Trump's Deutsche Bank loan leak foreshadows coming investigations

Sorry...I was giving you credit for having morals/ethics. My mistake.
Excuse you asshole... I am commenting on the actions of others, not my own actions. I was never under the delusion that our interest is purely humanitarian. That doesn't speak to my ethics or morals at all. It also appears to be in full agreement with you. So stop being stupid.

I am no neocon...I am explaining the situation, not excusing it. You really need to settle down. No matter what you or anyone else had for breakfast, the facts of the situation are what they are. And they must be accounted for. And we can lament the quasi imperial efforts of our own country to impose our will on others all day, but the facts will remain:

Venezuela is in a state of crisis because its president held an illegal election and undermined its Constitution and democracy.
There was no election and he inserted himself into the situation on our behalf.
That's not accurate. There was a sham election, in which opposition candidates were banned from running. And Guaido is the highest democratically elected official in the country, not some arbitrary American shill. Your bombastic language discredits you,especially when it is on shaky factual ground.

Oh come on now.

Millions of people are starving to death in Yemen. Trump doesn't care about that.
Myanmar is a political mess...with the Rohingya getting cut down by the hundreds. Trump says little (if anything).
There are a bunch of countries in Africa with VERY iffy elections. Trump doesn't mention those (being shit hole countries, I guess).

The world (and the MSM) care about Venezuela for one reason...OIL.

There are LOTS of countries with FAR more corruption in the world. But NONE of them have the oil reserves of Venezuela.

If you seriously think the West's concern for Venezuela is humanitarian are STAGGERINGLY naive.

Have a nice day.
I didn't claim it was humanaitarian based. Nor did I imply it. What in the world are you responding to....
Sorry...I was giving you credit for having morals/ethics on this. My mistake.

Our interest there is OUR economic interest. Yes I understand that. Frankly, there are not many things more worth getting involved over than oil. All of our economy, society, and security depends on it. You can love or hate that fact, but it is, indeed, a fact.


America imports less than 6% of it's oil from Venezuela. She does not need Venezuela's oil AT ALL. Canada - for one - could (and would) EASILY make up the shortfall.

U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports

This is NOTHING to do with America's economy.

This is strictly that the neocons around the world see an opportunity to put a puppet leader (who is indebted to them) in power in Venezuela.

This is immoral, disgusting and against EVERY, international law. You cannot - in any way - directly try to undermine another countries elections.

Besides, every - and I mean EVERY - time neocons have meddled in other countries for selfish goals? It has ALWAYS ended badly (one way or another).

Now since you have shown that you are a neocon through and through AND you obviously don't give a crap about history or morals (on this or international law) AND since you are a hypocrite on this (because I am positive you would be freaking if Russia/China tried to directly and openly intervene in American elections (with a military threat to boot - but you seem fine with the reverse)...there is no point in further discussion with you on this.

Have a nice day.

America's historical record on living up to its treaties makes it pure folly for america to ever call anyone else out on not honoring a treaty or international law. We brutally rape that stuff as a matter of course.
There was no election and he inserted himself into the situation on our behalf.
That's not accurate. There was a sham election, in which opposition candidates were banned from running. And Guaido is the highest democratically elected official in the country, not some arbitrary American shill. Your bombastic language discredits you,especially when it is on shaky factual ground.

Oh come on now.

Millions of people are starving to death in Yemen. Trump doesn't care about that.
Myanmar is a political mess...with the Rohingya getting cut down by the hundreds. Trump says little (if anything).
There are a bunch of countries in Africa with VERY iffy elections. Trump doesn't mention those (being shit hole countries, I guess).

The world (and the MSM) care about Venezuela for one reason...OIL.

There are LOTS of countries with FAR more corruption in the world. But NONE of them have the oil reserves of Venezuela.

If you seriously think the West's concern for Venezuela is humanitarian are STAGGERINGLY naive.

Have a nice day.
I didn't claim it was humanaitarian based. Nor did I imply it. What in the world are you responding to....
Sorry...I was giving you credit for having morals/ethics on this. My mistake.

Our interest there is OUR economic interest. Yes I understand that. Frankly, there are not many things more worth getting involved over than oil. All of our economy, society, and security depends on it. You can love or hate that fact, but it is, indeed, a fact.


America imports less than 6% of it's oil from Venezuela. She does not need Venezuela's oil AT ALL. Canada - for one - could (and would) EASILY make up the shortfall.

U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports

This is NOTHING to do with America's economy.

This is strictly that the neocons around the world see an opportunity to put a puppet leader (who is indebted to them) in power in Venezuela.

This is immoral, disgusting and against EVERY, international law. You cannot - in any way - directly try to undermine another countries elections.

Besides, every - and I mean EVERY - time neocons have meddled in other countries for selfish goals? It has ALWAYS ended badly (one way or another).

Now since you have shown that you are a neocon through and through AND you obviously don't give a crap about history or morals (on this or international law) AND since you are a hypocrite on this (because I am positive you would be freaking if Russia/China tried to directly and openly intervene in American elections (with a military threat to boot - but you seem fine with the reverse)...there is no point in further discussion with you on this.

Have a nice day.

America's historical record on living up to its treaties makes it pure folly for america to ever call anyone else out on not honoring a treaty or international law. We brutally rape that stuff as a matter of course.
Okay, but we are going to anyway....especially when the facts align with our narrative...
There was no election and he inserted himself into the situation on our behalf.
That's not accurate. There was a sham election, in which opposition candidates were banned from running. And Guaido is the highest democratically elected official in the country, not some arbitrary American shill. Your bombastic language discredits you,especially when it is on shaky factual ground.

Oh come on now.

Millions of people are starving to death in Yemen. Trump doesn't care about that.
Myanmar is a political mess...with the Rohingya getting cut down by the hundreds. Trump says little (if anything).
There are a bunch of countries in Africa with VERY iffy elections. Trump doesn't mention those (being shit hole countries, I guess).

The world (and the MSM) care about Venezuela for one reason...OIL.

There are LOTS of countries with FAR more corruption in the world. But NONE of them have the oil reserves of Venezuela.

If you seriously think the West's concern for Venezuela is humanitarian are STAGGERINGLY naive.

Have a nice day.
I didn't claim it was humanaitarian based. Nor did I imply it. What in the world are you responding to....
Sorry...I was giving you credit for having morals/ethics on this. My mistake.

Our interest there is OUR economic interest. Yes I understand that. Frankly, there are not many things more worth getting involved over than oil. All of our economy, society, and security depends on it. You can love or hate that fact, but it is, indeed, a fact.


America imports less than 6% of it's oil from Venezuela. She does not need Venezuela's oil AT ALL. Canada - for one - could (and would) EASILY make up the shortfall.

U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports

This is NOTHING to do with America's economy.

This is strictly that the neocons around the world see an opportunity to put a puppet leader (who is indebted to them) in power in Venezuela.

This is immoral, disgusting and against EVERY, international law. You cannot - in any way - directly try to undermine another countries elections.

Besides, every - and I mean EVERY - time neocons have meddled in other countries for selfish goals? It has ALWAYS ended badly (one way or another).

Now since you have shown that you are a neocon through and through AND you obviously don't give a crap about history or morals (on this or international law) AND since you are a hypocrite on this (because I am positive you would be freaking if Russia/China tried to directly and openly intervene in American elections (with a military threat to boot - but you seem fine with the reverse)...there is no point in further discussion with you on this.

Have a nice day.

America's historical record on living up to its treaties makes it pure folly for america to ever call anyone else out on not honoring a treaty or international law. We brutally rape that stuff as a matter of course.
America's biggest folly is believing that other nations would honor their end of the treaties. Your mother country (Russia) is the biggest
violator of honoring treaties.
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Sorry...I was giving you credit for having morals/ethics. My mistake.
Excuse you asshole... I am commenting on the actions of others, not my own actions. I was never under the delusion that our interest is purely humanitarian. That doesn't speak to my ethics or morals at all. It also appears to be in full agreement with you. So stop being stupid.

I am no neocon...I am explaining the situation, not excusing it. You really need to settle down. No matter what you or anyone else had for breakfast, the facts of the situation are what they are. And they must be accounted for. And we can lament the quasi imperial efforts of our own country to impose our will on others all day, but the facts will remain:

Venezuela is in a state of crisis because its president held an illegal election and undermined its Constitution and democracy.
We have been destabilizing and about the business of regime change ever since Chavez got in. No way around it. We're a corporate conglomerate empire with a military. We extract. Enjoy the blow back.
'In early 2016, with Donald Trump lending tens of millions of dollars to his presidential campaign, he sought a loan from Deutsche Bank, one of the few banks still willing to lend him money — and got turned down, the NY Times' David Enrich, Jesse Drucker and Ben Protess scoop.

Be smart: We're going to start to see more and more leaks — especially of the follow-the-money sort — from the 17 known investigations of Trump and Russia. Investigators and prosecutors will be sharing material that they may not be able to use in their cases, but that could be very useful to Democrats for congressional probes and even impeachment efforts.

  • "The failed loan request ... shows that he was actively engaged in running his business in the midst of the presidential campaign, and it is likely to attract scrutiny from Democrats on two House committees that are investigating his two-decade relationship with Deutsche Bank."
  • Among the concerns of senior officials at the bank "was that if Mr. Trump won the election and then defaulted, Deutsche Bank would have to choose between not collecting on the debt or seizing the assets of the president of the United States."'
Trump's Deutsche Bank loan leak foreshadows coming investigations from House Democrats


Besides the legal ramifications - the guy is supposedly worth $10 billion :)bsflag:) and he not only is getting a load to cover his campaign contributions...but got turned down.

Financially, Trump is CLEARLY full of it.
/----/ "The failed loan request ... shows that he was actively engaged in running his business in the midst of the presidential campaign."

And what is illegal about FAILING to get a loan?
What is illegal about having a relationship with a German bank?
And what is illegal about running a business while running for president?

And what is illegal about running a business while running for president?

Emoulants Clause for one makes it illegal

Otherwise, you have a point

If he HAD got the loan, it, like his other businesses would have been turned over to the son running his companys

Emoluments clause only applies to people in office, not people seeking office.

'In early 2016, with Donald Trump lending tens of millions of dollars to his presidential campaign, he sought a loan from Deutsche Bank, one of the few banks still willing to lend him money — and got turned down, the NY Times' David Enrich, Jesse Drucker and Ben Protess scoop.

Be smart: We're going to start to see more and more leaks — especially of the follow-the-money sort — from the 17 known investigations of Trump and Russia. Investigators and prosecutors will be sharing material that they may not be able to use in their cases, but that could be very useful to Democrats for congressional probes and even impeachment efforts.

  • "The failed loan request ... shows that he was actively engaged in running his business in the midst of the presidential campaign, and it is likely to attract scrutiny from Democrats on two House committees that are investigating his two-decade relationship with Deutsche Bank."
  • Among the concerns of senior officials at the bank "was that if Mr. Trump won the election and then defaulted, Deutsche Bank would have to choose between not collecting on the debt or seizing the assets of the president of the United States."'
Trump's Deutsche Bank loan leak foreshadows coming investigations from House Democrats


Besides the legal ramifications - the guy is supposedly worth $10 billion :)bsflag:) and he not only is getting a load to cover his campaign contributions...but got turned down.

Financially, Trump is CLEARLY full of it.
/----/ "The failed loan request ... shows that he was actively engaged in running his business in the midst of the presidential campaign."

And what is illegal about FAILING to get a loan?
What is illegal about having a relationship with a German bank?
And what is illegal about running a business while running for president?

Exactly. No need to wonder why US banks won't go near the quintessential bidnitman.

You are talking about making him less effective by depriving him the support he deserves to do a good job for US.

From "The Caine Mutiny."

Lt. Barney Greenwald: Tell me, Steve, after the Yellowstain business, Queeg came to you guys for help and you turned him down, didn't you?
Lt. Steve Maryk: [hesitant] Yes, we did.
Lt. Barney Greenwald: [to Paynter] You didn't approve of his conduct as an officer. He wasn't worthy of your loyalty. So you turned on him. You ragged him. You made up songs about him. If you'd given Queeg the loyalty he needed, do you suppose the whole issue would have come up in the typhoon?
[to Maryk]
Lt. Barney Greenwald: You're an honest man, Steve, I'm asking you. You think it would've been necessary for you to take over?
Lt. Steve Maryk: [hesitant] It probably wouldn't have been necessary.
Lt. Barney Greenwald: [muttering slightly] Yeah.
Ensign Willie Keith: If that's true, then we *were* guilty.
Lt. Barney Greenwald: Ah, you're learning, Willie!

You're learning that you don't work with a captain because you like the way he parts his hair. You work with him because he's got the job or you're no good!
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Sorry...I was giving you credit for having morals/ethics. My mistake.
Excuse you asshole... I am commenting on the actions of others, not my own actions. I was never under the delusion that our interest is purely humanitarian. That doesn't speak to my ethics or morals at all. It also appears to be in full agreement with you. So stop being stupid.

I am no neocon...I am explaining the situation, not excusing it. You really need to settle down. No matter what you or anyone else had for breakfast, the facts of the situation are what they are. And they must be accounted for. And we can lament the quasi imperial efforts of our own country to impose our will on others all day, but the facts will remain:

Venezuela is in a state of crisis because its president held an illegal election and undermined its Constitution and democracy.
We have been destabilizing and about the business of regime change ever since Chavez got in. No way around it. We're a corporate conglomerate empire with a military. We extract. Enjoy the blow back.

You are an enemy of America and you believe the US should allow bad regimes to prevail throughout the world.

We feel that it is better to stop them early to prevent much costlier and far more deadly wars to stop them from victimizing the people.
More leftist loser talk. You’ve got squat and can’t stand that your lying piece of shit queen lost. Fuck off already.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL...guess again loser...I have NEVER voted for either a Dem OR a Rep. And I never will.

I am not the pathetic loser who blindly believes in a political candidate. Especially one as stupid as Trump. You got conned, mate.

Top 10 Reasons To Doubt Trump Is Even A Billionaire
Is Donald Trump Not Really a Billionaire?
Is Donald Trump Worth $3 Billion or $10 Billion?

Now why don't you provide factual, unbiased proof that Trump IS worth over $10 billion? Like, his tax returns?

You can't and you know it. You are like those pathetic God Club facts to go on...just a leap of faith. Pathetic.

Your messiah is a liar. And would be nothing if it were not for his rich Daddy.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.

BTW - Clinton won the popular vote. So in my book, she won.

Who gives a shit about "your book"? She lost using the same rules that govern all Prez elections. Time to put on your big boy pants.
More leftist loser talk. You’ve got squat and can’t stand that your lying piece of shit queen lost. Fuck off already.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL...guess again loser...I have NEVER voted for either a Dem OR a Rep. And I never will.

I am not the pathetic loser who blindly believes in a political candidate. Especially one as stupid as Trump. You got conned, mate.

Top 10 Reasons To Doubt Trump Is Even A Billionaire
Is Donald Trump Not Really a Billionaire?
Is Donald Trump Worth $3 Billion or $10 Billion?

Now why don't you provide factual, unbiased proof that Trump IS worth over $10 billion? Like, his tax returns?

You can't and you know it. You are like those pathetic God Club facts to go on...just a leap of faith. Pathetic.

Your messiah is a liar. And would be nothing if it were not for his rich Daddy.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.

BTW - Clinton won the popular vote. So in my book, she won.


There’s the book she won. Get the fuck out of my Republic with your illegal voters and vote manipulation. Your bitch tried to steal the election and the principles of our founding fathers stopped that wench. Keep crying scumbag.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk the ONLY bank even considering a loan to Trump (and one repeatedly sanctioned for involvement in money laundering) refused to bankroll the biggest Trump project of Trump's life (the Moscow Tower). And yet that project continued all the way through to the election.

How was Trump planning on financing it?


Did someone misread the thread title?

Venezuela is not part of this discussion
‘Among the concerns of senior officials at the bank "was that if Mr. Trump won the election and then defaulted, Deutsche Bank would have to choose between not collecting on the debt or seizing the assets of the president of the United States."' ibid

Yet another indicator that Trump never expected to win the election.

Trump assumed that his corruption and malfeasance would be forgotten or ignored after his defeat.
More leftist loser talk. You’ve got squat and can’t stand that your lying piece of shit queen lost. Fuck off already.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

This is a failed attempt to deflect – the thread is about Trump’s likely corruption, not Clinton.
'In early 2016, with Donald Trump lending tens of millions of dollars to his presidential campaign, he sought a loan from Deutsche Bank, one of the few banks still willing to lend him money — and got turned down, the NY Times' David Enrich, Jesse Drucker and Ben Protess scoop.

Be smart: We're going to start to see more and more leaks — especially of the follow-the-money sort — from the 17 known investigations of Trump and Russia. Investigators and prosecutors will be sharing material that they may not be able to use in their cases, but that could be very useful to Democrats for congressional probes and even impeachment efforts.

  • "The failed loan request ... shows that he was actively engaged in running his business in the midst of the presidential campaign, and it is likely to attract scrutiny from Democrats on two House committees that are investigating his two-decade relationship with Deutsche Bank."
  • Among the concerns of senior officials at the bank "was that if Mr. Trump won the election and then defaulted, Deutsche Bank would have to choose between not collecting on the debt or seizing the assets of the president of the United States."'
Trump's Deutsche Bank loan leak foreshadows coming investigations from House Democrats


Besides the possible legal ramifications - the guy is supposedly worth $10 billion :bsflag: and he not only is getting a loan to cover his campaign contributions...but got turned down.

Financially, Trump is CLEARLY full of it (in addition to all other facts that prove this).
Banks wont loan a billionaire money ? lol so they must know he is a conman.
You are an enemy of America and you believe the US should allow bad regimes to prevail throughout the world.

Like in the Philippines, North Korea,Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Syria??

Ya know...all of Trump's buddies?
More leftist loser talk. You’ve got squat and can’t stand that your lying piece of shit queen lost. Fuck off already.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LOL...guess again loser...I have NEVER voted for either a Dem OR a Rep. And I never will.

I am not the pathetic loser who blindly believes in a political candidate. Especially one as stupid as Trump. You got conned, mate.

Top 10 Reasons To Doubt Trump Is Even A Billionaire
Is Donald Trump Not Really a Billionaire?
Is Donald Trump Worth $3 Billion or $10 Billion?

Now why don't you provide factual, unbiased proof that Trump IS worth over $10 billion? Like, his tax returns?

You can't and you know it. You are like those pathetic God Club facts to go on...just a leap of faith. Pathetic.

Your messiah is a liar. And would be nothing if it were not for his rich Daddy.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.

BTW - Clinton won the popular vote. So in my book, she won.

You will never be a happy, well adjusted, law abiding citizen.

And if your side were to somehow win you would not be a good leader.

You dont respect rules. You tell us that when you dont respect the truth. The laws and rules.

They are for other people.

You are an enemy of America.
You are an enemy of America and you believe the US should allow bad regimes to prevail throughout the world.

Like in the Philippines, North Korea,Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Syria??

Ya know...all of Trump's buddies?

What harm has any of them done to the USA since DJT has been in command?

You dont care about that.
So without Deutsche was Trump going to find the money for his Moscow Tower project?

One of PUTIN'S banks maybe?
You are an enemy of America and you believe the US should allow bad regimes to prevail throughout the world.

Like in the Philippines, North Korea,Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Syria??

Ya know...all of Trump's buddies?

What harm has any of them done to the USA since DJT has been in command?

Hey dumbass...did you forget your own stupid post?

You are an enemy of America and you believe the US should allow bad regimes to prevail throughout the world.

YOU posted that stupid. Did it look different in cyrillic?

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