Trump's lawyers now admit Trump kept classified Presidential records in his home.

Now, let's talk about what that means, shall we? Because you apparently have no fucking clue.
It means not a single attorney went to court and aruged that Trump declassified anything or that his "executive privilige" extends post presidency and justifies keeping top secret documents in your home..

If you folks really thought this was something all former presidents are allowed to do -- yall dumb ass wouldn't have to claim "but but but Obama did it" -- when he didn't
Yes, you worship Trump
The minute yo dumb ass said "hillary did something similar" -- that was your Trump worship kicking in...

That's the absolute height of stupidity.

And you gravitate to it effortlessly...

No, Hillary didn't do something similar to Trump -- no, Hillary didn't take classified docs to her home - AFTER BEING IN OFFICE, no, Hillary didn't refuse to hand back those documents - AFTER BEING IN OFFICE..and no, Hillary didn't give some dumb ass excuse of "Obama declassified them for me" -- and no, elected Senators were not promising blood in the streets if Hillary was prosecuted ......

It doesn't matter when it was done. Classified documents have no business being in a private home regardless of a whether or not a person is in office.

You're a fucking retard. Whoever grants you internet access should be beaten...
This all continues to point to the outright REFUSAL to admit that Trump was the fucking president.

That's all this shit boils down to.
He isn't any more....why does he have classified material as a private citizen? Why do you believe he is above the law?
Trump, as the president, has the highest level of security clearance, and KEEPS that clearance until death unless otherwise removed, which has not happened.

Trump was the president of the united states. You know that, right?

Let's start there.

True or False:

Trump was the president.

Why do you believe trump is above the law?
That's the absolute height of stupidity.

And you gravitate to it effortlessly...

It doesn't matter when it was done. Classified documents have no business being in a private home regardless of a whether or not a person is in office.

You're a fucking retard. Whoever grants you internet access should be beaten...
Bippy is funny to read though
Well, then you're an idiot.

Hillary maintained classified material on a private server which was not authorized. That's another way of saying "not legal", which is another way of saying "breaking the law".

Glad we had this chat, dummy...'s cool for the fat former guy to hang on to classified material to do...............what? Sell it to whom?

Why do you believe trump is above the law?
The FbI told Facebook and those other piles of shit to bury the Hunter story Ninny.

Election interference is serious even when libturds do it

As a woman, you support an incest pedo in the WH?'s cool for the fat former guy to hang on to classified material to do...............what? Sell it to whom?
You think he is going to try and sell some docs....................LOLOLOLOLOL

They are protected by the SS you fukin dumb shit's cool for the fat former guy to hang on to classified material to do...............what? Sell it to whom?

Only a fucking retard would conclude that I think it's okay, especially when you consider that I've never, ever taken that position.

Are you a fucking retard?
I can't help but think that this sounds an awful lot like what Hillary Clinton did with the unauthorized server in her home.

The left had no problem with that, so watching them get upset over this is little more than glaring hypocrisy...
Documents vs emails and you think they’re the same thing?!?! :rolleyes-41:
That's the absolute height of stupidity.

And you gravitate to it effortlessly...

It doesn't matter when it was done. Classified documents have no business being in a private home regardless of a whether or not a person is in office.

You're a fucking retard. Whoever grants you internet access should be beaten...
So again.....your defense is as it always is with you cucks -- but but but Hillary did it..
So again, either way, you look like idiots...

By the way, why is Hillary so powerful that she continuously has morons like you invoking her name as a justification for all things Trump?? Is it a cuck thing?
Well, then you're an idiot.

Hillary maintained classified material on a private server which was not authorized. That's another way of saying "not legal"
No no, it's not another way. You've conflated departmental authorizations and questions of legality.

I'm not an idiot for rejecting your false insinuation that the server was inherently illegal. It was legal as far as un-classified government bussiness goes.

Investigation found that Clinton did in fact improperly handle some classified emails through that personal server, but coudn't establish mens rea (intent).

Trump's intent to keep classified records in his home that he could not legally keep is well established here. His lawyers have submitted an affidavit that Trump has handed over all classied documents, he obviously hasn't and they are now suspects/witnesses to potential crimes including obstruction of justice.
Last edited:'s cool for the fat former guy to hang on to classified material to do...............what? Sell it to whom?
This poster's very touchy, btw.

He may next call you "an infected gash."

Personally, I just think you're a brainwashed troll. :)

But yeah, Democrats are deranged terrorists/seditionists, and this whole thing is a giant nothing burger yet again.
I just cannot believe the legal advice this guy gets. I mean, I know it's all of his own making. He's corrupt and doesn't pay his help. Therefore, no one of repute wants to represent him.
But man, the level of incompetence in this guy's "legal" camp is mind boggling. :)
I don't know what freakin' criteria he's been using to pick his lawyers over the last five years, but he sure as hell may want to change it.

These people are putting on a workshop on how NOT to lawyer.

I realize any attorney worth their salt would avoid this lying, juvenile buffoon like the plague, but you'd think at least one or two would see some value in it.

Why do you believe trump is above the law?
When is he getting arrested?

Did you ever stop to ask yourself why?

No. You didn't.

Meanwhile, we're all distracted by this complete bullshit. SO, what is our lovely government doing while distracting us all?


I don't know what freakin' criteria he's been using to pick his lawyers over the last five years, but he sure as hell may want to change it.

These people are putting on a workshop on how NOT to lawyer.

I realize any attorney worth their salt would avoid this lying, juvenile buffoon like the plague, but you'd think at least one or two would see some value in it.
His de-facto criteria is lawyers who go along with his crooked schemes. By-the-book lawyers naturally fall off.

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