Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

I was---once upon a time--- in the US Navy ----the Captain of
my "ship" had consensual sex with an enlisted girl-----lost it all and
sent to Leavenworth

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)​

1679737444282.png › join-armed-forces › the-un...

Mar 25, 2022 — The UCMJ is federal law, enacted by Congress which applies to all active duty members as well as activated National Guard and Reserve ...

Enacted by..................Civilian politicians.
You are just beginning to reap what you've sown.

Believe that. And I'm not threatening anything at all. Look at everything around us. We are in shambles and nothing, nothing is getting better.
The US was in shambles during the disastrous response of Trump, during COVID.
The extent non-believers are trying to brand believers as somehow fraudulent because they’re not perfect Christians is hilarious.

But, it’s telling that the non-believers hold such a high standard for us. Subconsciously they know it’s a higher calling to follow Christ than to merely live a “at least im not stealing or killing”, non-charitable kind of life. Their void and disgruntled nature causes lashing out as we see here..
Its more telling that you have such low standards for yourself.
Holy crap. I have to admit, I hadn't thought of that. The churches are sharing in the grift.

That would explain this messianic view so many of them have of the orange con man.

Fascinating as hell. And just as disturbing.
Churches/pastors/evangelicals are just as greedy as Trump.

US preacher asks followers to help buy fourth private jet​

BBC › world-us-canada-44305873

May 30, 2018 — A US televangelist has asked his followers to help fund his fourth private jet - because Jesus "wouldn't be riding a donkey".
That is the key
Trump lies. He tells Christians what they want to hear.

He claims the Bible is his favorite book but can’t quote a single verse.
Trump does not go to church, never has.

The key to forgiveness is to admit you sinned and change your ways……Trump will never do that
Oh no a politician lying that has never happened in the history of the world. Of course Trump has only been a lying politician for less than a decade. People like Biden have been doing it for half a century or more and he's supposedly a practicing Catholic.
Oh no a politician lying that has never happened in the history of the world. Of course Trump has only been a lying politician for less than a decade. People like Biden have been doing it for half a century or more and he's supposedly a practicing Catholic.
sorry…..But “All Politicians lie” is not applicable when talking about Trump

Trump is a prolific and destructive liar, no Politician of either party has ever lied in the magnitude of Donald J Trump
I guess you never spoke with any of this women of your fantasy. The whole discussions I had in this context was a discussion nearly only with men and I personally think the very most reasons for abortions are men who are not "knights" any longer and who deny their responsibilities (and real freedom!) in the eyes of god. Even parents seem to set their own children under fire to abort a baby because of the wrong Darwinistic moral and lifestyle in our societies. And the life of the potential mothers has indeed a little higher priority than the life of their unborn children on natural reasons - what makes serious discussions about this theme not more easy. And last not least: it exists also very real reasons for abortions. This all makes it not easy to separate fake-philosophies (or ideologies) from real serious philosophies and realistic aspects. And specially in the USA with an unbelievable high number of abortions I saw in the past never a correlation between left-wing or right-wing governments and abortions.

It is as I said: Your "moral " makes everything easy for you. The hell are the others - the angel is you.

The servant of the servants of god will be happy to hear so

And have drastic side effects not only for the biology and health of women but also for whole societies and the domination of men over women. My wife was happy that she had not to take pills - and nevertheless we both together had not any problem with "family planning".

The bridge between the ancient cultures and the modern cultures is "the church".

Okay. Your view to the world. I am not an US-American. For me is this woman extremely fascinating - specially also because of her wide spiritual world. For an hour or so she had been by the way indeed the first female president of the USA. You survived this hour. So don't worry. God is with you.
1. In general Left-wingers, aka democrats, are very pro-abortion, and Right-wingers, aka Republicans, are more pro-life. But as you say, when the fathers abandon their responsibilities, and the mothers have no means of support, abortion is chosen more often than adoption. Trump appointed several Pro-Life Supreme court justices, who overturned Roe v Wade and made abortions a State responsibility and NOT a Federal one.

2. My conscience is very clear regarding the Afghans. The US did more than we should have offering them modernization. The Afghans chose their path.

3. True birth control pills have side effects, but the risk of pregnancy generally supersedes the side-effect worries. I'm a great-grandfather x6.

4. I'd probably say "religions" are the bridge between the ancients and us. The Leftists are defining church goers as "domestic terrorists" because we don't support their new fucked-up life styles.

5. So you can't say what Kamala is fighting for. I agree. She is an idiot. I hope the democrats pick her to run in 2024.

Ravi Shankar's daughter is very talented. Nice video. It will be interesting to see who of us will be forgiven, and who will not...

“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything.” “I did try and fuck her,” Trump said. “She was married. I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. … I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there and she was married.”
Got a link for that? My first impression is that he's like Bubba Clinton and his behavior with the likes of Paula Jones and the others he raped.
There is nothing that happens that God does not allow. Sometimes He allows us to proceed with our sin nature. This is true.
The quote that gets me is something like " a hair does not fall off our head that the Father doesn't see".
The quote that gets me is something like " a hair does not fall off our head that the Father doesn't see".

Yes indeed, Jesus said it in Matthew 10 and Luke 12: "the very hairs on your head are numbered"

"Grab 'em by the pussy”: how Trump talked about women in ...

View attachment 769159
Vox › trump-secret-recording-women

Oct 7, 2016 — A newly released secret video from 2005 captures it. Here's what Trump says about the norms of being a famous man: “They let you do it. You can ...
Thx. The billionaire skin-hound showing off and bragging about it.
But as I said earlier, Bubba Clinton had the same behavior, and it didn't stop many voters.
Elections are always about the "lesser of the evils".
Thx. The billionaire skin-hound showing off and bragging about it.
But as I said earlier, Bubba Clinton had the same behavior, and it didn't stop many voters.
Elections are always about the "lesser of the evils".
Been voting that way since 1980, never have voted FOR a candidate besides one, Reagan, the first time, NOT the second.
Its more telling that you have such low standards for yourself.
That reply doesn’t even mean anything.

You’re just replying to be a contrarian to me.. do you feel lonely or something? I mean, I can give you a little attention if you’re struggling in that department, but you really ought to find it elsewhere in life, in the name of solid social/mental health
That reply doesn’t even mean anything.

You’re just replying to be a contrarian to me.. do you feel lonely or something? I mean, I can give you a little attention if you’re struggling in that department, but you really ought to find it elsewhere in life, in the name of solid social/mental health
Your Christianity allows you to support someone who fucks other women while married.

Your values are a joke.
I don’t support his personal infidelity whatsoever.. you must be thinking of a different conversation with another poster perhaps??
But you overlook it. Again...your values are worthless; your character is non-existent.

Now you're going to argue that you are "hiring him to do a job" or some other malarkey. Shove it up your ass you worthless piece of shit.

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