Trumps home raided by fbi

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You know what Trump and no Republican has told his followers?

No one has explicitly said there were no classified documents.

They come up with a thousand other talking points but no one says the simplest thing.
The fact that a bunch of them are musing about evidence being planted strikes me as a tell, but who knows.

FIB REFUSED to hand over the why would they do that?? and then kicked her out of the house while they searched with a stoolpigeon and three DoJ lawyers. THIS just keeps on getting Better and BETTER!!!!!

wh wh what was that you said about law and order democrats?? :iyfyus.jpg:

I bet you were not aware that the judge who issued the okay for the FBI to do this was a friend of epsteins? :biggrin: it totally makes sense why the FBI did this now.:auiqs.jpg:
They also all served 20+ years in the military at the same time. As well as all being millionaires who are “making a killing” in stocks when even experts aren’t doing as well as usual now.
You’re starting to realize just how out classed you are. Good on you.
Violent offenders are released on bail, or NO bail, to go around and assault people again - often within days. These were non-violent people who are of no harm to others, and were entitled - at a minimum - to a speedy trial. Instead they have been subjected to cruel and unusual punishment, such as beatings, months-long isolation, and sleep deprivation.

Serial killers on death row are treated better. What is wrong with YOU that what has happened to these Trump supporters is acceptable?

You are forgetting WHO you are talking with. this is ANOTHER sockpuppet shill from langley of a poster that has been trolling here for YEARS now Lisa558 . i put ALL of them on ignore.
Hey asshole, Garland has to prove the raid was legitimate. Not Trump. Already released that your Nazi stooges found nothing. Zip. Nada. Bupkus. Zilch. Zero. Now fuck off and stay behind your dumpster faggot.
Nope. Trump’s legal team needs to dispute it.
A judge will decide.
They are treated badly because they are trump supporters. THAT is what the left would like to do to President Trump but they can't get him...and they'd like to do it to us.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Best damn post on this thread.:thup: these paid shills from langley that have penetrated this board want the elite to do that to all of us trump supporters.

a perfect example of how the left are doing this to trump supporters is Simone Gold committed NO CRIME yet the FBI did the same thing to her they did to trump even worse because they did it in the middle of the night when she was asleep and she is serving a 60 day prison sentence,I fear for her safety that she will be killed in prison,they would LOVE to do what they did to Simone Gold to trump as well but like you said,they cant get him sense he is an ex president.
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IT APPEARS...the IRS has removed this page.
I know someone who, even in the years before COVID, only had to go to the office once a week, and the other four “worked” from home. Like all woek-from-home govt workers I know, they meet friends for long lunches, run errands, and do household chores while stopping occasionally to check their emails or do a bit of actual work.

50 hours a week? Hah!
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Best damn post on this thread.:thup: these paid shills from langley that have penetrated this board want the elite to do that to all of us trump supporters.

a perfect example of how the left are doing this to trump supporters is Simone Gold committed NO CRIME yet the FBI did the same thing to her they did to trump even worse because they did it in the middle of the night when she was asleep and she is serving a 60 day prison sentence,I fear for her safety that she will be killed in prison,they would LOVE to do what they did to Simone Gold to trump as well but like you said,they cant get him sense he is an ex president.
Marco Rubio warned about this last night. He said that after the leftists take down Trump, IF they are successful, they will go after his supporters. I think that’s what the army of 87,000 IRS agents are for.
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