Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

It must be a great comfort to you to have such an active fantasy life as compensation for your lack of a real one.
Tantrum time already? Slow down dude, it's not even dinner time....

If you think that's a tantrum, you are more of a pussified snowflake than I thought was possible.
Of course it is a tantrum,you whiny sissy. When faced with a challenge, you curl up in the fetal position and bring out your adolescent ,whiny opinion of me and flame out. . And it is every time, with you. Put on your big boy pants.

You're a commie faggot that doesn't deserve to have such a real American as an avatar. He'd smack your commie ass silly.
And gay cowboy swoops in with the usual cult-induced tantrum. It's okay son, I have broad shoulders. Get it all out of your system.

Tantrum time already? Slow down dude, it's not even dinner time....

If you think that's a tantrum, you are more of a pussified snowflake than I thought was possible.
Of course it is a tantrum,you whiny sissy. When faced with a challenge, you curl up in the fetal position and bring out your adolescent ,whiny opinion of me and flame out. . And it is every time, with you. Put on your big boy pants.

You're a commie faggot that doesn't deserve to have such a real American as an avatar. He'd smack your commie ass silly.
And gay cowboy swoops in with the usual cult-induced tantrum. It's okay son, I have broad shoulders. Get it all out of your system.

I already had the last word. I argued why this rumor makes sense and is believable, and challenged you cultists to address those points. I prediteced every one of you would, instead, have an embarrassing little hissy fit. Spot on.
If you think that's a tantrum, you are more of a pussified snowflake than I thought was possible.
Of course it is a tantrum,you whiny sissy. When faced with a challenge, you curl up in the fetal position and bring out your adolescent ,whiny opinion of me and flame out. . And it is every time, with you. Put on your big boy pants.

You're a commie faggot that doesn't deserve to have such a real American as an avatar. He'd smack your commie ass silly.
And gay cowboy swoops in with the usual cult-induced tantrum. It's okay son, I have broad shoulders. Get it all out of your system.

I already had the last word. I argued why this rumor makes sense and is believable, and challenged you cultists to address those points. I prediteced every one of you would, instead, have an embarrassing little hissy fit. Spot on.

You are so silly.
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

Oh heavens to Betsy, will you folks ever learn not to run with these wild stories until the whole picture is known?

The linked article argues that Trump has been soft on Putin, which is simply false. Trump has been much tougher on Putin than Obama was. Trump has sold Georgia and Ukraine weapons, which Obama refused to do. Trump has slapped tariffs on Russian steel and other products. Trump has renewed many sanctions on Russia. Trump tried to get Germany to back out of the pipeline deal with Russia. Trump has refused to renew weapons treaties/agreements with Russia. And on and on we could go.
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

Oh heavens to Betsy, will you folks ever learn not to run with these wild stories until the whole picture is known?

The linked article argues that Trump has been soft on Putin, which is simply false. Trump has been much tougher on Putin than Obama was. Trump has sold Georgia and Ukraine weapons, which Obama refused to do. Trump has slapped tariffs on Russian steel and other products. Trump has renewed many sanctions on Russia. Trump tried to get Germany to back out of the pipeline deal with Russia. Trump has refused to renew weapons treaties/agreements with Russia. And on and on we could go.
Of course, in what the rest of us call "reality", Trump has been soft on Putin, and this, coupled wth his bizarre, suspect behavior toward putin, has caused current and former members of our intelligence community to wonder aloud if Trump is a Russian asset.
claim with no evidence does not need to be disproven.
Thank you,son. But i never said anyone had to prove anything. I invited people either to counter my argument or fashion an argument of their own in support of the negation of my conclusions.

These are adult, intellectual tasks that you simply do not have the tools to perform.
Gosh, you lie a lot.

Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that.
Sorry crybaby, that doesnt support your whiny lie.

But, speaking of proof: your cult leader could easily prove this rumor to be false by releasing just a few documents.
Yup, I called it.

"Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that."​

Turns out I was right on both counts.

Meanwhile, you could release documents disproving the rumor that you don't lick yogurt off of hobos' feet.

But you refuse to.
claim with no evidence does not need to be disproven.
Thank you,son. But i never said anyone had to prove anything. I invited people either to counter my argument or fashion an argument of their own in support of the negation of my conclusions.

These are adult, intellectual tasks that you simply do not have the tools to perform.
Gosh, you lie a lot.

Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that.
Sorry crybaby, that doesnt support your whiny lie.

But, speaking of proof: your cult leader could easily prove this rumor to be false by releasing just a few documents.
Yup, I called it.

"Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that."​

Turns out I was right on both counts.

Meanwhile, you could release documents disproving the rumor that you don't lick yogurt off of hobos' feet.

But you refuse to.
Sorry dummy, I didn't say that. Nothing is going to cure your constant tantrum anyway.
Tantrum time already? Slow down dude, it's not even dinner time....

If you think that's a tantrum, you are more of a pussified snowflake than I thought was possible.
Of course it is a tantrum,you whiny sissy. When faced with a challenge, you curl up in the fetal position and bring out your adolescent ,whiny opinion of me and flame out. . And it is every time, with you. Put on your big boy pants.

You're a commie faggot that doesn't deserve to have such a real American as an avatar. He'd smack your commie ass silly.
And gay cowboy swoops in with the usual cult-induced tantrum. It's okay son, I have broad shoulders. Get it all out of your system.
Hey, just as an aside, what's wrong with being gay? I see leftists using homosexuality as an insult all the time. So what's wrong with it?
Hey, Indy, you chicken-shittedly pretended this question doesn't exist.

So, not only are you a liar, but your're a cowardly homophobe, too.

Yup, typical leftist.
claim with no evidence does not need to be disproven.
Thank you,son. But i never said anyone had to prove anything. I invited people either to counter my argument or fashion an argument of their own in support of the negation of my conclusions.

These are adult, intellectual tasks that you simply do not have the tools to perform.
Gosh, you lie a lot.

Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that.
Sorry crybaby, that doesnt support your whiny lie.

But, speaking of proof: your cult leader could easily prove this rumor to be false by releasing just a few documents.
Yup, I called it.

"Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that."​

Turns out I was right on both counts.

Meanwhile, you could release documents disproving the rumor that you don't lick yogurt off of hobos' feet.

But you refuse to.
Sorry dummy, I didn't say that. Nothing is going to cure your constant tantrum anyway.

Thank you,son. But i never said anyone had to prove anything. I invited people either to counter my argument or fashion an argument of their own in support of the negation of my conclusions.

These are adult, intellectual tasks that you simply do not have the tools to perform.
Gosh, you lie a lot.

Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that.
Sorry crybaby, that doesnt support your whiny lie.

But, speaking of proof: your cult leader could easily prove this rumor to be false by releasing just a few documents.
Yup, I called it.

"Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that."​

Turns out I was right on both counts.

Meanwhile, you could release documents disproving the rumor that you don't lick yogurt off of hobos' feet.

But you refuse to.
Sorry dummy, I didn't say that. Nothing is going to cure your constant tantrum anyway.

Lots of tantrums. No quotes. Just a grown man,acting like a blubbering toddler.
Gosh, you lie a lot.

Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that.
Sorry crybaby, that doesnt support your whiny lie.

But, speaking of proof: your cult leader could easily prove this rumor to be false by releasing just a few documents.
Yup, I called it.

"Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that."​

Turns out I was right on both counts.

Meanwhile, you could release documents disproving the rumor that you don't lick yogurt off of hobos' feet.

But you refuse to.
Sorry dummy, I didn't say that. Nothing is going to cure your constant tantrum anyway.

Lots of tantrums. No quotes. Just a grown man,acting like a blubbering toddler.
Oh, I certainly don't expect you to take responsibility for being a liar. That's like expecting the sun to rise in the west. It's simply not ever going to happen.

But your impotent bitching doesn't change the fact that you lied.
Sorry crybaby, that doesnt support your whiny lie.

But, speaking of proof: your cult leader could easily prove this rumor to be false by releasing just a few documents.
Yup, I called it.

"Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that."​

Turns out I was right on both counts.

Meanwhile, you could release documents disproving the rumor that you don't lick yogurt off of hobos' feet.

But you refuse to.
Sorry dummy, I didn't say that. Nothing is going to cure your constant tantrum anyway.

Lots of tantrums. No quotes. Just a grown man,acting like a blubbering toddler.
Oh, I certainly don't expect you to take responsibility for being a liar. That's like expecting the sun to rise in the west. It's simply not ever going to happen.

But your impotent bitching doesn't change the fact that you lied.
Poor Daveman. 20 new holes in his walls, and still no quote.
Yup, I called it.

"Now you're going to play "BUT I DIDN'T SAY WHAT I SAID".

You suck at that."​

Turns out I was right on both counts.

Meanwhile, you could release documents disproving the rumor that you don't lick yogurt off of hobos' feet.

But you refuse to.
Sorry dummy, I didn't say that. Nothing is going to cure your constant tantrum anyway.

Lots of tantrums. No quotes. Just a grown man,acting like a blubbering toddler.
Oh, I certainly don't expect you to take responsibility for being a liar. That's like expecting the sun to rise in the west. It's simply not ever going to happen.

But your impotent bitching doesn't change the fact that you lied.
Poor Daveman. 20 new holes in his walls, and still no quote.
I already provided the quote. You're lying about that, too.

But then, that's all you can expect from chickenshit liars.
I already provided the quote. You're lying about that, too.
Nope, you linked to a page.

No quote. No leg to stand on. Poor intellectual capability to talk about the topic, so he goes on a 3 day tantrum bender...what a way to be...
Meanwhile, the investigation onto deutsch bank continues... This is a serious legal threat to the Trumpybear:

Exclusive: U.S. congressional probe finds possible lapses in Deutsche Bank controls - sources - Reuters
LOL. Hysterical House members finding possible lapses in Deutsche Bank controls is no threat to Trump, Comrade, as is your belief that O'Donnell's cosigner story could be true. Has anyone verified that BS yet? None of our MSM has.

MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell retracts and apologizes for thinly-sourced Trump finances story - CNN

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell apologizes, retracts report on Trump finances
Hysterical House members finding possible lapses in Deutsche Bank controls is no threat to Trump,
Of course, in the context of directly investigating him for money laundering using property transactions through deutsche bank (as can be found in the article that you didn't read but commented on anyway), it is.

But thank you for your opinion of the article title.
LOL. Hysterical House members finding possible lapses in Deutsche Bank controls is no threat to Trump, Comrade, as is your belief that O'Donnell's cosigner story could be true. Has anyone verified that BS yet? None of our MSM has.

MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell retracts and apologizes for thinly-sourced Trump finances story - CNN

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell apologizes, retracts report on Trump finances
Of course, in the context of directly investigating him for money laundering using property transactions through deutsche bank (as can be found in the article that you didn't read but commented on anyway), it is.

But thank you for your opinion of the article title.
The media and our Unhinged House continue to feed you shit and you continue to eagerly swallow. This thread - in case you forgot - is about O'Donnell's embarrassment and for that matter, your own gullibility. Carry on!!
LOL. Hysterical House members finding possible lapses in Deutsche Bank controls is no threat to Trump, Comrade, as is your belief that O'Donnell's cosigner story could be true. Has anyone verified that BS yet? None of our MSM has.

MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell retracts and apologizes for thinly-sourced Trump finances story - CNN

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell apologizes, retracts report on Trump finances
Of course, in the context of directly investigating him for money laundering using property transactions through deutsche bank (as can be found in the article that you didn't read but commented on anyway), it is.

But thank you for your opinion of the article title.
The media and our Unhinged House continue to feed you shit and you continue to eagerly swallow. This thread - in case you forgot - is about O'Donnell's embarrassment and for that matter, your own gullibility. Carry on!!
You are free to whine about o'donnell,whiner. I am going to discuss Money Laundering Donnie's connections to money laundering desutsche bank and money laundering Russian oligarchs. You should probably avert your eyes, as clearly you don't have the constitution to discuss this.

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