Trump's people won't defend him

Why is Nadler rubbing his crotch against Nancy's boney bod?

Nadler & Schiff have no reflection...
Except, in the new Polls yesterday, the Impeachment support went back to 52% versus 36% against. What that means is, the 36% is the Party of the Rump fanatical member supporters. The Moderates want the Impeachment but don't really support the Senate Trial. Sounds like Nancy is making headway by not presenting it to the Senate. Moderates are speaking loudly and that is the largest voting stock. November is coming and it appears that the Dems are going to present a Moderate as a Candidate, either Biden or Mayor Pete. Either one kicks Rumps ass.

You have a very Merry Christmas, Comrade.

Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Poor illiterate retard. Go back to flying your sign moron. Facts hurt your pea brain. Noting your utter cowardice and running away from your own statements. When Trump wins, leave. And let the door split you in two on the way out. Get out of grade school before talking again idiot.

Standard the Party of the Rump response. Insult, Rump will win, insult some more.

Typical uneducated libtard response. No response, run away from your own crap, and show your total cowardice. You’re one of the biggest idiots here, and that’s saying something. Now when Trump wins, leave forever or STFU.

You just keep proving my point. And I believe if you Fascists get into power you would pass laws to Shut me the FU. This is why we can't allow you to have complete control. Sucks to be you.
Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Poor illiterate retard. Go back to flying your sign moron. Facts hurt your pea brain. Noting your utter cowardice and running away from your own statements. When Trump wins, leave. And let the door split you in two on the way out. Get out of grade school before talking again idiot.

Standard the Party of the Rump response. Insult, Rump will win, insult some more.

Typical uneducated libtard response. No response, run away from your own crap, and show your total cowardice. You’re one of the biggest idiots here, and that’s saying something. Now when Trump wins, leave forever or STFU.

You just keep proving my point. And I believe if you Fascists get into power you would pass laws to Shut me the FU. This is why we can't allow you to have complete control. Sucks to be you.

Keep Showing how illiterate you are. You continue to dodge the question. See we don’t need to shut you up. The more you talk, the more people vote for Trump upon seeing how stupid you truly are. Sucks to be a loser like you. Try again lifelong loser.
I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Poor illiterate retard. Go back to flying your sign moron. Facts hurt your pea brain. Noting your utter cowardice and running away from your own statements. When Trump wins, leave. And let the door split you in two on the way out. Get out of grade school before talking again idiot.

Standard the Party of the Rump response. Insult, Rump will win, insult some more.

Typical uneducated libtard response. No response, run away from your own crap, and show your total cowardice. You’re one of the biggest idiots here, and that’s saying something. Now when Trump wins, leave forever or STFU.

You just keep proving my point. And I believe if you Fascists get into power you would pass laws to Shut me the FU. This is why we can't allow you to have complete control. Sucks to be you.

Keep Showing how illiterate you are. You continue to dodge the question. See we don’t need to shut you up. The more you talk, the more people vote for Trump upon seeing how stupid you truly are. Sucks to be a loser like you. Try again lifelong loser.

More insults tell me that you already lost. Get ready for a mud slide after the Democratic Convention. It's been pretty much one sided where Rump goes after one or two front runners. But when it's down to one and the Dems get behind that one, the groundwork has been lain. Courtesy of Rump, himself. But he's getting some assist from you Party of Rump. You have no idea just how deep you have gotten with this nonsense. You keep pissing people off. Yes, that's the way to do it. Keep bringing up the Conspiracies over and over as if they are facts. Not to worry, there is enough dirt on Rump that the Dems won't need to rely on Conspiracy. They just stick with the facts. Enjoy it now, you won't in a couple or three months.
Proof of what? You Stalinists charged him with nothing. This entire farce is meant to interfere with the 2020 election, it has no other purpose. It's not an impeachment, just election tampering.
I am a trump supporter

Yep, and BULLDOG is a Stalinist traitor supporting election tampering.

Oh I see. Your Diety Rump does that and then you deflect by claiming everyone else does it and he's innocent. Is that more of "Hey, look over there"?

What? What is your allegation, traitor? You hate the president almost as much as you hate America, but you can't manage to articulate why...

First of all, I don't hate Rump. I think he needs to go back to his own devices where he belongs. He ain't no Lee Ioccca. As for hating America, I paid my dues. Many more than you and I am not finished paying them. You seem to believe that a stupid, unimportant Message Base is actually meaningful and that's how you should pay your dues. I am getting ready to stick up for my neighbors over some real nasty treatment by the land management where they have ZERO money for legal fees. I don't have much but I have more than they have and it's my duty to come to their defense. What have YOU done in the past and what are YOU doing for America right now.

And Rump just needs to do what is good for America and just leave, just like Nixon did and I voted for Nixon twice even with Watergate hanging over his head. But when it was time for Nixon to leave, He knew it and so did we.
You might have a shred of credibility if you didn't continually advocate for the removal of people's 2nd Amendment rights with no due process.
Independents dont want this charade. More and more going to Trump every day. Your stupidity is noted and expected. Trump will roll to re-election and you will cry some more. Enjoy.

Except, in the new Polls yesterday, the Impeachment support went back to 52% versus 36% against. What that means is, the 36% is the Party of the Rump fanatical member supporters. The Moderates want the Impeachment but don't really support the Senate Trial. Sounds like Nancy is making headway by not presenting it to the Senate. Moderates are speaking loudly and that is the largest voting stock. November is coming and it appears that the Dems are going to present a Moderate as a Candidate, either Biden or Mayor Pete. Either one kicks Rumps ass.

You have a very Merry Christmas, Comrade.

Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Yeah, we can always tell when you commie piles of shit are lying, you make sure not to cite your claims....

I forget, you don't have a channel switcher on your TV, your Radio only receives one station and you can't read. It must suck to be you. Get out more. Learn about your neighbors. Visit with them. Have a block BBQ. Read the local News Paper. PBS is still one good News Source. While you are watching PBS maybe you can learn something about nature. Oh, I forgot again, your head would explode.
"The previous poster must have hit it on the mark if all you can do is respond with insults and demeaning responses."

Pick one.
Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Poor illiterate retard. Go back to flying your sign moron. Facts hurt your pea brain. Noting your utter cowardice and running away from your own statements. When Trump wins, leave. And let the door split you in two on the way out. Get out of grade school before talking again idiot.

Standard the Party of the Rump response. Insult, Rump will win, insult some more.

Typical uneducated libtard response. No response, run away from your own crap, and show your total cowardice. You’re one of the biggest idiots here, and that’s saying something. Now when Trump wins, leave forever or STFU.

You just keep proving my point. And I believe if you Fascists get into power you would pass laws to Shut me the FU. This is why we can't allow you to have complete control. Sucks to be you.

You can turn off the victimhood fetish. You're not important enough to silence, Skippy.
Poor illiterate retard. Go back to flying your sign moron. Facts hurt your pea brain. Noting your utter cowardice and running away from your own statements. When Trump wins, leave. And let the door split you in two on the way out. Get out of grade school before talking again idiot.

Standard the Party of the Rump response. Insult, Rump will win, insult some more.

Typical uneducated libtard response. No response, run away from your own crap, and show your total cowardice. You’re one of the biggest idiots here, and that’s saying something. Now when Trump wins, leave forever or STFU.

You just keep proving my point. And I believe if you Fascists get into power you would pass laws to Shut me the FU. This is why we can't allow you to have complete control. Sucks to be you.

Keep Showing how illiterate you are. You continue to dodge the question. See we don’t need to shut you up. The more you talk, the more people vote for Trump upon seeing how stupid you truly are. Sucks to be a loser like you. Try again lifelong loser.

More insults tell me that you already lost. Get ready for a mud slide after the Democratic Convention. It's been pretty much one sided where Rump goes after one or two front runners. But when it's down to one and the Dems get behind that one, the groundwork has been lain. Courtesy of Rump, himself. But he's getting some assist from you Party of Rump. You have no idea just how deep you have gotten with this nonsense. You keep pissing people off. Yes, that's the way to do it. Keep bringing up the Conspiracies over and over as if they are facts. Not to worry, there is enough dirt on Rump that the Dems won't need to rely on Conspiracy. They just stick with the facts. Enjoy it now, you won't in a couple or three months.

And this moron just keep showing proving my point. The only conspiracy theories are they bullshit you idiots have been peddling for 3 years now. Hopefully the Trump re-election makes you miserable. That sound you hear? They’re laughing AT you.
Standard the Party of the Rump response. Insult, Rump will win, insult some more.

Typical uneducated libtard response. No response, run away from your own crap, and show your total cowardice. You’re one of the biggest idiots here, and that’s saying something. Now when Trump wins, leave forever or STFU.

You just keep proving my point. And I believe if you Fascists get into power you would pass laws to Shut me the FU. This is why we can't allow you to have complete control. Sucks to be you.

Keep Showing how illiterate you are. You continue to dodge the question. See we don’t need to shut you up. The more you talk, the more people vote for Trump upon seeing how stupid you truly are. Sucks to be a loser like you. Try again lifelong loser.

More insults tell me that you already lost. Get ready for a mud slide after the Democratic Convention. It's been pretty much one sided where Rump goes after one or two front runners. But when it's down to one and the Dems get behind that one, the groundwork has been lain. Courtesy of Rump, himself. But he's getting some assist from you Party of Rump. You have no idea just how deep you have gotten with this nonsense. You keep pissing people off. Yes, that's the way to do it. Keep bringing up the Conspiracies over and over as if they are facts. Not to worry, there is enough dirt on Rump that the Dems won't need to rely on Conspiracy. They just stick with the facts. Enjoy it now, you won't in a couple or three months.

And this moron just keep showing proving my point. The only conspiracy theories are they bullshit you idiots have been peddling for 3 years now. Hopefully the Trump re-election makes you miserable. That sound you hear? They’re laughing AT you.

Actually, I have faith in the Voters. You don't. You keep pushing your conspiracy BS in hopes to cover up the party of the rump and his merry band of criminals behavior. So be it. But I don't believe the voters are buying into this time around.
Typical uneducated libtard response. No response, run away from your own crap, and show your total cowardice. You’re one of the biggest idiots here, and that’s saying something. Now when Trump wins, leave forever or STFU.

You just keep proving my point. And I believe if you Fascists get into power you would pass laws to Shut me the FU. This is why we can't allow you to have complete control. Sucks to be you.

Keep Showing how illiterate you are. You continue to dodge the question. See we don’t need to shut you up. The more you talk, the more people vote for Trump upon seeing how stupid you truly are. Sucks to be a loser like you. Try again lifelong loser.

More insults tell me that you already lost. Get ready for a mud slide after the Democratic Convention. It's been pretty much one sided where Rump goes after one or two front runners. But when it's down to one and the Dems get behind that one, the groundwork has been lain. Courtesy of Rump, himself. But he's getting some assist from you Party of Rump. You have no idea just how deep you have gotten with this nonsense. You keep pissing people off. Yes, that's the way to do it. Keep bringing up the Conspiracies over and over as if they are facts. Not to worry, there is enough dirt on Rump that the Dems won't need to rely on Conspiracy. They just stick with the facts. Enjoy it now, you won't in a couple or three months.

And this moron just keep showing proving my point. The only conspiracy theories are they bullshit you idiots have been peddling for 3 years now. Hopefully the Trump re-election makes you miserable. That sound you hear? They’re laughing AT you.

Actually, I have faith in the Voters. You don't. You keep pushing your conspiracy BS in hopes to cover up the party of the rump and his merry band of criminals behavior. So be it. But I don't believe the voters are buying into this time around.

Keep talking. It’s comedy gold. As Trump’s lead keeps growing, your desperation gets more obvious.
Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Poor illiterate retard. Go back to flying your sign moron. Facts hurt your pea brain. Noting your utter cowardice and running away from your own statements. When Trump wins, leave. And let the door split you in two on the way out. Get out of grade school before talking again idiot.

Standard the Party of the Rump response. Insult, Rump will win, insult some more.

Typical uneducated libtard response. No response, run away from your own crap, and show your total cowardice. You’re one of the biggest idiots here, and that’s saying something. Now when Trump wins, leave forever or STFU.

You just keep proving my point. And I believe if you Fascists get into power you would pass laws to Shut me the FU. This is why we can't allow you to have complete control. Sucks to be you.
That is not true. You keep stealing other peoples money while not paying for the promises made from past programs. I never seen a nation's freedom based on massive taxes in human history, last. Many laws are already in place to become authoritarian and the surveillance and facial recognition technology is here in public and private dealings along with the monitoring of us on social media.
brothers and sisters: Trump is a bonafide gangster who will do anything to stay in power. he's a narcissist, he's a xenophobe, he's homophobic, he's patriarchal. he's an existential threat to the survival of America. unbelievable mendacity, lies, we need to replace this schmuck, my friends!
You just keep proving my point. And I believe if you Fascists get into power you would pass laws to Shut me the FU. This is why we can't allow you to have complete control. Sucks to be you.

Keep Showing how illiterate you are. You continue to dodge the question. See we don’t need to shut you up. The more you talk, the more people vote for Trump upon seeing how stupid you truly are. Sucks to be a loser like you. Try again lifelong loser.

More insults tell me that you already lost. Get ready for a mud slide after the Democratic Convention. It's been pretty much one sided where Rump goes after one or two front runners. But when it's down to one and the Dems get behind that one, the groundwork has been lain. Courtesy of Rump, himself. But he's getting some assist from you Party of Rump. You have no idea just how deep you have gotten with this nonsense. You keep pissing people off. Yes, that's the way to do it. Keep bringing up the Conspiracies over and over as if they are facts. Not to worry, there is enough dirt on Rump that the Dems won't need to rely on Conspiracy. They just stick with the facts. Enjoy it now, you won't in a couple or three months.

And this moron just keep showing proving my point. The only conspiracy theories are they bullshit you idiots have been peddling for 3 years now. Hopefully the Trump re-election makes you miserable. That sound you hear? They’re laughing AT you.

Actually, I have faith in the Voters. You don't. You keep pushing your conspiracy BS in hopes to cover up the party of the rump and his merry band of criminals behavior. So be it. But I don't believe the voters are buying into this time around.

Keep talking. It’s comedy gold. As Trump’s lead keeps growing, your desperation gets more obvious.

You think Trump's popularity is growing? You bet.
Keep Showing how illiterate you are. You continue to dodge the question. See we don’t need to shut you up. The more you talk, the more people vote for Trump upon seeing how stupid you truly are. Sucks to be a loser like you. Try again lifelong loser.

More insults tell me that you already lost. Get ready for a mud slide after the Democratic Convention. It's been pretty much one sided where Rump goes after one or two front runners. But when it's down to one and the Dems get behind that one, the groundwork has been lain. Courtesy of Rump, himself. But he's getting some assist from you Party of Rump. You have no idea just how deep you have gotten with this nonsense. You keep pissing people off. Yes, that's the way to do it. Keep bringing up the Conspiracies over and over as if they are facts. Not to worry, there is enough dirt on Rump that the Dems won't need to rely on Conspiracy. They just stick with the facts. Enjoy it now, you won't in a couple or three months.

And this moron just keep showing proving my point. The only conspiracy theories are they bullshit you idiots have been peddling for 3 years now. Hopefully the Trump re-election makes you miserable. That sound you hear? They’re laughing AT you.

Actually, I have faith in the Voters. You don't. You keep pushing your conspiracy BS in hopes to cover up the party of the rump and his merry band of criminals behavior. So be it. But I don't believe the voters are buying into this time around.

Keep talking. It’s comedy gold. As Trump’s lead keeps growing, your desperation gets more obvious.

You think Trump's popularity is growing? You bet.
View attachment 297234

Your illiteracy and denial of reality is not my problem. Your tears next year will be funny though. Stay in your bubble.
More insults tell me that you already lost. Get ready for a mud slide after the Democratic Convention. It's been pretty much one sided where Rump goes after one or two front runners. But when it's down to one and the Dems get behind that one, the groundwork has been lain. Courtesy of Rump, himself. But he's getting some assist from you Party of Rump. You have no idea just how deep you have gotten with this nonsense. You keep pissing people off. Yes, that's the way to do it. Keep bringing up the Conspiracies over and over as if they are facts. Not to worry, there is enough dirt on Rump that the Dems won't need to rely on Conspiracy. They just stick with the facts. Enjoy it now, you won't in a couple or three months.

And this moron just keep showing proving my point. The only conspiracy theories are they bullshit you idiots have been peddling for 3 years now. Hopefully the Trump re-election makes you miserable. That sound you hear? They’re laughing AT you.

Actually, I have faith in the Voters. You don't. You keep pushing your conspiracy BS in hopes to cover up the party of the rump and his merry band of criminals behavior. So be it. But I don't believe the voters are buying into this time around.

Keep talking. It’s comedy gold. As Trump’s lead keeps growing, your desperation gets more obvious.

You think Trump's popularity is growing? You bet.
View attachment 297234

Your illiteracy and denial of reality is not my problem. Your tears next year will be funny though. Stay in your bubble.

Okey Dokey.
And this moron just keep showing proving my point. The only conspiracy theories are they bullshit you idiots have been peddling for 3 years now. Hopefully the Trump re-election makes you miserable. That sound you hear? They’re laughing AT you.

Actually, I have faith in the Voters. You don't. You keep pushing your conspiracy BS in hopes to cover up the party of the rump and his merry band of criminals behavior. So be it. But I don't believe the voters are buying into this time around.

Keep talking. It’s comedy gold. As Trump’s lead keeps growing, your desperation gets more obvious.

You think Trump's popularity is growing? You bet.
View attachment 297234

Your illiteracy and denial of reality is not my problem. Your tears next year will be funny though. Stay in your bubble.

Okey Dokey.

Your surrender is accepted.
Actually, I have faith in the Voters. You don't. You keep pushing your conspiracy BS in hopes to cover up the party of the rump and his merry band of criminals behavior. So be it. But I don't believe the voters are buying into this time around.

Keep talking. It’s comedy gold. As Trump’s lead keeps growing, your desperation gets more obvious.

You think Trump's popularity is growing? You bet.
View attachment 297234

Your illiteracy and denial of reality is not my problem. Your tears next year will be funny though. Stay in your bubble.

Okey Dokey.

Your surrender is accepted.

Only an idiot would think that was a sign of surrender ----- Oh wait.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
McConnell doesn't have to do anything...Larry Tribe is a genius in directing Nancy Pelosi on how to soften the blow of post impeachment humiliation, but the side effect is allowing Trump to flog the left while their attention is consolidated on the articles of illusion.
Keep talking. It’s comedy gold. As Trump’s lead keeps growing, your desperation gets more obvious.

You think Trump's popularity is growing? You bet.
View attachment 297234

Your illiteracy and denial of reality is not my problem. Your tears next year will be funny though. Stay in your bubble.

Okey Dokey.

Your surrender is accepted.

Only an idiot would think that was a sign of surrender ----- Oh wait.

Yes you did surrender. With your typical no response. Of course you’re the idiot thinking Pisslosi the drunk has as much power as Trump. Has Pisslosi grounded Trump’s plane yet?
You think Trump's popularity is growing? You bet.
View attachment 297234

Your illiteracy and denial of reality is not my problem. Your tears next year will be funny though. Stay in your bubble.

Okey Dokey.

Your surrender is accepted.

Only an idiot would think that was a sign of surrender ----- Oh wait.

Yes you did surrender. With your typical no response. Of course you’re the idiot thinking Pisslosi the drunk has as much power as Trump. Has Pisslosi grounded Trump’s plane yet?

Has Trump stopped Pelosi from doing anything?

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