Trumps home raided by fbi

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If you think something of this scale didn't, at the very least, go to his top echelons, you're even more stupid than you've presented yourself to be so far.
I don't know, I think there might be some merit to the argument.

How much control did Trump have over what his agency spooks were doing? Some of the operations that they get up to? And what they do? I am not sure they DO keep the administrations in the loop.

If the intel agencies had informants and agents in the Whitmere kidnapping plot, or at the J6 riot, do we necessarily think that Trump had any knowledge of it?

I have seen folks posting links about the intel agencies have programs and separations of intel from the president. The fact is, just as JFK and other presidents were worried about, these agencies have become a political interest, worried about their own power, and funding, all unto themselves.

I DO find it very believable, that if Biden, or the political side of his cabinet, had known about such plans, they might not have been pleased. The political ramifications for elections and optics on this, is a nightmare, IMO.

In fact, this very well, could be a clue about what the FBI was looking for. It might not be evidence of Trump criminal wrong doing, but evidence having to do with either FBI or associated intel agency corruption. It may have just been an operation, intended to avoid having to later do things like blackmail, break ins, assassinations, whatever they would have to do to protect their power, in the event the GOP takes over in the fall. . .

Or, maybe Joe does know, and it is a cover-up scheme?

Idle speculation on the claim Joe did not know. But it does seem believable to me. This does not, IMO, have a good look for the DNC.

It only benefits the Deep State, if they know something about what receipts Trump is potentially holding.
Why would you identify as a stupid white man?
Obviously you need to learn reading comprehension, stupid white man.
It's fun that you actually believe that. It will be more fun when you learn what the truth is.

Please don't leave this board because I really want to watch you melt down.
You’ll be waiting quite a while.
donny is in bed with the saudis & so is jared. then there's always vlad hanging in the shadows. remember how he gave some israeli intel to the roooskie spies stright from the oval office back in 2016ish? he ows a lotta money & he might be selling this country out, literally.
Yeah, it may be something that we didn't otherwise know about.
Youre fucking stupid if you think we arent going to buttfuck your corrupt party the moment we take back the House.
So under Obama the right engaged in non stop
“investigations” that resulted in nothing of substance. No indictments. Nothing.
Now Trump is under investigation with literally several indictments of his people, dozens of his former administration officials testifying against him. Criminal investigations in NY, GA and by the FBI. Now with search warrants being executed and you want retribution with more empty investigations?

What losers. Completely bankrupt losers.
I have a better idea... fuck you.
Secret Service have the obligation to keep the president safe. It's a weird circumstance when the president demands to be put into an unsafe situation.
There was nothing unsafe about going to the Capitol at the time of their refusal unless they somehow had advance knowledge of the pending riot.

It certainly has no relation to what we are talking about here.
It directly contradicts your point that staff at the WH merely follow orders mindlessly, implying that whatever they did MUST have been at the behest of DJT.

Was it 30 or 100? Seems like that number isn't very precise.
I've heard two reports, one saying thirty, the other saying a hundred. Suffice it to say, there were a lot there, and they were carrying machine guns.

I don't know what they were looking for.
Don't you find it funny that almost a day later, they've released no formal statement of WHY they went there and whether they found it? When I got up today, Bing didn't even mention in its news that an historic event of a president's home had just been attacked by the FBI!

I suppose Trump could have released the warrant, I don't know for sure.
Trump was up in New York or New Jersey when the raid happened.

The warrant would have told us what the issues were.
Funny that no one has released that info yet! Seems to be the first question I'd be asking as a journalist.

They are not allowed to take whatever they please and they're definitely not allowed to destroy anything.
They took 15 boxes I hear. Who can say now what was in those boxes or if anything was destroyed or stolen? Seems to me any aboveboard government would be careful to avoid such matters and questions, especially in the unprecedented action of raiding a president's home while both Hillary and Hunter both ostensibly have far more obvious reason to be raided yet never have been!
Yeah, it may be something that we didn't otherwise know about.
Trump is in bed with the Saudi’s?

Trump has an energy policy that avoids gasoline at $5-$10 a gallon

Are you so much of a crazy environmentalist that YOU WANT gas to be unaffordable for average Americans?

Yeah, I think you might be
Never forget what happened after Harry Reid changed the Senate rules on filibuster, and it came back to bite you on the ass.

We didn't start this, your party did.
A thinking person might actually ask the question as to what precipitated such a move by Reid. Unprecedented Republican cuntery. Per usual.
I know you hate and loath Trump, but this issue is more over process than politics. The Deep State is being weaponized against the far left, as well.
There is one point that is absolutely true, I’ll take it a step further. Donald Trump is the only person living today that I honestly hate. I can’t wait for the day he leaves this earth.
Well known fact. No DOJ would go after a former President and assumed candidate opposing the current President without informing the current President. It just wouldn't happen.
Wrong. In fact, all the more reason not to involve the president.
So under Obama the right engaged in non stop
“investigations” that resulted in nothing of substance. No indictments. Nothing.
Now Trump is under investigation with literally several indictments of his people, dozens of his former administration officials testifying against him. Criminal investigations in NY, GA and by the FBI. Now with search warrants being executed and you want retribution with more empty investigations?

What losers. Completely bankrupt losers.
“The right” meaning repubs in congress

But all they could do is accuse

The obama DOJ chose to ignore those facts rather than take their fuhrer to court
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