Trump's Own Budget Office Admits Obama-era regulations brought in billions in benefits


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2017
Watch them all be fired for telling the truth.

What do you do when a new report undermines a narrative you’ve used to forcefully promote your agenda? You release it on a Friday evening with minimal media outreach, hoping nobody takes notice.

At least, that’s what the Trump administration did with a recent report discrediting his administration’s claim that federal protections impose debilitating costs on our economy and society.

The report, written by the White House’s own Office of Management and Budget, showed that federal regulations in place between 2006 and 2016 brought between $287 billion and $911 billion in benefits – dramatically outweighing costs of between $78 billion and $115 billion.

In sum, the regulations offered a staggering net benefit of up to $833 billion.

Figures like that would make any prudent chief executive gasp and fawn. Instead, the Trump administration has kept practically mum about the report while continuing to promote a fictitious view of the effect federal safeguards have on Americans.

Trump’s own budget office admits Obama-era regulations brought billions in benefits
Obama puts a right cross to Trump's glass jaw again.
He'll be pissed.
Righties construe "regulations" as a negative. It's actually a synonym for PROTECTIONS.
Back in the 1980’s when we used to get air quality advisories every hot day in the summer, I was frequently at the ER to deal with life threatening asthma attacks. By frequently I mean once or twice a week.

I took my meds faithfully, didn’t smoke, had no pets, dusted twice a week and still my airways would start to close and off we’d go. Numbers I saw at the time indicated that a trip to the ER cost about $800, covered by our health care.

Environmental regulations were enacted by the NDP government in the early 90’s. Coal fired electrical plants were closed and banned. Air quality improved so that we almost never have air quality warnings.

I haven’t had to go to emergency for my asthma since 1991. I almost never use an inhaler, I take no meds and I have a cat. Cleaner air saved our health care system thousands of dollars for my care and improved my quality of life. Extrapolate that across the entire population and you can see how much these types of regulations can save your economy.
Back in the 1980’s when we used to get air quality advisories every hot day in the summer, I was frequently at the ER to deal with life threatening asthma attacks. By frequently I mean once or twice a week.

I took my meds faithfully, didn’t smoke, had no pets, dusted twice a week and still my airways would start to close and off we’d go. Numbers I saw at the time indicated that a trip to the ER cost about $800, covered by our health care.

Environmental regulations were enacted by the NDP government in the early 90’s. Coal fired electrical plants were closed and banned. Air quality improved so that we almost never have air quality warnings.

I haven’t had to go to emergency for my asthma since 1991. I almost never use an inhaler, I take no meds and I have a cat. Cleaner air saved our health care system thousands of dollars for my care and improved my quality of life. Extrapolate that across the entire population and you can see how much these types of regulations can save your economy.
Watch for an epidemic of children's asthma skyrocketing under this coal obsessed anti environment president.
I'm curious as to how they reached this 833 billion number. What do they mean by "benefits"?
Call the budget office. Be a concerned citizen.
Like that would ever happen.

Did you call the budget office?
You're the one that wants to know, not me. I know it's a valid source. Don't be so fucking lazy and do your own leg work. I'm too busy signing petitions and working with the Sierra Club trying to stop this POS president from drilling off my state's coastline.
I'm curious as to how they reached this 833 billion number. What do they mean by "benefits"?
Call the budget office. Be a concerned citizen.
Like that would ever happen.

Did you call the budget office?
You're the one that wants to know, not me. I know it's a valid source. Don't be so fucking lazy and do your own leg work. I'm too busy signing petitions and working with the Sierra Club trying to stop this POS president from drilling off my state's coastline.

I have a hunch that the number is based on fines and not on savings.
I'm curious as to how they reached this 833 billion number. What do they mean by "benefits"?

I'm curious as to how they reached this 833 billion number.

It involves pulling a number out of their ass.
And then another. And then piling on a third.
Some of the numbers can then be multiplied by other
ass sourced numbers before they're all added together to give a result like......

between 2006 and 2016 brought between $287 billion and $911 billion in benefits

They might as well say the benefit was a billion quadrillion dollars.
I'm curious as to how they reached this 833 billion number. What do they mean by "benefits"?
Call the budget office. Be a concerned citizen.
Like that would ever happen.

Did you call the budget office?
You're the one that wants to know, not me. I know it's a valid source. Don't be so fucking lazy and do your own leg work. I'm too busy signing petitions and working with the Sierra Club trying to stop this POS president from drilling off my state's coastline.

I have a hunch that the number is based on fines and not on savings.
Even if some of the money came from fines it still goes into the coffers so it's all good. Plus it slaps down polluters which trump is doing just the opposite. He's gutted the enforcement part of the EPA.
I'm curious as to how they reached this 833 billion number. What do they mean by "benefits"?

I'm curious as to how they reached this 833 billion number.

It involves pulling a number out of their ass.
And then another. And then piling on a third.
Some of the numbers can then be multiplied by other
ass sourced numbers before they're all added together to give a result like......

between 2006 and 2016 brought between $287 billion and $911 billion in benefits

They might as well say the benefit was a billion quadrillion dollars.
I hope you don't breed. I shutter to think of the results.
No one pulled a number out of their asses. This is not the Trump administration.
You can't stand Obama trumped Trump again.
I'm curious as to how they reached this 833 billion number. What do they mean by "benefits"?

Improved health due to cleaner air and water reduce diseases such as cancer, asthma, heart conditions, which save money paid out for Medicare and Medicaid and ER visits.

Cleaner water means it’s cheaper to treat drinking water for cities and towns. Less illness. Look how much the water crisis in Flint has cost taxpayers.

Toxic chemical spills like the one in West Virgina a couple of years ago are expensive to clean up. That was a case of lax enforcement. The laws were on the books but no on-site inspections had been done in years. The storage containers just rusted out. Inspections would have caught that before the sludge got into the water supply.

Emissions standards for cars reduced air pollution in California by a remarkable degree, again improving health and reducing health care and insurance costs.

The BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico wiped out the Gulf fishing industries cost fishermen billions in lost revenue. The government lost the tax revenue generated by that industry because the whole industry was wiped out.

Lead paint leads to brain damage. Treatment for those affected costs money and lost revenue from long term disability.

Workplace safety regulations save lives, reduce injuries and the medical costs to treat the injuries, and insurance and disability claims.

They look at the costs in injuries, accidents and their prior to the regulations in place, e.g. numbers of workplace injuries prior to a safety regulation across the entire industry. Then compare those figures with the numbers of injuries and costs of treatment after the regulation across the entire industry.

For pollution, they look at the number of incidents, the clean up costs and the medical costs.

This latest report covered a 10 year period.
Back in the 1980’s when we used to get air quality advisories every hot day in the summer, I was frequently at the ER to deal with life threatening asthma attacks. By frequently I mean once or twice a week.

I took my meds faithfully, didn’t smoke, had no pets, dusted twice a week and still my airways would start to close and off we’d go. Numbers I saw at the time indicated that a trip to the ER cost about $800, covered by our health care.

Environmental regulations were enacted by the NDP government in the early 90’s. Coal fired electrical plants were closed and banned. Air quality improved so that we almost never have air quality warnings.

I haven’t had to go to emergency for my asthma since 1991. I almost never use an inhaler, I take no meds and I have a cat. Cleaner air saved our health care system thousands of dollars for my care and improved my quality of life. Extrapolate that across the entire population and you can see how much these types of regulations can save your economy.
Watch for an epidemic of children's asthma skyrocketing under this coal obsessed anti environment president.

There’s already an epidemic of children’s asthma, especially in cities. But yeah. Encouraging the construction of coal plants is only going to make it worse.

In my case the ER staff knew me on sight. I’d walk in, they greeted me by name and they’d lead me to a bed and let my husband take care of the paperwork. I checked the air quality index every morning when I got up to get some idea what my day would be like.
I'm curious as to how they reached this 833 billion number. What do they mean by "benefits"?
Call the budget office. Be a concerned citizen.
Like that would ever happen.

Did you call the budget office?
You're the one that wants to know, not me. I know it's a valid source. Don't be so fucking lazy and do your own leg work. I'm too busy signing petitions and working with the Sierra Club trying to stop this POS president from drilling off my state's coastline.

I have a hunch that the number is based on fines and not on savings.

Your hunch would be wrong. Just cleaning up the air where I lived saved me from going to the ER on a weekly basis in summer. Let’s call it 12 visits a year. It was more but let’s be conservative. @ $800 per visit that’s a $9,600 savings for our government funded health care. That’s just for one person with chronic asthma.

The same pollutants which aggravated my asthma, also caused “acid rain” which destroyed trees and buildings. Millions of dollars were spent repairing the damage caused by acid rain to large public buildings. Our Legislature Building made of pink sandstone was an expensive fix - millions of dollars.

Acid rain: An environmental success story? Well, sort of

Conservatives never talk about the benefits, or the quality of life improvements for people with health problems aggravated by pollutants. They just talk about “job killing regulations”.

This is true in any discussions. On climate change, Trump never mentions the jobs being created building and installing solar panels, or wind mills. My son-in-law owns a roofing company. He’s going for training to install the new Tesla solar panel roofing systems. He expects this to generate lots of his future income.

Pulling out of the Paris Accord means that the US won’t have access to the newest climate change technologies or share in their development. Those jobs and opportunities will go to other countries.

And despite his lifting pollution regulations for coal mines and going around the world touting US coal, mining jobs are still disappearing.
Watch them all be fired for telling the truth.

What do you do when a new report undermines a narrative you’ve used to forcefully promote your agenda? You release it on a Friday evening with minimal media outreach, hoping nobody takes notice.

At least, that’s what the Trump administration did with a recent report discrediting his administration’s claim that federal protections impose debilitating costs on our economy and society.

The report, written by the White House’s own Office of Management and Budget, showed that federal regulations in place between 2006 and 2016 brought between $287 billion and $911 billion in benefits – dramatically outweighing costs of between $78 billion and $115 billion.

In sum, the regulations offered a staggering net benefit of up to $833 billion.

Figures like that would make any prudent chief executive gasp and fawn. Instead, the Trump administration has kept practically mum about the report while continuing to promote a fictitious view of the effect federal safeguards have on Americans.

Trump’s own budget office admits Obama-era regulations brought billions in benefits
Science fiction.
Back in the 1980’s when we used to get air quality advisories every hot day in the summer, I was frequently at the ER to deal with life threatening asthma attacks. By frequently I mean once or twice a week.

I took my meds faithfully, didn’t smoke, had no pets, dusted twice a week and still my airways would start to close and off we’d go. Numbers I saw at the time indicated that a trip to the ER cost about $800, covered by our health care.

Environmental regulations were enacted by the NDP government in the early 90’s. Coal fired electrical plants were closed and banned. Air quality improved so that we almost never have air quality warnings.

I haven’t had to go to emergency for my asthma since 1991. I almost never use an inhaler, I take no meds and I have a cat. Cleaner air saved our health care system thousands of dollars for my care and improved my quality of life. Extrapolate that across the entire population and you can see how much these types of regulations can save your economy.
Watch for an epidemic of children's asthma skyrocketing under this coal obsessed anti environment president.

Trump did nothing that would increase air pollution, so your claim is obvioiusly bogus.
I'm curious as to how they reached this 833 billion number. What do they mean by "benefits"?
Call the budget office. Be a concerned citizen.
Like that would ever happen.

Did you call the budget office?
You're the one that wants to know, not me. I know it's a valid source. Don't be so fucking lazy and do your own leg work. I'm too busy signing petitions and working with the Sierra Club trying to stop this POS president from drilling off my state's coastline.

I have a hunch that the number is based on fines and not on savings.

Your hunch would be wrong. Just cleaning up the air where I lived saved me from going to the ER on a weekly basis in summer. Let’s call it 12 visits a year. It was more but let’s be conservative. @ $800 per visit that’s a $9,600 savings for our government funded health care. That’s just for one person with chronic asthma.

The same pollutants which aggravated my asthma, also caused “acid rain” which destroyed trees and buildings. Millions of dollars were spent repairing the damage caused by acid rain to large public buildings. Our Legislature Building made of pink sandstone was an expensive fix - millions of dollars.

Acid rain: An environmental success story? Well, sort of

Conservatives never talk about the benefits, or the quality of life improvements for people with health problems aggravated by pollutants. They just talk about “job killing regulations”.

This is true in any discussions. On climate change, Trump never mentions the jobs being created building and installing solar panels, or wind mills. My son-in-law owns a roofing company. He’s going for training to install the new Tesla solar panel roofing systems. He expects this to generate lots of his future income.

Pulling out of the Paris Accord means that the US won’t have access to the newest climate change technologies or share in their development. Those jobs and opportunities will go to other countries.

And despite his lifting pollution regulations for coal mines and going around the world touting US coal, mining jobs are still disappearing.
The left's claims about acid rain are a myth. Your claims about your asthma are probably also bullshit. Many people simply outgrow asthma. I had it as a kid, so I know form experience. Furthermore, you haven't stated when you stopped going to the hospital, so we don't know if Obama had anything to do with it.

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