Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective

LOL, you're a legend in your own mind.You are too stupid to "trigger" anyone.
You are the one that was triggered the worst.

I cannot be triggered kid, I don't have my ego invested in any of this :)
You're entertainment, nothing more. ;)
Look at you trying to playing off, ain't you cute!

But you're still triggered.

Whatever you need to tell yourself kid ;)
I ain't telling me Son, I already know.
.you're the one who seems to need informing.

The only thought you've ever had was whatever Nancy et al has given you.
You'd think this would make the immoral more inclined to relate to him, but apparently it has the opposite effect.
Are you kidding? The evangelicals love him, and they are some of the most immoral people I have ever met.

What would you know about 'morals'? All you display in here is a willingness to troll, and attack others....Your opinion of others is useless.
My opinion of others is my own, not something handed to me by Rush Limbaugh, and much more informed than any bloody tRumpling's could ever be.

Yep, you're a legend in your own mind...But, a generally meaningless troll....You're the kind of guy at a party that says something and people roll their eyes and move away, meanwhile you think you scored a good one....
Again, you are projecting. I said nothing resembling that.

I know what you said...and my assessment was correct...Just stop being an ass and you'll get further...
Pro Tip: When you use dumb shit like calling the President "tRump", it renders you completely uncredible, and blindly partisan...Do better.
What about when tRump calls people things like "crooked Hillary" or "sleepy Joe"? Does that make him "uncredible (which is not a word, BTW) and blindly partisan"?

Or are you applying a double standard here?

Not at all. I am not a fan of his name calling either. But, as they say sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and progressive liberals just love their names, bumper sticker slogans, and general stupid lies...You are a fine example of that.
You have it backwards. I didn't start this until I got fed up with his crap.

Hey, I'm just a guy reading posts, and yours stand out among the most unproductive of this message board. Congrat's!
Yes, yes, I know that's what the other kids told you to say.

They really don't like me.

What's not to love, you make it so
What would you know about 'morals'? All you display in here is a willingness to troll, and attack others....Your opinion of others is useless.
My opinion of others is my own, not something handed to me by Rush Limbaugh, and much more informed than any bloody tRumpling's could ever be.

Yep, you're a legend in your own mind...But, a generally meaningless troll....You're the kind of guy at a party that says something and people roll their eyes and move away, meanwhile you think you scored a good one....
Again, you are projecting. I said nothing resembling that.

You got pinned to the mat in this thread.

Admit it!
Don't be stupid. These punks don't have a clue. I completely triggered every single one of them to the point where they are slobbering all over themselves trying to attack me, in their silly, inept way.

They all lost, and it was like 4-5 to 1.

You are all a buncha losers.

See, a legend in your own mind....But sadly for you there is a difference between you being an ass and getting called on it, and those of us just laughing at you....Now stick your boo boo lip back in and learn something for a change meat head.
...Just stop being an ass and you'll get further...

You know, not to change the subject, but that sage piece of advice would do wonders for Democrats. They would be so much more successful if they were just civil, and even maybe give a little.

Take the wall for example. Fior a crappy few billion dollars I'll bet Trump would have given them the world in a budget. Give him his wall, and he would have given them everything like it was Christmas. But noooooo.... ...they had to be jerks, call him a racist, and now they are going down.

Liberals just do not know how to be decent or civil. They have stabbed themselves in the foot every step of the way
...Just stop being an ass and you'll get further...

You know, not to change the subject, but that sage piece of advice would do wonders for Democrats. They would be so much more successful if they were just civil, and even maybe give a little.

Take the wall for example. Fior a crappy few billion dollars I'll bet Trump would have given them the world in a budget. Give him his wall, and he would have given them everything like it was Christmas. But noooooo.... ...they had to be jerks, call him a racist, and now they are going down.

Liberals just do not know how to be decent or civil. They have stabbed themselves in the foot every step of the way

I couldn't agree more....The more I observe democrats, the more I come to the conclusion that they never progressed past throwing a tantrum in the high chair when they couldn't get dessert before dinner....
You're a lowlife piece of filth and a liar.

False Claim. Keep the humor coming. Tell me more about your Christian Faith. Did you tell us yet which Branch you served in. If you actually did, thank you for your service and Happy Holidays. (Just to trigger you.)

Now, do you have any other stupid things to say?

Keep giving me the humor of your idiot behavior and speech patterns.
I have never claimed to be a great Christian

We Christians have every reason to praise God

So you claim to be a Christian, just NOT a Great Christian. LOL you clown.
Everything about you is FAKE.

Did you ever mention which Branch you Served in?

Wince, You need to give Jesus His judgement robe back...

Terri's walk with God is just that. Her walk with God. And none of your business.
God called David, the murderer of a close friend to obtain the man's wife, the apple of His eye. Because God sees a man's heart. And human as he was, David had a very repentant heart.
You judge. God forgives. Probably why you aren't God...

Terri's Branch is also none of your business and way off topic.
Terri's Branch is also none of your business and way off topic.

terri questioned a few on their service record. I never questioned if he/she ever served, I just asked which Branch.
Last edited:
......Terri's walk with God is just that. Her walk with God. And none of your business. ......

Thank you for that. And to the thread topic, I'd say the same goes for Trump. He appears to have changed his life and that is what Jesus calls sinners to do, repent and change. And since we cannot read his mind we must assume on the side of goodness and not judge his faith. Only God can judge Faith of the Heart.
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what am opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.
Well we had 2 choices.
A sinner, Trump.
Hillary, the antichrist.
I picked the sinner.
Oh, not really a Christian, but a Utilitarian. I see.
He appears to have changed his life and that is what Jesus calls sinners to do, repent and change.

In what way has trump changed?

He claimed to "Understand the Bible better than anyone" from the beginning.
He has not changed at all. To say so is laughable.
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what am opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.

Let the most perfect of us stand up and I will show you his or her sin...

Trump is not perfect and has sin, boy he has sinned but too may of us judge when we know out sins are never lighter than a feather when weighed on the scales of life...

Anyhoo Merry Christmas and my your house be blessed this Holiday Season...
Are you kidding? The evangelicals love him, and they are some of the most immoral people I have ever met.

What would you know about 'morals'? All you display in here is a willingness to troll, and attack others....Your opinion of others is useless.
My opinion of others is my own, not something handed to me by Rush Limbaugh, and much more informed than any bloody tRumpling's could ever be.

Yep, you're a legend in your own mind...But, a generally meaningless troll....You're the kind of guy at a party that says something and people roll their eyes and move away, meanwhile you think you scored a good one....
Again, you are projecting. I said nothing resembling that.

I know what you said...and my assessment was correct...Just stop being an ass and you'll get further...
What about when tRump calls people things like "crooked Hillary" or "sleepy Joe"? Does that make him "uncredible (which is not a word, BTW) and blindly partisan"?

Or are you applying a double standard here?

Not at all. I am not a fan of his name calling either. But, as they say sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and progressive liberals just love their names, bumper sticker slogans, and general stupid lies...You are a fine example of that.
You have it backwards. I didn't start this until I got fed up with his crap.

Hey, I'm just a guy reading posts, and yours stand out among the most unproductive of this message board. Congrat's!
Yes, yes, I know that's what the other kids told you to say.

They really don't like me.

What's not to love, you make it so
My opinion of others is my own, not something handed to me by Rush Limbaugh, and much more informed than any bloody tRumpling's could ever be.

Yep, you're a legend in your own mind...But, a generally meaningless troll....You're the kind of guy at a party that says something and people roll their eyes and move away, meanwhile you think you scored a good one....
Again, you are projecting. I said nothing resembling that.

You got pinned to the mat in this thread.

Admit it!
Don't be stupid. These punks don't have a clue. I completely triggered every single one of them to the point where they are slobbering all over themselves trying to attack me, in their silly, inept way.

They all lost, and it was like 4-5 to 1.

You are all a buncha losers.

See, a legend in your own mind....But sadly for you there is a difference between you being an ass and getting called on it, and those of us just laughing at you....Now stick your boo boo lip back in and learn something for a change meat head.
You quoted me three times in as many minutes.

But you aren't triggered.

What would you know about 'morals'? All you display in here is a willingness to troll, and attack others....Your opinion of others is useless.
My opinion of others is my own, not something handed to me by Rush Limbaugh, and much more informed than any bloody tRumpling's could ever be.

Yep, you're a legend in your own mind...But, a generally meaningless troll....You're the kind of guy at a party that says something and people roll their eyes and move away, meanwhile you think you scored a good one....
Again, you are projecting. I said nothing resembling that.

I know what you said...and my assessment was correct...Just stop being an ass and you'll get further...
Not at all. I am not a fan of his name calling either. But, as they say sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and progressive liberals just love their names, bumper sticker slogans, and general stupid lies...You are a fine example of that.
You have it backwards. I didn't start this until I got fed up with his crap.

Hey, I'm just a guy reading posts, and yours stand out among the most unproductive of this message board. Congrat's!
Yes, yes, I know that's what the other kids told you to say.

They really don't like me.

What's not to love, you make it so
Yep, you're a legend in your own mind...But, a generally meaningless troll....You're the kind of guy at a party that says something and people roll their eyes and move away, meanwhile you think you scored a good one....
Again, you are projecting. I said nothing resembling that.

You got pinned to the mat in this thread.

Admit it!
Don't be stupid. These punks don't have a clue. I completely triggered every single one of them to the point where they are slobbering all over themselves trying to attack me, in their silly, inept way.

They all lost, and it was like 4-5 to 1.

You are all a buncha losers.

See, a legend in your own mind....But sadly for you there is a difference between you being an ass and getting called on it, and those of us just laughing at you....Now stick your boo boo lip back in and learn something for a change meat head.
You quoted me three times in as many minutes.

But you aren't triggered.


Nope, a good smack down is the only thing you morons appreciate...Some are just more thick headed that others....Like you.
My opinion of others is my own, not something handed to me by Rush Limbaugh, and much more informed than any bloody tRumpling's could ever be.

Yep, you're a legend in your own mind...But, a generally meaningless troll....You're the kind of guy at a party that says something and people roll their eyes and move away, meanwhile you think you scored a good one....
Again, you are projecting. I said nothing resembling that.

I know what you said...and my assessment was correct...Just stop being an ass and you'll get further...
You have it backwards. I didn't start this until I got fed up with his crap.

Hey, I'm just a guy reading posts, and yours stand out among the most unproductive of this message board. Congrat's!
Yes, yes, I know that's what the other kids told you to say.

They really don't like me.

What's not to love, you make it so
Again, you are projecting. I said nothing resembling that.

You got pinned to the mat in this thread.

Admit it!
Don't be stupid. These punks don't have a clue. I completely triggered every single one of them to the point where they are slobbering all over themselves trying to attack me, in their silly, inept way.

They all lost, and it was like 4-5 to 1.

You are all a buncha losers.

See, a legend in your own mind....But sadly for you there is a difference between you being an ass and getting called on it, and those of us just laughing at you....Now stick your boo boo lip back in and learn something for a change meat head.
You quoted me three times in as many minutes.

But you aren't triggered.


Nope, a good smack down is the only thing you morons appreciate...Some are just more thick headed that others....Like you.
Lol, let me know when you think you're capable of delivering one kiddo.

Might wanna wait till yer nuts drop though.
Yep, you're a legend in your own mind...But, a generally meaningless troll....You're the kind of guy at a party that says something and people roll their eyes and move away, meanwhile you think you scored a good one....
Again, you are projecting. I said nothing resembling that.

I know what you said...and my assessment was correct...Just stop being an ass and you'll get further...
Hey, I'm just a guy reading posts, and yours stand out among the most unproductive of this message board. Congrat's!
Yes, yes, I know that's what the other kids told you to say.

They really don't like me.

What's not to love, you make it so
You got pinned to the mat in this thread.

Admit it!
Don't be stupid. These punks don't have a clue. I completely triggered every single one of them to the point where they are slobbering all over themselves trying to attack me, in their silly, inept way.

They all lost, and it was like 4-5 to 1.

You are all a buncha losers.

See, a legend in your own mind....But sadly for you there is a difference between you being an ass and getting called on it, and those of us just laughing at you....Now stick your boo boo lip back in and learn something for a change meat head.
You quoted me three times in as many minutes.

But you aren't triggered.


Nope, a good smack down is the only thing you morons appreciate...Some are just more thick headed that others....Like you.
Lol, let me know when you think you're capable of delivering one kiddo.

Might wanna wait till yer nuts drop though.

You wouldn't get it if I dumbed it down to your level....Dumbass.
Trump is not a Christian. He is using Christians for his political ends.

However, Evangelicals are happy that he is implementing, or trying to implement, policies they support. So they cast a narrative of him as a flawed man, like Peter the apostle, doing God's work despite his flaws.
Again, you are projecting. I said nothing resembling that.

I know what you said...and my assessment was correct...Just stop being an ass and you'll get further...
Yes, yes, I know that's what the other kids told you to say.

They really don't like me.

What's not to love, you make it so
Don't be stupid. These punks don't have a clue. I completely triggered every single one of them to the point where they are slobbering all over themselves trying to attack me, in their silly, inept way.

They all lost, and it was like 4-5 to 1.

You are all a buncha losers.

See, a legend in your own mind....But sadly for you there is a difference between you being an ass and getting called on it, and those of us just laughing at you....Now stick your boo boo lip back in and learn something for a change meat head.
You quoted me three times in as many minutes.

But you aren't triggered.


Nope, a good smack down is the only thing you morons appreciate...Some are just more thick headed that others....Like you.
Lol, let me know when you think you're capable of delivering one kiddo.

Might wanna wait till yer nuts drop though.

You wouldn't get it if I dumbed it down to your level....Dumbass.
Still more triggered bullshit.

Don't hurt yourself kidm

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