Trump's people won't defend him

McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
You must have a really great crystal ball

the fact is trump needs no defense

your side has the burden of proof

McConnell already said proof doesn't matter. The fix is in. The right should be proud that your party openly laughs at the thought that you might show some integrity. Everybody knows you have no integrity to show.
But you're okay with the fix being in on the Soviet kangaroo court impeachment.

And there was never any question Trump wouldn't be impeached. And you know that.

So you have no room to be questioning anyone's integrity.

I think most expected Trump's supporters to defend him, no matter what is revealed about his unethical behavior. Your lack of integrity and refusal to hold him accountable doesn't diminish the results of the investigation. Your side has the power to ignore the rules, and prevent him from facing the consequences of his actions for now. That power won't last forever, and your thuggery in his defense will follow you for years to come
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.

Didn't you traitors have full control in the house to present any witnesses you wanted, yet still couldn't manage to present any fact witnesses and just stuck to defamation by Marxist academics?

So we have a faux impeachment, with no crimes or misdemeanors even alleged, put out for the specific purpose of influencing and altering the 2020 election. Gross abuse of power by the house Communists.

To compound it, Nancy Pelosi and her Communist party are violating the Constitution by refusing to move the process to the Senate, obstructing congress.

So these traitor democrats have abused power and obstructed Congress in order to rig the 2020 election.

GOP lawmakers are just immoral, mindless, parasites that infest Donald Trump's anus.
Nevertheless, their testimony should be heard for the sake of the American people and history.

Why didn't you Communists call them into your Star Chamber or with your Stalinist Show Trial?

Let's call Hunter Biden. After all, this whole farce is based on the fact that Joe Biden sent $1.8 billion to Burisma, which promptly vanished, right as they kicked back $3.2 million through Hunter. Let's call Eric Ciaramella, get him to testify under oath as to the first time he met with Lying Schitt, when the plot to frame up the president was cooked up with Mark Zaid. Let's call Adam Schitt's chief of staff and find out when Schitt first proposed using impeachment as a means of influencing the 2020 election?

You commie fuckers want to play? Ah but Nazi Pelosi is obstructing congress by withholding the faux impeachment. Hey, the whole thing is an abuse of power designed to corrupt our election, so no surprise she is trying to drag it out.

Let's call Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Donald Jr., and Eric and waterboard them to get their confession of pillaging and plundering while the orange man fiddles.

Yup. You definitely need at CAT scan. There's something wrong in your head.

According to your phrenologist?

Good one. I had to look that one up. How did you know I failed Pre Med (never even thought of attending it).
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
You must have a really great crystal ball

the fact is trump needs no defense

your side has the burden of proof

McConnell already said proof doesn't matter. The fix is in. The right should be proud that your party openly laughs at the thought that you might show some integrity. Everybody knows you have no integrity to show.
But you're okay with the fix being in on the Soviet kangaroo court impeachment.

And there was never any question Trump wouldn't be impeached. And you know that.

So you have no room to be questioning anyone's integrity.

I think most expected Trump's supporters to defend him, no matter what is revealed about his unethical behavior. Your lack of integrity and refusal to hold him accountable doesn't diminish the results of the investigation. Your side has the power to ignore the rules, and prevent him from facing the consequences of his actions for now. That power won't last forever, and your thuggery in his defense will follow you for years to come

And yesterdays polls show that as well. 52% for the Impeachment by the House with 36% against it. Funny, the 36% is the same number for the rabid Party of the Rump supporters. Looks to me like Nancy is winning this one by not presenting it to the Senate and letting it ride for November.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.

Didn't you traitors have full control in the house to present any witnesses you wanted, yet still couldn't manage to present any fact witnesses and just stuck to defamation by Marxist academics?

So we have a faux impeachment, with no crimes or misdemeanors even alleged, put out for the specific purpose of influencing and altering the 2020 election. Gross abuse of power by the house Communists.

To compound it, Nancy Pelosi and her Communist party are violating the Constitution by refusing to move the process to the Senate, obstructing congress.

So these traitor democrats have abused power and obstructed Congress in order to rig the 2020 election.

GOP lawmakers are just immoral, mindless, parasites that infest Donald Trump's anus.
Nevertheless, their testimony should be heard for the sake of the American people and history.

Why didn't you Communists call them into your Star Chamber or with your Stalinist Show Trial?

Let's call Hunter Biden. After all, this whole farce is based on the fact that Joe Biden sent $1.8 billion to Burisma, which promptly vanished, right as they kicked back $3.2 million through Hunter. Let's call Eric Ciaramella, get him to testify under oath as to the first time he met with Lying Schitt, when the plot to frame up the president was cooked up with Mark Zaid. Let's call Adam Schitt's chief of staff and find out when Schitt first proposed using impeachment as a means of influencing the 2020 election?

You commie fuckers want to play? Ah but Nazi Pelosi is obstructing congress by withholding the faux impeachment. Hey, the whole thing is an abuse of power designed to corrupt our election, so no surprise she is trying to drag it out.

Let's call Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Donald Jr., and Eric and waterboard them to get their confession of pillaging and plundering while the orange man fiddles.

Yup. You definitely need at CAT scan. There's something wrong in your head.

According to your phrenologist?

Good one. I had to look that one up. How did you know I failed Pre Med (never even thought of attending it).

I always heard phrenologists gave good head.
Didn't you traitors have full control in the house to present any witnesses you wanted, yet still couldn't manage to present any fact witnesses and just stuck to defamation by Marxist academics?

So we have a faux impeachment, with no crimes or misdemeanors even alleged, put out for the specific purpose of influencing and altering the 2020 election. Gross abuse of power by the house Communists.

To compound it, Nancy Pelosi and her Communist party are violating the Constitution by refusing to move the process to the Senate, obstructing congress.

So these traitor democrats have abused power and obstructed Congress in order to rig the 2020 election.

GOP lawmakers are just immoral, mindless, parasites that infest Donald Trump's anus.
Why didn't you Communists call them into your Star Chamber or with your Stalinist Show Trial?

Let's call Hunter Biden. After all, this whole farce is based on the fact that Joe Biden sent $1.8 billion to Burisma, which promptly vanished, right as they kicked back $3.2 million through Hunter. Let's call Eric Ciaramella, get him to testify under oath as to the first time he met with Lying Schitt, when the plot to frame up the president was cooked up with Mark Zaid. Let's call Adam Schitt's chief of staff and find out when Schitt first proposed using impeachment as a means of influencing the 2020 election?

You commie fuckers want to play? Ah but Nazi Pelosi is obstructing congress by withholding the faux impeachment. Hey, the whole thing is an abuse of power designed to corrupt our election, so no surprise she is trying to drag it out.

Let's call Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Donald Jr., and Eric and waterboard them to get their confession of pillaging and plundering while the orange man fiddles.

Yup. You definitely need at CAT scan. There's something wrong in your head.

According to your phrenologist?

Good one. I had to look that one up. How did you know I failed Pre Med (never even thought of attending it).

I always heard phrenologists gave good head.

What do you get when you cross a Pig with a Party of the Rumper?
GOP lawmakers are just immoral, mindless, parasites that infest Donald Trump's anus.
Let's call Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Donald Jr., and Eric and waterboard them to get their confession of pillaging and plundering while the orange man fiddles.

Yup. You definitely need at CAT scan. There's something wrong in your head.

According to your phrenologist?

Good one. I had to look that one up. How did you know I failed Pre Med (never even thought of attending it).

I always heard phrenologists gave good head.

What do you get when you cross a Pig with a Party of the Rumper?

Anal wart-hogs
GOP lawmakers are just immoral, mindless, parasites that infest Donald Trump's anus.
Let's call Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Donald Jr., and Eric and waterboard them to get their confession of pillaging and plundering while the orange man fiddles.

Yup. You definitely need at CAT scan. There's something wrong in your head.

According to your phrenologist?

Good one. I had to look that one up. How did you know I failed Pre Med (never even thought of attending it).

I always heard phrenologists gave good head.

What do you get when you cross a Pig with a Party of the Rumper?

A pig that swears to never drink again.
Yup. You definitely need at CAT scan. There's something wrong in your head.

According to your phrenologist?

Good one. I had to look that one up. How did you know I failed Pre Med (never even thought of attending it).

I always heard phrenologists gave good head.

What do you get when you cross a Pig with a Party of the Rumper?

A pig that swears to never drink again.

What do you get when you cross a Pig with a Party of the Rumper?

Nothing. Some things even a pig won't do.
Pelosi doesn't want a fair trial. She wants her kangaroo court rubber-stamped.

And so do you.

A fair trial in the Senate would be nice. Senators should honor their oaths to deliver impartial justice.

If Donald Trump had any evidence to defend himself he would have already presented it.

They will, they can't convict when no crime is alleged.


Impeachment doesn't require a crime.

Donald Trump is guilty of abuse of power and obstructing Congress.

Guess you've never read the Constitution. Now run along child, adults are talking.


Trumpers are blathering, not talking.

Feel free to quote the Article, Section and Clause that says the house can impeach a federal official for any reason they chose. Come on commie, I know you can do it. LMFAO

McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.

Didn't you traitors have full control in the house to present any witnesses you wanted, yet still couldn't manage to present any fact witnesses and just stuck to defamation by Marxist academics?

So we have a faux impeachment, with no crimes or misdemeanors even alleged, put out for the specific purpose of influencing and altering the 2020 election. Gross abuse of power by the house Communists.

To compound it, Nancy Pelosi and her Communist party are violating the Constitution by refusing to move the process to the Senate, obstructing congress.

So these traitor democrats have abused power and obstructed Congress in order to rig the 2020 election.

GOP lawmakers are just immoral, mindless, parasites that infest Donald Trump's anus.
Nevertheless, their testimony should be heard for the sake of the American people and history.

Why didn't you Communists call them into your Star Chamber or with your Stalinist Show Trial?

Let's call Hunter Biden. After all, this whole farce is based on the fact that Joe Biden sent $1.8 billion to Burisma, which promptly vanished, right as they kicked back $3.2 million through Hunter. Let's call Eric Ciaramella, get him to testify under oath as to the first time he met with Lying Schitt, when the plot to frame up the president was cooked up with Mark Zaid. Let's call Adam Schitt's chief of staff and find out when Schitt first proposed using impeachment as a means of influencing the 2020 election?

You commie fuckers want to play? Ah but Nazi Pelosi is obstructing congress by withholding the faux impeachment. Hey, the whole thing is an abuse of power designed to corrupt our election, so no surprise she is trying to drag it out.

Let's call Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Donald Jr., and Eric and waterboard them to get their confession of pillaging and plundering while the orange man fiddles.

Yup. You definitely need at CAT scan. There's something wrong in your head.

According to your phrenologist?
Phrenology is an exact a science as liberal economics.
A fair trial in the Senate would be nice. Senators should honor their oaths to deliver impartial justice.

If Donald Trump had any evidence to defend himself he would have already presented it.

They will, they can't convict when no crime is alleged.


Impeachment doesn't require a crime.

Donald Trump is guilty of abuse of power and obstructing Congress.

Guess you've never read the Constitution. Now run along child, adults are talking.


Trumpers are blathering, not talking.

Feel free to quote the Article, Section and Clause that says the house can impeach a federal official for any reason they chose. Come on commie, I know you can do it. LMFAO


Wow, has a week already passed and you party of rumpsters are screaming for us to repeat the cites once again? Tell you what, stop being lazy and stupid and just look at the past posts in USMB. You'll find it more than once. You get a nice tattoo that you can tattoo onto your forehead for this effort so there can be no doubt without you even opening your mouth.

It does not matter. Trump's staff could testify Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, provide documentary evidence (photos of the crime scene with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was for...), and the Monkey Jim Jordan and his band of screeching simians would pound the table and argue about process, then not one of them would vote to impeach.

Nor would the Republicans in the Senate convict.

McConnell: 'I'm Not Impartial' About Impeachment

Once again, no crimes committed so no witnesses needed.
This is purely a political trial; NOT A CRIMINAL TRIAL!


It's the same thing as a CEO being called in front of the Board. No crimes need be done. But job performance and Company Policy comes to play. And yes, in a Corporate Business, there is quite a bit of Politics involved in who gets hired and who gets fired. Rump is being called in front of the Board. And he's losing fast these days. And the harder you and yours tries to cover for him, the deeper you and yours gets. Moderates are starting to speak out. Moderates normally don't care one way or another who is or who isn't President but this time around, Moderates are getting involved. And that scares the living crap out of The Criminal In Charge and his merry band of criminals. So keep spouting off and the more Moderates will get involved.
And to all of the ph uk up politicians who have screwed over the civilian population and keep getting reelected in certain districts, what happens to them? Look at Pelosi and Obamacare. That alone means she should have left in disgrace. The reaming citizens took from that went halfway up the stomach.

Considering that the Reps have blocked the fixing of the ACA (and we all know it needs to be fixed) every step of the way and have stripped it which costs the taxpayer tons of money in the process, you think it's the Dems fault? Hate to break it to you but the promise of a better system from the Reps is now long overdue and past it's sell by date. It's now up to the Dems to get things done. And it sounds like Biden and Mayor Pete are on the right track. And Warren and Bernie are just pissing in the breeze. Both Biden and Mayor Pete have talked about their way of getting it done that makes sense. All we get out of you Party of the Rumpers is, "Someday, I Promise, we'll have a better system".

The ACA will be declared unconstitutional by the courts, there's your fix. BTW the commies in congress supported stripping 3 more taxes from it. Perhaps your anger is misdirected.

McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
You must have a really great crystal ball

the fact is trump needs no defense

your side has the burden of proof

McConnell already said proof doesn't matter. The fix is in. The right should be proud that your party openly laughs at the thought that you might show some integrity. Everybody knows you have no integrity to show.
But you're okay with the fix being in on the Soviet kangaroo court impeachment.

And there was never any question Trump wouldn't be impeached. And you know that.

So you have no room to be questioning anyone's integrity.

I think most expected Trump's supporters to defend him, no matter what is revealed about his unethical behavior. Your lack of integrity and refusal to hold him accountable doesn't diminish the results of the investigation. Your side has the power to ignore the rules, and prevent him from facing the consequences of his actions for now. That power won't last forever, and your thuggery in his defense will follow you for years to come
So, you guys fucked up -- and it's OUR fault.

Take responsibility for once. Oh, don't do that.
They will, they can't convict when no crime is alleged.


Impeachment doesn't require a crime.

Donald Trump is guilty of abuse of power and obstructing Congress.

Guess you've never read the Constitution. Now run along child, adults are talking.


Trumpers are blathering, not talking.

Feel free to quote the Article, Section and Clause that says the house can impeach a federal official for any reason they chose. Come on commie, I know you can do it. LMFAO


Wow, has a week already passed and you party of rumpsters are screaming for us to repeat the cites once again? Tell you what, stop being lazy and stupid and just look at the past posts in USMB. You'll find it more than once. You get a nice tattoo that you can tattoo onto your forehead for this effort so there can be no doubt without you even opening your mouth.

Your concession is duly noted.

What do you think was going on when the house called all those witnesses and doing all that questioning.

That was the House Impeachment HEARING you stupid fuck.

The trial happens in the Senate

Jesus people...
The Dims admitted they have been working on impeachment for nearly 3 years.
They were looking for any excuse.

If these are the new rules, the next Dimm POTUS is already impeached, we just need to find the reason.

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