Trumps home raided by fbi

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You are s troll. And a Biden ass kisser. That is all you ever will be. BTW. My nephew won against the vaccine bs and will get the full 20 years without the vaxx . Seals won too. Fakey independent
Well, being a Biden ass kisser is much harder then being a Trump ass kisser. Trump’s lardo fat ass is a much bigger target. Plus, Trump ass kissers are never encumbered by the truth. Any made up shit works for them.
Its too early now, we are in the beginning stages of a revolution. As in all banana republics and dictatorships, they will round up and arrest all protesters and their leaders. Not until enough people, millions in multiple states rise up.

I'm just not sure that will ever occur.
Venezuela is probably the best recent example of Patriots defending their nation. And they have a dictator now.
That’s not what it says dufus. The right to bear arms as members of a militia shall not be infringed. ANY gun owner with historical awareness ( not you) knows that black powder firearms of the day were notoriously unreliable. Only defending in groups like a militia was very effective.
That's exactly what it says. *ignored*
Stop lying!!!

They hope they can prove that....but note how their claims keep floating around.

By Trump refusing to turn over all the classified material, it proves that he had the criminal intent to take it in the first place.

He could have claimed ignorance, or he did it by accident. But by not turning it over provides the mens rea of culpability to taking them in the first place.
You realize the whole idea of armed citizens going against the government is addressed by the Constitution. It gives the president the power to use military, and militia forces to put down civil disorder, and insurrections against the government.

Go ahead - Make my day.

The US government couldn't even beat a bunch of Vietnamese rice farmers and itinerant Middle Eastern goat herders. What makes you think they'd do any better against 98,460,000 heavily-armed US gun owners on their own territory?
They hope they can prove that....but note how their claims keep floating around. They're just trying to get Trump disqualified any way they can because they knew that he won the 2020 election....and they fear that he's going to win again.
Trump disqualified himself. Just opening his fat ass sphincter mouth does that.
Well, being a Biden ass kisser is much harder then being a Trump ass kisser. Trump’s lardo fat ass is a much bigger target. Plus, Trump ass kissers are never encumbered by the truth. Any made up shit works for them.
The only reason these folks are trying this is because they know they're dealing with people who follow the law. They know they aren't a threat. But even the law-abiding can become a threat if they're backed into a wall. And we're armed to the teeth and just hoping somebody comes knocking on our door.
Biden says he knew nothing about this. I can almost believe that--the man asks permission to sign stuff for Pete's sake. But anybody who thinks his staffers and/or whoever else is actually running him and the country didn't know, I still have that nice assortment of pretty bridges to sell.
By Trump refusing to turn over all the classified material, it proves that he had the criminal intent to take it in the first place.

He could have claimed ignorance, or he did it by accident. But by not turning it over provides the mens rea of culpability to taking them in the first place.

You don't even know if the material Trump had was "classified." Being the President and having executive privilege, he could have just waved his hand over those documents and made them unclassified by decree, while he was President.
The US government couldn't even beat a bunch of Vietnamese rice farmers and itinerant Middle Eastern goat herders. What makes you think they'd do any better against 98,460,000 heavily-armed US gun owners on their own territory?

With all due respect.....
The defacto "strategy" of the entire conservative Right Wing is to sit comfortably at home and wait till they come to take their individual guns at their private residence. They will be far out gunned and out manned in this scenario.

This is a massively losing strategy.
Man. Sometimes you support the police. Sometimes you support shooting the police. Why can’t you guys pick a lane?
It's called the ability to think critically in a variety of situations. Those of you whose opinions come directly from your TV's will probably never understand this.
Not when it's just your version of it.

Don't give a fuck what you say, just what you do. The 2 do not match right now.
GOP discovers new standards on the mishandling of classified info
The problem is not that Republicans flip-flopped, it’s that they only pretended to care about document retention in the first place.

If there was one thing Republicans cared about six years ago, it was how high-ranking officials dealt with classified materials. In fact, as recently as 2016, the GOP was certain — that is, the party at least pretended to be certain — that politicians disqualify themselves from positions of authority when they put documents at risk.
And so, now that Republicans have learned that Donald Trump allegedly took highly sensitive classified materials to his golf resort, one could imagine the party expressing outrage with the former president. After all, given the GOP’s recent history of passionate feelings on the subject, it stands to reason that Trump may have crossed an intolerable line.

But that would assume that the Republican Party’s principles and standards are consistent. They are not. On the contrary, GOP officials aren’t outraged with Trump, they’re outraged with federal law enforcement for even considering the possibility of holding Trump accountable for his alleged actions.
There’s regular ol’ hypocrisy and then there’s nuclear-grade hypocrisy. I’m reminded of this New York Times report from February, shining a light on Republicans who were “once so forceful about the issue of mishandling documents.
Several Republicans who once railed against Mrs. Clinton’s document retention practices did not respond Thursday to questions about Mr. Trump’s actions. Others who had been directly involved with investigating Mrs. Clinton declined to discuss the specifics except to suggest, without evidence, that the National Archives and Records Administration was treating Mr. Trump more harshly.
That was six months ago. The problem is far more acute in the wake of the FBI showing up at Mar-a-Lago yesterday.
Circling back to our earlier coverage, Republicans, with varying degrees of hysterics, made Hillary Clinton out to be a literal criminal who put the United States at risk. During the presidential campaign, then-House Speaker Paul Ryan went so far as to formally request that the Democrat be denied intelligence briefings — insisting that her email practices, which were the subject of an FBI investigation, were proof that she mishandled classified information and therefore couldn’t be trusted.
To this day, rabid Republican activists will reflexively chant, “Lock her up!” at the mere mention of Clinton’s name because she allegedly failed to properly deal with classified materials.

And now many of those same Republicans say they don’t much care. Indeed, the only thing many in the GOP appear to care about this morning is condemning federal law enforcement for taking the issue seriously.
Some might suggest that GOP voices have flip-flopped, conveniently changing their minds. But that gives the Republicans playing this game far too much credit: The problem is not that the GOP took the issue of document retention seriously before, only to later shift their position; the problem is that the party only pretended to care about the issue in the first place.
You are s troll. And a Biden ass kisser. That is all you ever will be. BTW. My nephew won against the vaccine bs and will get the full 20 years without the vaxx . Seals won too. Fakey independent


You anger and grief are so entertaining!

Please keep it coming!
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