Trump's Explanation of Why He Fired Yevgeny (Eugene) Vindman

Great job Trump!

The reason: The person got in the way of making America great.
Actually, the guy who allegedly did that was his brother, Alexander. Yevgeny didn't have anything to do with the impeachment process.
Those guys are joined at the hip.
Who in their right mind would fire one and not the other?
It's a conspiracy, right? You like those.

It really doesn't matter if its a conspiracy or not.

The fact that President Trump doesn't need to see these guys around the WH where they are performing no useful function is a good enough reason to transfer them to other duties.

The number of staff in the Trump WH is a lot lower than it was during Obama's Reign of Error. A lot of useless civilian jobs just haven't been filled at all.

As far as conspiracies with the Vindman Twins? I don't think so. Not because they are pure, but because President Trump has been careful at keeping them out of the loop. They aren't in any position to betray their President.
"It really doesn't matter..." the final straw grasped by CRC cultists.

When are you going to realize that no one understands your made-up acronym for something you imagined?
His actions have shown where his loyalty lies. And it's not with the USA. He specified he was worried Trumps policy wasn't good for Ukraine.

That's the end for him. But only if you are a thinking person.
Do you have the specific quote of him saying that?

Yeah, it is in his testimony. Weren't you watching?

Just trying to find the exact quote. Do you have it?
it's next to the exact quotes from witnesses testimony where we saw conclusive evidence that trump committed a crime.
it's next to the exact verbiage from the Muller report that shows trump himself colluded.

its odd you'll look for exact quotes but have NEVER provided them. and by odd, i mean fucking ignorant.

There’s nothing odd about you lying. How can you claim I NEVER do something when you are a snowflake who has me on ignore?

hey - if you can't man up, i'll troll you. you bet.

what have i lied about?

did you ask for "the exact quote" - IF THEY CAN FIND IT?

have i not asked you for the same around trump witness testimony and all you can say is "it's in the testimony, go read".

like i said - hypocritical bullshit which in my mind makes you an even worse troll.
Do you have the specific quote of him saying that?

Yeah, it is in his testimony. Weren't you watching?

Just trying to find the exact quote. Do you have it?
it's next to the exact quotes from witnesses testimony where we saw conclusive evidence that trump committed a crime.
it's next to the exact verbiage from the Muller report that shows trump himself colluded.

its odd you'll look for exact quotes but have NEVER provided them. and by odd, i mean fucking ignorant.

There’s nothing odd about you lying. How can you claim I NEVER do something when you are a snowflake who has me on ignore?

hey - if you can't man up, i'll troll you. you bet.

what have i lied about?

did you ask for "the exact quote" - IF THEY CAN FIND IT?

have i not asked you for the same around trump witness testimony and all you can say is "it's in the testimony, go read".

like i said - hypocritical bullshit which in my mind makes you an even worse troll.

You lie about my posting all the time. You claim I don’t post this or that but you also admit you ignore my posts. In essence, you’ve admitted to your own ignorance but feel comfortable making blanket statements about me.

I do my very best to give a quote if requested. You asked me for documentation about a claim I made about the Clinton email investigation and I thoroughly documented it. You ignored that post.
Yeah, it is in his testimony. Weren't you watching?

Just trying to find the exact quote. Do you have it?
it's next to the exact quotes from witnesses testimony where we saw conclusive evidence that trump committed a crime.
it's next to the exact verbiage from the Muller report that shows trump himself colluded.

its odd you'll look for exact quotes but have NEVER provided them. and by odd, i mean fucking ignorant.

There’s nothing odd about you lying. How can you claim I NEVER do something when you are a snowflake who has me on ignore?

hey - if you can't man up, i'll troll you. you bet.

what have i lied about?

did you ask for "the exact quote" - IF THEY CAN FIND IT?

have i not asked you for the same around trump witness testimony and all you can say is "it's in the testimony, go read".

like i said - hypocritical bullshit which in my mind makes you an even worse troll.

You lie about my posting all the time. You claim I don’t post this or that but you also admit you ignore my posts. In essence, you’ve admitted to your own ignorance but feel comfortable making blanket statements about me.

I do my very best to give a quote if requested. You asked me for documentation about a claim I made about the Clinton email investigation and I thoroughly documented it. You ignored that post.
when speaking to a topic yes, i remove the ignore. when you say the same bullshit for the 3rd time and refused to simply answer a question of "point out the testimony directly please" again THREE OR MORE TIMES, you are not doing it. to claim you did it and i just missed it -

ok. i'll play. show me. post the link i missed where you gave the exact testimony from a specified / named individual which shows beyond a shadow of doubt trump was guilty.

"documentation" to you is generic emotional drivel. give me links and specific references. all i've ever asked. you are asking for it now.

but you never give it.
when speaking to a topic yes, i remove the ignore. when you say the same bullshit for the 3rd time and refused to simply answer a question of "point out the testimony directly please" again THREE OR MORE TIMES, you are not doing it. to claim you did it and i just missed it -

Where have I ever done that?

ok. i'll play. show me. post the link i missed where you gave the exact testimony from a specified / named individual which shows beyond a shadow of doubt trump was guilty.

Where did that come from? I was referring to the Clinton email investigation above. Anyway, I’ve provided the evidence which points to corrupt intent which I’ve admitted is circumstantial. I’ve explained why circumstantial evidence is used in cases to prove intent. I’ve provided quotes from prosecutors about why that is done. Then you demanded two sources so I dug up another source that backed up my first source. You demanded testimony that Trump wanted the investigation for the foreign aid and when faced with the prospect of having Bolton admit that in testimony you suddenly demanded documentary evidence.

I find your little requests to be quite dishonest since they keep shifting. I’ve provided the evidence and rationale. Your reply has been to dismiss it for no particular reason.

Anyway, let me ask you one. Is Clinton guilty of deleting emails in defiance of a subpoena? This is something you reference a fair bit.
when speaking to a topic yes, i remove the ignore. when you say the same bullshit for the 3rd time and refused to simply answer a question of "point out the testimony directly please" again THREE OR MORE TIMES, you are not doing it. to claim you did it and i just missed it -

Where have I ever done that?

ok. i'll play. show me. post the link i missed where you gave the exact testimony from a specified / named individual which shows beyond a shadow of doubt trump was guilty.

Where did that come from? I was referring to the Clinton email investigation above. Anyway, I’ve provided the evidence which points to corrupt intent which I’ve admitted is circumstantial. I’ve explained why circumstantial evidence is used in cases to prove intent. I’ve provided quotes from prosecutors about why that is done. Then you demanded two sources so I dug up another source that backed up my first source. You demanded testimony that Trump wanted the investigation for the foreign aid and when faced with the prospect of having Bolton admit that in testimony you suddenly demanded documentary evidence.

I find your little requests to be quite dishonest since they keep shifting. I’ve provided the evidence and rationale. Your reply has been to dismiss it for no particular reason.

Anyway, let me ask you one. Is Clinton guilty of deleting emails in defiance of a subpoena? This is something you reference a fair bit.
so instead of simply saying "here" and giving me a link to prove me wrong, you decide to go on a rant and call me a liar.


but you've still NEVER ONCE provided a link to back up the shit you say. instead you play these reindeer games of righteous indignation.

i gave you a timeline that showed she did in fact delete them *after* they were requested. you called sharyl a hack. no counter. no other timelines or form of validation for your line of thinking, just called an award winning journalist a hack and moved on to whine about something else.

i gave my stance. i gave a documented timeline available. you gave nothing but your constant drivel. you know, like directing back to me vs. proving a single FUCKING thing you post.

you did it again here. now tell me, in about 4 or 5 posts are you finally going to post a link to show exactly what you're talking about? no. i didn't think so.
i gave you a timeline that showed she did in fact delete them *after* they were requested. you called sharyl a hack. no counter. no other timelines or form of validation for your line of thinking, just called an award winning journalist a hack and moved on to whine about something else.

i gave my stance. i gave a documented timeline available. you gave nothing but your constant drivel. you know, like directing back to me vs. proving a single FUCKING thing you post.

For the record, this is the post you're referencing. So when you claim that I just called Sheryl Atkinson a hack (which I stand by), without a counter, it shows you're lying about me.

Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office
i gave you a timeline that showed she did in fact delete them *after* they were requested. you called sharyl a hack. no counter. no other timelines or form of validation for your line of thinking, just called an award winning journalist a hack and moved on to whine about something else.

i gave my stance. i gave a documented timeline available. you gave nothing but your constant drivel. you know, like directing back to me vs. proving a single FUCKING thing you post.

For the record, this is the post you're referencing. So when you claim that I just called Sheryl Atkinson a hack (which I stand by), without a counter, it shows you're lying about me.

Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office
so now i'm supposed to wade through 108 pages of posts to find what you are talking about?

and you wonder why i laugh at you. you're either too stupid to figure out how to link to your specific thread, or are just deliberately misdirecting people so you can say you did something. but this something is along the lines of saying "it's over there" and point to a 500 acre wheat field when someone asks where their shovel is.
i gave you a timeline that showed she did in fact delete them *after* they were requested. you called sharyl a hack. no counter. no other timelines or form of validation for your line of thinking, just called an award winning journalist a hack and moved on to whine about something else.

i gave my stance. i gave a documented timeline available. you gave nothing but your constant drivel. you know, like directing back to me vs. proving a single FUCKING thing you post.

For the record, this is the post you're referencing. So when you claim that I just called Sheryl Atkinson a hack (which I stand by), without a counter, it shows you're lying about me.

Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office
so now i'm supposed to wade through 108 pages of posts to find what you are talking about?

and you wonder why i laugh at you. you're either too stupid to figure out how to link to your specific thread, or are just deliberately misdirecting people so you can say you did something. but this something is along the lines of saying "it's over there" and point to a 500 acre wheat field when someone asks where their shovel is.
It was a reply to your post you asshole. I didn’t post it randomly. I didn’t post it in the middle of a 500 acre wheat field. I replied to your post.

If you want to ignore my posts, so be it. But don’t go around lying saying I never do something when you decide to turn a blind eye. You’re just being an asshole and doubling down when provided proof that you’re lying.
The linked sources that are sometimes on Twitter and Facebook posts can be revealing. Just reading a post won't tell you much, but they at times contain links to actual news sources. If you listen to any cable news it won't give you the whole story.....only part of it....

....point being....i'm not making this shit up.
Then let's see a valid link to a verifiable source. Since you've seen so many. Please.
Do your own homework, lady.

I post this stuff with links daily.
You've never posted a link on this because one doesn't exist.
You made the allegation. You back it up. I've tried looking up sources and all I ever got was the unsupported conjecture by that Barbara whoemever.
Frankly I don't have to prove anything to you.
I learned a long time ago arguing with liberals is a waste of time, as is showing them the facts. They always invent excuses not to believe it.

And personally, you can call me a liar till you're blue in the face and it's no sweat off of my balls. What you think about me doesn't even register.
You've sure got a lot of excuses. If I were making allegations like that I'd have some evidence behind me. You just lie.
then where's the russia evidence and the impeachment evidence. ohhhhhh your irony!!!!
Then let's see a valid link to a verifiable source. Since you've seen so many. Please.
Do your own homework, lady.

I post this stuff with links daily.
You've never posted a link on this because one doesn't exist.
You made the allegation. You back it up. I've tried looking up sources and all I ever got was the unsupported conjecture by that Barbara whoemever.
Frankly I don't have to prove anything to you.
I learned a long time ago arguing with liberals is a waste of time, as is showing them the facts. They always invent excuses not to believe it.

And personally, you can call me a liar till you're blue in the face and it's no sweat off of my balls. What you think about me doesn't even register.
You've sure got a lot of excuses. If I were making allegations like that I'd have some evidence behind me. You just lie.
then where's the russia evidence and the impeachment evidence. ohhhhhh your irony!!!!
It’s next to the video footage of thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9/11.
Nothing like the underlings disobeying and backstabbing the boss then wailing about being held responsible.
Libs dislike personal responsibility So Much that they operate like it does not exist

The VIndmans were basically "working" at "jobs" similar to the old Jobs Bank positions at the major unionized auto makers.

They came to the job site,gossiped, did crossword puzzles and sudoku. Participated in office blood drives, football polls, United Way campaigns.

But as far as the actual work of the office? They've been kept totally out of the loop. It should be good for the Vindman guys to be working somewhere they might be able to contribute to.
You sound like this is your experience.

I have indeed have had that experience, for perhaps a week or so, during times of transition for an employer.

But not for 3 years like the Vindmans. And it has to be total drag for those fellows, I can see why they were so distraught with the new administration that didn't value their liberalism.
certainly this happens around the country after every take over. Sometimes those moves are years after to complete transitions. see ya!
Do your own homework, lady.

I post this stuff with links daily.
You've never posted a link on this because one doesn't exist.
You made the allegation. You back it up. I've tried looking up sources and all I ever got was the unsupported conjecture by that Barbara whoemever.
Frankly I don't have to prove anything to you.
I learned a long time ago arguing with liberals is a waste of time, as is showing them the facts. They always invent excuses not to believe it.

And personally, you can call me a liar till you're blue in the face and it's no sweat off of my balls. What you think about me doesn't even register.
You've sure got a lot of excuses. If I were making allegations like that I'd have some evidence behind me. You just lie.
then where's the russia evidence and the impeachment evidence. ohhhhhh your irony!!!!
It’s next to the video footage of thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9/11.
I didn't see yours.
You've never posted a link on this because one doesn't exist.
You made the allegation. You back it up. I've tried looking up sources and all I ever got was the unsupported conjecture by that Barbara whoemever.
Frankly I don't have to prove anything to you.
I learned a long time ago arguing with liberals is a waste of time, as is showing them the facts. They always invent excuses not to believe it.

And personally, you can call me a liar till you're blue in the face and it's no sweat off of my balls. What you think about me doesn't even register.
You've sure got a lot of excuses. If I were making allegations like that I'd have some evidence behind me. You just lie.
then where's the russia evidence and the impeachment evidence. ohhhhhh your irony!!!!
It’s next to the video footage of thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9/11.
I didn't see yours.
The irony...
Frankly I don't have to prove anything to you.
I learned a long time ago arguing with liberals is a waste of time, as is showing them the facts. They always invent excuses not to believe it.

And personally, you can call me a liar till you're blue in the face and it's no sweat off of my balls. What you think about me doesn't even register.
You've sure got a lot of excuses. If I were making allegations like that I'd have some evidence behind me. You just lie.
then where's the russia evidence and the impeachment evidence. ohhhhhh your irony!!!!
It’s next to the video footage of thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9/11.
I didn't see yours.
The irony...
you are the irony.
Do your own homework, lady.

I post this stuff with links daily.
You've never posted a link on this because one doesn't exist.
You made the allegation. You back it up. I've tried looking up sources and all I ever got was the unsupported conjecture by that Barbara whoemever.
Frankly I don't have to prove anything to you.
I learned a long time ago arguing with liberals is a waste of time, as is showing them the facts. They always invent excuses not to believe it.

And personally, you can call me a liar till you're blue in the face and it's no sweat off of my balls. What you think about me doesn't even register.
You've sure got a lot of excuses. If I were making allegations like that I'd have some evidence behind me. You just lie.
then where's the russia evidence and the impeachment evidence. ohhhhhh your irony!!!!
It’s next to the video footage of thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9/11.
Thousands of Muslims did celebrate 9/11.....not all were in New Jersey. The Obama Administration tried to use it as an excuse for Benghazi for a time.....along with a disgusting video.

Being mistaken isn't the same as lying. For example: We don't have 57 states.....
You've never posted a link on this because one doesn't exist.
You made the allegation. You back it up. I've tried looking up sources and all I ever got was the unsupported conjecture by that Barbara whoemever.
Frankly I don't have to prove anything to you.
I learned a long time ago arguing with liberals is a waste of time, as is showing them the facts. They always invent excuses not to believe it.

And personally, you can call me a liar till you're blue in the face and it's no sweat off of my balls. What you think about me doesn't even register.
You've sure got a lot of excuses. If I were making allegations like that I'd have some evidence behind me. You just lie.
then where's the russia evidence and the impeachment evidence. ohhhhhh your irony!!!!
It’s next to the video footage of thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9/11.
Thousands of Muslims did celebrate 9/11.....not all were in New Jersey. The Obama Administration tried to use it as an excuse for Benghazi for a time.....along with a disgusting video.

Being mistaken isn't the same as lying. For example: We don't have 57 states.....

Well Trump said that thousands of Muslims were on the news celebrating in New Jersey. Seems no one can find that tape anymore. Our fellow traveler over there seems to think that’s because of a world wide media conspiracy that has managed to delete any and all trace of such video. I find that improbable.

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