Remember they rejected it even before he made it public
Democrats will have to explain to the American people why they won't agree to Trump's reasonable plan.
Tiny Donnie gets rid if DACA...courts bring it, what exactly is tiny donnie bringing new to the table?
Not only that...but The Orange Blotus has agreed to a DACA fix in the past and why would that be a bargaining chip NOW?

Trump can't be trusted. His ACTIONS are all that matters. Any promise he makes is worthless.

Just open the damn government and THEN we can talk
Democrats will have to explain to the American people why they won't agree to Trump's reasonable plan.
Tiny Donnie gets rid if DACA...courts bring it, what exactly is tiny donnie bringing new to the table?
It is a compromise. In last year's SOTU address, the President offered to give the dreamers and 1,000,000 other illegals paths to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion to keep our borders safe, and the Democrats said to hell with the dreamers, so now he has reduced his funding demands and offered an additional three years to negotiate the rest of the funding in exchange for paths to citizenship for all these illegals the Democrats claim (falsely?) to care about. Since the Democrats seem to care about nothing but saying, no, to the President, the Democrats will keep the shutdown going for the foreseeable future.
Why doesn't Pelosi want to negotiate?

Today, he offered EVERYTHING the Democrats claim they want, yet Pelosi said NO before he ever went on the air, because the wall is included.
because pres trump is using the shutdown to negotiate with....
and that is a very very very bad thing to do and sets a very very very bad precedent for all presidents to come.....

It's like he stole a wallet or your coat or whatever, and then claims by him giving the very wallet or coat back that he stole, is his part of the compromise...

that's just bull crud.

Congress... according to our constitution has the power of the purse and the power to legislate on behalf of us, we the people.... not the president....?

This is very bad for our Nation's future....
And even worse...the thief is claiming that AFTER you pay the ransom...THEN he'll give the coat back (maybe).

Meantime the coat is in the Police evidence locker
Democrats will have to explain to the American people why they won't agree to Trump's reasonable plan.
Tiny Donnie gets rid if DACA...courts bring it, what exactly is tiny donnie bringing new to the table?
It is a compromise. In last year's SOTU address, the President offered to give the dreamers and 1,000,000 other illegals paths to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion to keep our borders safe, and the Democrats said to hell with the dreamers, so now he has reduced his funding demands and offered an additional three years to negotiate the rest of the funding in exchange for paths to citizenship for all these illegals the Democrats claim (falsely?) to care about. Since the Democrats seem to care about nothing but saying, no, to the President, the Democrats will keep the shutdown going for the foreseeable future.
Dude...President Coulter has already killed this "deal".

It's a fantasy.
Democrats will have to explain to the American people why they won't agree to Trump's reasonable plan.
Tiny Donnie gets rid if DACA...courts bring it, what exactly is tiny donnie bringing new to the table?
It is a compromise. In last year's SOTU address, the President offered to give the dreamers and 1,000,000 other illegals paths to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion to keep our borders safe, and the Democrats said to hell with the dreamers, so now he has reduced his funding demands and offered an additional three years to negotiate the rest of the funding in exchange for paths to citizenship for all these illegals the Democrats claim (falsely?) to care about. Since the Democrats seem to care about nothing but saying, no, to the President, the Democrats will keep the shutdown going for the foreseeable future.
Dude...President Coulter has already killed this "deal".

It's a fantasy.
This is you trying to be clever?
Democrats will have to explain to the American people why they won't agree to Trump's reasonable plan.
Tiny Donnie gets rid if DACA...courts bring it, what exactly is tiny donnie bringing new to the table?
It is a compromise. In last year's SOTU address, the President offered to give the dreamers and 1,000,000 other illegals paths to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion to keep our borders safe, and the Democrats said to hell with the dreamers, so now he has reduced his funding demands and offered an additional three years to negotiate the rest of the funding in exchange for paths to citizenship for all these illegals the Democrats claim (falsely?) to care about. Since the Democrats seem to care about nothing but saying, no, to the President, the Democrats will keep the shutdown going for the foreseeable future.
Dude...President Coulter has already killed this "deal".

It's a fantasy.

It's me pointing out the facts
Awwww. He's so reasonably promising to let the hostages go if he gets what he wants.

What a guy!
But really, what's the problem?

We don't negotiate with hostage takers.

Sorry. Pass the CR and then we can talk about $$ for border security.

But you are a moron so this won't make sense to you.
No, actually they know what will happen, which is why they dont. If a cr is passed, border wall funding will never be discussed
The American people who saw Trump's announcement are going to think, Trump is being reasonable, what's the problem Democrats?

You don't speak for the American people...they do.

We will see what they think.
You think the Democrats in Congress speak for the American people, but Trump doesn't? That's odd. Trump was elected by the American people.
A nearly all white minority of the American people.
Democrats will have to explain to the American people why they won't agree to Trump's reasonable plan.

Are you serious?

The DACA/TPS stuff is all temporary, 3 years....big deal.

The rest is okay (to me)...but the DACA/TPS 'compromise' is a joke.

This is PR...little else.
Well, perhaps Democrats should come to the negotiation table and attempt to negotiate a better deal.

Trump tried to do that, held a meeting to negotiate with Congress, and Democrats refused to attend.

Refusing to attend a meeting is not a reasonable thing to do.
It will never happen because any proposal by the dems will never include money for the wall. This is a game of attrition. Who will cave first? Dems or repubs?
Awwww. He's so reasonably promising to let the hostages go if he gets what he wants.

What a guy!
But really, what's the problem?

We don't negotiate with hostage takers.

Sorry. Pass the CR and then we can talk about $$ for border security.

But you are a moron so this won't make sense to you.
No, actually they know what will happen, which is why they dont. If a cr is passed, border wall funding will never be discussed
Be a shame to have to sell the wall purely on it's merits.
If Democrats really care about those poor government workers who aren't getting paid, then they should be willing to meet Trump halfway.

Sure. Democrats will agree to match every dollar that Mexico pays for the wall.
That isn't happening, just like "like your doctor, keep your doctor", and "shovel ready jobs".

It was a failed campaign promise, like every single other presidential candidate does. So, let's move past that and talk about the real issues.
Why Republicans think taking hostages is a good negotiation tactic is beyond me.

We don’t do it with terrorists, why should we do it with Republicans?

They already tried the same tactic when they took millions of American children who are disabled hostage which even Mitch McConnell was proud to boast about in at one of my previous posts which I put a link to to his tweet.

The tweet said the Democrats had a choice between DACA and disabled children. Republicans would only support one. Democrats you choose.

A tactic right out of the Al Qaeda playbook.

Republicans get mad when people call them despicable and deplorable. But what word would you use to describe their tactics and their politics?
If Democrats really care about those poor government workers who aren't getting paid, then they should be willing to meet Trump halfway.

Sure. Democrats will agree to match every dollar that Mexico pays for the wall.
That isn't happening, just like "like your doctor, keep your doctor", and "shovel ready jobs".

It was a failed campaign promise, like every single other presidential candidate does. So, let's move past that and talk about the real issues.
Except I was able to keep my doctor. The only time you couldn’t keep the doctor was when the policy didn’t meet minimum standards. Only Republicans applaud crud, only Republicans demand the worst.
Once again, I believe it has to do with a lack of education.
The American people who saw Trump's announcement are going to think, Trump is being reasonable, what's the problem Democrats?

You don't speak for the American people...they do.

We will see what they think.
You think the Democrats in Congress speak for the American people, but Trump doesn't? That's odd. Trump was elected by the American people.
A nearly all white minority of the American people.

LOL, no he was duly elected as specified by The Constitution of the United States.
Trump's compromise solution seems reasonable. Why are Democrats opposing this?

Dem's never intended to compromise on border security, they don't want the border secured. They do want to GIFT amnesty and the right to vote in OUR elections to millions of illegals. Dem's dream is to confiscate the money I earned and use it to purchase votes from illegals.

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