Trumps home raided by fbi

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Moron, Hunter is not a politician.
I'm embarrassed for you that I have to point that FACT out, TWICE.

Son's of Politicians aren't Politicians.
3rd Graders know this.


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Recorded, maybe. Not monitored.
When Clinton was president his AG was Janet Reno.
She was no technical wiz, so when they explained a new AI monitoring program named "carnivore" to her, her comment was to change the name.
Carnivore, later renamed DCS1000, was a system implemented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that was designed to monitor email and electronic communications. It used a customizable packet sniffer that could monitor all of a target user's Internet traffic. Carnivore was implemented in October 1997. By 2005 it had been replaced with improved commercial software.

That was 1887. Knowledge doubles every 12-hours. Just imagine what today's AI monitors can do.
I have never seen a Dim with integrity... never seen a good dimrat president except JFK wasn't too hideous, at least not all the time. He was a slut.. but I don't recall him lying to We the People 24/7
Kennedy was a sexual deviant I wouldn't trust around any of my womenfolk or family, but he was a good leader and a good president. Trump was too.
Again I ask.


Fuck off Jackass. Go soak your head in a bucket. It was just a cartoon I borrowed from Blaine Sweeter here. I did not make it. I am not determining anything you fuckwad. Go seek help for your problem with a good psychiatrist or go ask Blaine why he posted it. Your whole LIFE is a fucking insult to humanity and don't you PM me either ever again, psycho.

Then on your way to doing that, ask yourself why you're not angry at the entire democrat party you support who've spent the past five years telling the world that anyone who supports Trump isn't a good American, in fact, your president said that if you don't vote for Joe Biden, black people aren't even black! :laughing0301:
You got proof there was nothing in the safe, Trump's asseater? When's your ass buddy Trump going to release a copy of the warrant to show how he's the "victim", jerkoff?

All you have is drool on your chin as you babble on defending a conman.
Poor little faggot still melting down. Look you fucking homosexual, it’s not on Trump to release the warrant. That’s on the people involved. Who are hiding like roaches. All you have is jizz on your chin from your latest redezvous behind the dumpster.
He's as much of a political opponent as Biden was when Trump ask the President of Ukraine to help the U.S. investigate his corrupt activities in Ukraine, and you claimed that made Biden immune.
So, when you mentioned this post, I thought you actually had some idea of what the corruption actually was.
I guess not.

So, describe this his corrupt activities in Ukraine, so we can discuss it.
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"And to use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal."

Direct quote, Trump, Jan 6

Now go sit down, ya squealing little twat.
Peacefully protest and make your voices heard. Direct quote. Now STFU you pathetic liar.
He's just the grift that keep's on griftin'

"In fact, Trump put enormous pressure on the Justice Department to pursue leaks of classified information while he was president, usually related to negative disclosures in the press about him," Risen reported. "Many of the people charged in cases involving leaks of classified information during the Trump administration came in connection to disclosures in the press about Trump or Russia, or both. The Intercept reported last year that the Trump administration had referred a record of at least 334 leaks of classified information to the Justice Department for criminal investigation." - Raw Story
Raw Sewage? Just when you think this goof can’t possibly get dumber, Flaming Fart posts this crap.
So, when you mentioned this post, I thought you actually had some idea of what the corruption actually was.
I guess not.

So, describe this his corrupt activities in Ukraine, so we can discuss it.
One of his corrupt activities was threatening to revoke $1 billion in military assistance if they investigated the company that was paying bribe money to his son, you dumb fucking douchebag.
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