Trumps home raided by fbi

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On the other hand, if he truly believed that there was a wide ranging conspiracy in a dozen or so counties in that nation?
If he believed that shit he's batshit crazy and belongs nowhere near the WH
What most people are missing is that if they can do it to a former President of the United Sates then they can do it to you if you dare to dissent from their party line.
They can and WILL "do it to you" if you steal a van load of classified docs from the WH
I would like the leftists here to explain why they're okay with government, when they're in power, to use he FBI to engage in a fishing expedition like this
What most people are missing is that if they can do it to a former President of the United Sates then they can do it to you if you dare to dissent from their party line. The most recent IRA Bill they passed just weaponized the IRS even more than it was, and the intimidation factor is growing quite powerful IMHO. I know it doesn't seem possible, but all the signs I see over the past several years indicate a slide into a one-party, totalitarian state. It may take awhile, but that's where we headed.
All the signs are there for anyone willing to see it. When they can control the media, education, scientific institutions, manufacturing/big business and do anything with government they decide to do, we have a totalitarian state regardless of what they choose to call it. And you're right. If they can do this to a former President of the United States or any political opponent with impunity, they can do anything to anybody they decide to do. And only the most naive and gullible would trust them to utilize restraint.
Unfortunately for the trump cult....this is still a country of law and justice. This is the beginning of justice for trump. The cult whines make it even more appealing.
Are sanctuary cities all about law and justice?
The evidence located there was a Republican the democrats really, really don't like.

When does biden start wearing huge, garish epaulets and a chest full of fake medals on his scarecrow suit?
A federal judge must have had extremely serious concerns to sign off on a search warrant for a former president. Garland is a very careful man. The whining trump cult is going to have to eat their words when the truth comes out.
If he believed that shit he's batshit crazy and belongs nowhere near the WH

They can and WILL "do it to you" if you steal a van load of classified docs from the WH
Are you going through hair sniffing withdrawals today?

6 years of this shit, and America is tired of it, and tired of your endless series of scams just so your DemNazi party can hold power and rob The American People of their hard earned income.
Two days after it was revealed that Trump took 15 boxes of White House documents to Mar-a-Lago, the National Archives stepped up its enforcement by asking the Justice Department to probe the ex-president's handling of the sensitive pages.

The Archives asked President Joe Biden's DOJ to investigate whether Trump violated the Presidential Records Act, a source told CNN on February 9.

The Washington Post reported the next day that some of the files in the 15 boxes the Archives had retrieved were marked as 'top secret' - spurring security concerns.

If this fuckin idiot really took these documents to Florida he is a fuckin idiot😂🤦‍♂️
A federal judge must have had extremely serious concerns to sign off on a search warrant for a former president. Garland is a very careful man. The whining trump cult is going to have to eat their words when the truth comes out.
The Judge was a hair sniffing Alphabet Pedo Lobbiest loyal to Pedo Peter the Hair Sniffing Child Eater.

This judge will be busted for child porn within the next 10 years.

How much you want to bet on that?
If a federal judge signed off on a search warrant for a former resident's is NOT a fishing expedition. You can be sure of that.
"Hair sniffing groomers gotta protect hair sniffing groomers and keep them in power so they can continue hair sniffing and grooming."
A federal judge must have had extremely serious concerns to sign off on a search warrant for a former president. Garland is a very careful man. The whining trump cult is going to have to eat their words when the truth comes out.
I would think…
"The Democrats - more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they're going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump's going to take advantage of it - that's our strategy. He's gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it's going to be a firestorm. You're gonna have antifa crazy, the media crazy, the courts are crazy. And Trump's gonna be sitting there mocking, tweeting shit out, 'You lose. I'm the winner. I'm the king.' And he'll be all over. He'll be going, 'Where's Hunter? Is Hunter on a crack pipe?' I mean, no, he'll be - because then it doesn't matter. Remember. Here's the thing. After then, Trump never has to go to a voter again. He's going to fire Wray, the FBI director. He's going to say, 'Fuck you! How about that?' Because he's never going to - he's done his last election. Oh he's going to be off the chain. He's gonna be crazy.

"Also, if Trump - if Trump is losing by 10 or 11 o'clock at night, it's going to be even crazier. No, because he's gonna sit right there and say, 'They stole it. I'm directing the Attorney General to shut down all ballot places in all 50 states.' It's gonna be no, he's not going out easy. If Trump - if Biden is winning, Trump is going to do some crazy shit."

Smoking. Gun.

The game plan for the coup was all laid out before the election.
/———/ That’s some strong shyt you smokin..
A federal judge must have had extremely serious concerns to sign off on a search warrant for a former president. Garland is a very careful man. The whining trump cult is going to have to eat their words when the truth comes out.
Garland is a puppet.
Trump is a dumbass. The National Archives requested several times he return the classified documents he possesses.

Why did he ignore them? Is there something in those records he does not want the public to see?
Why would Trump want classified documents in his possession in the first place?

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