Trump's people won't defend him

Says the poster with no self esteem Esteem who only feels good about herself when she is trashing America or our President.

Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.
Last edited:
Now Laws Were Broken Troll. It’s says so both in The Mueller Report and The Sham Articles.

The only laws broken are the laws of God here where you can be condemned to Hell for being a Liar.

First of all, I don't hate Rump. I think he needs to go back to his own devices where he belongs.

He belongs in the White House. I agree that he needs to go back through reelection, and he most certainly will

He ain't no Lee Ioccca. As for hating America, I paid my dues. Many more than you and I am not finished paying them.

You fed from the public trough for 20 years. I'd guess you got a HELL of a lot more out of the arrangement than America did.

You seem to believe that a stupid, unimportant Message Base is actually meaningful and that's how you should pay your dues. I am getting ready to stick up for my neighbors over some real nasty treatment by the land management where they have ZERO money for legal fees.

There are many pro-bono legal services. Having a carer E3 represent them may not be the wisest of moves

I don't have much but I have more than they have and it's my duty to come to their defense. What have YOU done in the past and what are YOU doing for America right now.

And Rump just needs to do what is good for America and just leave, just like Nixon did and I voted for Nixon twice even with Watergate hanging over his head. But when it was time for Nixon to leave, He knew it and so did we.

President Trump is the best thing to happen to America in the last hundred years, on every objective level. So he IS doing what is good for America by serving another 4 years.

BTW, Watergate was not concocted until after the 1972 election, so if you voted for Nixon, it was before that nonsense started. If you voted for Nixon, you're well into your 80's.

Wrong, stupid. I voted for Nixon in 1968 and 1972. People in their early 70s were able to vote for Nixon twice. To be exact, if a person is 72, they could have voted twice for Nixon.

And you are wrong. The investigation for watergate started before the 1972 Election. It started in ernest in 1971 and lasted over 2 years because of the court battles. Nixon played many of the same fun and games that Rump is playing and drug it out in the courts where he blocked information and refused allowing his staff to go in front of Congress. The Supreme Court, after more than 2 years, finally told Nixon to go pound sand on all counts. At that point, things went south very quickly.

What that tells me is, Rump is breaking the law over and over again but he's willing to drag the nation through the mud instead of adhering to the laws and previous court rulings. But it would take more than 2 years of obstruction in the courts before the Supreme Court would tell Rump to go pound sand. In the meantime, Rump is banking that he can get enough Justices into the Supreme Court to get a different ruling. Not on Chief Roberts watch.
Says the poster with no self
Esteem who only feels good about herself when she is trashing America or our President.

Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.

The previous poster must have hit it on the mark if all you can do is respond with insults and demeaning responses.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.

This is supposed to be a fair trial that will examine all the evidence. But it won't be.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was working hand in hand with the White House to make plans for a Senate trial. In a television interview McConnell dismissed House Democrats’ articles of impeachment as “so darn weak.” He added that he was “taking my cues” from the White House in shaping the trial.

Based on elections in 2018 (the GOP lost the House by a large margin) and 2019, the GOP is already vulnerable for a variety of reasons. Fair minded Americans will remember the "fair" trial conducted by the Senate Majority Leader come November 3, 2020.
There is No Mark to hit. There are no facts to discuss. You Leftists just come on here everyday and lie and everyday we expose your lies.

You learn nothing and you never change, not even when we tell you that to be a liar invites eternal damnation.

You just come back again with more lies condemning yourselves to The Eternal Lake of Fire.

Rinse, Lather, Repeat until Judgment Day

Says the poster with no self
Esteem who only feels good about herself when she is trashing America or our President.

Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.

The previous poster must have hit it on the mark if all you can do is respond with insults and demeaning responses.
First of all, I don't hate Rump. I think he needs to go back to his own devices where he belongs.

He belongs in the White House. I agree that he needs to go back through reelection, and he most certainly will

He ain't no Lee Ioccca. As for hating America, I paid my dues. Many more than you and I am not finished paying them.

You fed from the public trough for 20 years. I'd guess you got a HELL of a lot more out of the arrangement than America did.

You seem to believe that a stupid, unimportant Message Base is actually meaningful and that's how you should pay your dues. I am getting ready to stick up for my neighbors over some real nasty treatment by the land management where they have ZERO money for legal fees.

There are many pro-bono legal services. Having a carer E3 represent them may not be the wisest of moves

I don't have much but I have more than they have and it's my duty to come to their defense. What have YOU done in the past and what are YOU doing for America right now.

And Rump just needs to do what is good for America and just leave, just like Nixon did and I voted for Nixon twice even with Watergate hanging over his head. But when it was time for Nixon to leave, He knew it and so did we.

President Trump is the best thing to happen to America in the last hundred years, on every objective level. So he IS doing what is good for America by serving another 4 years.

BTW, Watergate was not concocted until after the 1972 election, so if you voted for Nixon, it was before that nonsense started. If you voted for Nixon, you're well into your 80's.

Wrong, stupid. I voted for Nixon in 1968 and 1972. People in their early 70s were able to vote for Nixon twice. To be exact, if a person is 72, they could have voted twice for Nixon.

And you are wrong. The investigation for watergate started before the 1972 Election. It started in ernest in 1971 and lasted over 2 years because of the court battles. Nixon played many of the same fun and games that Rump is playing and drug it out in the courts where he blocked information and refused allowing his staff to go in front of Congress. The Supreme Court, after more than 2 years, finally told Nixon to go pound sand on all counts. At that point, things went south very quickly.

What that tells me is, Rump is breaking the law over and over again but he's willing to drag the nation through the mud instead of adhering to the laws and previous court rulings. But it would take more than 2 years of obstruction in the courts before the Supreme Court would tell Rump to go pound sand. In the meantime, Rump is banking that he can get enough Justices into the Supreme Court to get a different ruling. Not on Chief Roberts watch.

I lived it you old Marxist. There was nothing about Watergate in the 1972 election. The press went after Nixon AFTER their boi McGovern lost.

Even Wiki says your lying.

Timeline of the Watergate scandal - Wikipedia

So, what do you traitorous piles of shit intend to send to the SCOTUS? The only case involving Trump is the attempt by you evil fucks to end the 4th Amendment, which is not part of the bullshit Nazi Piloshiti and her Communist party put in the farce of an impeachment. Not a word about taxes.

So what are you babbling about?
Once again, no crimes committed so no witnesses needed.
This is purely a political trial; NOT A CRIMINAL TRIAL!


It's the same thing as a CEO being called in front of the Board. No crimes need be done. But job performance and Company Policy comes to play. And yes, in a Corporate Business, there is quite a bit of Politics involved in who gets hired and who gets fired. Rump is being called in front of the Board. And he's losing fast these days. And the harder you and yours tries to cover for him, the deeper you and yours gets. Moderates are starting to speak out. Moderates normally don't care one way or another who is or who isn't President but this time around, Moderates are getting involved. And that scares the living crap out of The Criminal In Charge and his merry band of criminals. So keep spouting off and the more Moderates will get involved.

Independents dont want this charade. More and more going to Trump every day. Your stupidity is noted and expected. Trump will roll to re-election and you will cry some more. Enjoy.

Except, in the new Polls yesterday, the Impeachment support went back to 52% versus 36% against. What that means is, the 36% is the Party of the Rump fanatical member supporters. The Moderates want the Impeachment but don't really support the Senate Trial. Sounds like Nancy is making headway by not presenting it to the Senate. Moderates are speaking loudly and that is the largest voting stock. November is coming and it appears that the Dems are going to present a Moderate as a Candidate, either Biden or Mayor Pete. Either one kicks Rumps ass.

You have a very Merry Christmas, Comrade.

Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Yeah, we can always tell when you commie piles of shit are lying, you make sure not to cite your claims....
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
I guess you didn't hear about the Shiffft and Nadler hearings the exonerated Trump.

Kinda sux for you to keep sucking that dry popsicle hoping some flavor will magically appear on it.

There is no evidence of wrongdoing. There never was. Just like Russia Collusion.

Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
I guess you didn't hear about the Shiffft and Nadler hearings the exonerated Trump.

Kinda sux for you to keep sucking that dry popsicle hoping some flavor will magically appear on it.

There is no evidence of wrongdoing. There never was. Just like Russia Collusion.

Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.
None of those hearings exonerated trump. Trump and Barr might have told you that they did, but they were lying.
There is No Mark to hit. There are no facts to discuss. You Leftists just come on here everyday and lie and everyday we expose your lies.

You learn nothing and you never change, not even when we tell you that to be a liar invites eternal damnation.

You just come back again with more lies condemning yourselves to The Eternal Lake of Fire.

Rinse, Lather, Repeat until Judgment Day

Says the poster with no self
Esteem who only feels good about herself when she is trashing America or our President.

Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.

The previous poster must have hit it on the mark if all you can do is respond with insults and demeaning responses.

If you haven't noticed, the Evangelists are starting to bail out on the Party of the Rump. And don't bother screaming "Cite, Cite". We both know it's happening. It's been all over the news. You speak of burning in the damnation of Hell well I got a newsflash for you. It sounds like that burning sensation the members of the Party of Rump isn't from a rash.
It's the same thing as a CEO being called in front of the Board. No crimes need be done. But job performance and Company Policy comes to play. And yes, in a Corporate Business, there is quite a bit of Politics involved in who gets hired and who gets fired. Rump is being called in front of the Board. And he's losing fast these days. And the harder you and yours tries to cover for him, the deeper you and yours gets. Moderates are starting to speak out. Moderates normally don't care one way or another who is or who isn't President but this time around, Moderates are getting involved. And that scares the living crap out of The Criminal In Charge and his merry band of criminals. So keep spouting off and the more Moderates will get involved.

Independents dont want this charade. More and more going to Trump every day. Your stupidity is noted and expected. Trump will roll to re-election and you will cry some more. Enjoy.

Except, in the new Polls yesterday, the Impeachment support went back to 52% versus 36% against. What that means is, the 36% is the Party of the Rump fanatical member supporters. The Moderates want the Impeachment but don't really support the Senate Trial. Sounds like Nancy is making headway by not presenting it to the Senate. Moderates are speaking loudly and that is the largest voting stock. November is coming and it appears that the Dems are going to present a Moderate as a Candidate, either Biden or Mayor Pete. Either one kicks Rumps ass.

You have a very Merry Christmas, Comrade.

Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Yeah, we can always tell when you commie piles of shit are lying, you make sure not to cite your claims....

I forget, you don't have a channel switcher on your TV, your Radio only receives one station and you can't read. It must suck to be you. Get out more. Learn about your neighbors. Visit with them. Have a block BBQ. Read the local News Paper. PBS is still one good News Source. While you are watching PBS maybe you can learn something about nature. Oh, I forgot again, your head would explode.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
I guess you didn't hear about the Shiffft and Nadler hearings the exonerated Trump.

Kinda sux for you to keep sucking that dry popsicle hoping some flavor will magically appear on it.

There is no evidence of wrongdoing. There never was. Just like Russia Collusion.

Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.

We are. If Rump is still in office come November, he won't be come January 2020. He's lost the Farmers, Steel Workers, and now the Evangelics are bailing out on him over the very thing that you said Rump did no wrong. His Deal for Trade fell through. His attempt at cheating in the 2020 election fell through (he should have waited and cheated DURING the election like every other Politician does). And all the crap you keep slinging trying to make us look over there is just way past it's sell by date.
Independents dont want this charade. More and more going to Trump every day. Your stupidity is noted and expected. Trump will roll to re-election and you will cry some more. Enjoy.

Except, in the new Polls yesterday, the Impeachment support went back to 52% versus 36% against. What that means is, the 36% is the Party of the Rump fanatical member supporters. The Moderates want the Impeachment but don't really support the Senate Trial. Sounds like Nancy is making headway by not presenting it to the Senate. Moderates are speaking loudly and that is the largest voting stock. November is coming and it appears that the Dems are going to present a Moderate as a Candidate, either Biden or Mayor Pete. Either one kicks Rumps ass.

You have a very Merry Christmas, Comrade.

Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Yeah, we can always tell when you commie piles of shit are lying, you make sure not to cite your claims....

I forget, you don't have a channel switcher on your TV, your Radio only receives one station and you can't read. It must suck to be you. Get out more. Learn about your neighbors. Visit with them. Have a block BBQ. Read the local News Paper. PBS is still one good News Source. While you are watching PBS maybe you can learn something about nature. Oh, I forgot again, your head would explode.

Channel switcher? Are you really in possession of the mental faculties of a 4-year old?

Every post you make exposes you as the true moron you always wanted to be!

Congratulations, dumbass!
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
I guess you didn't hear about the Shiffft and Nadler hearings the exonerated Trump.

Kinda sux for you to keep sucking that dry popsicle hoping some flavor will magically appear on it.

There is no evidence of wrongdoing. There never was. Just like Russia Collusion.

Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.

We are. If Rump is still in office come November, he won't be come January 2020. He's lost the Farmers, Steel Workers, and now the Evangelics are bailing out on him over the very thing that you said Rump did no wrong. His Deal for Trade fell through. His attempt at cheating in the 2020 election fell through (he should have waited and cheated DURING the election like every other Politician does). And all the crap you keep slinging trying to make us look over there is just way past it's sell by date.

Are those bald-faced lies or just you being moronic? Either way, you need professional help!
Except, in the new Polls yesterday, the Impeachment support went back to 52% versus 36% against. What that means is, the 36% is the Party of the Rump fanatical member supporters. The Moderates want the Impeachment but don't really support the Senate Trial. Sounds like Nancy is making headway by not presenting it to the Senate. Moderates are speaking loudly and that is the largest voting stock. November is coming and it appears that the Dems are going to present a Moderate as a Candidate, either Biden or Mayor Pete. Either one kicks Rumps ass.

You have a very Merry Christmas, Comrade.

Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Yeah, we can always tell when you commie piles of shit are lying, you make sure not to cite your claims....

I forget, you don't have a channel switcher on your TV, your Radio only receives one station and you can't read. It must suck to be you. Get out more. Learn about your neighbors. Visit with them. Have a block BBQ. Read the local News Paper. PBS is still one good News Source. While you are watching PBS maybe you can learn something about nature. Oh, I forgot again, your head would explode.

Channel switcher? Are you really in possession of the mental faculties of a 4-year old?

Every post you make exposes you as the true moron you always wanted to be!

Congratulations, dumbass!

Even your insults are childish. Grow up you big baby.
Once again, no crimes committed so no witnesses needed.
This is purely a political trial; NOT A CRIMINAL TRIAL!


It's the same thing as a CEO being called in front of the Board. No crimes need be done. But job performance and Company Policy comes to play. And yes, in a Corporate Business, there is quite a bit of Politics involved in who gets hired and who gets fired. Rump is being called in front of the Board. And he's losing fast these days. And the harder you and yours tries to cover for him, the deeper you and yours gets. Moderates are starting to speak out. Moderates normally don't care one way or another who is or who isn't President but this time around, Moderates are getting involved. And that scares the living crap out of The Criminal In Charge and his merry band of criminals. So keep spouting off and the more Moderates will get involved.

Independents dont want this charade. More and more going to Trump every day. Your stupidity is noted and expected. Trump will roll to re-election and you will cry some more. Enjoy.

Except, in the new Polls yesterday, the Impeachment support went back to 52% versus 36% against. What that means is, the 36% is the Party of the Rump fanatical member supporters. The Moderates want the Impeachment but don't really support the Senate Trial. Sounds like Nancy is making headway by not presenting it to the Senate. Moderates are speaking loudly and that is the largest voting stock. November is coming and it appears that the Dems are going to present a Moderate as a Candidate, either Biden or Mayor Pete. Either one kicks Rumps ass.

You have a very Merry Christmas, Comrade.

Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Poor illiterate retard. Go back to flying your sign moron. Facts hurt your pea brain. Noting your utter cowardice and running away from your own statements. When Trump wins, leave. And let the door split you in two on the way out. Get out of grade school before talking again idiot.
Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Yeah, we can always tell when you commie piles of shit are lying, you make sure not to cite your claims....

I forget, you don't have a channel switcher on your TV, your Radio only receives one station and you can't read. It must suck to be you. Get out more. Learn about your neighbors. Visit with them. Have a block BBQ. Read the local News Paper. PBS is still one good News Source. While you are watching PBS maybe you can learn something about nature. Oh, I forgot again, your head would explode.

Channel switcher? Are you really in possession of the mental faculties of a 4-year old?

Every post you make exposes you as the true moron you always wanted to be!

Congratulations, dumbass!

Even your insults are childish. Grow up you big baby.

Take your own advice. That thing about glass houses.......
Except, in the new Polls yesterday, the Impeachment support went back to 52% versus 36% against. What that means is, the 36% is the Party of the Rump fanatical member supporters. The Moderates want the Impeachment but don't really support the Senate Trial. Sounds like Nancy is making headway by not presenting it to the Senate. Moderates are speaking loudly and that is the largest voting stock. November is coming and it appears that the Dems are going to present a Moderate as a Candidate, either Biden or Mayor Pete. Either one kicks Rumps ass.

You have a very Merry Christmas, Comrade.

Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Yeah, we can always tell when you commie piles of shit are lying, you make sure not to cite your claims....

I forget, you don't have a channel switcher on your TV, your Radio only receives one station and you can't read. It must suck to be you. Get out more. Learn about your neighbors. Visit with them. Have a block BBQ. Read the local News Paper. PBS is still one good News Source. While you are watching PBS maybe you can learn something about nature. Oh, I forgot again, your head would explode.

Channel switcher? Are you really in possession of the mental faculties of a 4-year old?

Every post you make exposes you as the true moron you always wanted to be!

Congratulations, dumbass!

Wow, that was fast. Thanks for confirming that you lost and have nothing left to say. When all you have ins slights and insults, you just lost the discussion. Thank you for confirming that.
It's the same thing as a CEO being called in front of the Board. No crimes need be done. But job performance and Company Policy comes to play. And yes, in a Corporate Business, there is quite a bit of Politics involved in who gets hired and who gets fired. Rump is being called in front of the Board. And he's losing fast these days. And the harder you and yours tries to cover for him, the deeper you and yours gets. Moderates are starting to speak out. Moderates normally don't care one way or another who is or who isn't President but this time around, Moderates are getting involved. And that scares the living crap out of The Criminal In Charge and his merry band of criminals. So keep spouting off and the more Moderates will get involved.

Independents dont want this charade. More and more going to Trump every day. Your stupidity is noted and expected. Trump will roll to re-election and you will cry some more. Enjoy.

Except, in the new Polls yesterday, the Impeachment support went back to 52% versus 36% against. What that means is, the 36% is the Party of the Rump fanatical member supporters. The Moderates want the Impeachment but don't really support the Senate Trial. Sounds like Nancy is making headway by not presenting it to the Senate. Moderates are speaking loudly and that is the largest voting stock. November is coming and it appears that the Dems are going to present a Moderate as a Candidate, either Biden or Mayor Pete. Either one kicks Rumps ass.

You have a very Merry Christmas, Comrade.

Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Poor illiterate retard. Go back to flying your sign moron. Facts hurt your pea brain. Noting your utter cowardice and running away from your own statements. When Trump wins, leave. And let the door split you in two on the way out. Get out of grade school before talking again idiot.

Standard the Party of the Rump response. Insult, Rump will win, insult some more.
Nice lie with no support there. Typical of you moron. There isn’t no support for this outsider you Dim media bubble. Quinnipiac has impeachment LOSING support daily. Put up or STFU here boy, when Trump gets re-elected, you are gone for good. Never to darken the doorway here again.

I can always tell when I hit a home run. It's when all you have left is insults. It's not going to be a good year for you. Suck it up.

Yeah, we can always tell when you commie piles of shit are lying, you make sure not to cite your claims....

I forget, you don't have a channel switcher on your TV, your Radio only receives one station and you can't read. It must suck to be you. Get out more. Learn about your neighbors. Visit with them. Have a block BBQ. Read the local News Paper. PBS is still one good News Source. While you are watching PBS maybe you can learn something about nature. Oh, I forgot again, your head would explode.

Channel switcher? Are you really in possession of the mental faculties of a 4-year old?

Every post you make exposes you as the true moron you always wanted to be!

Congratulations, dumbass!

Wow, that was fast. Thanks for confirming that you lost and have nothing left to say. When all you have ins slights and insults, you just lost the discussion. Thank you for confirming that.

It doesn't take much time or reasoning to destroy your mental meanderings, dumbass! You are a ball and yarn and I am the kitten who loves to bat you around for the amusement of others. That is the only purpose you apparently serve other than consume oxygen, expel carbon dioxide and radiate heat.

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