Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective


What's to say he hasn't already asked God for forgiveness?

How do you know he hasn't?

What convinces you he hasn't?

Why are you so focused on his past that you can't see what he's doing in the present?


I have a roast beef sandwich to devour. Maybe I will be hit with an epiphany.
So do you all think that Ukrainian soldier agree that Trump acts morally.

How about the Kurds?

How about all the immigrant children that have been separated from their parents?

How much immorality will Trump do and still have Trumpbots declare that he's acting morally?

Perhaps your idea of morality is backwards!

Ah, but as long as he is repentant, it's okay. Of course, Trump has never actually been repentant. He does not apologize even after having his charity foundation closed down because it was a scam.
This fact is what makes the OP garbage. Sure, forgive those who ask forgiveness and seek to change their behavior. The blob hasn’t done that

See... you wouldn't forgive him even if he asked for it. So what point is there in asking forgiveness from people who won't forgive you?


It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t. He doesn’t believe there is reason to repent. Ask him.

Trump on God: 'I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness'

Curious... that is an article from... 2016.
Trumpers have to work hard to lower the moral bar.
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What's to say he hasn't already asked God for forgiveness?

How do you know he hasn't?

What convinces you he hasn't?

Trump has never admitted that he did anything wrong. In fact, he utterly denies that he has done anything wrong.

All of your glowing words of forgiveness and redemption are true, but you forgot one important part. In order to be redeemed, you have to admit your sins, accept your guilt, apologize to those you've harmed, and ask for foregiveness and redemption. Trump hasn't done any of this.

What's to say he hasn't already asked God for forgiveness?

How do you know he hasn't?

What convinces you he hasn't?

Why are you so focused on his past that you can't see what he's doing in the present?


I have a roast beef sandwich to devour. Maybe I will be hit with an epiphany.
He hasn’t changed at all. Just read his tweets.
Trump has never admitted that he did anything wrong. In fact, he utterly denies that he has done anything wrong.

No, he has refused to conform to your standards. Therefore that convinces you (the judge, jury and executioner) that he has done something wrong.

All of your glowing words of forgiveness and redemption are true, but you forgot one important part. In order to be redeemed, you have to admit your sins, accept your guilt

To whom? You?

God is the ultimate arbiter of forgiveness. Not you, not me.

What's to say he hasn't already asked God for forgiveness?

How do you know he hasn't?

What convinces you he hasn't?

Trump has never admitted that he did anything wrong. In fact, he utterly denies that he has done anything wrong.

All of your glowing words of forgiveness and redemption are true, but you forgot one important part. In order to be redeemed, you have to admit your sins, accept your guilt, apologize to those you've harmed, and ask for foregiveness and redemption. Trump hasn't done any of this.
He was elected because Progs are masters of this. he called them out and they of course did no admitting.

What's to say he hasn't already asked God for forgiveness?

How do you know he hasn't?

What convinces you he hasn't?

Trump has never admitted that he did anything wrong. In fact, he utterly denies that he has done anything wrong.

All of your glowing words of forgiveness and redemption are true, but you forgot one important part. In order to be redeemed, you have to admit your sins, accept your guilt, apologize to those you've harmed, and ask for foregiveness and redemption. Trump hasn't done any of this.

I'm gonna ask...

Why does he need to redeem himself to you? I thought God is the one he has to answer to.

What makes you so special that he has to kowtow to your moral standards?

Why do I see so many of you demanding he redeem himself to you and not to God?
You know, forgiveness as I understand it goes as follows................

A person screws up, but then asks for forgiveness from their particular HP. If the person is truly repentant, they do their best to never repeat the behavior that they had to ask forgiveness for.

Unfortunately, that isn't the way that a lot of Christians look at it. I have actually heard people in person and on these boards say that it doesn't matter if they sin, because all they have to do is ask to be forgiven. Sorry, but that isn't really how it works. Jesus didn't come down to Earth to be someone's get out of hell free card. But, unfortunately, that is they way a lot of them look at it. Doesn't matter what they do, because they think they are forgiven, no matter if they keep repeating the same behavior that got them in trouble in the first place.

If a person is truly repentant, and understands what forgiveness is about, they also understand that they can't do that behavior anymore. And, since Trump hasn't shown any change in the way he treats others, nor does he show any interest in it, I highly doubt that he has asked for forgiveness.

Matter of fact, that was one of the reasons Martin Luther left the Catholic church, because of their policy of selling indulgences.
Simple question...a yes or no only please....Did your blob pay hush money to Stormy then deny he did so?

Im sure you’ll obfuscate and not answer directly. You can’t speak ill of your master.

But let’s say he finally comes clean and says “yes”...would that affect your support of the blob?
Your Christianity is your business.

Then why is Trump's Christianity your business?


Why was what Obama believed such an issue with the conservatives when he was in office? He said he was a Christian, but you conservatives said he wasn't, and tried to paint him as a secret Muslim. You conservatives bitched constantly about what you thought Obama's beliefs were.

Why is it that Trump is exempt? You guys made a big deal about Obama. Turn about is fair play.
I have a personal relationship with God. I don't rely upon a magazine, or anyone else to tell me who is worthy of God's grace.
Um Trump is irredeemable because he chooses not to be.

What does that even mean, Billy?
It’s pretty straight forward. If he feels no guilt and has no desire to change his behavior, he definitely can’t be redeemed. I mean shit TK you’re a Christian right? Someone who murders someone else can still get into heaven if they condemn their prior behavior and accept Christ as their savior, right? This isn’t to say Trump murdered someone - I’m just giving an example of how sinning is actually forgiven. Trump feels no remorse for any of his sins suffice to say.
You have nothing left but childish retorts.
You already lost. Trump has done way worse than franken. Franken got booted and trump got elected. Repubs have no morals.

But he hasn't done worse than Franken. Franken literally sexually assaulted a women. He put his hand behind her head, and forced his tongue into her mouth.

Trump has not done that. Not even close.
franken took some pictures. Trump admitted to grabbing women by the pussy. Sounds like sexual assault to me.

You know, as well as I do, that some women enjoy that. Don't lie, you know there are crazy women out there.

And given we're talking about Trump. I wouldn't doubt for a second, that some chicks intentionally made themselves available to him. In fact, Storm Daniels openly admitted to making herself available to Trump specifically, because she thought she could get on the apprentice.

Regardless, no one has filed charges against Trump.

So what you "think" he did or didn't do is irrelevant.

And quite frank-en... grabbing a woman's butt, is no where close to grabbing a woman's head, and forcing your tongue in her mouth.

Both are bad, but one is not comparable to the other.

No one has filed charges against Trump?


I stand corrected.

There were several lawsuits filed.

I'm curious as to why he was never sent to jail then?

There is a ton of questionable statements being tossed around on those. Ivana for example, said all kinds of stuff, and then said that all those stories are without merit.

Jill Harth said all kinds of stuff, and then got a job working for Trump as a makeup artist. If someone really sexually assaulted you, the way you claim... would you work for them as a makeup artist, and help them win an election?

Alva Johnson filed suit over a supposed kiss no one says happened, which includes..... "a victim of race and gender discrimination through unequal pay"... well that certainly spells out how she was forcibly kissed.....

Look, if Trump really did all this, then why is it never coming out until after he's elected?

Why would you wait decades, to send a rapist to jail?

But here's the deal... if you can make the case that he raped someone, then do so. Allegations are not the same as proving it. Contact the police and file charges.
But if you are a Christian lm, perhaps you should not support someone who completely dismisses your values like your blob has done repeatedly

What are you talking about?

You dismiss my values on a regular basis. Where do you have room to pontificate?


Your Christianity is your business. Why you support a man who lives his life running counter to your values is something you have to answer and explain when questioned IRL. You’re having a very hard (albeit amusing) time explaining it in the should be a real train wreck in real life.

Yes, my Christianity is my business. So what does Trump have to do with it?
So do you all think that Ukrainian soldier agree that Trump acts morally.

How about the Kurds?

How about all the immigrant children that have been separated from their parents?

How much immorality will Trump do and still have Trumpbots declare that he's acting morally?

Perhaps your idea of morality is backwards!

Ah, but as long as he is repentant, it's okay. Of course, Trump has never actually been repentant. He does not apologize even after having his charity foundation closed down because it was a scam.
This fact is what makes the OP garbage. Sure, forgive those who ask forgiveness and seek to change their behavior. The blob hasn’t done that

See... you wouldn't forgive him even if he asked for it. So what point is there in asking forgiveness from people who won't forgive you?


It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t. He doesn’t believe there is reason to repent. Ask him.

Trump on God: 'I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness'

Curious... that is an article from... 2016.

Has he apologized for anything since 2016?
What does that even mean, Billy?
It’s pretty straight forward. If he feels no guilt and has no desire to change his behavior, he definitely can’t be redeemed. I mean shit TK you’re a Christian right? Someone who murders someone else can still get into heaven if they condemn their prior behavior and accept Christ as their savior, right? This isn’t to say Trump murdered someone - I’m just giving an example of how sinning is actually forgiven. Trump feels no remorse for any of his sins suffice to say.
You already lost. Trump has done way worse than franken. Franken got booted and trump got elected. Repubs have no morals.

But he hasn't done worse than Franken. Franken literally sexually assaulted a women. He put his hand behind her head, and forced his tongue into her mouth.

Trump has not done that. Not even close.
franken took some pictures. Trump admitted to grabbing women by the pussy. Sounds like sexual assault to me.

You know, as well as I do, that some women enjoy that. Don't lie, you know there are crazy women out there.

And given we're talking about Trump. I wouldn't doubt for a second, that some chicks intentionally made themselves available to him. In fact, Storm Daniels openly admitted to making herself available to Trump specifically, because she thought she could get on the apprentice.

Regardless, no one has filed charges against Trump.

So what you "think" he did or didn't do is irrelevant.

And quite frank-en... grabbing a woman's butt, is no where close to grabbing a woman's head, and forcing your tongue in her mouth.

Both are bad, but one is not comparable to the other.

No one has filed charges against Trump?


I stand corrected.

There were several lawsuits filed.

I'm curious as to why he was never sent to jail then?

There is a ton of questionable statements being tossed around on those. Ivana for example, said all kinds of stuff, and then said that all those stories are without merit.

Jill Harth said all kinds of stuff, and then got a job working for Trump as a makeup artist. If someone really sexually assaulted you, the way you claim... would you work for them as a makeup artist, and help them win an election?

Alva Johnson filed suit over a supposed kiss no one says happened, which includes..... "a victim of race and gender discrimination through unequal pay"... well that certainly spells out how she was forcibly kissed.....

Look, if Trump really did all this, then why is it never coming out until after he's elected?

Why would you wait decades, to send a rapist to jail?

But here's the deal... if you can make the case that he raped someone, then do so. Allegations are not the same as proving it. Contact the police and file charges.

Awwww. How sweet.

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