Trumps home raided by fbi

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No but she destroyed over 33,000 government emails and all her government hard drives, which of course you already knew but are just intentionally playing dumb at. Besides, presidents don't pack their papers and stuff when they leave office, the WH staff does all that, and anything contained therein such as something the national archives might be interested in as supposedly is the case here, all they need to do is ask for it, you don't go busting into someone's home like a third world country much less that of one of your own presidents, which again, you should have known, but I'm not so sure you are playing dumb this time.

This was all about trying to drum up a last ditch effort to create any excuse they can to try to stop Trump from getting reelected as clearly if he runs again, he would be by the people of the United States as he is just gaining more popularity and support by the day.
Thank you rip van winkle. Nothing about her has any impact on trump or a possible court action in front of a judge or a jury of his peers. Or is this just talk for the courthouse steps. We all know how much that affected court outcomes, post election, don't we?
I don’t think any DOJ lawyer (or federal agent) ever is supposed to tip-off anyone before applying for a s/w. But, when it comes to disclosing the existence of a search warrant, that most often occurs when the s/w is executed.

Later on, at some point, the application and supporting papers have to be disclosed to — yes — even an alleged drug dealer’s lawyer.

If those papers reveal a source who might be put into danger, there are work arounds. Like redactions. Or sometimes the prosecutor obtains permission to avoid such discovery more fully by having the judge review the papers “in camera.”
Sounds right. But, I'm no lawyer and don't even play one on TV.:)
This had better be good. Open and shut. Iron clad. And significant in scope.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall when they were planning to go to the judge. I wonder how many times "holy shit, we can't fuck this up" was said.
That’s exactly why I remain confident. The credibility of any future actions by the DOJ is on the line.

You guys watch a lot of TEE VEE and movies, don't you?
What most people are missing is that if they can do it to a former President of the United Sates then they can do it to you if you dare to dissent from their party line. The most recent IRA Bill they passed just weaponized the IRS even more than it was, and the intimidation factor is growing quite powerful IMHO. I know it doesn't seem possible, but all the signs I see over the past several years indicate a slide into a one-party, totalitarian state. It may take awhile, but that's where we headed.
Psst… “they” can already do it to you if there is probable cause that you committed a crime.
Sprained my ankle after dancing so hard in the street last night after learning about the FBI raid.

AND....Here's Trump....always the fucking hypocrite.

So under Obama the right engaged in non stop
“investigations” that resulted in nothing of substance. No indictments. Nothing.
Now Trump is under investigation with literally several indictments of his people, dozens of his former administration officials testifying against him. Criminal investigations in NY, GA and by the FBI. Now with search warrants being executed and you want retribution with more empty investigations?

What losers. Completely bankrupt losers.
Nice word salad. What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:
You act as though the president staying out of making decisions against rival politicians is a character flaw.

But it’s actually a good thing.
Either he is out of the loop or he is in the loop, I
believe it is not a good thing anyway :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Either he is out of the loop or he is in the loop, I
believe it is not a good thing anyway :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
He’s out of the loop with regard to investigative and prosecuting decisions of political rivals.

That’s a good thing, but there’s no pleasing some people.
So now your brain and your ankle are sprained.

My brain is just fine, unlike yours which literally floats in Trump Kool-Aid.
Garland took a very long time to make this move. He has a lot of shit on Mar-A-Lago Fats.
But don't you worry your Kool-Aid soaked head. Trump won't go to prison.
But he may be sporting an ankle bracelet in the near future.
Didn’t read your own link.

In 2013, Senate Democrats — then in the majority — triggered the nuclear option for the first time.

“Frustrated with what they considered the relentless Republican obstruction of Obama's appointments, Democrats led by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, changed the rules so that lower court and Cabinet nominees could be confirmed with a simple majority, rather than the typical 60-vote threshold.”
Hahaha. You don't understand. The GOP have been groomed like Pavlov's Dogs. You see they must believe when Reid changed the rules so that lower court and Cabinet nominees could be confirmed with a simple majority, that actually forced McConnell to remove the very same rule for the Supreme Court nominees. So in Neo-Reality, that it is Reid's fault that the changes were made to the rules on Supreme Court nomination just comes natural to them.
My brain is just fine, unlike yours which literally floats in Trump Kool-Aid.
Garland took a very long time to make this move. He has a lot of shit on Mar-A-Lago Fats.
But don't you worry your Kool-Aid soaked head. Trump won't go to prison.
But he may be sporting an ankle bracelet in the near future.
You know, kid: writing as stupidly as you do doesn’t make you appear even slightly less retarded when you do it in large font.
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