Trump's compromise solution seems reasonable. Why are Democrats opposing this?

although i'll agree, granting citizenship to illegal aliens makes a wall pointless
Congress is denying him his SOTU addy , because the gub'mit is shut down
A deal's a deal....and this is Trump's deal.....he said so himself.

I applade Pelsoi for standing up to him , and your going to see his own contingency do the same the longer Trump keeps the gub'mit shut down

Millions of fed workers will not vote for him again

and that's just the tip 'o the trump shutdown iceberg

Alternative plan instead of a wall

more money for Coast Guard equipment and personnel to intercept maritime drug shipments

Better technology to scan vehicles legally crossing the border to detect illegal drugs

Reconfiguration of border crossings to make them more secure

Funds for additional personnel to police them

What is the problem with the above sugguestions
Why doesn't Pelosi want to negotiate?

Today, he offered EVERYTHING the Democrats claim they want, yet Pelosi said NO before he ever went on the air, because the wall is included.
because pres trump is using the shutdown to negotiate with....
and that is a very very very bad thing to do and sets a very very very bad precedent for all presidents to come.....

It's like he stole a wallet or your coat or whatever, and then claims by him giving the very wallet or coat back that he stole, is his part of the compromise...

that's just bull crud.

Congress... according to our constitution has the power of the purse and the power to legislate on behalf of us, we the people.... not the president....?

This is very bad for our Nation's future....

because pres trump is using the shutdown to negotiate with....

at least he is trying to negotiate.

as opposed to Nancy.

you don't start negotiations with a flat "NO", or, "That's a non-starter".

possibly, 'we can discuss that', 'we'll take that under consideration', etc.

She's not even trying to negotiate, and the longer this goes on, the more culpable she is.
Meanwhile back in reality... the national debt continues to grow; now over a trillion dollars a year.
Because of high spending, but contrary to the doomsday forecasts about the tax cut, federal tax revenues have increased, not decreased, because of the tax cuts and tariffs.

Total horseshit. Revenues are way down from expected growth baseline.

Revenues are down down dow
Total bullshit.

Critics of the Trump tax cuts said they would blow a hole in the deficit. Yet individual income taxes climbed 6% in the just-ended fiscal year 2018, as the economy grew faster and created more jobs than expected.

The Treasury Department reported this week that individual income tax collections for FY 2018 totaled $1.7 trillion. That's up $14 billion from fiscal 2017, and an all-time high. And that's despite the fact that individual income tax rates got a significant cut this year as part of President Donald Trump's tax reform plan."

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

FY 2018 started in the middle of 2017, why the hell would you do that to look at the effect of a tax cut that went to effect in 2018? ...unless of course you are a politico at IBR looking to fool people about tax-cuts.

Further, in April last year’s taxes are settled, so again, have to exclude that.

Finally you have to adjust nominal revenues by about 4% to account for inflation and normal economic growth.

Larry Summers of the Trump administration promised tax-cuts to pay for themselves because they would cause GDP growth to jump to 4-5% a year, which is of course nowhere in sight and we’ll be lucky if 2018 clears 3% bar. 2019 forecast consensus remains at 2%.

Now sit your ignorant ass down, stop reading right winger bullshit and eat your expensive and totally unpaid-for tax-cut lunch
I understand that as a Democrat the fact that a tax cut would increase federal tax revenues is unsettling to you, but the facts are the facts, and it is probably time for you to question your political faith and start to respect the facts.

I explain to you how comparative receipts are calculated and why your links are bullshit, while you respond with repetition of the same already fully refuted bullshit like the mindless little right winger parrot you are...and then you accuse ME of fact denying parisanship?

Ha! Rich irony over here.

Go ahead and refute a single word of what I said re. revenues being down from where they should be, otherwise put that tail between your legs and run along.
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Why doesn't Pelosi want to negotiate?

Today, he offered EVERYTHING the Democrats claim they want, yet Pelosi said NO before he ever went on the air, because the wall is included.
because pres trump is using the shutdown to negotiate with....
and that is a very very very bad thing to do and sets a very very very bad precedent for all presidents to come.....

It's like he stole a wallet or your coat or whatever, and then claims by him giving the very wallet or coat back that he stole, is his part of the compromise...

that's just bull crud.

Congress... according to our constitution has the power of the purse and the power to legislate on behalf of us, we the people.... not the president....?

This is very bad for our Nation's future....
Nonsense. The President has been trying to negotiate with the Democrats since the first day in office and they have consistently refused, just as they are refusing to negotiate over the spending bill now, and it is this refusal that is the cause of the shutdown. The only reason the Democrats oppose the smart fence on our border is that the President wants it because lacking an affirmative agenda for America, the only thing holding the Democratic Party together is hatred for Republicans.
I know you would like to believe what you just spouted....

but it is utter bull crud....

he has given up nothing that he didn't steal first.... that's not negotiating in any kind of good faith....

the shut down is all his and has nothing to do with negotiating over how much should be spent on additional fencing added to the 700 miles of it just finished... and how much to spend on more border patrol or better technologies and scanners at out border crossings to catch where most of the drugs come in....

he and his admin has given NO PROPOSAL for a comprehensive border security plan that congress can review and make judgements on...

shutting down the government by a president so he can force congress to give the cry baby what he wants is simply unacceptable and is simply a move to try to take away congress's constitutional power and hand it over to the president....


can you even imagine if Obama shut down the government and kept it shut down, hurting all Americans and our national security, until the Republican majority passed legislation to make all 11 million illegals, American citizens....?

Trump is trying to make the presidency a Kingship, for himself and all future presidencies which DESTROYS our Democratic Republic, our founders created.

Pelosi is a HERO, by standing up to his destruction of what the founders created....

the shut down should not even be a part of these negotiations on the wall, PERIOD.
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Why doesn't Pelosi want to negotiate?

Today, he offered EVERYTHING the Democrats claim they want, yet Pelosi said NO before he ever went on the air, because the wall is included.
because pres trump is using the shutdown to negotiate with....
and that is a very very very bad thing to do and sets a very very very bad precedent for all presidents to come.....

It's like he stole a wallet or your coat or whatever, and then claims by him giving the very wallet or coat back that he stole, is his part of the compromise...

that's just bull crud.

Congress... according to our constitution has the power of the purse and the power to legislate on behalf of us, we the people.... not the president....?

This is very bad for our Nation's future....
Nonsense. The President has been trying to negotiate with the Democrats since the first day in office and they have consistently refused, just as they are refusing to negotiate over the spending bill now, and it is this refusal that is the cause of the shutdown. The only reason the Democrats oppose the smart fence on our border is that the President wants it because lacking an affirmative agenda for America, the only thing holding the Democratic Party together is hatred for Republicans.
I know you would like to believe what you just spouted....

but it is utter bull crud....

he has given up nothing that he didn't steal first.... that's not negotiating in any kind of good faith....

the shut down is all his and has nothing to do with negotiating over how much should be spent on additional fencing added to the 700 miles of it just finished... and how much to spend on more border patrol or better technologies and scanners at out border crossings to catch where most of the drugs come in....

he and his admin has given NO PROPOSAL for a comprehensive border security plan that congress can review and make judgements on...

shutting down the government by a president so he can force congress to give te cry baby what he wants is simply unacceptable and is simply a move to try to take away congress's constitutional power and hand it over to the president....


can you even imagine if Obama shut down the government and kept it shut down, hurting all Americans and our national security, until the Republican majority passed legislation to make all 11 million illegals, American citizens....?

Trump is trying to make the presidency a Kingship, for himself and all future presidencies which DESTROYS our Democratic Republic, our founders created.

Pelosi is a HERO, by standing up to his destruction of what the founders created....

the shut down should not even be a part of these negotiations on the wall, PERIOD.

Uh...Barry DID shut it down and the Pubs (as usual) capitulated.
Why doesn't Pelosi want to negotiate?

Today, he offered EVERYTHING the Democrats claim they want, yet Pelosi said NO before he ever went on the air, because the wall is included.
because pres trump is using the shutdown to negotiate with....
and that is a very very very bad thing to do and sets a very very very bad precedent for all presidents to come.....

It's like he stole a wallet or your coat or whatever, and then claims by him giving the very wallet or coat back that he stole, is his part of the compromise...

that's just bull crud.

Congress... according to our constitution has the power of the purse and the power to legislate on behalf of us, we the people.... not the president....?

This is very bad for our Nation's future....
Nonsense. The President has been trying to negotiate with the Democrats since the first day in office and they have consistently refused, just as they are refusing to negotiate over the spending bill now, and it is this refusal that is the cause of the shutdown. The only reason the Democrats oppose the smart fence on our border is that the President wants it because lacking an affirmative agenda for America, the only thing holding the Democratic Party together is hatred for Republicans.
I know you would like to believe what you just spouted....

but it is utter bull crud....

he has given up nothing that he didn't steal first.... that's not negotiating in any kind of good faith....

the shut down is all his and has nothing to do with negotiating over how much should be spent on additional fencing added to the 700 miles of it just finished... and how much to spend on more border patrol or better technologies and scanners at out border crossings to catch where most of the drugs come in....

he and his admin has given NO PROPOSAL for a comprehensive border security plan that congress can review and make judgements on...

shutting down the government by a president so he can force congress to give te cry baby what he wants is simply unacceptable and is simply a move to try to take away congress's constitutional power and hand it over to the president....


can you even imagine if Obama shut down the government and kept it shut down, hurting all Americans and our national security, until the Republican majority passed legislation to make all 11 million illegals, American citizens....?

Trump is trying to make the presidency a Kingship, for himself and all future presidencies which DESTROYS our Democratic Republic, our founders created.

Pelosi is a HERO, by standing up to his destruction of what the founders created....

the shut down should not even be a part of these negotiations on the wall, PERIOD.

the shut down should not even be a part of these negotiations on the wall, PERIOD.

Tell Pelosi that
If Democrats really care about those poor government workers who aren't getting paid, then they should be willing to meet Trump halfway.

Sure. Democrats will agree to match every dollar that Mexico pays for the wall.
That isn't happening, just like "like your doctor, keep your doctor", and "shovel ready jobs".

It was a failed campaign promise, like every single other presidential candidate does. So, let's move past that and talk about the real issues.

I was able to keep my doctor.

The real issue is that Donald Trump won't take anything other than a wall. There isn't much room to negotiate when he takes a position like that.

We can send 5.7 billion dollars to fund additional border security measures to prevent border crossings. But if it doesn't include a wall, he's not having it.
Awwww. He's so reasonably promising to let the hostages go if he gets what he wants.

What a guy!
But really, what's the problem?

I personally will never agree to concentrated wealth and power walling me into a society this dysfunctional and hateful, with a history of slaughter and economic exploitation, with militarized police departments occupying america’s internal colonies, with the most expansive and for profit prison/incarceration/slave labor/for profit internment camp apparatus ever known to humanity, with a global militarist occupational footprint not for defense; but for the economic plunder of others. It would behoove us all to review the history of this power structure. And of what happened to those it came to see as in the way of it's progress or no longer necessary.
If Democrats really care about those poor government workers who aren't getting paid, then they should be willing to meet Trump halfway.

Sure. Democrats will agree to match every dollar that Mexico pays for the wall.
That isn't happening, just like "like your doctor, keep your doctor", and "shovel ready jobs".

It was a failed campaign promise, like every single other presidential candidate does. So, let's move past that and talk about the real issues.

I was able to keep my doctor.

The real issue is that Donald Trump won't take anything other than a wall. There isn't much room to negotiate when he takes a position like that.

We can send 5.7 billion dollars to fund additional border security measures to prevent border crossings. But if it doesn't include a wall, he's not having it.
Don had 2 years with majorities in both houses. Just another Don ruse and the Pavlovian salivation flows.
Why doesn't Pelosi want to negotiate?

Today, he offered EVERYTHING the Democrats claim they want, yet Pelosi said NO before he ever went on the air, because the wall is included.
because pres trump is using the shutdown to negotiate with....
and that is a very very very bad thing to do and sets a very very very bad precedent for all presidents to come.....

It's like he stole a wallet or your coat or whatever, and then claims by him giving the very wallet or coat back that he stole, is his part of the compromise...

that's just bull crud.

Congress... according to our constitution has the power of the purse and the power to legislate on behalf of us, we the people.... not the president....?

This is very bad for our Nation's future....
Nonsense. The President has been trying to negotiate with the Democrats since the first day in office and they have consistently refused, just as they are refusing to negotiate over the spending bill now, and it is this refusal that is the cause of the shutdown. The only reason the Democrats oppose the smart fence on our border is that the President wants it because lacking an affirmative agenda for America, the only thing holding the Democratic Party together is hatred for Republicans.
I know you would like to believe what you just spouted....

but it is utter bull crud....

he has given up nothing that he didn't steal first.... that's not negotiating in any kind of good faith....

the shut down is all his and has nothing to do with negotiating over how much should be spent on additional fencing added to the 700 miles of it just finished... and how much to spend on more border patrol or better technologies and scanners at out border crossings to catch where most of the drugs come in....

he and his admin has given NO PROPOSAL for a comprehensive border security plan that congress can review and make judgements on...

shutting down the government by a president so he can force congress to give te cry baby what he wants is simply unacceptable and is simply a move to try to take away congress's constitutional power and hand it over to the president....


can you even imagine if Obama shut down the government and kept it shut down, hurting all Americans and our national security, until the Republican majority passed legislation to make all 11 million illegals, American citizens....?

Trump is trying to make the presidency a Kingship, for himself and all future presidencies which DESTROYS our Democratic Republic, our founders created.

Pelosi is a HERO, by standing up to his destruction of what the founders created....

the shut down should not even be a part of these negotiations on the wall, PERIOD.

the shut down should not even be a part of these negotiations on the wall, PERIOD.

Tell Pelosi that
Awwww. He's so reasonably promising to let the hostages go if he gets what he wants.

What a guy!
But really, what's the problem?

We don't negotiate with hostage takers.

Sorry. Pass the CR and then we can talk about $$ for border security.

But you are a moron so this won't make sense to you.
No, actually they know what will happen, which is why they dont. If a cr is passed, border wall funding will never be discussed

True. There will be no wall. There can and will be border security. It won’t be in the form of a wall.
1. They aren’t hostages liar.
2. Democrats always reneg in promises. No CR without the wall.
3. But you’re a moron and you think your bull shit makes sense.

Trump promised Mexico will pay for the wall. Tomorrow will be 2 years. How much have we gotten from Mexico so far?

Who cares, that isn’t what this is about.

It speaks to the “Democrats always renew on promises”. Trump promised Mexico is paying. He wasn’t lying….was he?

Promises made in deals across the isle. Learn to read.

Since you admit he lied about Mexico...why should the Democrats believe he’ll hold up his end of the bargain?

Learn to read moron, I did no such thing.
[And yours are those of Hitler and Nazism.

Gee that's fun huh?


You're dumb as a cat turd, but less pleasant to be around.

Look moron, your party is waging war on the freedom of speech. Prominent Marxists from the traitor mal-educators in our colleges to Senators and Congress scum have demanded the end of free speech.

You filthy scum Stalinists do all you can to end freedom of religion - BAKE THE CAKE CHRISTIAN.

Robert Mugabe Obama put 19 Reporters in prison in his war on a free press. You hypocrite scum howl when Jim the Accoster has his white house privilege pulled, but didn't say a word about Obama putting James Rosen in prison for reporting negative stories about his criminal regime.

You filthy pigs attack the freedom to assemble, with your brown shirts (ANTIFA) rioting and assaulting those who dare think or say things the party doesn't like for daring to set foot in public. We say you evil scum attacking people in restaurants, burning down Berkeley.

So stupid fuck, let's talk about economics - which would be easier had you completed 2nd grade. But we will would with what we have. The democrat party openly promotes the state control of the means of production. Now you're both uneducated and stupid, so you don't grasp what that means. But government control of the means of production is the definition of "socialism." You are a socialist/Communist party. The party used to lie about this fact, but now is open about it.

So, you follow a party that is autocratic and crushes civil liberty at every turn, which seeks a socialist economy under the rule of an empowered elite,

Again, you lack any semblance of education, you've not read anything beyond Dr. Seuss, but for the lurkers who made it past your level of second grade, does that sound like Jefferson or Madison? :lol: it is strait out of Joseph Stalin.

You traitor scum democrats are a Stalinist party, simple fact

As for your idiocy that I am a national socialist, let's check your premise, dumbfuck.

I am an avid capitalist. My Doctorate is in supply chain management with an emphasis lean production methods. I also have an MBA - neither of which are exactly conducive to socialist ideology. I am an avid supporter of Israel. Nazis tend to be anti-Semites like the democrats are.

You're an idiot, utterly stupid.
Trump promised Mexico will pay for the wall. Tomorrow will be 2 years. How much have we gotten from Mexico so far?

Who cares, that isn’t what this is about.

It speaks to the “Democrats always renew on promises”. Trump promised Mexico is paying. He wasn’t lying….was he?

Promises made in deals across the isle. Learn to read.

Since you admit he lied about Mexico...why should the Democrats believe he’ll hold up his end of the bargain?

Learn to read moron, I did no such thing.

Ok where’s the check from Mexico?

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