Trump's done. Advocating for Ethnic Cleansing is a huge no-no.

Trump will likely try to walk this back in some way. However, these are the racist nuts that Trump has created with his birtherism hatred.
He will not walk back from this. He will double down on it. People are sick of their behavior. He knows his audience. This will gather more people.
You know what are biggest problem is?
Fag ass swallowers
Trump will likely try to walk this back in some way. However, these are the racist nuts that Trump has created with his birtherism hatred.
He will not walk back from this. He will double down on it. People are sick of their behavior. He knows his audience. This will gather more people.

You are probably right. He still won't acknowledge that Obama is a U.S. citizen.
I've never seen anything like this from a modern major Presidential Candidate.
you will see more of this. People are sick of the muslim bad behavior. He knows his audience. He will double down on this
Yup. Muslims never say God bless America.

That's ridiculous.

People in this country have been following the Muslim religion as long as the other big two (Which all read from the same books).

Jefferson had a Koran.

And the Prophet Mohammad's likeness is on a Frieze in the Supreme Court.

Proposing the cleansing of a group of Americans is nothing less than despicable.
Trump's Town hall started with a question that was phrased something like: "You know what are biggest problem is? Muslims. Our current President is a Muslim. Muslims are in training camps. When are we going to do something about that?"

Trump's response? "We are looking into it".

Stick a fork in this. It's over.

I'm ok with it.
I've never seen anything like this from a modern major Presidential Candidate.
you will see more of this. People are sick of the muslim bad behavior. He knows his audience. He will double down on this
Yup. Muslims never say God bless America.

That's ridiculous.

People in this country have been following the Muslim religion as long as the other big two (Which all read from the same books).

Jefferson had a Koran.

And the Prophet Mohammad's likeness is on a Frieze in the Supreme Court.

Proposing the cleansing of a group of Americans is nothing less than despicable.
No wonder they're mad. You aren't supposed to have likeness' of Mohammad. Lol

I don't want to cleanse anything. I just don't want to let more in. Huge difference.

And if you don't get why that's your stupidity.

If it were up to me we'd only let atheists in.

When you are a politician, you humor your crazy supporters, you don't correct them or criticize them.

Unless of course you are Mr. Sanders. In that case, you angrily lash out at them, give them a nasty lecture, and tell them they don't know shit. :lmao: Nothing like belittling your supporters to make yourself well liked.

Bernie Sanders is honest.
Trump will likely try to walk this back in some way. However, these are the racist nuts that Trump has created with his birtherism hatred.
He will not walk back from this. He will double down on it. People are sick of their behavior. He knows his audience. This will gather more people.

You are probably right. He still won't acknowledge that Obama is a U.S. citizen.

I think that is mostly because of the security state. I'm pretty sure the president is a US citizen, but that is all I am sure of. Beyond that, I couldn't tell you. I don't trust anything they say about him. Not one thing. I've researched quite a lot, and it is clear that the security state is hiding his true past. Including his real Birth Certificate for whatever reason.

For all we know, they might have grown him in a lab. Seriously. Who the hell knows. Who the hell cares. You know, he might even be an android. Can robots be citizens?

KGB Claims to Have Evidence President Obama is a Robot
KGB Claims to Have Evidence President Obama is a Robot
In a shocking development, it is now being reported on Russian television that President Barack Obama is really a robot created by the corporations of America to control the U.S. government.

The reports go on to say that the Russian intelligence agency traced documents discovered by spying on Japanese corporations that collaborated on the project.



When you are a politician, you humor your crazy supporters, you don't correct them or criticize them.

Unless of course you are Mr. Sanders. In that case, you angrily lash out at them, give them a nasty lecture, and tell them they don't know shit. :lmao: Nothing like belittling your supporters to make yourself well liked.

Bernie Sanders is honest.

No he isn't. He's a lying sack of shit politician. I caught him in one. He has been a Senator all through Hillary's term as Secretary of State. Then, when the media interviewed him, he complained that he didn't know why she wouldn't come down strongly one way or another on the TPP.

IOW. . . He is covering for her. Because he knew, while she was in Asia and the Pacific rim negotiating this deal, damn well what her position is. THAT MEANS, he is lap dogging for her and has no intention what so ever of being the eventual nominee. THUS, he was LYING. In other words, he is the typical politician, and he is not running a real campaign. This is why there are no real donors to his campaign, it is just a ruse to get the stupid and apathetic radical left fired up for when he eventually endorses Hilliary.

He isn't really running, he's her puppet. What do you suppose will be his reward? I position in her administration or more power on the Hill? Either way, he is a calculating and lying SOB. You're a fool if you believe he is being genuine.

I don't suppose it matters, the elites have already decided for use that the Republicans get to control the White house next time around, so it's pretty worthless to speculate on.

When you are a politician, you humor your crazy supporters, you don't correct them or criticize them.

Unless of course you are Mr. Sanders. In that case, you angrily lash out at them, give them a nasty lecture, and tell them they don't know shit. :lmao: Nothing like belittling your supporters to make yourself well liked.

Bernie Sanders is honest.

No he isn't. He's a lying sack of shit politician. I caught him in one. He has been a Senator all through Hillary's term as Secretary of State. Then, when the media interviewed him, he complained that he didn't know why she wouldn't come down strongly one way or another on the TPP.

IOW. . . He is covering for her. Because he knew, while she was in Asia and the Pacific rim negotiating this deal, damn well what her position is. THAT MEANS, he is lap dogging for her and has no intention what so ever of being the eventual nominee. THUS, he was LYING. In other words, he is the typical politician, and he is not running a real campaign. This is why there are no real donors to his campaign, it is just a ruse to get the stupid and apathetic radical left fired up for when he eventually endorses Hilliary.

He isn't really running, he's her puppet. What do you suppose will be his reward? I position in her administration or more power on the Hill? Either way, he is a calculating and lying SOB. You're a fool if you believe he is being genuine.

I don't suppose it matters, the elites have already decided for use that the Republicans get to control the White house next time around, so it's pretty worthless to speculate on.

I hope I can remember this post after it doesn't go the way you say.

I want Bernie and Elizabeth warren.

We will also take back control of the Senate. This ain't no midterm.

Did you see the ratings on the debate? People are gonna vote next year.
Bottom line: A belief in religious superstition is bad.

One of the fundamental bedrock core principles in this country is that you are free to worship, in peace, without the government either advocating for you or against you.

What Trump has just done was signal that he has no intention of adhering to that or defending the Constitution.

It's over.

Nothing in the constitution says we can't limit the immigration of savages from Muslim countries.

When you are a politician, you humor your crazy supporters, you don't correct them or criticize them.

Unless of course you are Mr. Sanders. In that case, you angrily lash out at them, give them a nasty lecture, and tell them they don't know shit. :lmao: Nothing like belittling your supporters to make yourself well liked.

Bernie Sanders is honest.

No he isn't. He's a lying sack of shit politician. I caught him in one. He has been a Senator all through Hillary's term as Secretary of State. Then, when the media interviewed him, he complained that he didn't know why she wouldn't come down strongly one way or another on the TPP.

IOW. . . He is covering for her. Because he knew, while she was in Asia and the Pacific rim negotiating this deal, damn well what her position is. THAT MEANS, he is lap dogging for her and has no intention what so ever of being the eventual nominee. THUS, he was LYING. In other words, he is the typical politician, and he is not running a real campaign. This is why there are no real donors to his campaign, it is just a ruse to get the stupid and apathetic radical left fired up for when he eventually endorses Hilliary.

He isn't really running, he's her puppet. What do you suppose will be his reward? I position in her administration or more power on the Hill? Either way, he is a calculating and lying SOB. You're a fool if you believe he is being genuine.

I don't suppose it matters, the elites have already decided for use that the Republicans get to control the White house next time around, so it's pretty worthless to speculate on.

I use to listen to him on Fridays the Thom hartmann show. Sellouts don't say the things Bernie says.

You Republicans are liars or stupid. Remember you said Clinton was a liberal? Then you say there's no difference because the Clinton's are rich too. So you want it both ways. You said Obama is a liberal but then the next day you argue how he serves the rich and the rich getting richer on his watch is his doing.

You guys are too stupid to take seriously.
were did the "ethnic cleansing" come from?....because he said we are looking into it?....
I wouldn't want Muslims to represent any more than 10% of our population.

Do you think Muslims could swing an election?
10% is too much. Just look at the experience of European countries. Once they get over about 7%-8% of the population, they begin rioting, demanding Sharia law and shooting cartoonists.
Trump's Town hall started with a question that was phrased something like: "You know what are biggest problem is? Muslims. Our current President is a Muslim. Muslims are in training camps. When are we going to do something about that?"

Trump's response? "We are looking into it".

Stick a fork in this. It's over.

Hell, I disagree with the premise. Who in their right mind honestly thinks that Muslims are America's biggest problem?
You, Vigi, have always been the easiest to refute, excepting 007 and two who have been banned, as you were for three months because you could not refute so got stupid.

Ethnic cleansing, either of Muslims or Hispanics or both, is a losing hand for Trump.
Thank you for the info. Didn't know Vigilante and 007 got banned.

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