Trumps home raided by fbi

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FIB wouldn't hand over the search warrant. This is gettin' BetternBetter all the time. DAMN!!! YOU GUYS. AWESOME!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Via DailyMail:
I’m sure turning security cameras off was totally above board. Just like ballot counters boarding up windows so their ballot stuffing couldnt be witnessed. Democrats are very one note. ;)
They aren't political prisoners. They are a mob that attacked the Capitol. What's wrong with you?
Violent offenders are released on bail, or NO bail, to go around and assault people again - often within days. These were non-violent people who are of no harm to others, and were entitled - at a minimum - to a speedy trial. Instead they have been subjected to cruel and unusual punishment, such as beatings, months-long isolation, and sleep deprivation.

Serial killers on death row are treated better. What is wrong with YOU that what has happened to these Trump supporters is acceptable?
Everyone who has a search warrant executed on them gets a copy of the warrant and a list of what was taken.

The affidavit may or may not be made public at this time depending on the risk to the ongoing investigation. Everything is subject to national security considerations given the former president is known to have retained classified information.

Listening to Trump’s lawyers is rarely a good way to understand the truth.
That's why its unethical... They didn't leave one for Trump... they showed it but must not have left copies because Trump's lawyer just went to a judge to get him to order the FBI to hand them over....

This is common when going after Trump's people... they show the warrant and then say no you can't have it....

The entire thing is a show - a message to anyone who defies the Nazi party.

Garland just never expected the whole thing to blow up in his face. Proving that Merrick Garland is as stupid as he is corrupt.

Will you join me in demanding Garland resign? Today!!
What has blown up exactly?

FIB REFUSED to hand over the why would they do that?? and then kicked her out of the house while they searched with a stoolpigeon and three DoJ lawyers. THIS just keeps on getting Better and BETTER!!!!!

wh wh what was that you said about law and order democrats?? :iyfyus.jpg:
He had months to turn them over. A pity he didn't.
How do you know he was asked to turn them over?

They were right there waiting for the Deep State to pick them up

But not with a SWAT team

That was an insult to the rule of law and an sbuse of power
The DoJ never does that. They don’t publicize their findings to protect innocent people from
having their private information disclosed to the public.

The last thing Trump actually wants is for the DoJ to tell us exactly what is going on. He prefers to be able to tell his followers whatever he wants.
You know what Trump and no Republican has told his followers?

No one has explicitly said there were no classified documents.

They come up with a thousand other talking points but no one says the simplest thing.
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