Trump's people won't defend him

It does not matter. Trump's staff could testify Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, provide documentary evidence (photos of the crime scene with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was for...), and the Monkey Jim Jordan and his band of screeching simians would pound the table and argue about process, then not one of them would vote to impeach.

Nor would the Republicans in the Senate convict.

McConnell: 'I'm Not Impartial' About Impeachment
Well, Gym Jordan already has shown he will look the other way when pedophiles assault his wrestlers....of course, he will look the other way at any crimes by fat donnie.

Yeah, how is that intentional distraction story going? Last I checked, there were no substantiated claims that he knew anything.

You just don't lie it because he is a pit bull gnawing your impeachment leg off!
More Ohio State wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about sexual abuse

Congressman accused of knowing about abuse

Former OSU wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about Richard Strauss' sexual abuse

GOP's Jim Jordan Crisis Grows as Seven Wrestlers Now Say He is Lying

Just a few....and....if you were ever really a teacher, you'd know about the requirements to report suspected sexual abuse as a Mandatory Reporter.

So you still have no proof that he know anything?

That'd pathetic!
You were never a teacher....why have you lied about that? Because if you were a teacher, you'd know that Mandatory Reporters only have to have a suspicion to report....they are not required to investigate or know for sure. If you'd ever been a teacher, you'd know that.
I wonder what are these poor souls do when President Trump is re he will be!

If they are mentally sick now....can you imagine how will they be when President Trump is re-elected? :04:
So you believe the Russian election fix is in.

When are you libtards going to drop the stupid "Russia, Russia, Russia!" bullshit that you cannot prove and has been disproved every which way it can?

I love to watch the libtard media referring to interference by the KGB when that hasn't existed for decades know.
Maybe someday when Russia and its troll farms stop interfering in our elections. But I'm sure you have no problem with Russia getting their paws all over our elections. So much for you supporting America over Mother Russia.

How many votes did Russia change?

Next ridiculous libtard outrage based on pure fantasy please!
Quite a taking away the thinking ability of CRC think the rest of America and the world can't see how cultish CRCs have become? But carry on with your support of Russia.....real American patriots, especially veterans of the Cold War weep for you.
It does not matter. Trump's staff could testify Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, provide documentary evidence (photos of the crime scene with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was for...), and the Monkey Jim Jordan and his band of screeching simians would pound the table and argue about process, then not one of them would vote to impeach.

Nor would the Republicans in the Senate convict.

McConnell: 'I'm Not Impartial' About Impeachment
Well, Gym Jordan already has shown he will look the other way when pedophiles assault his wrestlers....of course, he will look the other way at any crimes by fat donnie.

Yeah, how is that intentional distraction story going? Last I checked, there were no substantiated claims that he knew anything.

You just don't lie it because he is a pit bull gnawing your impeachment leg off!
More Ohio State wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about sexual abuse

Congressman accused of knowing about abuse

Former OSU wrestlers say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about Richard Strauss' sexual abuse

GOP's Jim Jordan Crisis Grows as Seven Wrestlers Now Say He is Lying

Just a few....and....if you were ever really a teacher, you'd know about the requirements to report suspected sexual abuse as a Mandatory Reporter.

So you still have no proof that he know anything?

That'd pathetic!
You were never a teacher....why have you lied about that? Because if you were a teacher, you'd know that Mandatory Reporters only have to have a suspicion to report....they are not required to investigate or know for sure. If you'd ever been a teacher, you'd know that.

I have a teacher's retirement check that says otherwise, dumbass! Now, where is the proof that he even had a suspicion? Just for the record, I reported several parents for abusing their children. Nothing ever came of it.
I wonder what are these poor souls do when President Trump is re he will be!

If they are mentally sick now....can you imagine how will they be when President Trump is re-elected? :04:
So you believe the Russian election fix is in.

When are you libtards going to drop the stupid "Russia, Russia, Russia!" bullshit that you cannot prove and has been disproved every which way it can?

I love to watch the libtard media referring to interference by the KGB when that hasn't existed for decades know.
Maybe someday when Russia and its troll farms stop interfering in our elections. But I'm sure you have no problem with Russia getting their paws all over our elections. So much for you supporting America over Mother Russia.

How many votes did Russia change?

Next ridiculous libtard outrage based on pure fantasy please!
Quite a taking away the thinking ability of CRC think the rest of America and the world can't see how cultish CRCs have become? But carry on with your support of Russia.....real American patriots, especially veterans of the Cold War weep for you.

Show me direct evidence of the Russians changing a vote. You can't because your brain-damage is obviously too severe to allow you to perform cognitive thought processes. Let me know when you can! Herr Meuller couldn't!
I wonder what are these poor souls do when President Trump is re he will be!

If they are mentally sick now....can you imagine how will they be when President Trump is re-elected? :04:
So you believe the Russian election fix is in.

When are you libtards going to drop the stupid "Russia, Russia, Russia!" bullshit that you cannot prove and has been disproved every which way it can?

I love to watch the libtard media referring to interference by the KGB when that hasn't existed for decades know.
Maybe someday when Russia and its troll farms stop interfering in our elections. But I'm sure you have no problem with Russia getting their paws all over our elections. So much for you supporting America over Mother Russia.

I think our priorities should be rooting out the troll farms right here on this message board. Apparently, the libtards are all employed by them. No one should be that stupid and be allowed access to a computer unsupervised by an adult, you included!
I wonder what are these poor souls do when President Trump is re he will be!

If they are mentally sick now....can you imagine how will they be when President Trump is re-elected? :04:
So you believe the Russian election fix is in.

When are you libtards going to drop the stupid "Russia, Russia, Russia!" bullshit that you cannot prove and has been disproved every which way it can?

I love to watch the libtard media referring to interference by the KGB when that hasn't existed for decades know.
Maybe someday when Russia and its troll farms stop interfering in our elections. But I'm sure you have no problem with Russia getting their paws all over our elections. So much for you supporting America over Mother Russia.

How many votes did Russia change?

Next ridiculous libtard outrage based on pure fantasy please!
Quite a taking away the thinking ability of CRC think the rest of America and the world can't see how cultish CRCs have become? But carry on with your support of Russia.....real American patriots, especially veterans of the Cold War weep for you.

Just STFU and stop presuming you speak for me. I am a Cold War veteran who actually did something in the Navy other than your alleged trash hauling. Or has that story "evolved" too?
I give you Trump's latest tweet:

"Why should Crazy Nancy Pelosi, just because she has a slight majority in the House, be allowed to Impeach the President of the United States? Got ZERO Republican votes, there was no crime, the call with Ukraine was perfect, with “no pressure.” She said it must be “bipartisan & overwhelming,” but this Scam Impeachment was neither. Also, very unfair with no Due Process, proper representation, or witnesses. Now Pelosi is demanding everything the Republicans weren’t alowed to have in the House. Dems want to run majority Republican Senate. Hypocrites!"
There is No Mark to hit. There are no facts to discuss. You Leftists just come on here everyday and lie and everyday we expose your lies.

You learn nothing and you never change, not even when we tell you that to be a liar invites eternal damnation.

You just come back again with more lies condemning yourselves to The Eternal Lake of Fire.

Rinse, Lather, Repeat until Judgment Day

Says the poster with no self
Esteem who only feels good about herself when she is trashing America or our President.

Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.

The previous poster must have hit it on the mark if all you can do is respond with insults and demeaning responses.

If you haven't noticed, the Evangelists are starting to bail out on the Party of the Rump. And don't bother screaming "Cite, Cite". We both know it's happening. It's been all over the news. You speak of burning in the damnation of Hell well I got a newsflash for you. It sounds like that burning sensation the members of the Party of Rump isn't from a rash.

I never could understand why evangelicals support the immoral Trump. He likes women and he admits it.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
Defend the President from WHAT, snowflake?

ZERO crimes.

ZERO evidence.

ZERO witnesses.

PROVEN Democrat crimes.

Dems recommended for indictment.
THEIR Constitutional Expert said THEY are abusing power.

And to prove his point Pelosi refuses to send their admitted partisan Impeachment case - the fastest, weakest, & most unfair in US history - to the Senate because she is violating the Constitution's Separation of Powers by attempting to impose her will on the US Senate.

Attempting to delay passing the House Impeachment to the Senate is only going to end up being a 'fatal' mistake by Pelosi and the Democrats because it given Durham time to complete his criminal investigation and present his findings.

If he does so, depending on his findings and possible indictments, the House's Impeachment may NEVER make it to the Senate.

Perhaps Schiff begged her to hold onto it, to release it at the same time Durham eventually files his criminal investigation report to distract voters' attention from Schiff's & Joe / Hunter Biden's indictnents...


McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
They should let the American people testify and interrogate

I have questions I want answered
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
They should let the American people testify and interrogate

I have questions I want answered

They won't. When the Guilty control the "Court" then this is what happens. The Criminals are running things right now. I don't look for anything even resembling Justice to come out of any of this. This is all the more reason to clean house for Rump all the way down to the Congressional Cleaning Staff.
Independents dont want this charade. More and more going to Trump every day. Your stupidity is noted and expected. Trump will roll to re-election and you will cry some more. Enjoy.

Except, in the new Polls yesterday, the Impeachment support went back to 52% versus 36% against. What that means is, the 36% is the Party of the Rump fanatical member supporters. The Moderates want the Impeachment but don't really support the Senate Trial. Sounds like Nancy is making headway by not presenting it to the Senate. Moderates are speaking loudly and that is the largest voting stock. November is coming and it appears that the Dems are going to present a Moderate as a Candidate, either Biden or Mayor Pete. Either one kicks Rumps ass.

You have a very Merry Christmas, Comrade.

Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Poor illiterate retard. Go back to flying your sign moron. Facts hurt your pea brain. Noting your utter cowardice and running away from your own statements. When Trump wins, leave. And let the door split you in two on the way out. Get out of grade school before talking again idiot.

Standard the Party of the Rump response. Insult, Rump will win, insult some more.

Typical uneducated libtard response. No response, run away from your own crap, and show your total cowardice. You’re one of the biggest idiots here, and that’s saying something. Now when Trump wins, leave forever or STFU.
It does not matter. Trump's staff could testify Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, provide documentary evidence (photos of the crime scene with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was for...), and the Monkey Jim Jordan and his band of screeching simians would pound the table and argue about process, then not one of them would vote to impeach.

Nor would the Republicans in the Senate convict.

McConnell: 'I'm Not Impartial' About Impeachment
Well, Gym Jordan already has shown he will look the other way when pedophiles assault his wrestlers....of course, he will look the other way at any crimes by fat donnie.

Poor fat cow forgets that those charges against Jordan were RECANTED when push came to shove. Of course you always look the other way when your Dim leaders commit the crimes you accuse Trump of.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
They should let the American people testify and interrogate

I have questions I want answered

They won't. When the Guilty control the "Court" then this is what happens. The Criminals are running things right now. I don't look for anything even resembling Justice to come out of any of this. This is all the more reason to clean house for Rump all the way down to the Congressional Cleaning Staff.
I thought it would stop when Obama finally left office...but 4 years later we are still being dragged through the shit while Democrats are being protected.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
bwaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaaa !! is that the line of bullshit you commies are trying to push BULLDYKE ?? when is the ugly hag going to send the articles over !! or is she going to obstruct congress and not send them unless she gets the quid pro quo she's asking for ?? Trump has Trumped your stupid asses again !!
There is nothing from which to defend the President. The Democrats existence, behavior, times, lack of a crime, lack of evidence, lack of witnesses, a record-setting rush to Impeach based on the weakest case in US history and Pelosi's abuse of power on display now all speaks for itself.

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