Trumps home raided by fbi

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Golfing Gator
Hey fuckwad, he didn’t get the warrant, nor is he even in Florida you flaming faggot. The onus to prove this was legitimate is on Garland and company idiot. Stay behind the dumpster with your boyfriend asshole. Cry harder.
Hey Pugsley, his lawyer has the warrant, dipshit. Guess what, jerkoff? Garland doesn't have to prove anything until your ass buddy Trump is indicted, idiot.

See how it works, cement head? They must pay you well to post dumb shit like that on a daily basis.
I have to admire LibTards...
They are all attorneys.
They are all scientists.
They also all served 20+ years in the military at the same time. As well as all being millionaires who are “making a killing” in stocks when even experts aren’t doing as well as usual now.
Of course I know that. I read real news. It's not a lie just because you don't know what's going on.
In June, a small group of officials from the Justice Department and FBI met with Trump lawyers at Mar-a-Lago, a meeting first reported by CNN and confirmed by The Washington Post. The group made the trip to learn more about additional documents, potentially classified, that were stored at the former president's estate, according to reports.
What part of "Federal officials then looked through boxes of material," don't you get??? They already looked thru the boxes they took!!!!
"Bobb said she and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran met later with a senior Justice Department official whose name she could not recall. Trump appeared at the beginning of the meeting, in June, and greeted investigators, Bobb said, adding that the former president was not interviewed. Federal officials then looked through boxes of material, Bobb added."

The raid was illegitimate. The raid was bullshit. Even democrat lawmakers say so.
Golfing Gator

Hey Pugsley, his lawyer has the warrant, dipshit. Guess what, jerkoff? Garland doesn't have to prove anything until your ass buddy Trump is indicted, idiot.

See how it works, cement head?
Hey asshole, Garland has to prove the raid was legitimate. Not Trump. Already released that your Nazi stooges found nothing. Zip. Nada. Bupkus. Zilch. Zero. Now fuck off and stay behind your dumpster faggot.
They also all served 20+ years in the military at the same time. As well as all being millionaires who are “making a killing” in stocks when even experts aren’t doing as well as usual now.
Not everybody takes investment advice from three martini lunch Larry Kudlow, asswipe.
Americans aren't stupid. It's obvious. THIS was a political hit on Dem opposition to take him out of the 2024 election. This isn't going to work. This is malevolent, it is unamerican, it is ABHORRENT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE>

We have a miserable lying manipulated old fool sitting in the white house...and no one else is going to take the blame for his actions...he will...and the dems will write it off if and when they're taken to the wood shed for this, as a president suffering from dementia and they had nothing to do with it.

malicious, spiteful, hostile, evil-minded, baleful, bitter, evil-intentioned, poisonous, venomous, evil, malign, malignant, rancorous, vicious, vindictive, revengeful, vengeful, pernicious...all of these.

AMERICANS SEE THIS. I SEE where you lefties are. NOW you have to double down. Best if you just shut your mouth at this point.
Once they have their admit they found nothing, it guarantees a Trump win in 2024. Overplayed their hands big time here.
Hey asshole, Garland has to prove the raid was legitimate. Not Trump. Already released that your Nazi stooges found nothing. Zip. Nada. Bupkus. Zilch. Zero. Now fuck off and stay behind your dumpster faggot.
A federal judge looked over probable cause & the warrant with a fine tooth comb & signed it, Buckwheat.

Try to keep up so you don't look stupid. Stop posting dumb shit. The money ain't worth it.
Yup. Look at how they cheer on the torture of non-violent voters, and applaud their imprisonment without a trial - in isolation - as political prisoners.

The leftists (word….notice?) are giving the North Koreans a run for their money.

They aren't political prisoners. They are a mob that attacked the Capitol. What's wrong with you?
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