Trumps Has Never Read The Constitution

And you thought "57 states" was bad.

And you thought "Two Corinthians" was bad.

Trump to House Republicans: ‘Say great things . . . We love Trump.’

Trump met with House Republicans recently, and he asked them to tell the press the meeting went great.

“It would great if you could say we had an unbelievable meeting. ‘Trump loves us. We love Trump.’ It’s going to be so good. Okay?” Trump said

What a huckster.

But, being Republicans, some were worried about Trump's dictatorial tendencies, and so:

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) asked Trump what his understanding was of Article 1, given congressional concerns about the balance of power.

Trump's response was priceless:

“I am a constitutionalist. I am going to abide by the Constitution whether it’s number 1, number 2, number 12, number 9,” Trump responded. “I am a constitutionalist. I’m going to abide by the Constitution . . . It’s so important, and we’re getting away from it. And let me tell you, we have gotten so far away from it, we’re not going to have a country anymore.”


The dumb fuck thought he could put one over on the Congress? Really?

There are only 7 articles (not "numbers) in the Constitution.

Seriously, rubes. Wake the fuck up. This asshole is making a mockery of everything you ever pretended to hold near and dear.

Ever since the guru of pollsters; Nate Silver, told all of you lefties that your female version of Hugo Chavez was actually losing, you people have gotten so shrill. Chill out; long way to go before Trump is sworn in:Boom2:
So here's one rube who refuses to wake up.

There's a reason I call them willfully blind monkeys.
And you thought "57 states" was bad.

And you thought "Two Corinthians" was bad.

Trump to House Republicans: ‘Say great things . . . We love Trump.’

Trump met with House Republicans recently, and he asked them to tell the press the meeting went great.

“It would great if you could say we had an unbelievable meeting. ‘Trump loves us. We love Trump.’ It’s going to be so good. Okay?” Trump said

What a huckster.

But, being Republicans, some were worried about Trump's dictatorial tendencies, and so:

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) asked Trump what his understanding was of Article 1, given congressional concerns about the balance of power.

Trump's response was priceless:

“I am a constitutionalist. I am going to abide by the Constitution whether it’s number 1, number 2, number 12, number 9,” Trump responded. “I am a constitutionalist. I’m going to abide by the Constitution . . . It’s so important, and we’re getting away from it. And let me tell you, we have gotten so far away from it, we’re not going to have a country anymore.”


The dumb fuck thought he could put one over on the Congress? Really?

There are only 7 articles (not "numbers") in the Constitution.

Seriously, rubes. Wake the fuck up. This asshole is making a mockery of everything you ever pretended to hold near and dear.
I can guarantee you that Hitlery has never read the U.S. Constitution. Not even once.
And you thought "57 states" was bad.

And you thought "Two Corinthians" was bad.

Trump to House Republicans: ‘Say great things . . . We love Trump.’

Trump met with House Republicans recently, and he asked them to tell the press the meeting went great.

“It would great if you could say we had an unbelievable meeting. ‘Trump loves us. We love Trump.’ It’s going to be so good. Okay?” Trump said

What a huckster.

But, being Republicans, some were worried about Trump's dictatorial tendencies, and so:

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) asked Trump what his understanding was of Article 1, given congressional concerns about the balance of power.

Trump's response was priceless:

“I am a constitutionalist. I am going to abide by the Constitution whether it’s number 1, number 2, number 12, number 9,” Trump responded. “I am a constitutionalist. I’m going to abide by the Constitution . . . It’s so important, and we’re getting away from it. And let me tell you, we have gotten so far away from it, we’re not going to have a country anymore.”


The dumb fuck thought he could put one over on the Congress? Really?

There are only 7 articles (not "numbers") in the Constitution.

Seriously, rubes. Wake the fuck up. This asshole is making a mockery of everything you ever pretended to hold near and dear.
I can guarantee you that Hitlery has never read the U.S. Constitution. Not even once.
B-b-b-b-but Clinton!
Funny, from the outside looking in one has to wonder if any of the nut cases in DC understand what they purportedly know inside and out.
everyone knows he meant 57 counties... that said, dumb donanld doesn't know or care about our government. he would fail a civics test

he wouldt know what the constitution is if it bit him
That's hilarious coming from the person who knows less about the U.S. Constitution than anyone I have ever met. I mean - you're on record stating that your professor (yes....her college professor) at Libtard U knows more about the Constitution than Thomas Jefferson. :eusa_doh:

(You can't make this stuff up)
It is like Trump is trying to find everything every pseudo-con has ever pretended to hold near and dear and just trashing the shit out of it. Just to see how deep their fakery goes.

For the Chumps, Trump trumps even the Constitution!
Reminds me of this one:

View attachment 82918
I think he just doesn't consider not "conserving" the Constitution an actual choice.

Pretty much he is just occupying the position so some looney tune doesn't get it.

Doesn't look like it. On the contrary he appears to be actively against it....

You are an idiot.

Do you realize how much damage the media has done? How is punishing the media for deliberately misusing their power against the Constitution?

Do you want this country to be as stupid as Britain is?
The post is so incoherent that it indicates the desperate (an humorous) attempts by the radical left to dig up something, anything from Media Matters whether it makes sense or not. .
everyone knows he meant 57 counties...
Wait.....wait....wait.....everybody knows that Obama meant 57 counties?!?! Are you serious?!? Is there no lie you won't tell to protect your precious little party?

Here he is on video on that fateful day. He not only says 58 states - he further clarifies what he means by stating "I'm not going to Alaska and Hawaii". So either he's so insanely stupid that he thinks that Alaska and Hawaii are "counties" or you are a pathological liar. Which one is it Jillian?!?

And you thought "57 states" was bad.

And you thought "Two Corinthians" was bad.

Trump to House Republicans: ‘Say great things . . . We love Trump.’

Trump met with House Republicans recently, and he asked them to tell the press the meeting went great.

“It would great if you could say we had an unbelievable meeting. ‘Trump loves us. We love Trump.’ It’s going to be so good. Okay?” Trump said

What a huckster.

But, being Republicans, some were worried about Trump's dictatorial tendencies, and so:

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) asked Trump what his understanding was of Article 1, given congressional concerns about the balance of power.

Trump's response was priceless:

“I am a constitutionalist. I am going to abide by the Constitution whether it’s number 1, number 2, number 12, number 9,” Trump responded. “I am a constitutionalist. I’m going to abide by the Constitution . . . It’s so important, and we’re getting away from it. And let me tell you, we have gotten so far away from it, we’re not going to have a country anymore.”


The dumb fuck thought he could put one over on the Congress? Really?

There are only 7 articles (not "numbers") in the Constitution.

Seriously, rubes. Wake the fuck up. This asshole is making a mockery of everything you ever pretended to hold near and dear. are.
Mr. Flash, I then wonder how the University of Chicago Law School (ranked no. 4 in the U.S.) made such a massive error in allowing Mr. Obama (who graduated from Harvard Law School as editor of the Harvard Law Review, ranked no. 2 in the country) to become a senior lecturer from 1996 to 2004? My, and he did this without ever reading the Bill of Rights? Mercy.
Affirmative discrimination and patronage.
And you thought "57 states" was bad.

And you thought "Two Corinthians" was bad.

Trump to House Republicans: ‘Say great things . . . We love Trump.’

Trump met with House Republicans recently, and he asked them to tell the press the meeting went great.

“It would great if you could say we had an unbelievable meeting. ‘Trump loves us. We love Trump.’ It’s going to be so good. Okay?” Trump said

What a huckster.

But, being Republicans, some were worried about Trump's dictatorial tendencies, and so:

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) asked Trump what his understanding was of Article 1, given congressional concerns about the balance of power.

Trump's response was priceless:

“I am a constitutionalist. I am going to abide by the Constitution whether it’s number 1, number 2, number 12, number 9,” Trump responded. “I am a constitutionalist. I’m going to abide by the Constitution . . . It’s so important, and we’re getting away from it. And let me tell you, we have gotten so far away from it, we’re not going to have a country anymore.”


The dumb fuck thought he could put one over on the Congress? Really?

There are only 7 articles (not "numbers") in the Constitution.

Seriously, rubes. Wake the fuck up. This asshole is making a mockery of everything you ever pretended to hold near and dear.
I can guarantee you that Hitlery has never read the U.S. Constitution. Not even once.
Yes... of course YOU would think that getting a Law Degree from an Ivy League school, wouldn't require a single course on the constitution! :rolleyes:
everyone knows he meant 57 counties...
Wait.....wait....wait.....everybody knows that Obama meant 57 counties?!?! Are you serious?!? Is there no lie you won't tell to protect your precious little party?

Here he is on video on that fateful day. He not only says 58 states - he further clarifies what he means by stating "I'm not going to Alaska and Hawaii". So either he's so insanely stupid that he thinks that Alaska and Hawaii are "counties" or you are a pathological liar. Which one is it Jillian?!?

I guess the extra 8 states speak Austrian.
everyone knows he meant 57 counties...
You know - I'm glad you said "we're not friends because I'm such a radical liberal, I refuse to even be friends with a conservative". I could never be friends with someone who is a pathological liar. No matter what they do - whether it's a simple but embarrassing matter not like not knowing how many states there are in the U.S. or a major thing like raping women, you deny anything that liberals do wrong and blame it on a "vast right-wing conspiracy".

This unequivocally proves that you are pathological liar. Here it is on video. He clarifies that he means states by stating he won't be going to Alaska and Hawaii. Clearly not talking about "counties" like you falsely claim.

Reminds me of this one:

View attachment 82918
I think he just doesn't consider not "conserving" the Constitution an actual choice.

Pretty much he is just occupying the position so some looney tune doesn't get it.

Doesn't look like it. On the contrary he appears to be actively against it....

You are an idiot.

Do you realize how much damage the media has done? How is punishing the media for deliberately misusing their power against the Constitution?

Do you want this country to be as stupid as Britain is?

Review our 1st Amendment, Freedom of the Press...Freedom of Speech...

congress shall make no law abridging....

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