Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

This is how they're conditioned to both think and attack. When Biden lies once (and I do mean "when", since politicians are often dishonest), they pretend that one lie negates the last hundred times Trump lied. When you point that out, they'll say that Trump doesn't lie. I've given up trying to communicate with them online. This is beyond dishonesty, this is a true group pathology, something your country experienced roughly 90 years ago. It's a madness.

"Pity" is a nice way to put it. My concern with Trumpism has never been about Trump himself.

Not so in my case.

He is the RESULT of something.

Her's the superidiot who grew up in the sky over the metropolis New York. His mother had on reason of her health never been possible to educate him and his father did not do so. And Donald never cared about anything except perhaps about the money he can get from others. He is depraved. But I'm sure he had more chances in his life than only to be a poor asshole.

This is about current-day America from a sociological perspective. How is it possible that he got more than one vote, you ask? That's the question. That's the problem. A significant percentage of our populace has been terribly manipulated and now exists on paranoia, misinformation and abject rage. I had one of them tell me yesterday that he'd like to murder as many liberals as possible.

There are reasons why Epicurus suggested "Stay away from the powerful". I guess money and might ruin the ability to feel and to think.

We're a very diseased society.

diseased mankind - but when the USA burps she burps louder.

I personally put much of the blame on their media ecosystem, but there's more to it. It has come out that their media has been lying to them, they know about it, and they STILL don't care. I don't know.

I don't know why it is so - but we Catholics say: God is reason, God is love and we say we are his children. And I hope we will never lose this way. As strange as it might sound in your ears - I am always full of hope. And I think we do not live in the best world - but we live in the best of all possible worlds = a world which is able to be better. I think a future world without a president Donald Trump is a better world. That's why and what I'm fighting for. But if he should again become president of the USA then we still would live in the best of all possible worlds. Perhaps in a world where all mankind has to learn much more in a much harder way.
here is the truth social post about termination of constution

Yes, he gave his opinion that massive fraud "allows for" the termination of rules in the Constitution. That is not a "lie" unless you have evidence that this is not really his opinion.

You know how many Democrats have given disparaging opinions about the Constitution?

Here's one explaining how the rights in the Constitution can be terminated due to COVID:

As Americans, we are privileged to live in a free and open society. The Constitution guarantees our rights. However, "the Constitution is not ‘a suicide pact."' 1 Sheriffs, clergy, and others claim a constitutional right to ignore stay at home orders, go unmasked, and gather in large groups. These claims lack any reasonable, factual, or legal basis and are frivolous. Protection of the public health by means of the reasonable exercise of the police powers is a primary reason for the formation of government. This article explores the legal bases of the government's right to order quarantine as part of its inherent police power to act for the greater public good.

It even cites the Bible as the guide for a pandemic response:

The concept of isolation to avoid spread of disease is as old as the Old Testament. "Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until the fury has passed by." (stay at home) (Isaiah 26:20 ESV)

Now, the phrase "the Constitution is not a suicide pact" appears nowhere in the Constitution. But it is often repeated often by pols.

Are they lying, or giving an opinion?

And the other lie about Pennsylvania, the "in effect" portion comes from Trump attempting to tie that states supreme court ruling to previous elections, which it doesnt. The court ruling came two years after the 2020 election, so it has no effect on that election.
OK, so he had an opinion that a court disagreed with. Were the Democrats who argued to keep Roe in place during the hearings for the Dobbs case lying because the court disagreed with them.

Sorry, if you want to change the definition of lying to "disagreeing with me," you must give us a new word for "making a factual statement that the person uttering the statement knows to be untrue."
The records at hoffman estates facility belongs to NARA.
The records Obama took to his home state belong to the NARA, but Obama has control over them still.
Yes, he gave his opinion that massive fraud "allows for" the termination of rules in the Constitution. That is not a "lie" unless you have evidence that this is not really his opinion.

The point is his opinion. A spoiled child/man willing to suspend the Constitution because he did not win.

For some odd reason you feel this pressing need to defend that. I don't understand.
That's not only an opinion from me. Trump bound the attention and concentration of the whole world on his own narcissistic personality structure (and on political nonsense) - and while he lied like a machine gun it made more and more not any sense any longer to argue against his lies because reasonability broke down - what you show here with your totally stupid and unreal "argument" (=defamation) very clear.

I am by the way a German and for me is Donald Trump - Putins and others autocrats good friend - a clear enemy of Germany, Europe and the whole western world ... and also an enenmy of the USA. With the Christian religion has this man less than nothing to do. I often asked myselve how it was possible that this politically totally anti-qualified man got more than only one vote.

The following video is by the way nothing else than only pure nonsense: The base of economy not is war - the base of economy is trust. The crimes of history explain nothing - except that it makes sense to avoid crimes,

Nah, you're one of those Euro's that was/is upset that Trump held your freeloading asses to the fire....And he told you some hard truths, and like most children, you didn't like it....Tough shit....
The point is his opinion. A spoiled child/man willing to suspend the Constitution because he did not win.

For some odd reason you feel this pressing need to defend that. I don't understand.
Better than violating the Constitution to win....
The point is his opinion. A spoiled child/man willing to suspend the Constitution because he did not win.

For some odd reason you feel this pressing need to defend that. I don't understand.
I'm not defending it. You jumped into the thread without knowing what was said before.

I'm only stating the fact that Trump's opinion was not a "lie."
Nah, you're one of those Euro's that was/is upset that Trump held your freeloading asses to the fire....And he told you some hard truths, and like most children, you didn't like it....Tough shit....

Let me say it this way: When Russia will wipe out the USA then we will miss something - but when Russia will wipe out Europe then you (and Russia) will miss your roots. And you say Trump said something to us? ¿Really? Under Donald Trump broke totally down the official communication between the USA and Germany - but the communication between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un - a criminal in the third generation of criminal traitors of his people - had helped North-Koreans a lot to die on hunger.
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Let me say it this way: When Russia will wipe out the USA then we will miss something - but when Russia will wipe out Europe then you (and Russia) will miss your roots. And you say Trump said something to us? ¿Really? Under Donald Trump broke totally down the official communication between the USA and Germany - but the communication between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un - a criminal in the third generation of criminal traitors of his people - had helped North-Koreans a lot to die on hunger.

Russia can’t even wipe out Ukraine
Russia can’t even wipe out Ukraine

They overtook Belarus and are stationing there nukes. Surprised? I not. Many are much too loud instead to listen what the growing grass tells us. You hear always only yourselve, perhaps a form of Trumperitis - what's a deadly political plague. Never underestimate an enemy.

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They overtook Belarus and are stationing there nukes. Surprised? I not. Many are much too loud instead to listen what the growing grass tells us,.

Belarus is smaller than Kansas and had no real military to speak of.
I can see how a non-Christian already pre-disposted to hate any Republican in the WH would be upset that Christians support trump in spite of his multiple marriage, and reputed affairs. I'll see if I can explain it:

Christians of the type that support Trump hate the sin but love the sinner. They believe in forgiveness and renewal. If Trump claims that he has become a Christian and left his formerly sinful life behind, Christians must accept it, because they want their own sins to be forgiven also. If Trump is lying about being a Christian, then he will be judged by the only judge, not by Christians.

Trump moved the Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, some thing promised by never done by several presidents before him. To a Christian, that means more than any past affairs.

You don't have to agree or even understand this Christian attitude. People vote how they vote.

We are not electing a Saint, we are electing a mercenary politician to be our fighter against the leftists as they try to wreck this country........when a Saint shows up, we will vote for them, until then, anyone who will fight the left to save the country for 4-8 years will have to do..........

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