Trumps home raided by fbi

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trump has been thumbing his nose at laws and justice for a long time.
Just thumbing his nose at lying pieces of shit who spend their every waking moment trying to dream up new lies and new scams to defraud The American Public with just like you did with Russian Collusion and January 6th and your scam lockdowns and mandates.
2. The staff follow orders from the president.
You mean like when ordered his staff to drive him from the Ellipse down to the Capitol and they refused?

3. Maybe they did ask for it. The archives has been on this for like a year.
So what. Are you saying that justifies a 30-100 man raid on a president's home?

4. This assumes Trump has done nothing worth investigating.
Everyone has something worth investigating. Warrants are issued as a last resort because you've shown good cause to a judge that something of VITAL interest or convicting evidence is certain that requires you to get it now and you have no other way. Not only was that not the case, but the matter here is that it does not justify an open warrant to bust into your home, kick everyone out, then destroy and take whatever the hell you damn well please.

If the FBI cannot immediately show they got some damning evidence to convict Trump of a CRIME right now, we have all just been plunged into a third world banana republic where we are now mere subjects to a totalitarian autocratic government who makes their own rules as they desire.
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This had better be good. Open and shut. Iron clad. And significant in scope.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall when they were planning to go to the judge. I wonder how many times "holy shit, we can't fuck this up" was said.
That’s exactly why I remain confident. The credibility of any future actions by the DOJ is on the line.
Sure I am. I see no evidence this is that. Your pearl clutching is not impressive.
It’s amazing how liberals can turn a bind eye to corruption and Alan abuse of power when they approve of the target.

Fortunately several powerful liberals are not quite so tolerant of this and are demanding an explanation from the Justice Department.
The dems went to a friendly judge, White.
The appointed judge that ruled against trump was not shopped for.
I am just an average guy. You are just an average guy, as far as I know. When I want something done officially, that I cannot do by myself of my own volition, I go and have gone to people that think well of me, and are reasonable types, and you know darned well, you do to and that all lawyers do (if they get a chance), and it is only human nature and so common, historic and natural, I do not fault the sun for coming up in the morning. It is just the way it is, the way it has always been from the beginning of time, only seen as a negative characteristic when not in your favor.

I used to be involved in sales, (residential, contractors and industrial) as a Rep.. If you think I didn't zero on the one that was most responsive to facts and amenable to the planned presentation, you got me all wrong. Maybe it was the small plant manager, but sometimes just the purchasing agent or shop superintendent. Maybe the contractor, but then again, maybe his project manager or head trim/millwork/stair guy. Sometimes the husband and sometimes the wife. My boss paid me to be effective and productive. Everybody's does. It is just the way it is. The game is the same, whether sales, working up the corporate ladder, being a successful lawyer, or you, trying to get the best deal on a car.

Look at Trump's lawyers while trying to overturn the results. Did they go into court zeroing in, prepared to impress any judges (Dem or Rep) with presentation of solid incontrovertible facts, smoothly presented, successfully effectively making their case for their client to the judge? No. Why? They didn't seem to have the facts, the proof, the evidence nailed down and in hand, and judges are looking for the facts and the evidence. Totally ineffective 62 out of 63 times the showed up in front of a living breathing judge. Not too good a track record as legal teams go. Who did they make their appeal to? Right wing newshounds and the trump base, in the halls or outside official looking buildings, often the courthouse steps or friendly right wing news infotainment hosts on set, and their target market, the Trump base. Shitty as lawyers, but quite proficient as mouthpiece presenters to their target market, and quite effective, as the bar of proof much lower if the people presented to are rooting for you to tell the story, they want to hear.

Like I said, it is just the way it is and has always been, since the beginning of, well everything. If hiring, I look for people that can. If retaining/promoting, I look closer at people that do. Nothing left wing about it. People liked me for my professional, logical side, and I never changed. Now, nobody paying me to change, so I retain methods of operation that worked, out of training and habit.
Y'know, I really want to believe they know that and will proceed accordingly.

So I guess we'll see. :rolleyes:

the warrant was extremely classified & a judge signed off of it. somebody is snitching. i'm wondering if it's mark meadows - he didn't get indicted like bannon for the same crime & donny's lawyers told him to cease contact with meadows as well who knows - it could be alex jones' texts that got it started.
If a federal judge signed off on a search warrant for a former resident's is NOT a fishing expedition. You can be sure of that.

YOU can be sure of that, but I'm not. Are you that naive that you believe there are no federal judges that would sign off on a warrant to search Trump's house without sufficient cause or evidence? Even against a former President of the United States? There are some people out there, even within the Republican Party that hate DJT with a passion, and they will not hesitate to go after him with or without a sufficient reason. To doubt that is to defy reality.

It's not like they haven't done it before, in 2016. Did you forget the IG Report that came out where they said the DOJ didn't have a sufficient basis for what they did when they went after Trump back then? Nobody went to jail for it cuz it wasn't illegal, or illegality couldn't be proved in a court of law. But that doesn't mean what they did was legal or just, it just means they got away with it; it WAS an abuse of office and some people lost their jobs.
Bitch you couldn't beat me on your best day. I simply have no time to try and reason with morons.

so fuck right off!!!

you sad, pathetic bitches have been crying "Trump things he's above the law" for 6 years and you have YET TO PROVIDE A SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE of any law he has broken. Fucking worthless cowards.
Compose yourself.

It may concern Trump's theft of government documents.

The confiscation of documents by the FBI was authorized by a federal judge after it had presented sufficient cause. The FBI is directed by Christopher Wray, a Republican Trump appointee. Trump insisted that he only appointed the "best people", so many of whom testified before the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol by Trump goons as Trump pleasured himself for hours watching them.

Do you think Nancy and Barry used the same writer and director for this TV show she used for the Jan6 TV show?
You mean like when ordered his staff to drive him from the Ellipse down to the Capitol and they refused?

So what. Are you saying that justifies a 30-100 man raid on a president's home?

Everyone has something worth investigating. The matter here is that it does not justify an open warrant to bust into your home, kick everyone out, then destroy and take whatever the hell you damn please.
Secret Service have the obligation to keep the president safe. It's a weird circumstance when the president demands to be put into an unsafe situation. It certainly has no relation to what we are talking about here.

Was it 30 or 100? Seems like that number isn't very precise. I don't know what they were looking for. I suppose Trump could have released the warrant, I don't know for sure. The warrant would have told us what the issues were. I don't pretend to know how many agents are needed. Mar a Lago seems like a pretty big place.

No, not everyone has something worth investigating. Did they "bust" in or did they politely knock? They are not allowed to take whatever they please and they're definitely not allowed to destroy anything.
the warrant was extremely classified & a judge signed off of it. somebody is snitching. i'm wondering if it's mark meadows - he didn't get indicted like bannon for the same crime & donny's lawyers told him to cease contact with meadows as well who knows - it could be alex jones' texts that got it started.
I've seen this story but I really haven't paid much attention to it. This better have teeth. If it's about some missing love letters from the fat Korean kid, the feds are going to look like idiots.
By a D.C. jury. That's proof of nothing.
Funny how, no change of venue could be sold to the judge. Judge must have thought the jury pool was legitimate. The prosecution and defense, must have agreed. Are you sure you shouldn't be bitching about Right-Wing movers and shakers, picking legal counsel on how the lawyers sold them, instead of picking the ones that could sell to juries, they got to help pick? Just sayin.....
I've seen this story but I really haven't paid much attention to it. This better have teeth. If it's about some missing love letters from the fat Korean kid, the feds are going to look like idiots.

donny is in bed with the saudis & so is jared. then there's always vlad hanging in the shadows. remember how he gave some israeli intel to the roooskie spies stright from the oval office back in 2016ish? he ows a lotta money & he might be selling this country out, literally.
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