Trump's Explanation of Why He Fired Yevgeny (Eugene) Vindman

Oh, he doesn't have one.
Minor problem here.

this is the BROTHER of the guy you are slandering

Being a scum-sucking, two-timing, back-stabbing, self-appointed, pompous, disloyal traitor to the President of the USA conspiring behind his back with delusions of godhood that he somehow knew better and was in charge of deciding foreign policy rather than merely carrying it out and with a creepy name like Yevgeny Vindman is good enough for me.

The very fact that had this crumb betrayed and tried to wrest authority and control over policy and testified against Obama, Biden or Hillary for any of their foreign crimes that we know happened in large number, you'd be on here today denouncing him as the lowest of the low!

So, Jack Daniels, I suggest you take Vindman since you love him so much, and go lick his ball sweat and lap up the dingles hanging off his ass. The very fact that you join here to defend him is proof positive that firing him was the absolute right thing to do because once again, Donald has stuck your plans in the dumper.

One more POS inside democrat confidant traitor leaker not to have to worry about. Notice is now served to all.
i see the REPLY button still confuses you.
Oh, he doesn't have one.
Minor problem here.

this is the BROTHER of the guy you are slandering

Being a scum-sucking, two-timing, back-stabbing, self-appointed, pompous, disloyal traitor to the President of the USA conspiring behind his back with delusions of godhood that he somehow knew better and was in charge of deciding foreign policy rather than merely carrying it out and with a creepy name like Yevgeny Vindman is good enough for me.

The very fact that had this crumb betrayed and tried to wrest authority and control over policy and testified against Obama, Biden or Hillary for any of their foreign crimes that we know happened in large number, you'd be on here today denouncing him as the lowest of the low!

So, Jack Daniels, I suggest you take Vindman since you love him so much, and go lick his ball sweat and lap up the dingles hanging off his ass. The very fact that you join here to defend him is proof positive that firing him was the absolute right thing to do because once again, Donald has stuck your plans in the dumper.

One more POS inside democrat confidant traitor leaker not to have to worry about. Notice is now served to all.
i see the REPLY button still confuses you.

Don't mind him, he's highly educated.
Oh, he doesn't have one.
Minor problem here.

this is the BROTHER of the guy you are slandering

Being a scum-sucking, two-timing, back-stabbing, self-appointed, pompous, disloyal traitor to the President of the USA conspiring behind his back with delusions of godhood that he somehow knew better and was in charge of deciding foreign policy rather than merely carrying it out and with a creepy name like Yevgeny Vindman is good enough for me.

The very fact that had this crumb betrayed and tried to wrest authority and control over policy and testified against Obama, Biden or Hillary for any of their foreign crimes that we know happened in large number, you'd be on here today denouncing him as the lowest of the low!

So, Jack Daniels, I suggest you take Vindman since you love him so much, and go lick his ball sweat and lap up the dingles hanging off his ass. The very fact that you join here to defend him is proof positive that firing him was the absolute right thing to do because once again, Donald has stuck your plans in the dumper.

One more POS inside democrat confidant traitor leaker not to have to worry about. Notice is now served to all.
i see the REPLY button still confuses you.

Don't mind him, he's highly educated.

He must have sat behind Admiral Rockwell Tory and copied notes.
Ha! You see. This is the thing with you. It’s never enough. You demand a source. I provide a source. You demand 2. You demand testimony about Trump. Then you demand documentary evidence.

There’s no pleasing you. You’re mind is made up. Totally closed to new information. Like information about how Clinton’s email retention policy was only changed after she was told work related emails were submitted to State
heh I "demand" it because I know you can't profive it. and when I ask 6 times and get "it's in the wheat field" yes I stop taking you off ignore.

I should stop doing that.

I show you they were asking for her mails before her "retention" policy and you call my source a hack. so what is the point of providing them to you when this is what youll do with them.

Atkinson is a hack. She is misleading and a bit of a goofball since she keeps suing the government claiming they’re spying on her. That’s not normal behavior.

Anyway, you’re correct about one thing. The State Dept did ask for her emails before she deleted anything. And she handed them over. After she handed them over, she changed her retention policy since she had no obligation to preserve anything at that point. This is an important detail that you’re are leaving out.

Also of note, no one issued her any subpoena prior to March 2015. She changed her retention policy in December 2014. Hard to claim she defied a subpoena she hadn’t even gotten. Impossible one might say.

This was all documented in the FBI report which I’ve pointed pages and paragraphs for you already.
WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

now she said that they were personal yoga/wedding e-mails.

funny. i query on YOGA and WEDDING and i get 70 hits.

this one cracked me up:
WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

but for 33k mails about yoga and weddings, that sure doesn't show up in the results. may be a good reason for that, maybe not. but it is in fact a question just the same of "what did she delete again"?

and sharyl isn't giving up her fight against the DOJ. you can mischaracterize it all you like. but it's a well known fact she was spied on. i've seen nothing to say it still continued, but your statement seems to indicate she says they are.

That doesn’t make sense. You’ve linked to the database of government related emails she submitted to the State Dept. Why would you expect to be able to find many emails about yoga and weddings? The “yoga and weddings” you’re referencing was Clinton commenting on her personal emails and are were not submitted. So yeah, it’s pretty obvious that there a good explanation.

It is not a fact that Atkinson was spied on. Her lawsuits have been dismissed. Her appeals have been dismissed. Her claims are meritless. She has no evidence the government was doing anything to her. She’s a goof.

Ive linked the FBI report and commented on the information that details how her lawyer searched for work related emails.
why would wiki leaks supply ONLY turned in mail? that's not leaked then is it? but hey, if wrong you got me there.

now, onto attkisson: this is why we can't have nice conversations. you simply won't allow ANYONE on the "other side" to be right about anything. you defend the left with blinders on in many ways i see people on the right do as well.

it's fucking stupid.

now you can argue with all these people if you want to keep thinking sharyl lied.

Sharyl Attkisson: How Government Illegally Spied On Journalists And Doctored Documents!
It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me
oh look - they admit it:
Sharyl Attkisson: Feds admit to spying on me - WND
The Justice Dept. cover up of its spying on me and others– continues. | Sharyl Attkisson
and it was on CBS:

now as for case dismissed - you're so full of fucking shit it hurts. it is STILL ONGOING and in court. we also have judges who agree the DOJ is hiding information from her relevant to the case and refuse to let her know who the contacts are yet hold her accountable to do just that. but i'm sure you're not following the case, you're just being your usual dick-bent self who denounces anything you already don't approve of or which YOUR SIDE says you must think.

now this is so far off topic if you'd like to continue, feel free to jump into the media forum where i am posting updates and continue being stupid there. you can here too, btw.

Well, you could have read the Wikileaks page you linked because it explains at the top of the page that these were the emails submitted by Clinton:
The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request.

No, not a leak, but it was part of Assange's campaign against Clinton in the last election, a campaign that was in part revealed by the Mueller investigation.

You're making unwarranted assumptions about what I am saying and why. There are plenty of people on the right that make very compelling arguments. It's just that the popular characters on the right, by and large, these days tend to be some of these people like Attkisson with questionable backgrounds. She can say whatever she wants in an Op-Ed or interview or even a book. However, when the rubber meets the road, the actual evidence to back up what she's claiming comes up lacking. This isn't about not wanting her to be right, it's about not believing something which has no evidence to support it.

You can read the IG report on Attkisson's claim. Again, it's not selectable text so you'll have to read parts of it yourself. It's really only 4 pages so it won't take long to read the whole thing if you want. I suggest you do because it's enlightening.

CBS declined to let the IG examine her work computer or review the forensic report. Page 2 paragraph 3.

Attkisson did give the IG her personal computer which she claimed was hacked. She makes claims about a technician having found evidence her computer was hacked. The IG found that someone searched her logs but did so while using the computer and potentially contaminating the data. Page 2 paragraph 5. So she used someone who didn't really know what they were doing. The IG found zero evidence of any malicious code or unauthorized access. Page 2 paragarph 6.

Attkisson claimed that CBS sent a technician to examine her computer, CBS states that's not the case. Page 3 paragraph 1.

Attkisson claims that IP addresses were found on her computer from the Post Office (so she sued the postmaster general of all people, because of course that's someone that's in on it), the IG found no evidence of anything of the sort. Page 3 paragraph 2.

Attkisson states her technician she paid found all of these things, however when the IG asked to see their findings or even talk with the guy she hired, she declined. Page 3 paragraph 3.

So you see if I blow off her claims as baseless, I think I have good reason to. Her evidence sounds like the sort of stuff someone would attribute to hacking when they don't really know what they're talking about. Finally, when asked to see the actual evidence, it either doesn't exist or Attkisson declines to provide it.

She's a goof.
My post above was pointing out that you claimed I didn’t point to page x paragraph y when I very clearly did so. You haven’t addressed that, I can only wonder why you seem to ignore this.

Anyway, the change to the retention policy was made in December 2014 (page 18 paragraph 2) after Samuelson went through and submitted the work related ones (page 16, paragraph 2). Her process is described in that paragraph.

So you see, Clinton only had her inbox deleted after she was told that the work related emails had been submitted to State Dept.
you're right. you did. i missed it. my bad.

now - this was only done after what, i asked 5 or 6 times to be specific and you never were. now you're off saying LOOK I DID IT ONCE YOU'RE A LIAR!!!

ok - fine. and you're an idiot.

Ha! You see. This is the thing with you. It’s never enough. You demand a source. I provide a source. You demand 2. You demand testimony about Trump. Then you demand documentary evidence.

There’s no pleasing you. You’re mind is made up. Totally closed to new information. Like information about how Clinton’s email retention policy was only changed after she was told work related emails were submitted to State
heh I "demand" it because I know you can't profive it. and when I ask 6 times and get "it's in the wheat field" yes I stop taking you off ignore.

I should stop doing that.

I show you they were asking for her mails before her "retention" policy and you call my source a hack. so what is the point of providing them to you when this is what youll do with them.

Atkinson is a hack. She is misleading and a bit of a goofball since she keeps suing the government claiming they’re spying on her. That’s not normal behavior.

Anyway, you’re correct about one thing. The State Dept did ask for her emails before she deleted anything. And she handed them over. After she handed them over, she changed her retention policy since she had no obligation to preserve anything at that point. This is an important detail that you’re are leaving out.

Also of note, no one issued her any subpoena prior to March 2015. She changed her retention policy in December 2014. Hard to claim she defied a subpoena she hadn’t even gotten. Impossible one might say.

This was all documented in the FBI report which I’ve pointed pages and paragraphs for you already.

The retention policy was not hers to change, dumbass!
Yes it was. It was her server.
Oh, he doesn't have one.

Being a scum-sucking, two-timing, back-stabbing, self-appointed, pompous, disloyal traitor to the President of the USA conspiring behind his back with delusions of godhood that he somehow knew better and was in charge of deciding foreign policy rather than merely carrying it out and with a creepy name like Yevgeny Vindman is good enough for me.

The very fact that had this crumb betrayed and tried to wrest authority and control over policy and testified against Obama, Biden or Hillary for any of their foreign crimes that we know happened in large number, you'd be on here today denouncing him as the lowest of the low!

So, Jack Daniels, I suggest you take Vindman since you love him so much, and go lick his ball sweat and lap up the dingles hanging off his ass. The very fact that you join here to defend him is proof positive that firing him was the absolute right thing to do because once again, Donald has stuck your plans in the dumper.

One more POS inside democrat confidant traitor leaker not to have to worry about. Notice is now served to all.
Actually, the guy who allegedly did that was his brother, Alexander. Yevgeny didn't have anything to do with the impeachment process.

Guilt by association. Time for Trump to end the bullshit and start ensuring he has a team of people around him that are both loyal and committed to, believe in and faithful to the same mission Trump is on.

I am old enough to remember when we excepted these people to be loyal and committed to the Constitution, now it is just to a man and an idea.
Loyalty is for dogs. Want loyalty? Get a puppy.
Oh, he doesn't have one.

Being a scum-sucking, two-timing, back-stabbing, self-appointed, pompous, disloyal traitor to the President of the USA conspiring behind his back with delusions of godhood that he somehow knew better and was in charge of deciding foreign policy rather than merely carrying it out and with a creepy name like Yevgeny Vindman is good enough for me.

The very fact that had this crumb betrayed and tried to wrest authority and control over policy and testified against Obama, Biden or Hillary for any of their foreign crimes that we know happened in large number, you'd be on here today denouncing him as the lowest of the low!

So, Jack Daniels, I suggest you take Vindman since you love him so much, and go lick his ball sweat and lap up the dingles hanging off his ass. The very fact that you join here to defend him is proof positive that firing him was the absolute right thing to do because once again, Donald has stuck your plans in the dumper.

One more POS inside democrat confidant traitor leaker not to have to worry about. Notice is now served to all.
Actually, the guy who allegedly did that was his brother, Alexander. Yevgeny didn't have anything to do with the impeachment process.

Guilt by association. Time for Trump to end the bullshit and start ensuring he has a team of people around him that are both loyal and committed to, believe in and faithful to the same mission Trump is on.

I am old enough to remember when we excepted these people to be loyal and committed to the Constitution, now it is just to a man and an idea.
Loyalty is for dogs. Want loyalty? Get a puppy.
If you want loyalty don’t trust a Republican and certainly not a Trumper
Actually, the guy who allegedly did that was his brother, Alexander. Yevgeny didn't have anything to do with the impeachment process.

Guilt by association. Time for Trump to end the bullshit and start ensuring he has a team of people around him that are both loyal and committed to, believe in and faithful to the same mission Trump is on.

I am old enough to remember when we excepted these people to be loyal and committed to the Constitution, now it is just to a man and an idea.
Loyalty is for dogs. Want loyalty? Get a puppy.
If you want loyalty don’t trust a Republican and certainly not a Trumper

Herr Lesh, you don't own dogs as dogs dislike idiots.

I'm just still trying to wrap my head around the fact that LESH is saying that if you want loyalty, don't trust a Trumper, when for four years all we have been told is that Trumpers are LOYAL TO A FAULT because they are blindly brainwashed to stick with and believe anything he says! :21:
Guilt by association. Time for Trump to end the bullshit and start ensuring he has a team of people around him that are both loyal and committed to, believe in and faithful to the same mission Trump is on.

I am old enough to remember when we excepted these people to be loyal and committed to the Constitution, now it is just to a man and an idea.
Loyalty is for dogs. Want loyalty? Get a puppy.
If you want loyalty don’t trust a Republican and certainly not a Trumper

Herr Lesh, you don't own dogs as dogs dislike idiots.

I'm just still trying to wrap my head around the fact that LESH is saying that if you want loyalty, don't trust a Trumper, when for four years all we have been told is that Trumpers are LOYAL TO A FAULT because they are blindly brainwashed to stick with and believe anything he says! :21:

Trumpers are "loyal" only as long as they're TOLD to be.

That's not being's being as sycophant
I am old enough to remember when we excepted these people to be loyal and committed to the Constitution, now it is just to a man and an idea.
Loyalty is for dogs. Want loyalty? Get a puppy.
If you want loyalty don’t trust a Republican and certainly not a Trumper

Herr Lesh, you don't own dogs as dogs dislike idiots.

I'm just still trying to wrap my head around the fact that LESH is saying that if you want loyalty, don't trust a Trumper, when for four years all we have been told is that Trumpers are LOYAL TO A FAULT because they are blindly brainwashed to stick with and believe anything he says! :21:

Trumpers are "loyal" only as long as they're TOLD to be.

That's not being's being as sycophant

Sure, right, Lush, Donald is telling everyone when and when not to be loyal to him. But you guys, you are 100.00% loyal to the Democrats 24/7/365 because, oh, it is just common sense and good politics, right? :lmao:
I am old enough to remember when we excepted these people to be loyal and committed to the Constitution, now it is just to a man and an idea.
Loyalty is for dogs. Want loyalty? Get a puppy.
If you want loyalty don’t trust a Republican and certainly not a Trumper

Herr Lesh, you don't own dogs as dogs dislike idiots.

I'm just still trying to wrap my head around the fact that LESH is saying that if you want loyalty, don't trust a Trumper, when for four years all we have been told is that Trumpers are LOYAL TO A FAULT because they are blindly brainwashed to stick with and believe anything he says! :21:

Trumpers are "loyal" only as long as they're TOLD to be.

That's not being's being as sycophant

You are talking about the Bernie Bros?
Sure, right, Lush, Donald is telling everyone when and when not to be loyal to him

Wrong dickhead..he expects (and gets) total loyalty to him at all times from you sycophants

What he's telling you is when and to whom you should be loyal to other than him

And like the lapdogs you fall in line every time
Oh, he doesn't have one.

Being a scum-sucking, two-timing, back-stabbing, self-appointed, pompous, disloyal traitor to the President of the USA conspiring behind his back with delusions of godhood that he somehow knew better and was in charge of deciding foreign policy rather than merely carrying it out and with a creepy name like Yevgeny Vindman is good enough for me.

The very fact that had this crumb betrayed and tried to wrest authority and control over policy and testified against Obama, Biden or Hillary for any of their foreign crimes that we know happened in large number, you'd be on here today denouncing him as the lowest of the low!

So, Jack Daniels, I suggest you take Vindman since you love him so much, and go lick his ball sweat and lap up the dingles hanging off his ass. The very fact that you join here to defend him is proof positive that firing him was the absolute right thing to do because once again, Donald has stuck your plans in the dumper.

One more POS inside democrat confidant traitor leaker not to have to worry about. Notice is now served to all.
Actually, the guy who allegedly did that was his brother, Alexander. Yevgeny didn't have anything to do with the impeachment process.

Guilt by association. Time for Trump to end the bullshit and start ensuring he has a team of people around him that are both loyal and committed to, believe in and faithful to the same mission Trump is on.

Guilt by association? Purges? Loyalty tests?

Sounds familiar.
Sure, right, Lush, Donald is telling everyone when and when not to be loyal to him

Wrong dickhead..he expects (and gets) total loyalty to him at all times from you sycophants

What he's telling you is when and to whom you should be loyal to other than him

And like the lapdogs you fall in line every time

Hey! We must make a great team! I'm a dickhead and you are a zipperbrain. I have just what you need then to fill your hole. And believe me, that's a big hole to fill. Now tell me the number of people disloyal to Obama he had around him? Last time I checked, the mark of a good leader was to have and keep people confident in him.

I'll pass your compliment onto the Donald.
Oh, he doesn't have one.

Being a scum-sucking, two-timing, back-stabbing, self-appointed, pompous, disloyal traitor to the President of the USA conspiring behind his back with delusions of godhood that he somehow knew better and was in charge of deciding foreign policy rather than merely carrying it out and with a creepy name like Yevgeny Vindman is good enough for me.

The very fact that had this crumb betrayed and tried to wrest authority and control over policy and testified against Obama, Biden or Hillary for any of their foreign crimes that we know happened in large number, you'd be on here today denouncing him as the lowest of the low!

So, Jack Daniels, I suggest you take Vindman since you love him so much, and go lick his ball sweat and lap up the dingles hanging off his ass. The very fact that you join here to defend him is proof positive that firing him was the absolute right thing to do because once again, Donald has stuck your plans in the dumper.

One more POS inside democrat confidant traitor leaker not to have to worry about. Notice is now served to all.
Actually, the guy who allegedly did that was his brother, Alexander. Yevgeny didn't have anything to do with the impeachment process.

Guilt by association. Time for Trump to end the bullshit and start ensuring he has a team of people around him that are both loyal and committed to, believe in and faithful to the same mission Trump is on.

Guilt by association? Purges? Loyalty tests? Sounds familiar.

I would hope so. We just lived through 8 years of it with Obama. If you're disloyal to a Democrat, you turn up face down in an alley with a knife in your back.
he fired someone who wouldn't break the fucking law for him, & got kudos from both his psychophants & basket dwelling base....

that's says SO much about donny & his cult.
yea, he needs people who will do it for him like bannon spying on congress, holder running guns illegally and the like.

god damn you're a fucking moron.

refusing a subpoena - whether it's from congress or a DA is unlawful.

not to mention:

"We teach them, 'Don’t follow an illegal order. And if you’re ever given one, you’ll raise it to whoever gives it to you that this is an illegal order, and then tell your boss,'" said Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general.

I gave you a chance but now I’m going to have to swear. God you’re a fucking illiterate moron.

the link is to the FBI report itself.

not page 12, paragraph 4 where it says xyz.

You mean like this?

Clinton did not delete emails under subpoena. She told her lawyer to get the work related emails and delete the rest. This request was done in December 2014 (page 18, paragraph 2). The technician never actually did that. The subpoena was issued in March 2015. At that time, the technician realized he had not deleted the emails and then did so. He did not do so at the request of Clinton. Page 19, paragraph 2.

It takes effort to be this stupid.

Im away from my laptop and at work now so I will dig into the rest of the post when I get a chance.
and i addressed that in my own timelines. i addressed the "oh shit" moment and expanded upon:

1. 60 day retention policy. for her own mail she can delete it the second she sends it. i don't care. however, given that this is now a "work" server also, it must at a minimum comply with federal retention policies.
2. speculatory evidence of her IT guy asking how to remove a VIP from e-mails. timeframe also inside all this and her "delays" are simply buying time. YES - SPECULATION.

however -
Grassley blasts FBI over Clinton emails
"The FBI has evidently decided to stonewall the court's legitimate inquiry here and the State Department is going along with it," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in an interview. "We're seeking quick court action to find out where these records might be."

Judge blasts attempts to block info release on Hillary's email scandal
“Remember what got us started down this path in the first place,” he said. “In late 2014 and early 2015, at least some State Department officials knew Secretary Clinton’s emails were missing; they knew Judicial Watch didn’t know that; they knew the Court didn’t know that, but the Department pressed forward trying to settle this case. So I authorized discovery into whether these settlement efforts amounted to bad faith.”
so they DID start asking for this in 2014. sent hillary into what it would appear to be panic moves to hide as much info as possible.

one method of stalling was to deliver paper copies, already mentioned.

so while you pointed to something (finally) i also addressed it and showed a hell of a lot more you're simply looking past or dismiss with "hack".

My post above was pointing out that you claimed I didn’t point to page x paragraph y when I very clearly did so. You haven’t addressed that, I can only wonder why you seem to ignore this.

Anyway, the change to the retention policy was made in December 2014 (page 18 paragraph 2) after Samuelson went through and submitted the work related ones (page 16, paragraph 2). Her process is described in that paragraph.

So you see, Clinton only had her inbox deleted after she was told that the work related emails had been submitted to State Dept.
you're right. you did. i missed it. my bad.

now - this was only done after what, i asked 5 or 6 times to be specific and you never were. now you're off saying LOOK I DID IT ONCE YOU'RE A LIAR!!!

ok - fine. and you're an idiot.

Ha! You see. This is the thing with you. It’s never enough. You demand a source. I provide a source. You demand 2. You demand testimony about Trump. Then you demand documentary evidence.

There’s no pleasing you. You’re mind is made up. Totally closed to new information. Like information about how Clinton’s email retention policy was only changed after she was told work related emails were submitted to State

Oh, he doesn't have one.

Being a scum-sucking, two-timing, back-stabbing, self-appointed, pompous, disloyal traitor to the President of the USA conspiring behind his back with delusions of godhood that he somehow knew better and was in charge of deciding foreign policy rather than merely carrying it out and with a creepy name like Yevgeny Vindman is good enough for me.

The very fact that had this crumb betrayed and tried to wrest authority and control over policy and testified against Obama, Biden or Hillary for any of their foreign crimes that we know happened in large number, you'd be on here today denouncing him as the lowest of the low!

So, Jack Daniels, I suggest you take Vindman since you love him so much, and go lick his ball sweat and lap up the dingles hanging off his ass. The very fact that you join here to defend him is proof positive that firing him was the absolute right thing to do because once again, Donald has stuck your plans in the dumper.

One more POS inside democrat confidant traitor leaker not to have to worry about. Notice is now served to all.
Actually, the guy who allegedly did that was his brother, Alexander. Yevgeny didn't have anything to do with the impeachment process.
Did you ask Obama why he fired a lot of Bush appointed ambassadors?

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