Trumps Legal Team Closed Out It's Defense By Showing They Had No Defense

Democrat closing argument....

We, the Democrat Party, STEAL from the TAXPAYER

If you don't like that, FUCK YOU

If you want to INVESTIGATE THAT, we will IMPEACH YOU

If you care about America's solvency as a nation, you don't support us, so FUCK YOU TOO
On Tuesday, Donald Trump’s legal team stood before the Senate to give its closing argument … and discovered it didn’t have one.

Trump's legal team closed out his 'defense' by showing that it had no defense

Oh, and 82% of America says Bolton must testify.

Incredible that Leftists now LIKE John Bolton, I mean he's the same Neo-Conservative Warmongering POS he always was but but but now he hates The Donald because The Donald won't start War With Iran, Russia, China and North Korea the Leftists LIKE him :rolleyes-41:
On Tuesday, Donald Trump’s legal team stood before the Senate to give its closing argument … and discovered it didn’t have one.

Trump's legal team closed out his 'defense' by showing that it had no defense

Oh, and 82% of America says Bolton must testify.

Don't be a dumb schmuck. You didn't even watch the Republicans when they shot the whole phony "impeachment" full of holes, because the news media you watched cut away from it. All you crayola-eating low-information hillbillies can do is parrot what your lying CNN, MSNBC, and CBS media is spoon-feeding you right now.

Maybe you should have watched the proceedings on FOX News or CSPAN. They covered the whole thing.
On Tuesday, Donald Trump’s legal team stood before the Senate to give its closing argument … and discovered it didn’t have one.

Trump's legal team closed out his 'defense' by showing that it had no defense

Oh, and 82% of America says Bolton must testify.

On Tuesday, Donald Trump’s legal team stood before the Senate to give its closing argument … and discovered it didn’t have one.

Trump's legal team closed out his 'defense' by showing that it had no defense

Oh, and 82% of America says Bolton must testify.

I hope all tards are as ripping stupid as you, asshole. They made their irrefutable arguments on Monday, and they were damning. In short proving the House had no grounds for impeachment, everything they said was a lie, there was no quid pro quo, wouldn't matter if there was, Article Ones "Abuse of Power" is meaningless, never happened, and not impeachable anyway, and Article Two was a far bigger joke, like getting a speeding ticket in the mail and sending it in with proof that you don't even drive, don't own a car and was out of the state that day, and the judge ordering you arrested for contempt of court.

You fuckheads lost this before it even begun.
On Tuesday, Donald Trump’s legal team stood before the Senate to give its closing argument … and discovered it didn’t have one.

Trump's legal team closed out his 'defense' by showing that it had no defense

Oh, and 82% of America says Bolton must testify.
They destroyed the prosecution, and dem media has turned this in to a show not anything of value. They want to see a show,, and democrats will continue to get embarrassed

Dem ancestors felt the beat down and their grave stones toppled over.
On Tuesday, Donald Trump’s legal team stood before the Senate to give its closing argument … and discovered it didn’t have one.

Trump's legal team closed out his 'defense' by showing that it had no defense

Oh, and 82% of America says Bolton must testify.
What a loon! This whole "trial" was a complete sham from start to finish. What a MONUMENTAL waste of time and money.

It's still very confusing as to what exactly The Donald did re. Ukraine that is an Impeachable Offence, as I commented in a thread last night it seems the Democrats need to have The Donald Impeached and removed from Office because they're frightened he's going to win the 2020 Election.

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