Trumps home raided by fbi

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Don't be naive. The criterion for issuing a warrant is probable cause and a federal judge has a lot of discretion for deciding what constitutes probable cause. The entire Jan 6 hearings are politically motivated, so we have a corrupt political party hijacking the Congress for fear of Trump running in 2024 and we have the corrupt Obama FBI being used by Biden to try to weaken Trump. As soon as you say, no judge would ... you are no longer operating in the real world. Admit it, you don't care if a crime has been committed or not, you're just happy to see the headline even if it the product of a corrupt Democratic Party using instruments of government corruptly for political puposes.
Wrong....the search warrant was issued because a Federal judge found that a crime had been and mat still being committed at that residence. While the purpose may have been to retrieve top secret filed that trump illegally took from the WH....I am pretty sure there is a J6 connection. The DOJ does not litigate on social media.
I realized that you'd become flustered and need to lash our when I cited truth you are unable to refute, Sunshine.

The Cry Baby Loser is not above the law, however.
Bitch you couldn't beat me on your best day. I simply have no time to try and reason with morons.

so fuck right off!!!

you sad, pathetic bitches have been crying "Trump things he's above the law" for 6 years and you have YET TO PROVIDE A SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE of any law he has broken. Fucking worthless cowards.
There it is. Whining like a bitch. Trump lost. Get over it.
I know you hate and loath Trump, but this issue is more over process than politics. The Deep State is being weaponized against the far left, as well.

This is not really about Biden, this is about the control of the Deep State.

Biden, the neo-cons & neo-liberals, are just their patrons. As stake holder interests, they are just trying to protect them. Trump is a threat to that.

I'm am not sure you a fully informed about what is going on here.

Has the Ukraine Conflict Driven U.S. Government Officials Crazy?​

" . . . In 2019, Akilé Anai, a 23-year old leader of the African People’s Socialist Party in St. Petersburg received about 18% of the vote running for the city council on a reparations platform.


Akilé Anai [Source:]

Having her car seized during the FBI’s July 29 raid, Anai said that the African People’s Socialist Party “can have relationships with whomever we want to,” and that the FBI’s actions were part of a “propaganda war being waged against Russia every single day throughout the news.”


After the raid, Ajamu Baraka, leader of the Black Alliance for Peace, tweeted that “as predicted, black radicals are targeted again for not falling in line with the U.S. imperial agenda on Ukraine. . . ”
can we all just take a breath for 10 fucking seconds?

this is MY thread...i'm supposed to DOMINATE threads about Donald all just sit back and kiss my royal feet, because I AM THE KING!
On one condition, you link at least a dozen threads where you show participation in other folks threads.


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