Trump's imaginary history

And Teddy Roosevelt was pissed off about Pearl Harbor
Reagan was really angry over 9-11

Note to President Trump: Andrew Jackson wasn't alive for the Civil War

"I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War."

This is in the vein of imagining various alternate histories of the United States.

"He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart."

Jackson was known for his temper and his loyalty to his friends, so this is OK.

"He was really angry that-- he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War."

Jackson did not, because Jackson was dead.

"He said, 'There's no reason for this.'"

See above.

Ether your English or intellect are severely challenged. Or both come to think of it.

Trump said it...not me

I'm not sure what Trump meant by "I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War."

Jackson owned 160 slaves and favored slavery. Does Trump wish that Jackson would have preserved slavery?
Which side does Trump think Jackson would have been on?
Jackson was a consequential president. His leadership was sorely missed in the run-up to the Civil War. "Had" in this case means "if". Ask a native speaker if you have problems. Had you had a better grasp of the English language, you would have had no problem with the third conditional.

He was really angry that-- he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War."

"He said, 'There's no reason for this.'"

Reading is FUNdamental!

It is clear that what Trump was talking about was the genisis of the civil war.

He was talking about the genesis (that's how it's spelled btw) of the Civil War?


Several threads merged - as an FYI you are now in Politics Zone 2.
It is understandable why Der Gropenfürher’s supporters made him their president, his grasp of history is identical to theirs. Like all other issues, Der Gropenfürher continues to impress his minions with “alternate facts” they eagerly accept as truth. And they will defend their own ignorance as well as that of Der Gropenfürher, swearing their complete lack of knowledge makes them superior individuals to the “educated elitists” who rely on facts.

The right-wingers’ alternate facts, alternate reality, and typical delusional flights-of-fantasy are embraced by conservatives everywhere. This will be proven by their responses to this OP and the article at the link below.

Donald Trump ridiculed after asking 'why was there the Civil War?'



full disclosure - I did not write this piece & I cannot give due credit to the author without violation site rules

more disclosure - I DID know this, but may not have been able to convey the message so eloquently

bottom line - while Trump's comments were unfortunate (for him and those of us who support him) - he was not entirely off base

the perspective:

Ok, let's review a little 7th grade American History:

Prior to the creation of the income tax, the primary means of federal taxation was tariffs on imported goods to protect yankee manufacturing. The tariffs were primarily paid by Southerners since they lacked domestic manufacturing capacity and thus imported far more than northerners. This created a big bone of contention for the South , particularly South Carolina, which paid the tax and the North where most of those tax dollars were spent on canal and railroad projects.

The issue came to a head when the governor of South Carolina, backed by Jackson's own Vice President, argued that states should have the power to "nullify" federal law by refusing to uphold it (think sanctuary cities for collecting federal tariffs).

The president and the supreme court said that nullification was unconstitutional. South Carolina dared Jackson to enforce it, saying they would secede if he tried. Jackson threatened to send federal troops to South Carolina and hang everyone who threatened secession. South Carolina backed down, and Civil War was forestalled.

When Jackson was dying 20 years later, he remarked how he was afraid that he had only postponed a coming Civil War, and that the next flash point would be over slavery. He feared he wouldn't be around to stop it from happening, and that such a war would be disastrous for the country.

Less than 20 years after Jackson's death, his prediction came to pass. Debates over slavery erupted into Civil War as cooler heads failed, and over 600k Americans died as a result.

Furthermore, much of the impetus for Jim Crow was what a complete disaster Reconstruction was. Because women, confederate veterans, and former Confederate government officials (even at the state level) couldn't vote, basically the only voters were the freed slaves who voted how the carpetbaggers (northerners who bought up distressed southern farms bankrupted by the war) told them to. This built up a ton of animosity which resulted in the disgusting racial politics of Jim Crow as soon as Reconstruction was over.
full disclosure - I did not write this piece & I cannot give due credit to the author without violation site rules

more disclosure - I DID know this, but may not have been able to convey the message so eloquently

bottom line - while Trump's comments were unfortunate (for him and those of us who support him) - he was not entirely off base

the perspective:

Ok, let's review a little 7th grade American History:

Prior to the creation of the income tax, the primary means of federal taxation was tariffs on imported goods to protect yankee manufacturing. The tariffs were primarily paid by Southerners since they lacked domestic manufacturing capacity and thus imported far more than northerners. This created a big bone of contention for the South , particularly South Carolina, which paid the tax and the North where most of those tax dollars were spent on canal and railroad projects.

The issue came to a head when the governor of South Carolina, backed by Jackson's own Vice President, argued that states should have the power to "nullify" federal law by refusing to uphold it (think sanctuary cities for collecting federal tariffs).

The president and the supreme court said that nullification was unconstitutional. South Carolina dared Jackson to enforce it, saying they would secede if he tried. Jackson threatened to send federal troops to South Carolina and hang everyone who threatened secession. South Carolina backed down, and Civil War was forestalled.

When Jackson was dying 20 years later, he remarked how he was afraid that he had only postponed a coming Civil War, and that the next flash point would be over slavery. He feared he wouldn't be around to stop it from happening, and that such a war would be disastrous for the country.

Less than 20 years after Jackson's death, his prediction came to pass. Debates over slavery erupted into Civil War as cooler heads failed, and over 600k Americans died as a result.

Furthermore, much of the impetus for Jim Crow was what a complete disaster Reconstruction was. Because women, confederate veterans, and former Confederate government officials (even at the state level) couldn't vote, basically the only voters were the freed slaves who voted how the carpetbaggers (northerners who bought up distressed southern farms bankrupted by the war) told them to. This built up a ton of animosity which resulted in the disgusting racial politics of Jim Crow as soon as Reconstruction was over.

Actually that tariff, called the "Tariff of Abominations" in the South, came out of the Quincy Adams administration. It had talk of secession buzzing in South Carolina -- the first state to later secede and the site of the eventual beginning of the War --- as far back as 1828, before Jackson was elected.
Andrew Jackson stopped secession when he came into office. SC had talked about it for decades.
If im not mistaken, his efforts lead way to the compromise of 1850.
Probably what he was talking about..

No it wasn't, and you know it.
Actually that tariff, called the "Tariff of Abominations" in the South, came out of the Quincy Adams administration. It had talk of secession buzzing in South Carolina -- the first state to later secede and the site of the eventual beginning of the War --- as far back as 1828, before Jackson was elected.

ok, great

and thank you for that info

does not change the fact that Trump's statement was really not off base
Ether your English or intellect are severely challenged. Or both come to think of it.

Trump said it...not me

I'm not sure what Trump meant by "I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War."

Jackson owned 160 slaves and favored slavery. Does Trump wish that Jackson would have preserved slavery?
Which side does Trump think Jackson would have been on?
Jackson was a consequential president. His leadership was sorely missed in the run-up to the Civil War. "Had" in this case means "if". Ask a native speaker if you have problems. Had you had a better grasp of the English language, you would have had no problem with the third conditional.

He was really angry that-- he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War."

"He said, 'There's no reason for this.'"

Reading is FUNdamental!

It is clear that what Trump was talking about was the genisis of the civil war.

He was talking about the genesis (that's how it's spelled btw) of the Civil War?


That's when the shooting started. The reasons for the war started long, long before.
I see nothing in Jackson's legacy that says he would not have sided with the south in the Civil War. He was a slave owner who increased his own slaves from 8 to 160.
Is Trump saying he wished that rather than having a Civil War that a solution allowing slavery was found?

I'm so sorry that you choose to remain ignorant about American history baw

You wanna know the name of another US president that hung a picture of Ole Hickory in the Oval Office?

just take a peek at the front side of a $5

wanna know why Abe chose that picture?

I can tell you that it wasn't because Jackson supported the Republican Party platform of abolition...
Last edited:
Since Jackson was pro slavery, anti First Peoples, and wanted Texas and California in the Union, the CW would have come despite him living a bit later. His unionism would not have been strong enough to counter the much stronger growth of secessionism later in the 1850s.


the proof has already been posted ITT
And Teddy Roosevelt was pissed off about Pearl Harbor
Reagan was really angry over 9-11

Note to President Trump: Andrew Jackson wasn't alive for the Civil War

"I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War."

This is in the vein of imagining various alternate histories of the United States.

"He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart."

Jackson was known for his temper and his loyalty to his friends, so this is OK.

"He was really angry that-- he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War."

Jackson did not, because Jackson was dead.

"He said, 'There's no reason for this.'"

See above.

You can't even read the first line you quoted in your post.
You're a moron.
More lefty propaganda. Not that Trump comes across as anything remotely resembling a historian, but these leftist journalists continue to do a disservice to the people while fueling Trump's assertions about biased media. Crap like this inundates MSM daily.
What part wasn't clear about Trump saying "had Andrew Jackson been a little later"?

BTW, the first unrecorded battle of the Civil War occurred in 1837, during Jackson's life.
What Trump SAID: He was really angry that-- he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War." current tense


and Trump was correct about that

let it go
When Trump first made his comments about slave-owner Andrew Jackson being troubled that the Civil War wasn’t avoided, he clearly didn’t know that Jackson had died 16 years before one of America’s bloodiest wars even began.

Instead of admitting that he has a worse-than-elementary level grasp of American history, Trump doubled down and now claims that Jackson could predict the future.

Andrew "Ms Cleo" come he never saw the Bowling Green Massacre coming ?

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

President Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War started, saw it coming and was angry
. Would never have let it happen!

8:55 PM - 1 May 2017
More lefty propaganda. Not that Trump comes across as anything remotely resembling a historian, but these leftist journalists continue to do a disservice to the people while fueling Trump's assertions about biased media. Crap like this inundates MSM daily.
What part wasn't clear about Trump saying "had Andrew Jackson been a little later"?

BTW, the first unrecorded battle of the Civil War occurred in 1837, during Jackson's life.
You are making history here announcing that the Civil, War actually started in 1837 who the fuck knew lol waaaaaaaaaaaa huyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Trump is a Fucking MORON
More lefty propaganda. Not that Trump comes across as anything remotely resembling a historian, but these leftist journalists continue to do a disservice to the people while fueling Trump's assertions about biased media. Crap like this inundates MSM daily.
What part wasn't clear about Trump saying "had Andrew Jackson been a little later"?

BTW, the first unrecorded battle of the Civil War occurred in 1837, during Jackson's life.
You are making history here announcing that the Civil, War actually started in 1837 who the fuck knew lol waaaaaaaaaaaa huyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Trump is a Fucking MORON
You're not only a troll, you're ignorant, too.
You are an asshole...Orange God is a moron who did not know Andrew Jackson was dead for more than 15 years by the time the civil war started,,,,you are so submissive to Trump you are rewriting history to avoid the Fact he is a blow hard ignorant piece of shit
"I don't stand by anything "......................Classic Donald Trump Quote

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