Trumps possible issue- Melania Trump.

Why can't they just defraud banks and the IRS, like a normal president?
If you are indicting Trump than you must indict the Republican Party that pushes RINOS/NEO CONS and the Democratic Party that the Republicans helped to move far left of left. The Democrats are to the left of Liberal now. Trump was pushing sense domestically and in foreign affairs. Some judges did not make Progs happy. We keep thinking this is a sports game. Well now we are going to have fireworks in the Israel/Islam agenda. And there is a lot of aggage going to come with that.
If you are indicting Trump than you must indict the Republican Party that pushes RINOS/NEO CONS and the Democratic Party that the Republicans helped to move far left of left.
In what fantasyland? You seem to be wholly unfamiliar with the crimes charged in the indictments.
The man has been married three times and publically lied and cheated on all three of his wives. His first wife filed an affidavit in their divorce saying he beat and raped her because the plastic surgeon botched his hair plugs. She refused to recant the affidavit, saying only "It wasn't his best day".

He admits to sexually assaulting and raping women he finds attractive.

Just watching how he treats Melania, and his children, and really everyone around him. Both professionally and personally, the man is total dogshit on the bottom of your shoe. Just scrape it off, hose it down, and move on.

The only thing Donald Trump has going for him is his money, and there is no amount of money in the world that can take away his ugliness.

The problem is, of course, that it isn't about Trump. It's that Trump personifies their collective white male grievance.

It isn't about the idealogy, because, frankly, any of the other candidates in 2016 would have had the same bad ideas, as would any of the other candidates this time.

The world isn't what they want it to be. Blacks are riding on the front of the bus, women are out of the kitchen, gays are out of the closet and transgenders are reading stories to kids, and they hate it.
Lifetime political grifters.

Evidence? You’ve been investigating her for 30 years you should’ve found something anything but you haven’t.

This is why nobody believes your lies about Joe Biden on no evidence. Republicans are really good at calling people criminals and really been bad at proving they are.

Every Trump investigation produces so much evidence. They can’t charge him with all of the crimes.
He was a racist Q conspiracy theorist. Like your fellow cultists. Definitely a right wing nutjob.
Trump no doubt courted and won over a lot of former Democratic voters. I remember when he campaigned he said a lot of stuff that won over liberals. But those liberals were idiots or racists.

I'm sure this guy voted for Gore, then somewhere along the line, like when Trump said Obama was born in Kenya, this idiot who loves the Apprentice became a right wing retard overnight.

Doesn't believe in global warming, believes all conspiracy theories, thinks the media is only liberals lying to them, believes Trump is going to kick out illegal and MAGA for him. Bet you this guy was uneducated.
The problem is, of course, that it isn't about Trump. It's that Trump personifies their collective white male grievance.

It isn't about the idealogy, because, frankly, any of the other candidates in 2016 would have had the same bad ideas, as would any of the other candidates this time.

The world isn't what they want it to be. Blacks are riding on the front of the bus, women are out of the kitchen, gays are out of the closet and transgenders are reading stories to kids, and they hate it.
Republicans are masters of flip flopping. For DECADES they haven't cared about "inflation" happening to the poor and middle class. They just told you if you aren't making enough money, go out and get a better job. Start your own company. Or go back to school. That was their advice in the 2000's when the value of the dollar was 15 cents.

Today, because inflation is happening on Biden's watch, suddenly they are concerned for the poor and middle class. It's such bullshit.

I want to see their numbers. And solutions. How would republicans make corporations lower their prices they are charging us? Or would they demand corporations pay us more? The GOP's plan for the middle class is unclear. Ultimately none of their montras work. Kick illegals out and pay American wages? How high are they willing to pay? Seems to me when the union workers went on strike Republicans said they made too much money for "pushing a button".

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