Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

"The Constitution uses 16 words—known as the “religion clauses”—to create rules about how faith and government interact. One clause gives citizens the right to freely exercise religious convictions; the other prohibits government (including taxpayer-funded public schools) from establishing religion, meaning granting favorable treatment."

"Among the issues that have reached the High Court:

  • Can a school district allow students to conduct prayers over the loudspeaker and before kickoff at a varsity football game? (No)
  • Does a religious student club get the same rights and privileges as other student clubs? (Yes)
  • Is a school district required to give equal access to an outside organizations that provide after-school religious instruction to young children? (Yes)
  • Is a moment of silence really a cloaking device for prayer? (Sometimes)
  • Are the words “under God” in the pledge of allegiance unconstitutional in schools? (Undecided)"
Religion and Public Schools

How that "over the loudspeakers" sneaked in there?

Child, now you pivoted from your implied argument about "rules" to now cherry picking "loud speakers."

At some point you need to just admit defeat and give up.


nah the consttitution says free exercise of religion...
we get it you lefties hate it because people look to god and not government.

you guys would hate muslims too if they didnt hate America as much as you guys

Oh so now you are at the point you like to cherry pick the Constitution? It says people should be free to practice it, yes, but it also says that people have the right not to have it forced onto them, like through prayer in state run places.

I'm not a lefty either...
I'm not a lefty either...
Republicans, you want to know why some of you get called Racist so much?
No you aren't a lefty, I can see you are a.......#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job

Guess you don't understand that it takes more than one symptom to make a diagnosis.

...also sadly there are many Trump supporters of your ilk in this thread are actually delusional, but here you are trying to pin that on me.

That was indeed the conclusion drawn by no less than eight separate investigations.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
There was plenty of evidence to convict that crooked vagina, but as we all know the worthless FBI chief wouldn't do anything. So even today, we have a 2 tier system of justice, where people like you dumbass liberals would go to jail for any small violation, yet people like the Clintons can have an intern shot in the back or US Ambassador left to die, and get off scot free. You might as well kneel down and suck both Bill's and Hillary's dicks..

More fake news.
"Crooked Hillary"
Lock her up.

It's funny that the purveyor of fake news is suggesting a network should lose it's liscense.

That isn't news, dumbass. Those are slogans shouted by Trump supporters.

Once again, a libe douche bag is trying to compare things that aren't comparable. That's what they always do when they are wriggling on the hook.
Nevertheless, those idiotic slogans were butressed with a mountain of fake news, no doubt much of it from Putin's legion. It's genius, when you think about it....Putin recruited and put to work a few million Russian agents in this country and didn't have to pay them one red Ruble...
Now you're off in la-la land trying to justify your fake claims. Keep all your Putin prattle to yourself. I don't pay attention to it.
It doesnt matter if you dont pay attention to it. It's still there. A bunch of americans unwittingly became part of the Putin propaganda machine. Whether or not you believe it has no bearing on anything.
He was asking a question. Let me know when he actually intends to take action. And no, mind reading is not a valid indication.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He was asking a question? :laugh: Was he doing air quotes with his hands while he typed his tweet?

How about you prove he hasn't already started to take action?
why don't you prove you're not gay?

go ahead prove a negative...I want to see this

Prove I'm not gay? Though it is flattering anytime someone is attracted to you, I'm going to have to tell you I'm not interested, I prefer women. Keep up hope, you'll find a nice husband some day.

Asking for proof that Trump hasn't already started taking action against networks is not proving a negative.

Yes it is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
does he know hasnt is a negative?

what kind of intelligence are we dealing with in him?

Oh, you want to play that game?

Ok prove if Trump has started the process of changing the process of networks renewing their licenses. The original poster said he hasn't, but they provided no proof. Do you understand that when you make a statement you are supposed to provide proof?
"There is a rule"...

Post the rule.

"The Constitution uses 16 words—known as the “religion clauses”—to create rules about how faith and government interact. One clause gives citizens the right to freely exercise religious convictions; the other prohibits government (including taxpayer-funded public schools) from establishing religion, meaning granting favorable treatment."

"Among the issues that have reached the High Court:

  • Can a school district allow students to conduct prayers over the loudspeaker and before kickoff at a varsity football game? (No)
  • Does a religious student club get the same rights and privileges as other student clubs? (Yes)
  • Is a school district required to give equal access to an outside organizations that provide after-school religious instruction to young children? (Yes)
  • Is a moment of silence really a cloaking device for prayer? (Sometimes)
  • Are the words “under God” in the pledge of allegiance unconstitutional in schools? (Undecided)"
Religion and Public Schools

How that "over the loudspeakers" sneaked in there?

Child, now you pivoted from your implied argument about "rules" to now cherry picking "loud speakers."

At some point you need to just admit defeat and give up.


The rule does NOT prevent praying, it prevents praying over the loudspeakers, you moron.

No child, it prevents organized prayer in public schools.

Yes, organized by school officials as is in this case, over the loudspeakers. Students are not prevented from praying, you dumbass.

Funny, I call you a kid, you start calling me a child. How original...
He was asking a question? :laugh: Was he doing air quotes with his hands while he typed his tweet?

How about you prove he hasn't already started to take action?
why don't you prove you're not gay?

go ahead prove a negative...I want to see this

Prove I'm not gay? Though it is flattering anytime someone is attracted to you, I'm going to have to tell you I'm not interested, I prefer women. Keep up hope, you'll find a nice husband some day.

Asking for proof that Trump hasn't already started taking action against networks is not proving a negative.

Yes it is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
does he know hasnt is a negative?

what kind of intelligence are we dealing with in him?

Oh, you want to play that game?

Ok prove if Trump has started the process of changing the process of networks renewing their licenses. The original poster said he hasn't, but they provided no proof. Do you understand that when you make a statement you are supposed to provide proof?

wait you want me to prove a theory i dont agree with? uh....nope

youre the one saying hes doing it, you provide proof
"The Constitution uses 16 words—known as the “religion clauses”—to create rules about how faith and government interact. One clause gives citizens the right to freely exercise religious convictions; the other prohibits government (including taxpayer-funded public schools) from establishing religion, meaning granting favorable treatment."

"Among the issues that have reached the High Court:

  • Can a school district allow students to conduct prayers over the loudspeaker and before kickoff at a varsity football game? (No)
  • Does a religious student club get the same rights and privileges as other student clubs? (Yes)
  • Is a school district required to give equal access to an outside organizations that provide after-school religious instruction to young children? (Yes)
  • Is a moment of silence really a cloaking device for prayer? (Sometimes)
  • Are the words “under God” in the pledge of allegiance unconstitutional in schools? (Undecided)"
Religion and Public Schools

How that "over the loudspeakers" sneaked in there?

Child, now you pivoted from your implied argument about "rules" to now cherry picking "loud speakers."

At some point you need to just admit defeat and give up.


The rule does NOT prevent praying, it prevents praying over the loudspeakers, you moron.

No child, it prevents organized prayer in public schools.

Yes, organized by school officials as is in this case, over the loudspeakers. Students are not prevented from praying, you dumbass.

Funny, I call you a kid, you start calling me a child. How original...

Child, I am just showing you how cool you look! You should be flattered!

It's funny to watch you pivot time after time after time.

I'm still waiting for you to give me a quote from Obama threatening to take away the network licenses of a group for talking ill of him. You've had hours to find one. Is this like the Republican plan for healthcare that took 8 years?
How that "over the loudspeakers" sneaked in there?

Child, now you pivoted from your implied argument about "rules" to now cherry picking "loud speakers."

At some point you need to just admit defeat and give up.


nah the consttitution says free exercise of religion...
we get it you lefties hate it because people look to god and not government.

you guys would hate muslims too if they didnt hate America as much as you guys

Oh so now you are at the point you like to cherry pick the Constitution? It says people should be free to practice it, yes, but it also says that people have the right not to have it forced onto them, like through prayer in state run places.

I'm not a lefty either...
I'm not a lefty either...
Republicans, you want to know why some of you get called Racist so much?
No you aren't a lefty, I can see you are a.......#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job

Guess you don't understand that it takes more than one symptom to make a diagnosis.

...also sadly there are many Trump supporters of your ilk in this thread are actually delusional, but here you are trying to pin that on me.

I am not pinning anything on you, you have successfully shown the rest of US how much of a sociopath you are.
why don't you prove you're not gay?

go ahead prove a negative...I want to see this

Prove I'm not gay? Though it is flattering anytime someone is attracted to you, I'm going to have to tell you I'm not interested, I prefer women. Keep up hope, you'll find a nice husband some day.

Asking for proof that Trump hasn't already started taking action against networks is not proving a negative.

Yes it is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
does he know hasnt is a negative?

what kind of intelligence are we dealing with in him?

Oh, you want to play that game?

Ok prove if Trump has started the process of changing the process of networks renewing their licenses. The original poster said he hasn't, but they provided no proof. Do you understand that when you make a statement you are supposed to provide proof?

wait you want me to prove a theory i dont agree with? uh....nope

youre the one saying hes doing it, you provide proof

Uh no, if you make a statement that someone isn't doing something, you have to prove it. If you can't prove it don't make the statement. That's pretty straight forward. This isn't about me making a statement and then asking you to prove me wrong. Do you understand that?
Sure. Tell us some more about Beghazi, emails, Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny, ...etc. It goes on and on and on. None of that shit is or ever was real but you, personally, as well as others have gone on about this shit for years. It's always you dopes who are fooled and you always go back for more.

Did FOX news broadcast any stories about "Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny?" No. The Benghazi scandal and Clinton emails were majors stories covered by all the media outlets.

We're talking about the media, not what individual Americans have said. Only a douche bag with no facts on his side would try to compare the two things.

Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?
Breitbart, infowars and such wear the political affiliation on their sleeves. Lamestream lickspittle liberal media say they are impartial, and those without their heads up their asses know it too. That is why the viewership of FAKE news is diminishing every time they put up that FAKE NEWS.

View attachment 153988

It's where you dopes get your news. The actual fake news. I can tell what the subject of the day will be here just from a glance at Breitbart or RL. You can try to minimize their importance, but it's clear they influence you far more than the MSM influences libs.
So while I get my news from paper, online media , radio and television, then make my own decisions about what is happening in the world, because I think outside the box and don't tow the liberal line, you ASSUME that I only "glace" at Breitbart? Your lack of intelligence is showing....

Nice try. You're one of the worst offenders. Way, way outside the box.
Child, now you pivoted from your implied argument about "rules" to now cherry picking "loud speakers."

At some point you need to just admit defeat and give up.


nah the consttitution says free exercise of religion...
we get it you lefties hate it because people look to god and not government.

you guys would hate muslims too if they didnt hate America as much as you guys

Oh so now you are at the point you like to cherry pick the Constitution? It says people should be free to practice it, yes, but it also says that people have the right not to have it forced onto them, like through prayer in state run places.

I'm not a lefty either...
I'm not a lefty either...
Republicans, you want to know why some of you get called Racist so much?
No you aren't a lefty, I can see you are a.......#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job

Guess you don't understand that it takes more than one symptom to make a diagnosis.

...also sadly there are many Trump supporters of your ilk in this thread are actually delusional, but here you are trying to pin that on me.

I am not pinning anything on you, you have successfully shown the rest of US how much of a sociopath you are.

I have? You on't even know how diagnosing a mental disorder works, and keep trying to do it. Now that's delusional.
Prove I'm not gay? Though it is flattering anytime someone is attracted to you, I'm going to have to tell you I'm not interested, I prefer women. Keep up hope, you'll find a nice husband some day.

Asking for proof that Trump hasn't already started taking action against networks is not proving a negative.

Yes it is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
does he know hasnt is a negative?

what kind of intelligence are we dealing with in him?

Oh, you want to play that game?

Ok prove if Trump has started the process of changing the process of networks renewing their licenses. The original poster said he hasn't, but they provided no proof. Do you understand that when you make a statement you are supposed to provide proof?

wait you want me to prove a theory i dont agree with? uh....nope

youre the one saying hes doing it, you provide proof

Uh no, if you make a statement that someone isn't doing something, you have to prove it. If you can't prove it don't make the statement. That's pretty straight forward. This isn't about me making a statement and then asking you to prove me wrong. Do you understand that?

god youre dumb, thats called proving a negative. are you 5 years old?

if you say he IS DOING it then you prove the positive.

you know in courts the cops have to prove guilt
the defense does not need to prove not guilt

can you follow along now?
They have no right to take a knee on company time if their employer tells them not to.

They can...they just have to claim they're praying. :lol:

Religious Freedom doncha know.
Nope, they can't.

There actually ARE things your employer can't "make" you do. You know that, right?

And if taken to court and the individual said they were kneeling to pray, guess who would win? :lol:
Public schools stop people from praying all the time, so I assume the employer would win. However, the Muzzie savages always win when they want to afflict everyone with their religion.

It's hard to say how the courts would rule.

However, they aren't praying. Their employer isn't violating their rights in any way by telling them not to disrespect the flag.

You do know that schools and work are two different places right? The government can stop people from praying in schools because there is a rule that is about separation of church and state.

And they can’t actually stop someone from praying...they simply don’t allow teacher led public prayer.
Did FOX news broadcast any stories about "Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny?" No. The Benghazi scandal and Clinton emails were majors stories covered by all the media outlets.

We're talking about the media, not what individual Americans have said. Only a douche bag with no facts on his side would try to compare the two things.

Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?
Breitbart, infowars and such wear the political affiliation on their sleeves. Lamestream lickspittle liberal media say they are impartial, and those without their heads up their asses know it too. That is why the viewership of FAKE news is diminishing every time they put up that FAKE NEWS.

View attachment 153988

It's where you dopes get your news. The actual fake news. I can tell what the subject of the day will be here just from a glance at Breitbart or RL. You can try to minimize their importance, but it's clear they influence you far more than the MSM influences libs.
So while I get my news from paper, online media , radio and television, then make my own decisions about what is happening in the world, because I think outside the box and don't tow the liberal line, you ASSUME that I only "glace" at Breitbart? Your lack of intelligence is showing....

Nice try. You're one of the worst offenders. Way, way outside the box.

says the moron who though nbc cared about weinstein issue...
They can...they just have to claim they're praying. :lol:

Religious Freedom doncha know.
Nope, they can't.

There actually ARE things your employer can't "make" you do. You know that, right?

And if taken to court and the individual said they were kneeling to pray, guess who would win? :lol:
Public schools stop people from praying all the time, so I assume the employer would win. However, the Muzzie savages always win when they want to afflict everyone with their religion.

It's hard to say how the courts would rule.

However, they aren't praying. Their employer isn't violating their rights in any way by telling them not to disrespect the flag.

You do know that schools and work are two different places right? The government can stop people from praying in schools because there is a rule that is about separation of church and state.

And they can’t actually stop someone from praying...they simply don’t allow teacher led public prayer.
which is fine
Time will tell. I'm confident. It's you fools who get taken every time.

Hmmm, no it's not. The fake media has been nailed broadcasting lies so many times I've lost count. They've spewed a long series of nothing burgers, and every time morons like you claimed it was the end of Trump.

Sure. Tell us some more about Beghazi, emails, Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny, ...etc. It goes on and on and on. None of that shit is or ever was real but you, personally, as well as others have gone on about this shit for years. It's always you dopes who are fooled and you always go back for more.

Did FOX news broadcast any stories about "Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny?" No. The Benghazi scandal and Clinton emails were majors stories covered by all the media outlets.

We're talking about the media, not what individual Americans have said. Only a douche bag with no facts on his side would try to compare the two things.

Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?

We're talking about the media, not what ignorant turds on this forum post.

None of the sites you listed are mainstream media outlets. Shall we examine what sites like HuffingtonPost, MediaMaters, and other paranoid leftwing sites publish?

So it's only MSM now? Keep moving those goal posts. :laugh:
Yes it is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
does he know hasnt is a negative?

what kind of intelligence are we dealing with in him?

Oh, you want to play that game?

Ok prove if Trump has started the process of changing the process of networks renewing their licenses. The original poster said he hasn't, but they provided no proof. Do you understand that when you make a statement you are supposed to provide proof?

wait you want me to prove a theory i dont agree with? uh....nope

youre the one saying hes doing it, you provide proof

Uh no, if you make a statement that someone isn't doing something, you have to prove it. If you can't prove it don't make the statement. That's pretty straight forward. This isn't about me making a statement and then asking you to prove me wrong. Do you understand that?

god youre dumb, thats called proving a negative. are you 5 years old?

if you say he IS DOING it then you prove the positive.

you know in courts the cops have to prove guilt
the defense does not need to prove not guilt

can you follow along now?

I didn't make the initial statement! How fucking retarded are you? The statement was made that he can't do anything to change the rules. That's not true. If a person makes that statement they must prove it.

You fucking Trump supporters have said the exact same shit the entire time he has been campaigning and now President. But all of a sudden you want to say you can't disprove a negative? :uhoh3:
Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?
Breitbart, infowars and such wear the political affiliation on their sleeves. Lamestream lickspittle liberal media say they are impartial, and those without their heads up their asses know it too. That is why the viewership of FAKE news is diminishing every time they put up that FAKE NEWS.

View attachment 153988

It's where you dopes get your news. The actual fake news. I can tell what the subject of the day will be here just from a glance at Breitbart or RL. You can try to minimize their importance, but it's clear they influence you far more than the MSM influences libs.
So while I get my news from paper, online media , radio and television, then make my own decisions about what is happening in the world, because I think outside the box and don't tow the liberal line, you ASSUME that I only "glace" at Breitbart? Your lack of intelligence is showing....

Nice try. You're one of the worst offenders. Way, way outside the box.

says the moron who though nbc cared about weinstein issue...

It's been covered at length, dope.
That was indeed the conclusion drawn by no less than eight separate investigations.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
There was plenty of evidence to convict that crooked vagina, but as we all know the worthless FBI chief wouldn't do anything. So even today, we have a 2 tier system of justice, where people like you dumbass liberals would go to jail for any small violation, yet people like the Clintons can have an intern shot in the back or US Ambassador left to die, and get off scot free. You might as well kneel down and suck both Bill's and Hillary's dicks..

More fake news.
"Crooked Hillary"
Lock her up.

It's funny that the purveyor of fake news is suggesting a network should lose it's liscense.

That isn't news, dumbass. Those are slogans shouted by Trump supporters.

Once again, a libe douche bag is trying to compare things that aren't comparable. That's what they always do when they are wriggling on the hook.

It is comparable and it is you on the hook, dope. You see that slogan came from the erroneous reports regarding Clinton's criminality. The very same erroneous reports you all used time and again right here. Trump used that fake news to rally you idiots. It was very effective.
It isn't comparable, dumbass. Only someone dumber than a brain damaged cockroach would claim it was. Reports about Clinton's criminality are not erroneous. She clearly broke a long list of laws. She sold her office to the highest bidder.

Obviously they were erroneous as she was neither indicted nor tried. You honestly don't get that you were lied to, do you?
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press
Again we get to see the ignorance of president. The FCC does not issue licenses to news networks. And even if they did, Trump would not be able pull their license because the Federal Communication Act is designed so a president can't do what Trump is proposing. This guy is a complete idiot. It's hard to believe that Americans would vote a person into office that is this dumb.
Trump suggests challenging NBC's broadcast license

Well, it looks like trump has had enough of liberal propoganda.

Hopefully this will be the end of MSNBC. NBC, CNN et al.

Once we shut down the propoganda networks, i bet our country will be stronger than ever before!

Are you a Russian agent provocateur? Did you support TASS? If not, and you are native born citizen your understanding of the First Amendment has been warped by someone or something.

This attack on the press and the MSM media in general is toxic, and its infection has spread from Limbaugh 25 years ago to the idiot fringe and now to the POTUS.

It even infected Obama.

Not to the extend that it infected Obama, Bush, G.W., or Bill Clinton; Trump may be less supportive of the First Amendment than Spiro Agnew and Richard Nixon.

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