Trump's legacy

Contact the FBI and SS. Please, for saying he is likely to die from obesity before '24. You will have as much chance of winning as tRump did in '20 and his court cases about the election.
it's not what you said, keep plugging along though. I'm laughing at your hate filled rambles. so christianesq.

Hate filled? You mean fact filled. You cannot look at the "man" and see that he is obese?

he's alive, so I'm not sure how you can claim fact. You going after him?

Every person who died from covid were obese. so did they die from obesity or covid?
Contact the FBI and SS. Please, for saying he is likely to die from obesity before '24. You will have as much chance of winning as tRump did in '20 and his court cases about the election.
it's not what you said, keep plugging along though. I'm laughing at your hate filled rambles. so christianesq.

Hate filled? You mean fact filled. You cannot look at the "man" and see that he is obese?

he's alive, so I'm not sure how you can claim fact. You going after him?

Point out where I said he was dead, be specific! Hell no not going after him mother nature will take it's natural course.
You gotta be better than this.

Contact the FBI and SS. Please, for saying he is likely to die from obesity before '24. You will have as much chance of winning as tRump did in '20 and his court cases about the election.
it's not what you said, keep plugging along though. I'm laughing at your hate filled rambles. so christianesq.

Hate filled? You mean fact filled. You cannot look at the "man" and see that he is obese?

he's alive, so I'm not sure how you can claim fact. You going after him?

Point out where I said he was dead, be specific! Hell no not going after him mother nature will take it's natural course.
You gotta be better than this.

why don't you post the piece that is fact.
Contact the FBI and SS. Please, for saying he is likely to die from obesity before '24. You will have as much chance of winning as tRump did in '20 and his court cases about the election.
it's not what you said, keep plugging along though. I'm laughing at your hate filled rambles. so christianesq.

Hate filled? You mean fact filled. You cannot look at the "man" and see that he is obese?

he's alive, so I'm not sure how you can claim fact. You going after him?

Point out where I said he was dead, be specific! Hell no not going after him mother nature will take it's natural course.
You gotta be better than this.

why don't you post the piece that is fact.

He is a disgusting fatbody. Pictures all over the internet and TV. Easy to fiind grind on.

Legendary indeed. Trump will always be remembered as the "President" who:
  • LIED to the American public about the severity of a deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on us
  • ATTACKED our best health and science officials when they were just trying to do their damn jobs
  • MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their loved ones with masks and social distancing
  • THANKED supporters who gathered in indoor spaces without masks, creating super-spreader events
  • MAINTAINED an environment of not taking the virus seriously, which obviously spread to the sheep, no doubt spreading the virus further
  • IGNORED health safety protocols at the fucking WHITE HOUSE, turning it into a fucking COVID HOT SPOT that needed to be FUMIGATED
  • LIED AGAIN to the American public by constantly saying "we're turning the corner on the virus", even when they knew goddamn well we were not
Tds #100,000.
To obedient Trumpsters, facts are "fake news" and TDS.

Tough shit.
Trump got the vaccine in record time. He stopped travel from China while democrat leaders was telling everyone to go out and have a good time. Trump did a great job, but tds and your hatred for a man keeps you ignorant.
Pfizer got the vaccine in record time.
tRump's inept handling of travel.from.china likely fueled the first surge in the US.
Lol, going by the old way it would've taken up to 5 years to get the vaccine. Trump got rid of the regulations and red tape to get the vaccine in record time.
The 'old way?'

The new methods used in some of the vaccines have been in development for years. That they could adapt it to the pandemic was luck more than Trump. Further, it does not appear that he did a very good job with removing red tape or we would be tranching out the vaccine in single doses which are still effective in the short run (whilst we make more of the vaccine) but we are not because the paperwork was not submitted with one dose in mind. We would not be sending perfectly good vaccine to Mexico because the CDC has not authorized its use here even though the rest of the fucking planet will administer it. If the red tape was minimized I would not expect the CDC to still require all the paperwork to be turned in rather than evaluating new drugs against COVID on a rolling basis as information comes in. If the red tape was minimized the CDC would not be going home for the weekend instead of doing its damn job and getting authorizations as fast as possible. The entire process is a fucking joke and I do not see where Trump made any real progress.

The one thing that seems to have been utterly ignored in this pandemic is that the CDC failed in epic proportions. Truly epic. The left wants to continually blame Trump because his messaging sucked but the real issue here is the CDC could not have done worse and that has little to do with the president and a lot to do with bureaucratic nonsense. From testing to guidelines to public information, there is not a single metric where the CDC did even a passible job. I would not expect this king of massive fuck up in the third world and yet the politics here does not even allow such a problem to be uttered let alone addressed.
Redfield was in tRump's hip pocket.
To obedient Trumpsters, facts are "fake news" and TDS.
And the best you Dems can be is copycats who yell "BDS."
I'm glad you didn't try to deny my post. That would have been silly and dishonest.

And by saying "BDS", we are mocking you. Clearly you didn't pick up on that. Not my problem.

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