Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective

Trump has never admitted that he did anything wrong. In fact, he utterly denies that he has done anything wrong.

No, he has refused to conform to your standards. Therefore that convinces you (the judge, jury and executioner) that he has done something wrong.

All of your glowing words of forgiveness and redemption are true, but you forgot one important part. In order to be redeemed, you have to admit your sins, accept your guilt

To whom? You?

God is the ultimate arbiter of forgiveness. Not you, not me.

You asked why I believe he hasn't asked for redemption, and I told you why it's obvious that he hasn't. What convinces me that he has done wrong are: his flouting of the Ten Commandments, especially the "bearing false witness" part, the fact that more than a half dozen of his employees and associates are in now in jail for crimes they committed at Trump's behest or instruction. Then there's the Mueller Report, and the impeachment. That you choose not to believe anything you've seen with your own eyes or heard with your own ears, is on you.

The process of admitting your crimes, confessing your guilt, and making amends, isn't my process, it's in the Bible. The Catholic Church has an entire sacrament of confession, contrition, and penance, leading to forgiveness, but you cannot be forgiven without admitting your wrong doing - not to me or anyone else, but to yourself and to god.

Trump owes me nothing. But he owes confession, contrition and an apology to the families he's separated, the people he's lied to and lied about, to those who he has broken the promises made, and those he's slandered.

Nor did I say that Trump needs to confess to do anything for me personally. He hasn't wronged me, take my children away, cut my health care, or
It’s pretty straight forward. If he feels no guilt and has no desire to change his behavior, he definitely can’t be redeemed. I mean shit TK you’re a Christian right? Someone who murders someone else can still get into heaven if they condemn their prior behavior and accept Christ as their savior, right? This isn’t to say Trump murdered someone - I’m just giving an example of how sinning is actually forgiven. Trump feels no remorse for any of his sins suffice to say.
But he hasn't done worse than Franken. Franken literally sexually assaulted a women. He put his hand behind her head, and forced his tongue into her mouth.

Trump has not done that. Not even close.
franken took some pictures. Trump admitted to grabbing women by the pussy. Sounds like sexual assault to me.

You know, as well as I do, that some women enjoy that. Don't lie, you know there are crazy women out there.

And given we're talking about Trump. I wouldn't doubt for a second, that some chicks intentionally made themselves available to him. In fact, Storm Daniels openly admitted to making herself available to Trump specifically, because she thought she could get on the apprentice.

Regardless, no one has filed charges against Trump.

So what you "think" he did or didn't do is irrelevant.

And quite frank-en... grabbing a woman's butt, is no where close to grabbing a woman's head, and forcing your tongue in her mouth.

Both are bad, but one is not comparable to the other.

No one has filed charges against Trump?


I stand corrected.

There were several lawsuits filed.

I'm curious as to why he was never sent to jail then?

There is a ton of questionable statements being tossed around on those. Ivana for example, said all kinds of stuff, and then said that all those stories are without merit.

Jill Harth said all kinds of stuff, and then got a job working for Trump as a makeup artist. If someone really sexually assaulted you, the way you claim... would you work for them as a makeup artist, and help them win an election?

Alva Johnson filed suit over a supposed kiss no one says happened, which includes..... "a victim of race and gender discrimination through unequal pay"... well that certainly spells out how she was forcibly kissed.....

Look, if Trump really did all this, then why is it never coming out until after he's elected?

Why would you wait decades, to send a rapist to jail?

But here's the deal... if you can make the case that he raped someone, then do so. Allegations are not the same as proving it. Contact the police and file charges.

Awwww. How sweet.

Actually it's really irritating to me.

There is nothing I hate more than rapists, and nothing bugs the crap out of me more than a women who waits 15 years to say someone did something wrong.

Either get off your butt, press charges, and have the scum bag tossed in the electric chair, or prison.... or shut up.

I hated all those #MeToo people, because as far as I'm concerned, they were just as guilty as the guys doing it. They enabled those guys to do all that crap, by keeping their mouths shut for decades on end. Then when it's fashionable, they want to say "Me too!"... no.

Either press charges and send the bastard to jail... or just keep your mouth shut, because obviously it wasn't that big a deal.

I'm tired of all these women, letting these guys go, and then decades later when it's fashionable, trying to play the sympathy card.

And by the way, I honestly believe all rapists should be put to death. This whole jailing rapists, also irritates me.
franken took some pictures. Trump admitted to grabbing women by the pussy. Sounds like sexual assault to me.

You know, as well as I do, that some women enjoy that. Don't lie, you know there are crazy women out there.

And given we're talking about Trump. I wouldn't doubt for a second, that some chicks intentionally made themselves available to him. In fact, Storm Daniels openly admitted to making herself available to Trump specifically, because she thought she could get on the apprentice.

Regardless, no one has filed charges against Trump.

So what you "think" he did or didn't do is irrelevant.

And quite frank-en... grabbing a woman's butt, is no where close to grabbing a woman's head, and forcing your tongue in her mouth.

Both are bad, but one is not comparable to the other.

No one has filed charges against Trump?


I stand corrected.

There were several lawsuits filed.

I'm curious as to why he was never sent to jail then?

There is a ton of questionable statements being tossed around on those. Ivana for example, said all kinds of stuff, and then said that all those stories are without merit.

Jill Harth said all kinds of stuff, and then got a job working for Trump as a makeup artist. If someone really sexually assaulted you, the way you claim... would you work for them as a makeup artist, and help them win an election?

Alva Johnson filed suit over a supposed kiss no one says happened, which includes..... "a victim of race and gender discrimination through unequal pay"... well that certainly spells out how she was forcibly kissed.....

Look, if Trump really did all this, then why is it never coming out until after he's elected?

Why would you wait decades, to send a rapist to jail?

But here's the deal... if you can make the case that he raped someone, then do so. Allegations are not the same as proving it. Contact the police and file charges.

Awwww. How sweet.

Actually it's really irritating to me.

There is nothing I hate more than rapists, and nothing bugs the crap out of me more than a women who waits 15 years to say someone did something wrong.

Either get off your butt, press charges, and have the scum bag tossed in the electric chair, or prison.... or shut up.

I hated all those #MeToo people, because as far as I'm concerned, they were just as guilty as the guys doing it. They enabled those guys to do all that crap, by keeping their mouths shut for decades on end. Then when it's fashionable, they want to say "Me too!"... no.

Either press charges and send the bastard to jail... or just keep your mouth shut, because obviously it wasn't that big a deal.

I'm tired of all these women, letting these guys go, and then decades later when it's fashionable, trying to play the sympathy card.

And by the way, I honestly believe all rapists should be put to death. This whole jailing rapists, also irritates me.

You need an education.
I don't recall ever having a president that felt they needed to constantly name call. I don't think Jesus would approve. Why does the president do something we teach our children not to?
You know, as well as I do, that some women enjoy that. Don't lie, you know there are crazy women out there.

And given we're talking about Trump. I wouldn't doubt for a second, that some chicks intentionally made themselves available to him. In fact, Storm Daniels openly admitted to making herself available to Trump specifically, because she thought she could get on the apprentice.

Regardless, no one has filed charges against Trump.

So what you "think" he did or didn't do is irrelevant.

And quite frank-en... grabbing a woman's butt, is no where close to grabbing a woman's head, and forcing your tongue in her mouth.

Both are bad, but one is not comparable to the other.

No one has filed charges against Trump?


I stand corrected.

There were several lawsuits filed.

I'm curious as to why he was never sent to jail then?

There is a ton of questionable statements being tossed around on those. Ivana for example, said all kinds of stuff, and then said that all those stories are without merit.

Jill Harth said all kinds of stuff, and then got a job working for Trump as a makeup artist. If someone really sexually assaulted you, the way you claim... would you work for them as a makeup artist, and help them win an election?

Alva Johnson filed suit over a supposed kiss no one says happened, which includes..... "a victim of race and gender discrimination through unequal pay"... well that certainly spells out how she was forcibly kissed.....

Look, if Trump really did all this, then why is it never coming out until after he's elected?

Why would you wait decades, to send a rapist to jail?

But here's the deal... if you can make the case that he raped someone, then do so. Allegations are not the same as proving it. Contact the police and file charges.

Awwww. How sweet.

Actually it's really irritating to me.

There is nothing I hate more than rapists, and nothing bugs the crap out of me more than a women who waits 15 years to say someone did something wrong.

Either get off your butt, press charges, and have the scum bag tossed in the electric chair, or prison.... or shut up.

I hated all those #MeToo people, because as far as I'm concerned, they were just as guilty as the guys doing it. They enabled those guys to do all that crap, by keeping their mouths shut for decades on end. Then when it's fashionable, they want to say "Me too!"... no.

Either press charges and send the bastard to jail... or just keep your mouth shut, because obviously it wasn't that big a deal.

I'm tired of all these women, letting these guys go, and then decades later when it's fashionable, trying to play the sympathy card.

And by the way, I honestly believe all rapists should be put to death. This whole jailing rapists, also irritates me.

You need an education.

Feel free. What do you think?
I don't recall ever having a president that felt they needed to constantly name call. I don't think Jesus would approve. Why does the president do something we teach our children not to?

Funny, I thought the same thing with Obama and Clinton.

Why did those presidents do what I would assume you teach your children to not do? You know like lying constantly?
Trump has never admitted that he did anything wrong. In fact, he utterly denies that he has done anything wrong.

No, he has refused to conform to your standards. Therefore that convinces you (the judge, jury and executioner) that he has done something wrong.

All of your glowing words of forgiveness and redemption are true, but you forgot one important part. In order to be redeemed, you have to admit your sins, accept your guilt

To whom? You?

God is the ultimate arbiter of forgiveness. Not you, not me.

You asked why I believe he hasn't asked for redemption, and I told you why it's obvious that he hasn't. What convinces me that he has done wrong are: his flouting of the Ten Commandments, especially the "bearing false witness" part, the fact that more than a half dozen of his employees and associates are in now in jail for crimes they committed at Trump's behest or instruction. Then there's the Mueller Report, and the impeachment. That you choose not to believe anything you've seen with your own eyes or heard with your own ears, is on you.

The process of admitting your crimes, confessing your guilt, and making amends, isn't my process, it's in the Bible. The Catholic Church has an entire sacrament of confession, contrition, and penance, leading to forgiveness, but you cannot be forgiven without admitting your wrong doing - not to me or anyone else, but to yourself and to god.

Trump owes me nothing. But he owes confession, contrition and an apology to the families he's separated, the people he's lied to and lied about, to those who he has broken the promises made, and those he's slandered.

Nor did I say that Trump needs to confess to do anything for me personally. He hasn't wronged me, take my children away, cut my health care, or

Obviously you believe the MSM who are nothing but anti-American TDSers. Have fun with that, Trump will be re-elected in 2020 by a landslide and the Democrat Party will wear disgrace for decades.
No one has filed charges against Trump?


I stand corrected.

There were several lawsuits filed.

I'm curious as to why he was never sent to jail then?

There is a ton of questionable statements being tossed around on those. Ivana for example, said all kinds of stuff, and then said that all those stories are without merit.

Jill Harth said all kinds of stuff, and then got a job working for Trump as a makeup artist. If someone really sexually assaulted you, the way you claim... would you work for them as a makeup artist, and help them win an election?

Alva Johnson filed suit over a supposed kiss no one says happened, which includes..... "a victim of race and gender discrimination through unequal pay"... well that certainly spells out how she was forcibly kissed.....

Look, if Trump really did all this, then why is it never coming out until after he's elected?

Why would you wait decades, to send a rapist to jail?

But here's the deal... if you can make the case that he raped someone, then do so. Allegations are not the same as proving it. Contact the police and file charges.

Awwww. How sweet.

Actually it's really irritating to me.

There is nothing I hate more than rapists, and nothing bugs the crap out of me more than a women who waits 15 years to say someone did something wrong.

Either get off your butt, press charges, and have the scum bag tossed in the electric chair, or prison.... or shut up.

I hated all those #MeToo people, because as far as I'm concerned, they were just as guilty as the guys doing it. They enabled those guys to do all that crap, by keeping their mouths shut for decades on end. Then when it's fashionable, they want to say "Me too!"... no.

Either press charges and send the bastard to jail... or just keep your mouth shut, because obviously it wasn't that big a deal.

I'm tired of all these women, letting these guys go, and then decades later when it's fashionable, trying to play the sympathy card.

And by the way, I honestly believe all rapists should be put to death. This whole jailing rapists, also irritates me.

You need an education.

Feel free. What do you think?

I'm not going to type your lesson. Call our podcast on Friday and I'll give you some needed perspective.
But if you are a Christian lm, perhaps you should not support someone who completely dismisses your values like your blob has done repeatedly

What are you talking about?

You dismiss my values on a regular basis. Where do you have room to pontificate?


Your Christianity is your business. Why you support a man who lives his life running counter to your values is something you have to answer and explain when questioned IRL. You’re having a very hard (albeit amusing) time explaining it in the should be a real train wreck in real life.

Yes, my Christianity is my business. So what does Trump have to do with it?

Accepting decidedly un-Christian behavior then accepting repeated denials that the behavior ever took place says quite a bit about how seriously you take the tenants of the faith.

But again, that is your business.
I don't recall ever having a president that felt they needed to constantly name call. I don't think Jesus would approve. Why does the president do something we teach our children not to?

Funny, I thought the same thing with Obama and Clinton.

Why did those presidents do what I would assume you teach your children to not do? You know like lying constantly?
All their bad is X100 for trump.
I don't recall ever having a president that felt they needed to constantly name call. I don't think Jesus would approve. Why does the president do something we teach our children not to?

Funny, I thought the same thing with Obama and Clinton.

Why did those presidents do what I would assume you teach your children to not do? You know like lying constantly?
Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

Rahab the Prostitute (or innkeeper, translations vary) sold out her own people who were slaughtered to every man, woman and child.

THis is a moral person by you?

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

As the Great Mark Twain said, Twinky-boy, it's not the parts of the bible I don't understand that trouble me, it's the parts I understand perfectly well. The God of the bible is petty, cruel, vindictive and kind of needy.

The bible or God aren't cruel. Mankind is evil continuously.
But if you are a Christian lm, perhaps you should not support someone who completely dismisses your values like your blob has done repeatedly

What are you talking about?

You dismiss my values on a regular basis. Where do you have room to pontificate?


Your Christianity is your business. Why you support a man who lives his life running counter to your values is something you have to answer and explain when questioned IRL. You’re having a very hard (albeit amusing) time explaining it in the should be a real train wreck in real life.

Yes, my Christianity is my business. So what does Trump have to do with it?

Accepting decidedly un-Christian behavior then accepting repeated denials that the behavior ever took place says quite a bit about how seriously you take the tenants of the faith.

But again, that is your business.

Was I voted based on how Christian they are?

If I did that, I would basically have to become Amish.

And there are those who believe that ideology, and more power to them.

However, you want people to participate in the election process correct? In fact, I've seen left-wingers float making voting a requirement, with a fine, like they have in some of the Nordic countries.

So if I have to choose between two terrible people, both of which routinely engage in "un-christian" behavior, then it doesn't matter which I vote for does it? Hillary was horrifically un-Christian, just like Trump. At least Trump never pretended to be Christian like Pete Buttigieg.

But regardless both are horribly un-Christain.
And those on the left, at least claim they want people to vote, right?

So given two un-Christian options, which do I choose? The one that openly proclaims more government tyranny, and supports abortion non-stop, and wants to dictate lives, support illegal activity?

Trump at least has supported conservative ideals like lower taxes, and isn't supporting anti-semites in the party.

After all, Hillary called me a Deplorable, remember?

So between two bad choices, which is better for those like me?
I don't recall ever having a president that felt they needed to constantly name call. I don't think Jesus would approve. Why does the president do something we teach our children not to?

Funny, I thought the same thing with Obama and Clinton.

Why did those presidents do what I would assume you teach your children to not do? You know like lying constantly?
Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

I agree. Trump should not have done that.

Now, back to which is better for Conservatives in the US, between Trump and Hillary "deplorables"? Obviously Trump is the better choice.
Trump has never admitted that he did anything wrong. In fact, he utterly denies that he has done anything wrong.

No, he has refused to conform to your standards. Therefore that convinces you (the judge, jury and executioner) that he has done something wrong.

All of your glowing words of forgiveness and redemption are true, but you forgot one important part. In order to be redeemed, you have to admit your sins, accept your guilt

To whom? You?

God is the ultimate arbiter of forgiveness. Not you, not me.

You asked why I believe he hasn't asked for redemption, and I told you why it's obvious that he hasn't. What convinces me that he has done wrong are: his flouting of the Ten Commandments, especially the "bearing false witness" part, the fact that more than a half dozen of his employees and associates are in now in jail for crimes they committed at Trump's behest or instruction. Then there's the Mueller Report, and the impeachment. That you choose not to believe anything you've seen with your own eyes or heard with your own ears, is on you.

The process of admitting your crimes, confessing your guilt, and making amends, isn't my process, it's in the Bible. The Catholic Church has an entire sacrament of confession, contrition, and penance, leading to forgiveness, but you cannot be forgiven without admitting your wrong doing - not to me or anyone else, but to yourself and to god.

Trump owes me nothing. But he owes confession, contrition and an apology to the families he's separated, the people he's lied to and lied about, to those who he has broken the promises made, and those he's slandered.

Nor did I say that Trump needs to confess to do anything for me personally. He hasn't wronged me, take my children away, cut my health care, or

Obviously you believe the MSM who are nothing but anti-American TDSers. Have fun with that, Trump will be re-elected in 2020 by a landslide and the Democrat Party will wear disgrace for decades.

I believe in honest reporting, and none of that is coming from the right, who are currently parroting Russian propaganda talking points.

The MSM media is owned by the public and is answerable to a board of directors elected by the shareholders. Right wing media is owned by billionaires with a vested interest in right wing policies which protect their profits and ensures their low tax rates.
But if you are a Christian lm, perhaps you should not support someone who completely dismisses your values like your blob has done repeatedly

What are you talking about?

You dismiss my values on a regular basis. Where do you have room to pontificate?


Your Christianity is your business. Why you support a man who lives his life running counter to your values is something you have to answer and explain when questioned IRL. You’re having a very hard (albeit amusing) time explaining it in the should be a real train wreck in real life.

Yes, my Christianity is my business. So what does Trump have to do with it?

Accepting decidedly un-Christian behavior then accepting repeated denials that the behavior ever took place says quite a bit about how seriously you take the tenants of the faith.

But again, that is your business.

Was I voted based on how Christian they are?

If I did that, I would basically have to become Amish.

And there are those who believe that ideology, and more power to them.

However, you want people to participate in the election process correct? In fact, I've seen left-wingers float making voting a requirement, with a fine, like they have in some of the Nordic countries.

So if I have to choose between two terrible people, both of which routinely engage in "un-christian" behavior, then it doesn't matter which I vote for does it? Hillary was horrifically un-Christian, just like Trump. At least Trump never pretended to be Christian like Pete Buttigieg.

But regardless both are horribly un-Christain.
And those on the left, at least claim they want people to vote, right?

So given two un-Christian options, which do I choose? The one that openly proclaims more government tyranny, and supports abortion non-stop, and wants to dictate lives, support illegal activity?

Trump at least has supported conservative ideals like lower taxes, and isn't supporting anti-semites in the party.

After all, Hillary called me a Deplorable, remember?

So between two bad choices, which is better for those like me?

Hey, if your religion is that unimportant to you...again that’s your business.

as for abortion...Before he needed votes from people like yourself, your blob was pro choice.
I don't recall ever having a president that felt they needed to constantly name call. I don't think Jesus would approve. Why does the president do something we teach our children not to?

Funny, I thought the same thing with Obama and Clinton.

Why did those presidents do what I would assume you teach your children to not do? You know like lying constantly?
Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

I agree. Trump should not have done that.

Now, back to which is better for Conservatives in the US, between Trump and Hillary "deplorables"? Obviously Trump is the better choice.
Trillion dollar deficits are conservative? More government control of trade is conservative?
What are you talking about?

You dismiss my values on a regular basis. Where do you have room to pontificate?


Your Christianity is your business. Why you support a man who lives his life running counter to your values is something you have to answer and explain when questioned IRL. You’re having a very hard (albeit amusing) time explaining it in the should be a real train wreck in real life.

Yes, my Christianity is my business. So what does Trump have to do with it?

Accepting decidedly un-Christian behavior then accepting repeated denials that the behavior ever took place says quite a bit about how seriously you take the tenants of the faith.

But again, that is your business.

Was I voted based on how Christian they are?

If I did that, I would basically have to become Amish.

And there are those who believe that ideology, and more power to them.

However, you want people to participate in the election process correct? In fact, I've seen left-wingers float making voting a requirement, with a fine, like they have in some of the Nordic countries.

So if I have to choose between two terrible people, both of which routinely engage in "un-christian" behavior, then it doesn't matter which I vote for does it? Hillary was horrifically un-Christian, just like Trump. At least Trump never pretended to be Christian like Pete Buttigieg.

But regardless both are horribly un-Christain.
And those on the left, at least claim they want people to vote, right?

So given two un-Christian options, which do I choose? The one that openly proclaims more government tyranny, and supports abortion non-stop, and wants to dictate lives, support illegal activity?

Trump at least has supported conservative ideals like lower taxes, and isn't supporting anti-semites in the party.

After all, Hillary called me a Deplorable, remember?

So between two bad choices, which is better for those like me?

Hey, if your religion is that unimportant to you...again that’s your business.

as for abortion...Before he needed votes from people like yourself, your blob was pro choice.

Again... what does Trump have to do with my religion? Even if I voted only for people who live out Christian principals....... Voting exclusively based on Christian teaching......

Then Trump is still even then, the better choice than Hillary. Hillary is as much an anti-Christian as you can get.

Regardless, you are right. I believe Trump is likely pro-abortion. Regardless, Trump has governed very conservatively. So STILL... he's the better choice than the left-wing.
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I don't recall ever having a president that felt they needed to constantly name call. I don't think Jesus would approve. Why does the president do something we teach our children not to?

Funny, I thought the same thing with Obama and Clinton.

Why did those presidents do what I would assume you teach your children to not do? You know like lying constantly?
Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

I agree. Trump should not have done that.

Now, back to which is better for Conservatives in the US, between Trump and Hillary "deplorables"? Obviously Trump is the better choice.
Trillion dollar deficits are conservative? More government control of trade is conservative?

You have pointed to two specific examples, out of hundreds, that are not conservative.

Tax cuts.
Ending Iran deal.
Ending the climate treaty.
Getting judgements appointed.
Jerusalem embassy
Fighting illegal immigration.
Reducing regulations.

I would either consider the in or out policy with Syria a good move.
I hated that policy of neither pushing out Assad, nor leaving, plan Obama left us with.

I can think of several others off the top of my head.

Yes, his over spending needs to stop. Yes, I disagree with the trade war. However, he's not doing nearly as much damage as the left-wingers are freaking out on.

I'm more concerned with over spending, than the trade war.

Regardless, still way more conservative a track record, than Hillary would have been. So even with his flaws, still better than anything you people offered. I will likely vote for Trump this time around.

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