Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

YES it IS.

Just like ANYTHING else you get a license to do, DRIVING, HUNTING, FISHING, ON and ON, if you ABUSE such that you have gotten a license to do, it gets TAKEN AWAY, PERIOD.
Who gets to decide?

Obama? Hillary?

Fuck that. I don't want those commies having any power like that.

The license is SOLELY for over-the-air broadcasting. The air waves are owned by all. To broadcast over those waves, you meet certain requirements. Content SHOULD NOT be one of them.

If they can do it to them, they can do it to you. DO NOT GIVE THE GOVERNMENT THAT POWER!!!! EVER!!!!!
This isn't a "case." It's is the democrat propaganda wing lying or not. If it is, and there's proof, then jerk their damn license, simple as that.
Yanking their license is not solution. Discredit them. Sue them and make them pay. Expose them. Do no silence them. That's something the commies would do. Do not be like them for the sake of "truth".
YES it IS.

Just like ANYTHING else you get a license to do, DRIVING, HUNTING, FISHING, ON and ON, if you ABUSE such that you have gotten a license to do, it gets TAKEN AWAY, PERIOD.
The things you mention are not Constitutional rights. They are privileges that the state regulates for safety and or to protect resources.
Look how many nutbags want the president to decide which media outlets are real and which are fake! It’s awesome!
How many bitched when Obama and the left tried to shut Fox News down? Huh? Now you want to bitch?
I did. All day every day when it was a hot topic. I'm guessing you did too so why aren't you now?

I watched MSNBC when they said it! I am waiting to see how this progresses. When they are sitting there telling lies about Trump why can't he counter with the truth? When they tell the truth I will defend them but right now, honestly? They are in no dangers.
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation.

Yet, he's only calling out NBC. Are you ok with that?
Everyone should not have to give up the Constitutional right to a free press just because some are too lazy or stupid to know how to navigate through the free press.

If people want to limit themselves to Alex Jones, Gateway Pundit or extremist blogs and shady news sources, they have a right to do that.
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation.

Trump is sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

Gramps come on, NBC reported that Trump wanted to increase our nuclear arsenal 10 fold a blatant LIE and frankly irresponsible how do you think the rest of the world reacted to that lie? Should Trump just sit there and do nothing? We frequently agree on the issues but you are way off to one side on this issue.

Should Trump threaten to yank the license of NBC, no. But something must be done to rein in liberal media that has thrown journalistic integrity out the window in their attempts to get Trump at all costs.

no shit, but NBC wouldnt report on weinstein. NBC isnt about news its leftwing propaganda
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation. support the government taking away the licenses of news networks that say things it doesn't like?
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation.

Yet, he's only calling out NBC. Are you ok with that?

What are you smoking, president Trump has been calling out multiple fake news networks for over a year. CNN ring a bell? You are Fake News :eusa_hand:
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation. support the government taking away the licenses of news networks that say things it doesn't like?

NBC lied and their lie caused our allies and other countries around the world grave concern. FACT!
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation.

Yet, he's only calling out NBC. Are you ok with that?

What are you smoking, president Trump has been calling out multiple fake news networks for over a year. CNN ring a bell? You are Fake News :eusa_hand:

I'm referring to which networks he said should have their license reviewed.
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation.

Trump is sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

Gramps come on, NBC reported that Trump wanted to increase our nuclear arsenal 10 fold a blatant LIE and frankly irresponsible how do you think the rest of the world reacted to that lie? Should Trump just sit there and do nothing? We frequently agree on the issues but you are way off to one side on this issue.

Should Trump threaten to yank the license of NBC, no. But something must be done to rein in liberal media that has thrown journalistic integrity out the window in their attempts to get Trump at all costs.

no shit, but NBC wouldnt report on weinstein. NBC isnt about news its leftwing propaganda

Exactly. NBC is portraying themselves as a News outlet, when in fact they are a lying propaganda wing of the left. The American people and the world have the right to know when NBC is lying about something as important as our nuclear arsenal, talk about irresponsible.

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