Trumps home raided by fbi

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Why doesn't the KGB release what they were searching for?
The DoJ never does that. They don’t publicize their findings to protect innocent people from
having their private information disclosed to the public.

The last thing Trump actually wants is for the DoJ to tell us exactly what is going on. He prefers to be able to tell his followers whatever he wants.

The entire thing is a show - a message to anyone who defies the Nazi party.

Garland just never expected the whole thing to blow up in his face. Proving that Merrick Garland is as stupid as he is corrupt.

Will you join me in demanding Garland resign? Today!!

well we have only the fib's word on that and well...we all know what that is worth. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Biden has distanced himself...pelosi, wray?? LOLOLOLOL Who was it ordered this raid? Big Bird?
Nope. He never turned over all of the documents to begin with. Then months ago, when it was discovered he still had more in his possession, he was asked to turn them over. Months passed and he wasn't cooperating. So the law had to step in and take them.
The documents requested were boxed a ready for pickup

But the Deep State wanted a show of force

I wonder how many of the FBI goons will get a hazardous duty bonus?
Nope. He never turned over all of the documents to begin with. Then months ago, when it was discovered he still had more in his possession, he was asked to turn them over. Months passed and he wasn't cooperating. So the law had to step in and take them.
You don't know that. You don't know what was classified and what was declassified. When "months ago" who discovered what? Link please.
Who asked him for anything? You're lying. Here read what happened. The fucking Feds already looked thru those boxes!! The raid was illegitimate.
"Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added." now we're down to 'boxes'. Boxes. Well what do you suppose is in those boxes? LOLOL

A Joe Biden VooDoo Doll?
Glossy 8X10 photo of Hilliary Clinton with pencilled in moustache and beard?
Thank you card from the Great RIghtWing Conspiracy?
Nope. He never turned over all of the documents to begin with. Then months ago, when it was discovered he still had more in his possession, he was asked to turn them over. Months passed and he wasn't cooperating. So the law had to step in and take them.
Based on what has been reported trump gave the Deep State whatever they asked for
The DoJ never does that. They don’t publicize their findings to protect innocent people from
having their private information disclosed to the public.

The last thing Trump actually wants is for the DoJ to tell us exactly what is going on. He prefers to be able to tell his followers whatever he wants.

We already know what's going on. Nazi goons are attacking the political opposition in a desperate attempt to hold on to power.

Will you join me in DEMANDING that Merrick Garland immediately resign? Do you have even a hint of integrity?
The documents requested were boxed a ready for pickup

But the Deep State wanted a show of force

I wonder how many of the FBI goons will get a hazardous duty bonus?

He had months to turn them over. A pity he didn't.
He dickwad, Trump IS involved.

Do they pay you to post dumb shit like that?
Hey fuckwad, he didn’t get the warrant, nor is he even in Florida you flaming faggot. The onus to prove this was legitimate is on Garland and company idiot. Stay behind the dumpster with your boyfriend asshole. Cry harder.
We already know what's going on. Nazi goons are attacking the political opposition in a desperate attempt to hold on to power.

Will you join me in DEMANDING that Merrick Garland immediately resign? Do you have even a hint of integrity?
You only know what you’re told to believe.

You’re a sock puppet.
You don't know that. You don't know what was classified and what was declassified. When "months ago" who discovered what? Link please.
Who asked him for anything? You're lying. Here read what happened. The fucking Feds already looked thru those boxes!! The raid was illegitimate.
"Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added."

Of course I know that. I read real news. It's not a lie just because you don't know what's going on.

In June, a small group of officials from the Justice Department and FBI met with Trump lawyers at Mar-a-Lago, a meeting first reported by CNN and confirmed by The Washington Post. The group made the trip to learn more about additional documents, potentially classified, that were stored at the former president's estate, according to reports.
I'd wager pretty much everyone on USMB agrees that what I posted is absolute fact.

You are a truly worthless poster. Never anything meaningful to add to any conversation. Just a mindless drone of the Nazi party spewing hate based on whatever MSNBC is vomiting out.


There's no approval like self-gratification, huh, Fruitcake.
Based on what has been reported trump gave the Deep State whatever they asked for

He was asked for the material months ago. He stonewalled until the Feds took matters into their own hands.
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